Above The Sky

Chapter 441: People Who Want To Do Great Things

The night in the golden field is more noisy than the daytime, especially in the evening when a light rain speeds up the flow of the river along the way, the sides of the road become muddy.

In the midst of fear, he also felt an unprecedented desire.

On the other side, the Purple Maple Knight squinted his eyes tightly, staring at the firelight in the distant stone forest: "I recognize one of those two mountain people, who is an important member of the Nanling Dragon Worship Cult, who often appears with Manya. "

【I need your strength】

[We all have the same dream, the same belief, this is the source of our strength]

"His appearance is very similar to Anfa's. I thought it was a blind eye. Now that I think about it, the connection between them is closer than I imagined. Otherwise, Anfa would not be allowed to bring what he wanted."

He was disturbed by some external force, so that he fell into memory and wasted too much time.

Then again, it's not what they do. That is what the Lingzhi Institute has to do, they are just watching.

Located in the golden field and close to the Jiuxuan Abyss, the ancient pagoda basin has a very different geological appearance from other areas in the golden field. Its soil layer is quite thin, and from time to time you can see dark gray rock blocks protruding from the soil layer. , and layer by layer of rock plants grow from the cracks in these rocks, forming a piece of stone forest erected on the rock layer.

In this vast possibility, the magneto-optical was excited, trembling, and trembling all over.

[This is sin. People cannot understand each other, nobles do not understand the pain of commoners, commoners do not understand the unease of those who ascend, everyone can only think of their own interests, so there will be conflicts, war, bullying, oppression and exploit]

boom! In an instant, there was a violent explosion in the stone forest, and countless iron sand splashed and swept across, with subtle magnetoelectricity. Even if someone was hidden in the corner of the stone forest, it was impossible to hide.

The death of Ye Snake not only means that the organization's arm in Nanling was cut off, but also affected His Highness's plan - in the Nanling branch of the Lingzhi Institute, which is in charge of Ye Snake, there are many technologies that are very important to the organization. , although those technologies are derived from bloody human experiments, this is the sacrifice that must be made in major events.

Dissatisfaction with the existing system, dazed by the suffering that is taking place in this land, and boredom and hatred for a world that has remained unchanged for decades.

【True happiness can come】

And the other... is the one who will change the rest of his life.

All things come together? Do all beings understand each other?

But it is just right. Tomorrow, we will completely eliminate all the hands and tails of Nanling, set off to the imperial capital, and start a new chapter!

In the next instant, the lightning flashed, and the tiny iron sand was stimulated by the high-speed lightning to spurt out, carrying a large number of sparks shot out in mid-air, towards the direction where the guide knight was before, the stone forest. The fire is rushing away!

This kind of natural psionic ore can induce people to fall into the most impressive memory fragment in his heart, and fall into worry and worry, hence the name - and just at the edge of the golden field, there is a worry Quarry!

They talked a lot that night.

"and many more."

Could it be that at that time, the guide knight knew that someone was following him behind his back, so he purchased these minerals as traps?

Until one day, he also met two people in this golden field.

The magneto-optical gradually recovered the memory.

But compared to the young knight who was full of confidence and looking forward to the future, he has lost most of his enthusiasm for struggle at this moment.

Magneto was not reconciled.

But he never found such an opportunity.

[He will be your future colleague in Nanling—the two of you seem to have known each other back then? Remember to get along well, your cooperation will release far more powerful power than you alone.]

Thirteen years later, Magneto Light has become the second energy level, the head of the Knights Guard, and one of the strongest sublime forces under the Marquis.

He met Night Snake twenty years ago.

Magneto Knight Chris doesn't like this environment. He is good at manipulating metals and interfering with the operation of precision instruments, and he has no fear even if he is empty-handed against those who wear armor and armor.

Whether it is to become stronger, or to go further in his position, he can't see hope... But in fact, this is not important, after all, the third energy level is very rare, and it depends on the individual's soul in addition to talent. It is his willingness to work for the Marquis of Baden and repay the other party's kindness.

Suddenly, the purple maple knight frowned slightly, she raised her hand, and issued a warning: "There seems to be no life in the stone forest ahead?!"

No, no, that's not his purpose, it's not his desire.

Magneto suddenly woke up, and he suddenly realized that his state just now was very wrong.

They are all the same. Whether it is Magneto himself, Night Snake, or even that Highness, this is the case.

His whole life, whether he can only go around in Nanling, suppress some rebellious mountain natives, exterminate some crazy monsters and aliens, and fight wits and courage with those spies from all over the world and cults.

However, his blow was completely in vain.

[Chris... your desire is not big, but it is very pure-wanting to have fame, to gain the admiration and envy of others. Everyone will think so, there is no need to be ashamed]

At that time, Magneto Light was not Magneto Light, but a newly promoted Hua who defended the Knights, a future star who was sent to the Imperial Capital for vocational training.

He just understands that the ideal and purpose of that Highness are far bigger and more meaningful than all the things he has to do now.

Before he could think about it, the magneto-light knight raised his hand, and the countless pitch-black magnetic sand on his armor began to spin rapidly between the flashes of arcs and lightning, stirring the surrounding atmosphere, forming a sand-iron wind centered on his arm. column.

A kind of magic.

The field he is best at is fighting in battle formations and cities - the enemy's sword will become his sword, and the surrounding buildings and equipment will become his ammunition.

Be part of a future legend.

As an alchemist, how could the wizard knight not buy it?

Maybe it's a kind of psionic power, or maybe it's a simple word?

In the future, he can become what he wants to become, a legend praised by everyone.

I had something to do yesterday, I was very tired after a busy day, and I really couldn't write the third chapter...

[It's just that you don't have that chance...Under Barton's command, you don't have the chance to become a better person...Show your true potential]

No matter what the big deal. He wants to be able to make a name for himself in history and be like the first knight of the old black king. Even if he disappears for decades, everyone will be excited when he mentions his name, and slow down his voice, showing awe the kind of person.


After just one night of long talk, the magneto-light knight made up his mind to truly devote his allegiance to that highness.

At that time, the two of them didn't have much friendship until thirteen years later.

------off topic-----

[Look, Chris. There are always endless evils in this land, the nobles are singing and dancing, the people are short of food and clothing, there are foreign enemies who are eyeing the tiger, and there are various minions who are scheming... Since the death of my grandfather, the once prosperous empire has declined to what it is today, and my father is barely holding on to it. Frontier, but that's all, and gradually falling into madness]

Hundreds of thousands of arcs and fires staggered together, turning into a destructive power that surpassed that of alchemy cannons.

[I want to change this country, change this land... and before that, Chris]

But now, the rain has stopped, and many creatures that are only active at night have begun to climb out of the cave, absorbing the water in the mud pits and rivers, and starting their own foraging and hunting.

One of them is Night Snake.

A person who is very likely to know the real reason for the death of the night snake.

"We are exposed!"

To do something 'big'?

Zi - collapse!

"He is indeed related to the Dragon Worship Cult, and he is very familiar... At least you didn't lie to me about this."

If you can become a part of the power of that Highness, become a member of His Highness's "big cause".

[Wanmin's mind is chaotic, and countless staggered figures have drawn this world full of pain. Only by sorting out all these thoughts and interests, the chaotic threads can be integrated into one and point in one direction]

Standing up, the magneto-optical knight looked around - as expected, he saw that there were many scattered 'worry stone mines' scattered around the stone forest!

He wants to be a hero, a legend that can be passed down in future generations, not just the commander of the Marquis of Baden, who is like a firefighter, an ordinary leader of the Knights.

He wants to do great things.

Magneto didn't care about the grievances between Canaan Moore and the Dragon Cult, his purpose was only the young knight at the bonfire.

He just doubted, doubted whether he could only be like this in his life.

"The guide knight is gone?"

A demagogic power.

[The Night Snake is a member of the Lingzhi Institute and has considerable talents, but was bullied by the great scholars within the Lingzhi Institute, and there has been no change for many years]

He feels that he is special. Since he has the talent and opportunity to become a sublime, why can't he do it...

Because at this moment, above the sky, there was a voice that was extremely unfamiliar to them, but instinctively felt the crisis.

He closed his eyes, then opened them again, staring in the direction of Ian.

And it was these things that inadvertently made the magneto-light who planned to attack directly fall into memory, wasting an excellent opportunity to attack!

There, he met Ye Snake, who was three years younger than him. A genius biological alchemist.

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