Above The Sky

Chapter 454 Father Father (13)

Pinch your face. To be honest, it's not an unfamiliar word. Ian used to play games a lot in his previous life, and many games required pinching his face, but he wasn't keen on it. Most of them let the camera scan them and start with his own appearance or the default appearance. .

However, it seemed that Hua An was a goblin who was particularly keen on 'pinch your face'. She was pulling her armor, looking unexpectedly excited and yearning.

"I don't know what to do, Miss Hua An."

After thinking for a while, Ian frankly admitted his ignorance and asked the other party for help: "If you want me, I will probably let Frost Butterfly change at will, and then I will slightly correct her appearance according to the standard of normal people... Well, at most."

He did think so.

"How can you be so casual!"

Hua An opened her eyes wide, and she severely criticized Ian: "Your design is too careless. Of course, Shuangdie's own opinion is very important, but after she develops her own aesthetic, will she fine-tune it?"

"What's more, the elf's appearance must be helped by the 'senior'. Even if it needs to be modified in the future, this part of the Gide can't be changed - this is respect for the senior, but also for yourself... No With the help of the seniors, how can the little goblin have self?"

"Yes, is that so?"

Surprisingly, Ian was stunned for a moment. Although he learned about the social form and general trend of thoughts of goblins through many books, he observed it from the perspective of a human being and from a more 'arrogant' perspective.

So, when I really met a real goblin, the teenager still didn't know much about their culture.

So, after thinking about it, Ian decided: "If that's the case, then that's it. Miss Hua An, if it wasn't for your awakening potion and the sublimation materials you provided, Frost Butterfly's advancement would definitely not be as perfect as it is now. "

"No one can blame you for your credit, so I decided to invite you to join me in completing this final step for Frost Butterfly - you can also leave a foundation for Frost Butterfly."

Saying so, he smiled and invited: "Let's finish the final shape for Frost Butterfly."

"Really, is it really possible?"

Hearing such an invitation, Hua An was as startled as if an ordinary person had been touched by a charcoal fire, and took a few steps back—of course the goblin wouldn't be scalded by a mere charcoal fire, but her surprise and joy were obvious: "If, this is what you want... If you and Frost Butterfly really don't mind, then I accept it with joy!"

At first, she just hoped to guide Ian to help Frost Butterfly shape, but Ian's invitation is equivalent to sharing the right of Frost Butterfly's "senior/elder" with him.

This is a very serious and solemn ceremony, so Hua An is also motivated.

The fairy girl raised her hand, causing her slender fingertips to glow with a dark golden light, and the radiance of spiritual energy flashed.

"Come, use your psionic power and cooperate with me."

A ray of light appeared in Jewel's eyes, and Hua An's voice became ethereal: "Imagine your concept of 'beauty', and decide which 'knowledge' you want to impart to Frost Butterfly - don't be too much, goblin will bear it You can't afford too complicated knowledge, you will forget it if you teach it."

"I have a basic common sense supplement pack for fairies here, you can provide some common sense of human society!"

And Ian took a deep look at Hua An, then turned to look at Frost Butterfly who was perfecting the details of his body.

"it is good."

He simply answered, then opened the vision of precognition, tried to discover his own soul psychic power, cooperated with Hua An, imagined the beauty in his heart, and he believed that the knowledge that should be imparted to Frost Butterfly.

A dark blue mist appeared on Frost Butterfly, which augured the future of great success.

The water-colored halo lit up at the young man's fingertips as he plunged into the real pool, touching the body of Frost Butterfly together with the dark golden light.

In an instant, a ray of light lit up from the little goblin. The light reflected through the water pool, reflecting a pure snow-like color.

The color swirled and finally unfolded, turning into an X-shaped, constantly rotating wings, and in the dazzling light of ice flames, a small human figure emerged from it.

She has an almost perfect body without the slightest flaw, and the long armored skirt made of frost and ice is similar to that of birch, and the exposed snow-white skin is smooth and firm.

The appearance of the little human figure is also very beautiful. It has some characteristics of Ian and Huaan, but it has a slightly inorganic feeling of coldness. The long silver-white hair behind her floats, and there are tiny ice crystals at the ends of her hair that are constantly growing and growing again. ablation.

In addition, the shape of the armored skirt on the villain is quite peculiar. It presents a smooth and simple beauty, and the structure is very reasonable. Obviously, it is not a deliberate display of elements for beauty, but it really has some kind of beauty. 'Arms' with defensive functions and various special abilities.

Even the right hand of the goblin figure is holding a helmet. The front of the helmet has acute angles and many thin slits, and there are feather-like decorations and patterns on the sides.

Refers to the appearance of the three-type armed power armor "Silver Knight" in Ian's memory.

The villain opened his eyes, his golden pupils lit up, then contracted, focusing on Ian and Hua An.

She smiled from the bottom of her heart, and the X-shaped wings behind her turned and flew, and circled around the person and the goblin. First, she gave Hua An a big hug, and then gently landed on Ian's shoulder.

——It's a little heavier than I thought, and it doesn't have the light and airy feeling that a fairy gives people...

Ian thought so, but in fact, all fairies are basically like this. You have to say that they are light, they are indeed light, but if you really want to talk about density... Most humans can't compare.

Do you know what is called the Iron Sword of Humanoid Chongyuan.jpg

"Why is this posture a bit like those silver fairies? They like to get the appearance of this armor-like equipment, each with a top armor...but it is really beautiful!"

Blinking her eyes, she also gave Shuangdie a hug. Hua An was a little puzzled at first, but quickly clapped her hands happily: "Yes! We succeeded! A new compatriot is born!"

"It's like you and me, but the unique beauty is the temperament of Frost Butterfly - this is a successful shaping and enlightenment!"

"That's fine..." Ian exhaled, the blue light in his eyes dimmed.

He turned his head and asked with concern, "How are you feeling?"

Frost Butterfly's original body was a small pixel humanoid formed by the non-melting ice in the extremely cold ice abyss surrounding the spiritual core, but now, with the goblin body provided by Ian and Hua An, she has truly become a monster. Bit 'leprechaun'.

Although she has not adapted yet, when she completely controls her body and understands everything with wisdom, she will become the first energy level.

And in the process, she will also sharpen her own way of thinking and achieve the shaping of her soul.

From now on, neither Ian nor Hua An can help her.


For Ian's question, Frost Butterfly answered lightly. She has only acquired wisdom for more than ten seconds. Although she has the fairy common sense provided by Hua An and the knowledge and wisdom provided by Ian, it will take some time for her to fully understand this information. Digestion.

So, she just gently rotated her ice wings and said in a faint voice: "I'm fine, my father."

Ian was silent for a moment.

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