Above The Sky

Chapter 459: The Vehicle Kills It (33)

Of course, the alchemy train not only carries passengers, but also carries a lot of goods. Now the second half of the carriages are still loading and unloading large quantities of materials, and all the passengers are waiting.

They were doing it in full swing, and even had a special alchemy device that could, under the control of one person, attract a relatively large box like a magnet, and transfer it to the ground before releasing the suction.


Following the vibration of the track, they walked through the Lake of Heiming, and the huge fishing ground by the city of Camor was also eye-catching in the dark night.

Ian uses goblin perception to observe the crowds that are carrying out unloading work not far away.

"You can even find very old stuff occasionally."

One wearing the uniform of the garrison should be a knight who was about to return to the imperial capital to resume his duties, while the other two wore robes and hoods.

After thinking for a while, Ian's brows stretched out: "It seems that something big is about to happen soon."

As the forest flew by, they gazed at the Falling Star Hills, where the dwarven towns were always full of enthusiasm, and the fires in the towns were always late at night.

At this time, it was raining lightly outside. This kind of rain was different from the Nanling rain that Ian was used to, but the atmosphere did suddenly become wet and uncomfortable.

"It turns out that the journey in the car is like this. It is also a kind of beauty to watch the scenery slowly... The last time I sat halfway, I felt that it was too slow, so I got off the car and walked by myself."

"That's it...that's it, I already understand it completely."

In the station where they stopped, they looked out at the vast orchard, where the Royal Department of Agriculture's animal husbandry experiment park and new planting area were located.

After the loading and unloading is completed, the train starts gradually.

The train started again, leading the boy and the fairies to gradually approach the center of a prosperous Terra country.

Ian shook his head, he said the truth: "I have never been on the alchemy train, this is also a novel experience for me - in Nanling, I haven't even been out of Harrison Harbor, and I have been alchemy alchemy alchemy all day long. , there is absolutely no time to enjoy the scenery.”

But this is only temporary.

But things are not so simple.

They saw the ruins of an ancient city, which was a cracked pre-era labyrinth and a relic city. Now it has become a tourist attraction for future generations to admire the glory of the past.

"That's why I feel very happy now." He whispered, looking out the window at the slowly decelerating woods.

And Ian and Frost Butterfly are always watching.

They all had legal documents. After getting on the bus, they went to their seats to close their eyes and meditate. They seemed very calm.


Wait until the imperial capital, and then ask in detail about the psionic network.

After leaving the big station, it gradually began to approach the agricultural area. The central area of ​​the Setal Empire is an extremely vast and unnaturally mountainous area. Although there are still forests, rivers and hills, in the final analysis, the flat terrain occupies the majority.

Just half an hour later, the alchemy train started again some time after departure.

But what he really couldn't ignore was that when he stopped for the third time, some of the passengers got off the bus, and among the new group of new passengers, there were several sublimators.

As for accidentally saying weird things... For humans, it doesn't matter that fairies say weird things every day.

But here comes the problem... Even next to the imperial capital, there are obviously a lot of sublimators.

"It sounds like you've been very social during your years in Port Harrison!"

There was a dull explosion from the front of the car.

Not only that, but most of the people in this train heading for the imperial capital are people belonging to different organizations.

In such a rare leisure, no one is chasing and killing, and there is no journey of monsters like Nanling. To be honest, it is quite relaxing.

Psionic network?

As the heart of the front-end alchemy furnace gradually hummed, a sound like a torrential rain pouring out to the ground sounded, and there was a wave of waves between the heavens and the earth.

Among them are the scholar group, the sect group, the nobleman and his followers. All in all, a group.

There were even three of them who came to the carriage where they were.

It was in such an environment that Frost Butterfly gradually accepted all the knowledge and common sense that Ian and Hua An imparted to her.

Ask for a monthly ticket!

The steel behemoth galloped, and the green farmland continued to recede on both sides of the track.

"It may be human." Hua An turned her umbrella, and vaguely fell into memory: "Because we have all kinds of memories in the psychic network of fairies, and we don't know which are our own and which are human...or other creatures?"

Outside the window, the Barth station is rapidly retreating and getting smaller, and the road closer to the train becomes blurred in the high-speed movement. Only the sunset gradually falling from the sky seems to remain stable and still stay in the original place. .

"Yes, there is an actual second-level goblin here, where is the danger for them."

Soon, night fell, and many passengers chose to turn off the lights next to their seats at this moment, preparing to take a break to the soothing violin music played on the train.

"Pfft." Ian couldn't hold back, laughing - he would be inexplicably happy when he was with fairies: "How come there is such a word in Fairy Country? Shouldn't it be a human country?"

------off topic-----

Because he could see that most of the sublimators obviously belong to the same organization, at least they have known each other for a while... Their actions have an obvious commonality.

This time, Ian immediately became alert - he carefully observed Frost Butterfly and Hua An, and found that the aura of these two fairies basically did not change, and even vaguely became better.

"what happened?"

The second time I stopped at the station, next to the Brody Farmers Area, I boarded two more sublimators. This time it was in the car in front, so I can't say that the breath is suspicious, it can only say that it is not a normal person at all.

For example, the feeling that Hua An is sending out now, Miss Fairy nodded with emotion: "Ian, have you been on the alchemy train before? Why do I feel that you seem to be familiar with and enjoy this feeling."

as predicted.

For this, at the beginning, the teenager didn't care too much. After all, the closer to the imperial capital, the more sublime people, this is the norm.

Ian drank the free tea provided by the train and watched the actions of this group of people with doubts in his heart.

It's like you can't see a few PhDs in physics in a small remote town, but you may encounter dozens of them when you meet them next to the capital university town.

The alchemy train network was built in the middle of the Black King era. At that time, the first knight had already wiped out almost all the monster dens in the central Great Plains of the empire. , and the alchemy train network is part of a ten-year construction plan.

There are also tracks on the bridge spanning 1,500 meters from the Kuiran River. This was a city-state fortress a long time ago, and it was a checkpoint guarding the river. Now it has become a commercial and workshop area. The armies that passed from here hundreds of years ago were even more unstoppable.

——After all, it’s just that there are a few more sublime people, so it’s not surprising, right?

Taking the train, Ian and the two fairies passed through the deep lake and rolling hills, across the vast woodland and farmland, and time flowed in the sun and night.

Even with the train, it's quite a long journey.

The little goblin showed a stunned expression, although she didn't know what she understood, but being able to say such a paragraph fluently proves that Frost Butterfly has really learned well recently, and it is definitely no problem to communicate with people normally.

Shaking his head slightly, Ian raised his guard and continued to pay attention to these people.

"That's quite hard work." Hua An seriously commented: "I remember we fairies have a word to describe this kind of life...what is it called...social animal?"

Solitary travelers like myself are in the minority.

Until the alchemy train stopped by the six-sided flower city and boarded a few ordinary-looking passengers.

And among those passengers... there were several sublimators.

Without the ability to transport, there would not be a lot of productive forces... No matter what the Black King is praised in later generations, the foundation he laid for the Setar Empire is so solid that all successors need to bear this in mind.

They travel far away.

Hearing this, Ian's heart moved, he did know that there is an invisible network connecting the fairies, and that network is closely related to the various veins formed by natural psionic energy... But now is not the time to ask this.

Rumbling rumbling—the wheels turned, and the huge steel behemoth drove forward. A hazy shield flashed on the outside of the front of the alchemy train, which was painted with silver and black, and it flew with the carriage behind it.

Ian turned his head slightly, and he noticed that the car behind him hurrahed onto a large group of new passengers.

Alchemy equipment has been widely used in private production around the imperial capital. This is not yet widespread in Port Harrison.

The journey up to here has been quite enjoyable.

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