Above The Sky

Chapter 467 The City Of L1ly Mountain (13)

Going along the track to the imperial capital, until the banks of the Saisi River, two horses are walking slowly through the Avenue of Glory, heading towards the imperial capital.

"Is it at the Alchemy Association or the Platinum Iridium Workshop to meet Master Gosser? Or at his house? Miss Fairy, there are quite a few of these doorways."

Shuangdie also nodded: "Yes, yes."

With Morian Steel, the self-maintenance of Lonely Mountain and Imperial City will not be too difficult.

Just as he took his first step into the town, children playing on the roadside saw his armor.

It is precisely because of the Baizhimin family that they have mastered a large number of craftsmen, and Elder Pude has cultivated a new generation of technicians, mainly Ian, to ensure the important position of the clan in the port.

"What I'm thinking about now is how to deal with these. And, among many people and organizations, I have to make a choice, where to act first and show my attitude."

Ian smiled: "Then am I a guest of the Ellen family, or a patrolling knight? Does the Ellen family want me to be a patrolling knight, or an ordinary guest of their family?"


"Dear Knight... I'm the mayor of Gar Town." The old man said gruffly, "Are you here to check? Please allow us to prepare..."

But the truth told him he was wrong.

Thinking of this, Ian rode his horse and entered the town.

At noon, Ian came to a small village.

But its whole is by no means like this. Ian can tell just by looking at the shape. There should be a large part of the 'underground structure' in Gushan. It should be a giant shelter, the ancestor of human civilization in the entire Setal Empire. , It is estimated that they all spent the catastrophe in this sanctuary.

"Dad, Daddy, here comes the knight!"

"First go to the Knights to report and get the matter of Marquis Barton done, and then go to Yisen."

"No, it's not."

Ian got off the horse and looked at the mayor. He held the reins of the horse and said calmly, "I came from the countryside and went to the imperial capital, just passing by."

Shuangdie also nodded solemnly: "Yes, yes."

Ian thought it wasn't too different from any town he'd been in in the past.

"Then the population of this town should not be very large. Surrounding the super-giant cities, in addition to the agricultural belt, there should also be related industrial cities and transit cities, and that is where the population gathers."

Food is no longer lacking, and all kinds of refined food and delicious food have gradually become the mainstream of people's pursuit... In Nauman City, eating healthy or not has become a problem for local staff to think about.

On top of the horse, a knight in full body armor was raising his head, looking at the shadows of the mountains in the distance, he was somewhat helpless and somewhat inconceivable: "I feel a headache just looking at it, my God... It can still operate for more than a thousand years, is this a planetary shield generator, or a semi-permanent isolation shield?"

Hua An and Frost Butterfly were sitting on the luggage carried by the other horse, and Miss Fairy happily controlled the pebbles on the riverbank to float, and even cheated with psychic abilities - Frost Butterfly used ice flakes.

"Should I visit Ellen's house first, or see Isengard alone? Is meeting Isengard alone, or with Master Gosse?"

It is precisely because of the interaction of sunlight, wind and temperature and the regulation of various things by the 'planetary shield generator' of the imperial capital that the abdomen of the Setal Empire can be such a fertile plain. Otherwise, it might be fine at the beginning. Years of farming and development will definitely turn this place into a barren desert.

"Also, the City of Lonely Mountain, the City of God's Blessing... Although it is true, it is equally misleading."

The old man was silent for a while, then nodded.

"……so complicated."

After deciding on the follow-up plan, one person and two goblins continued to walk along the Avenue of Glory. The imperial city circle is still ahead. This is a plain agricultural area. The morning light covers the entire vast Quinor plain area. The sun and breeze accompany them through this vast wilderness.

Ian was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, then smiled, and fell back into thinking: "In this case, farmers are not purely manual labor occupations, but large-scale crop producers more similar to skilled workers... In this way , the agricultural population of the empire must have been greatly reduced compared to before the Black King."

Before long, in front of Ian who stopped, there was an old man with ruddy complexion and gray-brown hair, but with a mournful look.

"So many people... Could it be that they are adventurers?"

"In short, humans don't have the psychic powers like your goblins that can easily understand each other."

Ian could see that the old man had a bit of identity boredom with him.

"Of course, there may be large industrial bases elsewhere, but what's the population doing here?"

In addition, Ian also noticed that the Imperial City itself also has the power to artificially control the weather.

Hua An blinked, and she said blankly: "Didn't you say that Isengard invited you to the imperial capital? I mean, don't you plan to see him first?"

"If you don't mind, can you tell me there is a place to eat in town?"

As long as it reaches the thinner regions of the atmosphere, it will not continue to glow.

Approaching all the way from small towns close to the surrounding plains of the imperial capital, a behemoth like the City of Lonely Mountain is still shocking.

Hua An's eyes widened, she and Shuangdie looked at each other and said with emotion, "It's so complicated."

Both the Predictive Vision and the Silver Chip told him that there were more than 8,000 people in the town in front of him... this number was quite a lot.

The shape of the imperial capital, or in other words, the shape of the lonely mountain where the imperial capital is located, is a giant metal structure similar to a volcano. It is more than 10,000 meters high, and the clouds can only surround it in the middle. If you have to describe it, it is an octagonal frustum made of steel, a regular truncated cone.

Compared with the night, the light beam that is less obvious in the distance is neither a laser beam nor a particle beam. According to Ian's speculation, it is probably a position to maintain the light path. It does not emit light itself, but only in the atmosphere. Such bands of light are excited due to high energy.

Unlike the main body of the imperial capital, which seems to be so advanced that it is more similar to a miracle, this small town has a few metal towers that appear to be relatively advanced, and the rest are of ordinary town specifications.

In Nanling, more than 70% of the population are basic producers such as farmers and fishermen, and most of the other 20% are herbalists and hunters. The remaining few are those craftsmen. and blacksmith.

After hearing this, Ian stopped his horse in doubt, he stopped moving forward, and quietly observed the whole town.

However, some huge metal machinery can be vaguely seen in the fields at work - maybe it is rebuilt from old decommissioned armor? Or maybe a specialized farming machine? But no matter what, it's very eye-catching.

With his hands on his chest, Ian thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay."

It can only be said that the technology tree in Terra is a bit outrageous. After all, he still has Morion steel on his left hand. This universal tool material that can self-proliferate and self-replicate and execute orders to repair all damages can at least get a room full of awards and medals when it is placed on the earth, and even be invited to the Academy of Sciences. stand up.

In Nauman City, around the Onyx Plain, the number of farmers has been greatly reduced. Because of the input of tamed Terra creatures such as the Bison bull, the farming efficiency of the safe area has been greatly improved. Various restaurants and shops in Nauman City, and even This is actually the case for the thriving bakery industry in Shuangshu Town.

"It's outrageous to think about it, how do the Terrans maintain this kind of thing?"

He raised his head thoughtfully and looked around the whole town. Ian thought to himself, "But why do you feel like there are not many people?"

Ian said so, he shook his head and said: "But how can I not attract attention? Don't say that I am a sublime, the people and organizations in the imperial capital who should pay attention to me are definitely waiting for me now. As long as I am close to the imperial capital, they will definitely got the message."

What's more, the human city is actually built on the shell at the foot of the Gushan Mountain, and there may be some inside, but not the entire Gushan is the imperial capital.

But whatever, go ahead and see.

As an engineer in his previous life, Ian really had a hard time figuring out how such a steel giant with a width of more than 10,000 meters up and down and a width of more than ten or twenty kilometers was built, and where did so many materials come from? Is it asteroid belt mining? A lunar base is about the same size, but it's a low-gravity environment.

Although according to Terra's technology, it is not impossible, but... Then again.

Sure enough, soon, the originally quiet and slow town seemed to have pressed the start button, and it was like a big shark was put into the floating fish in a water tank... In an instant, people moved.

After watching the stones and ice flakes flutter on the river, sink and melt, she turned her head and asked Ian curiously: "The access control of the imperial capital is relatively strict, and there are many passages. If you don't want to attract attention, it is estimated that You can only take the ordinary passage."

"Ian, how are you going to enter the city?"

"Mechanized farming is used next to the imperial capital? Yes, there is alchemy, and fertilizers must have been solved long ago, but I don't know if there are large fertilizer plants."

What is it that can bring the pre-epoch civilization back to what it is today?

And in the imperial capital... the real thing to think about is the monster material.

The clear river flows and the fresh air surrounds. From time to time, you can hear the rumble of trains and see the smoke of cooking in distant towns.

Immediately, several children who were playing football showed horrified expressions. They picked up the ball and ran, walking towards the alley.

"The liberated agricultural population will flow into the industrial industry, but in fact, I haven't seen so many industrial populations. Most of the dwarven towns in the Falling Star Hills are also dwarf workshops, and no complete industrial park has been established."

"I just don't want to."

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