Above The Sky

Chapter 477 I Don't Care About Your Pain And Future (33)

"There are still a lot of restaurants in the imperial capital." Ian's mood was still quite relaxed when he walked out of the cafe with Huaan and Frostdie: "It seems that if you have enough money, you can eat in this place alone. Food all over the world.”

Ian squinted, hiding the glow of the silver chip.

That's what happened in the sixth floor area.

But, unfortunately, this is not a hallucination.

—Sometimes, death is very profitable. Whether it's on the battlefield or on weekdays, pensions and subsequent compensation may not necessarily allow relatives to live comfortably in their lives, but they can help them get through the most difficult period of losing their relatives... On the contrary, they are disabled and can't get it. A few dollars, and it takes a long time and money to treat.

With a slight frown, Ian pushed his way out of the crowd, and when he saw the situation, he immediately understood what was going on.

"Please... woo... don't... help..."

"How much does this potion cost? I remember that a typical potent healing potion costs more than thirty talers..."

The man who had regained some consciousness opened his eyes slightly. He didn't actually say this at all, but the silver chip analyzed his muscle movement and emotional changes, and combined it into a whisper in Ian's ear.

Ian poured the bottle of regeneration medicine into the middle-aged man's mouth: "Patients who almost killed themselves, and children who are too stupid to hold back their father, are not qualified to advise me."

"Knight, please..."

This is the first thing Ian sees when he arrives at the sixth floor area.

"Huaiguang is on top! Thank you! I'm really sorry, I really didn't expect no one to escape..." This was the driver's voice. He was obviously relieved, but still a little scared.

When he really faintly heard the words 'don't save', the teenager still subconsciously felt that it might be his auditory hallucinations caused by his tinnitus.

But at this moment, the boy vaguely heard a voice.

Terra World even has such things as armor. It is naturally unrealistic to say that there is no car.

So, for the pleadings of the young and middle-aged, Ian showed a calm smile instead: "Listen, two, including this lovely lady, there are three. I don't care whether you will suffer in the future, or whether you will be hurt or not. Getting caught up in the whirlpool... Honestly, I don't care about that, and I don't care."

— and I can argue against it.

That is to say, the driver stopped in time, and the middle-aged man who was scratched was just crushed by his legs, and then fell heavily on the ground and went into shock.

There, a group of people was rapidly approaching, headed by a rather young noble-his expression was irritable and hidden annoyance, and there was a cherishing cleric among the medical staff behind him.

"It's just now that I see someone who can be rescued in front of me, and I can save... Not to mention other things, my child is still there, I have to do it."

At that time, Qingchao needed to lay a foundation for his own future and his son's future. The man chose the latter.

Ian decided to step forward.

Next, he injected the remaining half vial of potent healing into the victim's arteries.

This is what Ian said while chatting with Qingchao in Port Harrison, the sea-born swordsman looking at the sea.

But this did not get rid of the danger of life, it can only be said that it can last until the arrival of professional medical personnel.

"Knight, please, don't save me..."

"I have to take care of Sharan... I beg you, knight, I can't take care of two people... I still need to cultivate the land at home, and I'm already in debt when I come to apply for a temporary residence permit this time..."

The crying of a man and a woman was not as heart-wrenching as it was at the beginning, and even stopped sobbing. The driver observed the comatose condition with a worried look, but did not dare to start treatment. He could only discuss with his companions and ask them to invite someone. Come and see... or pick up dead bodies and messes.

"If only Sharan and I can still afford it, then we can live next to the imperial capital, and my mother's grave will not be removed... At least my father can be with my mother... I beg you, knight……"

He determined that the vital signs of the man in front of him had begun to recover - the victim suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, which was actually the effect of his respiratory system starting to recover, and those injured internal organs were being repaired by highly effective therapeutic agents.

Don't save.

Ian plans to continue to take some treatment methods. The goblin's water control ability is quite powerful in this regard, which can ensure that the patient does not lose a lot of blood.

Saying so, he took out a bottle of bright green potion from his pocket, and then another bottle of pale white potion. Ian poured the latter into the former, followed by agitating and mixing with the Originium.

Qingchao's father was like this. The veteran retired and was gradually dragged to death by secret injuries. Before he died, he didn't dare to receive treatment, because if he didn't start the treatment, he could barely hold on. Lose all the wealth in the family.

And this kind of rubbing of a car that is more than three meters high and more than ten meters long... In just an instant, people were rolled into the tires.

"It can't be cured... This is a crushing injury, Dad... Dad survived, and he is also a waste..."

There is a difference between a run over and a run over, the latter is just a driving error and not necessarily all the driver's fault, while the former will lose the job no matter what.

This is a regeneration potion. An elite potion that is enough to regenerate damaged limbs and has a great effect on sublimators.

"Which alchemist is this? A bottle of potion can make people alive!"

Ian somewhat understands why he hears such a voice, he has already figured out a lot of things, such as the consequences of his actions.

In fact, this young man with his head bowed, most likely from outside the lower urban area of ​​the imperial capital, from the countryside of the Quinor Plain, is whispering these words.

He actually knew it from the beginning, but...

It's just that there is no road network running through the whole country in all parts of Terra. Even if there is, because of monsters and various strange natural disasters, the countries cannot maintain this stable transportation network, so so far, the alchemy cart Neither developed on a large scale.


Ian heard such a voice.

But people are not dead yet.

"If the effect is good and the Alchemy Association recognizes my patent, you can also get a remuneration."

"Ian...I can't argue with that."

The teenager took out a few bottles of alchemy potions from his pocket, some of which were just substrates. He used essentia to manipulate the liquids to quickly fuse them in mid-air. Some potions did not last long after they were formulated, especially those that can cure Seriously wounded potions will be halved when they become inactive.

Before that, he took out the steel grain sword, and then covered the complex blade surface with a layer of ice to form a smooth ice blade - he directly cut off the victim's thigh and the flesh that had become part of the ground Mud contact, cover the wound with half a bottle of medicine, and then use ice to stop the bleeding.

Of course, this is just an ordinary scooter... For the military industry, stable and self-protecting armored vehicles that can transport a large amount of materials across terrain have always been just needed, so they are quite developed in this regard.

Ian sighed, he couldn't help but think of Qingchao.

The girl's health is not very good. At this moment, her eyes are closed, tears are streaming down, but she has no strength to cry out. The young man hugs his sister tightly. He stares at the father's body in front of him, but forcibly holds back the tears. Just red eyes.

He was wearing a narrow-sleeved white shirt that was slightly yellowish, and the man under him, who was seriously injured and dying, was dressed similarly. Even the little girl's plaid skirt seemed to be cut and sewn from a larger piece of clothing.

Because Ian saw a car accident.

Not slow. But still a bit late.

When it was about to turn a corner, the transport vehicle didn't notice the pedestrians next to it, and pedestrians probably don't see this kind of vehicle very often. They didn't retreat far enough and were scratched.

At this moment, the silent Ian heard a hoarse voice.

When the original victim might have died without Ian's intervention, the medical staff of the sixth floor area and the superintendent who dealt with the car accident came.

But soon, he couldn't feel at ease.


After he was done, he stood up and shook his head slightly: "Take it as an experiment. Brothers and sisters over there, your father was forced by me to perform a human experiment on the new therapeutic medicine. Remember to report the experiment results to me later."

The east side of the sixth floor area is the area where a large number of civil affairs agencies are located, while the west side is the storage area, so there are often transport fleets to transport materials.

"I didn't expect such a thing..." "Father, this person is dying..."

He looked at Hua An and Frost Die's surprised expressions, then looked around the crowd, and found that no one stepped forward, most of them were just watching with regret or regret.

It was a quasi-military transport vehicle that caused the car accident. It did not have the heavy outer armor that needs to be equipped outside the city, but increased the cargo capacity. Looking at the path, it took out the materials from the storage area and transported them to other places.

- They dare not approach a sublime, an alchemist.

His tone had an ethereal smell like a wave: "I don't know what my father thought at that time. I'm still thinking about how to refute the old man's bullshit words... It's a pity that I'm too weak."

He noticed the source of the sound, so he turned his head and looked at the boy and girl behind him.

"I'll save my life for the time being. Interesting, it turns out that the healing potion works like this on ordinary people..."

The young man bit his lip and even bit blood, he gave himself pain like this, kneeling on the ground with his head down, hugging his sister, and whispering to the back of Ian's armor: "Please, knight...don't save dad...please Please, please, please..."

Advanced Regeneration Potion? Not to mention its price... How can a targeted retired veteran of the first energy level have a channel to buy it? Just as some families are not able to scrape together the money, they just cannot go to the big cities and find a doctor who is good enough for proper treatment.

This is a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, and a girl about six or seven years old.

At first, the whispers he heard were such voices.

These words were all over the place, and in the end, it was really unsupportable. The young man who was almost speechless could only hug his sister, burst into tears, and did not dare to approach Ian.

The screaming has stopped, and the crowd has also retreated, and there is only a strange smell of blood on the street.

It can only be used in the city. Once it is out of the city network, it will be useless at all.

Before waiting for the dazed siblings behind him to understand his words, Ian raised his head and looked behind the crowd who were still praising and amazed.

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