Above The Sky

Chapter 488 Another Fairy (13)

"Psionic cyberspace...Is this the network left by the pre-epoch civilization..."

Ian was actually quite touched by Hua An's words.

The teenagers who have entered the South China Sea Great Labyrinth know very well that the 'labyrinth' is, in a sense, the abnormal ecological circle caused by the relics of the pre-epoch civilization.

In this case, there is a maze in the material sense, so is it impossible for psychic energy to have a maze in the network level?

The answer is of course there is.

Ian can even imagine a similar thing - after the destruction of human civilization, the network world with self-maintenance and self-discipline mechanical maintenance still exists, hidden everywhere in the world.

It keeps running, keeping those ancient codes and knowledge, until the next civilization starts in a land that has experienced destruction.

And those brand-new civilizations, brand-new intelligent creatures, will be connected in an accident, connected to this extremely huge network... and then lost in it.

They were overwhelmed by a lot of indescribable knowledge, an incomprehensible code language, and an ancient information that was incomprehensible but had practical significance. They became crazy and dazed, but occasionally revealed a hint of wisdom.

Survivors see such a network as a more sublime and crazy upper world independent of the earthly world.

And those mysterious intelligences living in the upper world, those terrifying beings who are hard to figure out their essence and character, and don't know where their desires and origins are, are many existences like 'gods' or 'evil gods'.

Of course, there are also some people who are naturally adapted to this kind of thinking, or they are lucky, and obtain the knowledge needed by their civilization or race from this network-he is like being gifted by the gods. , returned to his hometown with technology and thinking beyond the times.

Then, create a magnificent empire.

"Inaika II..."

The name flashed in Ian's mind, and he suddenly realized: "And the silver chip?"

If you think about it along this line of thinking, then Inaika II's perspective beyond his era may be understandable.

As a psionicist, Ian can't blindly deny that Inaga II has the same deep obsession as himself, or so.

It is very likely that Inaga II also has a strong spirit comparable to the realm of extremes, and can cross the 'instinct land' and come to the bottom of the abyss where the 'virtual realm' is located.

If it is said that Inaga II of the year came to the virtual realm because of a powerful spiritual awakening or an extremely lucky adventure, he accepted the knowledge left over from the civilization of the previous era...

Even, in the virtual realm, if you get the inheritance of 'Silver Chip'...

So, maybe the reason why the pioneer emperor's three views and knowledge are so different can be explained?

This is just guesswork.

Ian can't be sure of this, after all, the silver chip, although seemingly intangible, is actually still an entity - it is connected to Ian's nerves, and it can indeed touch the soul, but wants to keep such an entity in the virtual world Deep down, and then a psionicist can take it out... This is really too difficult.

But it is very likely that Inaga II got the clue of the silver chip from the virtual realm, and then got this mysterious and powerful treasure.

Today, Ian is only in the state of the soul, but the silver chip seems to still exist - it can't be scanned and used for the time being, but the teenager feels that he has not reached that point, so the silver chip can't either.

Apart from being there, it has no special reaction.

Maybe not yet. Or not in the right place.

When he reaches the third energy level, dominates the body and spirit, possesses a mind-light body, or the 'soul materialization' of a goblin, the silver chip is likely to be able to be used in the virtual world.

At that time, it may be the moment to formally explore the virtual realm.

"Speaking of which, is this the goblin's meditation method?"

When he came back to his senses, Ian couldn't help complaining: "Isn't it the same as going home for you?"

"You underestimate the difficulty!"

And Hua An also complained: "You can succeed, it is much better than I imagined! I originally wanted to pull you back, and I will slowly adapt to it later, even before you leave the imperial capital next time. Can succeed!"

"Who knew you would succeed the first time!"

"Even a goblin has to be an adult and trained to sneak into this fairyland in the soul, and... don't you sense that the whole process of sneaking in has made your soul much firmer?"

Ian was stunned for a moment and felt it.

Indeed, he could not deny it.

His soul and spirit were obviously much tougher than before after going through this goblin meditation and coming to the virtual realm.

Although it will take a while to get used to after going back, in order to maintain the more solidified soul state due to the 'deep sea pressure' this time, the training rate of this kind is obviously faster than the general one, I don't know how much.

"This whole process is equivalent to the exercise of life and death. It would be strange if you don't strengthen it." Ian shook his head slightly. He walked with Hua An on this illusory foggy land: "Then what's next? Let's continue to walk here?"

"No, I'll take you to see a friend. It's the one I told you before, another goblin living in the imperial capital!"

Although Hua An tried to hide it as low as possible, Ian still keenly sensed that the other party's real purpose was actually to show off to his friends with his "achievement".

Hi...let her go. Miss Goblin has helped herself so much, and she has also led her to the virtual realm, revealing a whole new world. She can show off how she likes.

In this regard, Ian has always been indifferent.

With such a mentality, the teenager asked, "Then how did you find your friend here?"

Hua An looked at Ian with some doubts, she said blankly: "She lives in the imperial capital, and we are now above the imperial capital in the virtual realm? As long as we go to the residence where Mo Feng is reflected in the virtual realm, won't it work? "


At this moment, Ian was startled. He lowered his head and looked around at the surrounding earth.

It was only then that he discovered that he was actually at the top of a mountain now.

And this mountain, like a tree, like a living thing, is formed by countless huge wooden roots mixed with a lot of metal and soil - it looks very similar to the 'Imperial Capital' that Ian saw not long ago with the vision of vision. !

——The existence of the imperial capital actually has reflection feedback in the virtual realm? !

"As long as there is a soul, there will be feedback in the virtual world. The imperial capital is so big, there must be a soul."

Hua An happily continued to move forward - Ian also couldn't explain how a ball moved forward, whether it was rolling or sliding, but he was also a ball now, so he didn't bother to think so much.

It was almost there, so he followed suit.

As Hua An said, finding someone in the virtual realm is quite fast, especially finding a goblin.

Soon, they found a...

A lilac sphere surrounded by a circle of books.

The fairy named Mo Feng, the conceptual light and shadow expressed in the virtual world, is also a quite poetic scene.

——In an afternoon courtyard, a book may have been forgotten by the owner next to the swing. When a breeze with the warmth of the scorching sun poured into the courtyard and blew the swing, the pages of the book began to flip gently, drifting away. When the fragrance of ink came out... the spirit nurtured in the wind was born in this harmonious and warm fragrance.

And the first scene in the world that He saw was the book that was rolling in the wind.

It's called [Ink Wind]

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