Above The Sky

Chapter 491 Adventurer (13)

The melody coming from the study room on the second floor is melodious and pleasant. The sound of the piano is delicate and soft, like the chirping of birds in the morning, but also like the gurgling water. middle.

- a very high standard.

This is Ian's assessment. He didn't understand music, rather, he never studied music. Like listening to it and owning it are completely different things, and he never thought that Isengard would have such a skilled piano skill.

But now that I think about it, as the youngest son of Marquis Ellen, Isengard couldn't have been learning alchemy all the time, and he couldn't know anything else - he was also a person who had experienced a full set of noble training, and he could only play one or even multiple musical instruments. is the norm.

Ian came to the door of the study, and he saw the blond boy's shoulders and arms were extremely stable, his slender hands stretched out, tapping and pressing on the keys soothingly but quickly, bringing up one note after another.

"Ian, did it bother you?"

Aware of the arrival of his friend, Isengard ended the exercise with a smooth rhythm. He stood up and said a little embarrassedly: "I sense that you are awake, and I think there should be no problem with practicing."

"It sounds great." Ian bluntly praised: "There's no need to stop because of me, you can just keep playing."

"To be honest, I didn't expect your piano level to be so high, it's really unexpected."

At the level of Isengard, in his opinion, it is enough to hold a small concert... Of course, it may also be that the body manipulation ability brought by the sublimator has increased, but the level of the other party is obviously talented.

"It's almost over, just keep your hand feeling every day and don't forget it."

Isengard smiled: "This is my hobby... Back then, my mother said that to be an alchemist, you must have a pair of dexterous and stable hands that can be manipulated freely. She asked me what method I would choose to practice. , and I prefer the piano."

"It's you instead."

Speaking of which, Isengard also looked at Ian seriously, and he sighed: "I should be surprised - you actually left Nanling and came to the imperial capital... God, how dangerous this journey must be. How many adventurers and mercenaries dare not cross half the empire's territory so easily."

"And, looking at the time, you can hardly wait to go out... Ian, it may be a bit presumptuous, but I feel that you may really like the feeling of this kind of travel and adventure..."

"Is this really that interesting?"

Green eyes like a tranquil lake stared at his friend with deep puzzlement.

Isengard's question is actually a question of many people.

Mr. Yinfang also sighed to Ian that it is unimaginable for a young man to embark on a journey at such a young age.

Even Viscount Grant, who made the request to travel, essentially wanted to express a protest to the Marquis of Baden. He even suggested that Ian live in Nauman City, where he kept a mansion for Ian to use and Practice alchemy.

Neither of them thought that Ian himself would want to travel.

None of them could have imagined that Ian would be so happy, one could even say that he embarked on a journey full of joy.

This is far from the rejection and dissatisfaction they imagined.

So confused.


In this regard, Ian pondered for a while.

If it was yesterday afternoon, he might have made up a random reason to tell Isengard that this matter was not important anyway, and he didn't think that kind of answer was a lie.

But after experiencing the goblin's meditation and getting a better understanding of his deepest desires, the young man did not intend to mislead anyone in this regard.

So he thought about it and said seriously: "How do you say it, Yisen...Exploration, travel and adventure are essentially the same thing, and it is not a hobby that can be chosen."

"It's part of my life."

"Eason, no matter how much I convince myself that it's safer and better for me to be in Port Harrison, in the end, there's bound to be something else that will make me travel."

"And at that point, I'll find that my luggage and parcels are already packed and ready - my heart is full of it, and before I know it, I'll be ready for it... jacket, shoes, weapons and hometown. sustenance."

"Only at the moment when I start to walk, can I be truly alive."

"I am such a person. Ellen, Elder Purd, and even Viscount Grant... let me stop for a while. But they can't keep me forever."

Saying this, Ian smiled, with an optimistic self-deprecation and a witty boast: "After all, for someone like me who eats food without looking at the bowl and only forks into the pot, it's really hard to stay where you are. It's easy to get moldy."

"And it's too wasteful, isn't it? Everyone likes me very much, whether it's my character or appearance... If that's the case, then I should walk more to make more people happy."

"With my ingenuity, I should always see the bigger world and let more people see me - otherwise, wouldn't it be a burial of resources?"

When Ian said this, he was essentially joking, waiting for Isengard to complain about his narcissism.

Unexpectedly, this friend of the same age nodded solemnly: "Indeed. Now I understand a little... Indeed, Ian, you should travel around, so that you can better understand the world, help more people, and be More people to help."

Now it's Ian's turn to feel uncomfortable: "Just kidding, I'm not that self-centred yet, thinking that I'm in a place where everyone's going to be happy - don't take it seriously."

"But it is so."

Isengard picked up a stack of papers from the piano: "Here's something I'm going to show my mom later... You see, wherever you go, you fix the problem. Ian, maybe you don't think so, but You did help a lot of people, and that's something I admire and admire."

Ian is starting to think Isengard's bravado is a bit too much.

That being said, it certainly makes people happy to be recognized by them.

"Ian, can you play an instrument?"

Isengard stood up from the piano chair. He was just looking for a topic at random, not trying to test or guess anything-he was still very pure in this regard.

"I could. But an instrument like that has no soul."

Ian glanced at the study and found that there were indeed many musical instruments, from simple to complex, from street to elegant, almost everything.

He stepped forward and picked up a lute—the most common instrument he saw in bars everywhere, and the one he was most familiar with in Terra: "I don't really know how to play it. "

"I just imitate."

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