Above The Sky

Chapter 504 The Secret Library Of The Alchemy Association (33)

The first is Ian. The value of ten bottles of anti-damage potion is the highest in the audience, and no one can question it.

The second place is Carlancier. The comprehensive enhancement potion made by this serious genius alchemist is extremely complete, and even through additional physical enhancement, some of the "sequelae" problems have been solved.

If it wasn't for Ian, he'd be a real number one.

However, this time Calanthier was convinced that he lost. In the end, he also understood one thing. He was competing with Isengard, not with Ian.

Of course, having said that, when Ian saw Carrancier the next day, the big boy was unwilling and a little aggrieved, but he still showed a little smile when he saw Ian... It was quite interesting.

"Why is he so expressive?"

Ian whispered to Isengard.

"He should have been told by his family when he came home yesterday."

And Isengard also replied in a low voice to Ian: "It's actually a trivial matter not to get the first name, the main reason is that if you have a laboratory, the funds on his side will be less, especially since you are so famous, it will be difficult to promote it later. "

"But don't worry, there is competition within the platinum-iridium workshop, but it's not that fierce, and there will be no enmity. If you two have been intrigued, you can't do experiments."

"He mainly felt the pressure and didn't want to keep losing to you -- just like he never wanted to lose to me."

"Young people, being competitive is a good thing."

Ian showed a clear expression, and Isengard complained: "Aren't you younger than me? I really don't know why you are so old-fashioned!"

Of course, one day is not enough for the alchemist who participated in the academic discussion with Ian yesterday to spread the news, so when the ranking list came out, many people still questioned.

Some people even took out Ian's list of honors on the patrol knight's side, and expressed doubts in this regard.

How can a person have so much energy, while doing various meritorious services in Nanling, while studying alchemy? This is definitely fake. The results and the first place are all pre-determined. They are all artificial news made by the Ellen family or the Alchemy Association who want to dispel the bad deeds of Master Bavar!

Only this time, after Ian's permission was released, all the doubts were slapped in the face and completely extinguished.

If you are a layman, you may feel resentful because you can't understand it, but after seeing Ian's technique and proficiency, if the layman says anything else, then it is themselves who should be questioned.

Even the alchemist who is not convinced, after personally testing the skills shown by Ian, has to admit that what Ian has done is definitely enough to be the first place in this assessment.

Even, the distance from the master is probably a matter of years of precipitation.

This is consistent with Ian's own speculation.

In the final analysis, his technique is essentially a reverse push of the prophet plus the silver chip... There are some parts that he actually knows but doesn't know why.

However, it is not a big problem. With the teaching of Master Gosse and the practice of the entire laboratory prepared by Isengard for him, his progress will be faster than everyone imagined.

It doesn't take long for him to usher in another period of rapid growth.

At this moment, Master Vana is taking Ian and Isengard to the secret vault of the Alchemy Association.

"I made a bet with Alexei and Gossey—of course, both lost."

The old woman with black and white hair handed a ring to Ian: "This is the ring of silence. Alexei is the best at making little things, and he likes to think about these interesting little things."

"The one before Gosey was given to you, and Alexei made another one... This time it's brand new, it won't break suddenly in the middle of the adventure, I believe you who have used it will definitely like it ."

"Indeed, it's very useful." Ian nodded in agreement - auxiliary props like this are very much needed even now that he is at the second energy level: "Thank you very much, Master Vana. Thank you very much too. Master Alexei."

"You let us see an interesting scene." The old woman waved her hand: "In the final analysis, it's just a little bit of luck."

"Ian, when you grow up to our level, you will be just as willing to support the younger generation, because our research is never-ending, and there are very few suitable helpers and companions."

Ian thought of the research on Earth that year. Every engine, every bit of material, and every power group required dozens or hundreds of research groups to conduct collaborative analysis... He couldn't help nodding with emotion: "It is true. A person is very It is difficult to move forward on this road.”

The silence ring is indeed a pleasant surprise.

Rather, it is precisely because he has reached the second energy level that once he moves at a high speed, it may be more difficult to hide, so he needs the assistance of items such as the ring of silence.

Under the leadership of Master Vana, Ian walked through the hidden corridor underground and walked towards the deepest hall.

In the middle of the road leading to the hall, there are rows of crystal cabinets, which display many rare and ancient samples and manuscripts, as well as some strange alchemy creations.

An ancient book, a piece of armor that doesn't look very smooth, a firearm that is a little exaggerated, whether it is a cannon or a gun, a blood diamond necklace shining blood red... and so on, from the mysterious From quaint parchment manuscripts to aether-armed hearths that look quite modern in Terra.

"Here are the masterpieces of alchemy masters through the ages - there may be some masterpieces that seem outdated now, but at the time... I mean, in those days, it was a breakthrough that was beyond imagination."

"The first systematic alchemy textbook, the first set of standard military armor, the first single-person alchemy firearm, the Bloody Princess Necklace of Master Pusher, a psionic pendant that can absorb the life force of the dead to heal wounds... …Each one is famous, and although it is no longer practical, it is the best teaching material and the best example.”

Speaking of these, the old woman's eyes became more divine, she looked around at the treasures present, and whispered with emotion: "This is the pride of our Setar people, the mark from the lost era to the present - child, this is the The road we have walked, our every step, is stepping on the shoulders of our predecessors."

"Without them, our talents would not be able to be outstanding, and our knowledge would be a castle in the air."

"Respect for history and knowledge..."

With that said, Master Vana stopped and pointed to the exhibit behind a huge crystal window not far away: "Look at this again, the farmer engine from the time of the late emperor!"

"That's it. Master Flair, the teacher of Gosse and Alexei, and other alchemists, including my teacher, made a joint creation! The first knight swept away all the monsters on the plains of Quinor. dens, and the tillers give all the land to man!"

"With the matching fertilizers and herbicides, this is the weapon we used to defeat the entire Great Plains region!"

The thing displayed behind the window is extremely tall, it is an engine, an alchemy engine with a slightly outdated shape.

It is placed here quietly, with traces accumulated over the years.

It has been broken and cannot be operated for a long time, but it is placed here with respect for future generations to look up to. The mottled scars seem to tell the martial arts left by humans when they fought against the earth. Today, the autumn around the imperial capital The bright and peaceful environment is all thanks to it and its successor.

Fertilizers and herbicides, although not specifically listed because of their simplicity, are not even less important than the former. Without them, no amount of land would be able to support so many people.

This is undoubtedly the most memorable creation in the entire display corridor. The alchemists on the top have handed over their power to the hands of the people to transform the whole world together with the people.

Ian stared at it. He didn't ask why Master Vana was talking about the Emperor instead of the Black King... Master Alchemists have nothing to do with politics, they don't care about their inclinations, and no one will offend them for this trivial matter.

Even if there was an alchemy master who had nothing to do with the emperor, the emperor would at most throw him to a laboratory in the frontier, out of sight and out of mind.

But I am different.

And, there is another very important question.

The teenager is thinking, thinking about this very simple and very important question.

"Since there is it."

Ian asked softly, "Then why are there still people starving in this world?"

Master Vana's smile gradually faded.


She lowered her head and said to herself in confusion, "Why?"

"It is clear that the ascendants and nobles don't need much food... How on earth did these things disappear?"

——Ordinary people's interest group that surrounds the sublime and nobles, the Bai Zhimin family I belong to is not like this, and it makes a lot of money.

Ian thought so, but he didn't have the position to criticize it.

Ordinary people are not monolithic, and there are a lot of classes inside, but it is not clear to this group of people who are both sublimators and alchemists. The ordinary people in their eyes are probably all in the same group.

They are also high-ranking people, even if they are good people, it is still difficult to understand the following situation.

The silence lasted for a while, and they came to Miku's gate.

"It has always been difficult to have an answer to this kind of thing." Stopping at the gate, the old woman shook her head in a dazed expression, and she laughed at herself: "I was also very strange back then, why the funds given to me were limited - the empire obviously has a lot of money Flowers are scattered everywhere, why don't you want to give me more research?"

"But sometimes, I understand... Compared to creation and research, distribution itself is an extremely complex and profound skill... It's not something I can understand."

"Yes, the assignment." Ian repeated.

Why do countries with extremely advanced technology theoretically appear as primitive as the pre-industrial era in the frontier areas? All the reasons are only distribution: "But at the end of the day, technology has brought some progress."

He comforted the old man - this is not something they can change now, it is better to read some positive news to make the mood a little better.


The old man smiled again: "At least, compared to our past, there are indeed more people who can eat meat and eat meat in this era. This is progress, isn't it?"


Ian smiled too, he took the question to heart and followed Master Vana into the secret vault.

This is an ordinary underground labyrinth composed of rows of sealed cabinets.

"Those collector's edition alchemy equipment, including any ordinary alchemy material package, I asked Isengard, and they were all removed for you. You have all those things, and there is no need to repeat them."

The old woman was sitting in her wheelchair. She stared at the many secret cabinets in front of her and said calmly: "The library card is still the same, I still hope that children of your age will read more books... After the experiment, there will be opportunities, and the accumulation will be more. Inspiration comes naturally.”

"Assessing all the rewards is meaningless to you, so I have replaced it with a chance for you to choose."

"Second-level materials of the highest perfect quality. Recipes for master-level alchemy potions. And... second-level psionic accessories."

"Choose one, Ian...you deserve it."

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