Above The Sky

Chapter 506 Ah Yes Yes Yes, I Just Want To Revive The Family Glory (23)

Ian's expression didn't change, he said with a smile: "Indeed, that's it."

The white-haired boy does not blink his eyes when he lies, and no one can tell that he is lying, because the silver chip will help adjust all his micro-expressions: "Although I am naturally more suitable for goblin blood, family inheritance cannot Completely discarded..."

"My uncle died early because of the sequelae of steel bones. In fact, the white ethnic group in Nanling, because they are far away from civilization, coupled with insufficient nutrition, many people with great potential and the power of their ancestors have manifested their blood. Distorted."

"My younger brother is the same... Although I have helped him to adjust his body, it is best to prepare for the related sublimation or true form before he becomes an adult."

"It seems that your family has great potential. Sigh, I can't comprehend the late emperor's many decisions, and the exile of the Chehalorvo family is one of them." Master Vana sighed, she obviously didn't think there was anything wrong with Ian's approach.

In Terra, the family is a very important support. Powerful sublimators may not need a country or power to form their own line, but weaker ones need the help of family or power, or mutual dependence and support.

And compared to the lifespan of individuals, the lifespan of organizations is longer.

If the strong want to maintain the glory of their descendants after their own death, they must maintain the family.

In the eyes of Master Vana and others, Ian, as a genius cultivated by the Cieharorvo family with all the resources, is the righteousness to revive the family and family inheritance.

Ian thought so too. The inheritance of the immovable strong city lineage is too sensitive and too expensive, and it is not a family's way of holding on. If you want to strengthen the white people, it is inevitable to re-study the silver peak messenger.

But now, under the cover of the emissaries of Silver Peak, no one knows that Ian is the Rockforge Knight. This is the main function.

hum. A box of Miku was opened, and then an invisible force lifted the silver-white inscription steel box to Master Vana, and then handed it over to Ian.

"It's yours now."

Ian felt that the box in his hand was heavy... a heavy feeling, and the joy of being one step closer to the Rockforge Knight.

【The Rainbow Spear Feather of the Silver Halberd】

[Second energy level, special individual, cornerstone, edible]

[The predator overlord flying around the silver peak, the feather of the king with extraordinary talent. It is a tough armor and a powerful spear blade, but before it has fully grown to its peak, it was entrusted by seven mercenary groups who were worried about the safety of the future town to jointly capture it, with extraordinary strength]

[It can be used as a potion material, but it is extremely difficult to digest, and requires special potion ingredients to be slowly fused]

[Contains Origin Quality: 3229.1527 Elite Units]



The white-haired boy thought: "When I am the second level of the goblin, I am afraid that the rockcast knight and the extreme region of the second level will also be completed at the same time..."

"This place in the imperial capital is really my blessed land. There are many good people and many resources. It's only been a few days. I haven't spent a penny, and I've earned so many materials for nothing."

After getting the materials and leaving the secret library and corridor, Ian got his 'Elite Alchemist Certificate' from the association, the contract for the director of the platinum-iridium workshop sent by Isengard, as well as the office and laboratory key.

Obviously, this first name made Mrs. Ellen very satisfied, and in the Platinum Iridium Workshop, the internal opposition or dissent was also quelled.

Although only temporary, Ian does have the strength to master an alchemy laboratory.

And this news is gradually fermenting in the entire alchemy circle of the imperial capital as time goes by.

- A future master, a rookie in alchemy is on the rise!

Although Ian got all the rewards the next day, when the assessment results were made public, it still shocked and surprised all the insiders who didn't pay much attention to this matter.

It's not that I have to fight against Ian and forcibly question him - mainly because he is only fifteen years old.

It's not that I don't believe it... Everyone just wants to open their eyes.jpg

But after the Royal Alchemy Society released the footage of Ian's exams, all the attacks and questions died down.

At first, some people thought that the association was a show, asking a young man to forcibly learn an advanced skill and then demonstrate it.

But looking at the back, no one thinks that way, it just feels unbelievable.

It's definitely not the proficiency of the drill...it's the fluency of knowing everything by heart!

"Where did this genius come from?"

"Yeah, I've never heard of it before... Nanling... Is there any master living in seclusion in that place?"

"I heard that it is self-study. Maybe Master Gosser brought him a few books, and everything else is self-study."

"All spirits are above, is this a joke?"

However, although everyone felt incredible, but no one questioned.

Because, in history, there have been even crazier things like a twelve-year-old master alchemist.

The master Friedrich, who left his name in history and laid the foundation of modern alchemy, invented several alchemy techniques that are still in use today, but improved a few times at the age of nine. Sui refined the first bottle of master-level potion, which was regarded as the chosen saint by the capital of knowledge at that time.

The Eight Great Schools and the Twin Towers of Tianshangdu did their best to train him, and he lived up to expectations. At the age of sixteen, he cracked the ether engine of the pre-epoch civilization and invented the original alchemy engine prototype.

At the age of nineteen, the master Friedrich even began to improve the dynamic group structure of the sky cloudscape in the capital of knowledge, and successfully increased the size of the cloudscape by two-thirds - he was also extremely consummate stargazing Masters, inventors and artists. He lived to be seventy-nine years old, which is a bit premature for the ascendants, but with the intensity of his life, many people think that even if they live for three hundred years, they will not be able to achieve one-third of his achievements.

In general, this kind of person lives like a legend and should not appear in reality.

But in a world, there will always be such legends.

Ian also came up with his slightly conservative hiding plan only after reading his historical life.

Although at present, this so-called Tibetan clumsy may be a bit exaggerated, but it is not impossible.

The purpose of the Alchemy Association has been completely achieved - everyone is busy questioning or studying the relevant papers and discussion meeting records published by Ian, and no one cares about the misdeeds committed by the previous master.

The Alchemy Association won, and so did Ian. He was not an obscure junior in the imperial capital, but a young scholar who could be on an equal footing with many backbone alchemy tutors.

Some people even predict that in another year, if Ian can publish relevant research results, he will become a professor of the association, and then he will wait for the day to become a master.

Not just alchemy circles.

Some people who were originally concerned about Ian, this time, after hearing the relevant news, they also began to pay attention to this aspect.

The second prince, Mikael, was one of them.

"Have you heard? Your nephew found a good seedling."

During the coffee break at the Lonely Mountain Conference, the cultivator Xin Marcy from the Spiritual Artifact Religion was chatting with Mikael. The two sides were talking about some future cooperation intentions. The news chats up.


The second prince has been concentrating on participating in the Lonely Mountain Conference these days, and most of his mind-light bodies are scattered in other key areas. Hearing Xin's words, he couldn't help but feel a little curious: "Even the Spiritual Tool Church knows about my nephew and that A young knight?"

Although he knew that Ian won the first place, because he is not an insider, some information is not very clear.

"Of course." From the outside, the cultivator Sim Marcy is a beauty like a fairy, with waist-length hair like spring grass, and a pair of golden eyes - but just like a fairy, this It's just a 'diplomatic appearance template' used by the monks of the Spiritual Artifact Church in foreign affairs.

In other words, these are all pinched faces - it is said that Xin's fighting body is 18 meters high.

The cultivator drank tea gracefully and said softly, "Although it's a bit presumptuous, our people once participated in Fei Yan's competition for the South China Sea Great Labyrinth—of course they failed."

"However, what we are very grateful for is that although that cultivator team did something they shouldn't have done, the person who defeated them still kindly gave them a chance to come again."

"And the team that defeated them was the group headed by Master Gosser... This genius who has been in the limelight recently is a member of that team."

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