Above The Sky

Chapter 521 The Great Review (13)

The Imperial City Library has ushered in a comprehensive review. It is so severe and powerful that even several ministers and great nobles in the upper city came to ask about the situation.

They cautiously asked what the madness of the Phoenix Earl was going on... To put it mildly, is there another ignorant guy who made this respectable old man angry?

And after learning that five fake copies of which had been replaced by others were found in the precious orphan collection room of the Imperial Capital Library, even these ministers and nobles couldn't calm down.

This thing can be big or small.

The Imperial City Guard, Patrol Knights, Mirror Sea Guards, and Truth and Knowledge will all be eaten and dropped. If Axel comes out and reprimands, one of all the departments responsible for the defense and intelligence work of the Imperial City will be the same. If there is an earthquake, a few people may have to be arrested and beheaded and hanged.

In the final analysis, what this incident represents is that even in the imperial capital, which is so strictly guarded and protected by many intelligence organizations, there are still people who can be under the protection of many people without knowing it, and the most concerned first layer. The treasures of the district were quietly stolen - what do these intelligence organizations do? Where did the capital and so many allocations of the imperial capital play a role?

On the other hand... Earl Phoenix himself may be fine. After all, he is so old and has no full-time position. However, the current director of the library and all related personnel are expected to be suspended on the spot to commit crimes and meritorious deeds, and may be assigned to Beside the Dark Mountains guard the Kuroshio.

Just because of his anger, Earl Phoenix subconsciously burst out with the ability dubbed 'Phoenix Form' by familiar people. This is the 'Aether Real Body' power forged by fourth-level powerhouses based on the mind-light body. It will be affected by emotion and belief. Emerge and manifest.

In fact, the old earl had already suppressed his anger very well. This huge power was only withdrawn after manifesting in an instant, and it just stimulated the defense program of the library.

However, Ian observed a peculiar change - just now, with Earl Phoenix as the center, the space around the old man had a little distortion similar to the 'virtual realm'.

If Ian hadn't been to Void Realm recently, he probably wouldn't have noticed this small change.

This may be quite important information, maybe it is the secret of some great noble?

Write it down first.

"...Do you understand! Everyone will report to me all the movements in the recent period of time. The polygraph psionicist will be here soon. Don't expect any of you to escape!"

"Yes! Curator, we understand!"

At this moment, Earl Phoenix had just put down the current curator who had been choked with one hand and beaten several times in the mouth, that is, the neck of his youngest son.

Everyone paid no attention to this nobleman who theoretically was the real curator, and just stood there respectfully.

And the current curator, who was beaten seven or eight times by his father, was full of blood and lost a few teeth, but his face was full of happiness—under his management, the library lost an orphan book, and more than Yi Yi, the moment he knew about this, he suspected that he would be killed by his father righteously, or that he would be strangled to death by himself.

Now it's just a few mouths, probably because there are still guests today. In this case, when the old man returns home, the fire will be almost extinguished, and at most he will be beaten up.

The Phoenix Earl's anger was still unabated. He was still looking at the head of the book guard knights on the other side with dangerous golden-red eyes, and he was extremely skilled and grabbed the big knight's neck with one hand, and roared: "Did you all grow up eating garbage! You can't find out about this kind of thing! Five books lost! Five! (The Count checked back and found two more)"

Actually nine. Ian thought so, but even he didn't dare to say it. The old earl knew about this. It is estimated that a row of people will be hung at the entrance of the library today to become a barbecue.

"The curator...subordinate...wrong..."

This regimental commander is also a great knight of the third level. He is well-known in the imperial capital and is a big man, but in the hands of Earl Phoenix, who has strength, merit and status, he is similar to an ant. The armor neck guard, which is enough to withstand the bombardment of the battleship's main guns, is no different from the mud when the old man grabs it: "Subordinate... swear..."

The head of the regiment was strangled by the neck, and could only use the source material to vibrate the air to make a sound, but even the source material appeared intermittently under the fluctuation of the Count Phoenix, the smell of coke emanated from the body, and even half of the body armor appeared. After a fiery hot melt reaction, it turned into molten steel and fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the thought that popped up in Ian's heart was not funny, but a very simple question.

——Does the fourth energy level have such power... This is still in the imperial capital. If it is in his own territory, what is the difference between Earl Phoenix and God for ordinary people?

And to be honest, don't look at how miserable the two people who were beaten were. For the sublime, in essence, it was only a small punishment and a big admonishment for the child to be beaten a few times with a ruler by the parents.

The sublimator is so solid, looking at the real curator who had four or five teeth knocked out over there, rubbed his chin, and all the teeth grew back.

And here, as Earl Phoenix released his hand, the head of the Knights, whose body was almost cooked, cooled down within three seconds, and the black powder on the coke-like body fell off, revealing A slender neck that has been regenerated.

No Adam's apple? She was actually a female knight.

As for the molten steel that is about to vaporize? That didn't even make the big knight's skin burn at all. From this, it can be seen how terrifying the heat that Earl Phoenix almost cooked this great knight.

"Really scary."

Ian thought so.

This kind of high-level ascender, no matter how approachable he is, as long as he is not careful, he treats ordinary people with the attitude of treating other ascenders... I am afraid that ordinary people in a village or a small city will be instantly annihilated. .

You can't even say that he is malicious. For him, this kind of intensity is probably similar to slapping a mosquito.

They have to control their power very, very carefully in order to live with ordinary people.

"It's no wonder that above the midtown area, there is also an upper city... This level of sublime people live there."

Earl Phoenix was also relieved at this moment. His body relaxed, and the momentum that did not cause any temperature change, but gave everyone a burning sensation in their spirits and souls, dissipated.

Snapped! He slapped himself, and this slap frightened everyone on the spot, even more frightening than the curator of punishment and the head of the knights before - the knights all knelt down and shouted in grief 'subordinates' Damn it! ’, and so did the library staff, shivering on their knees.

——The old earl can even attack himself, let alone them?

But Earl Phoenix ignored them. He turned around and threw the kneeling group on the ground.


After seeing Ian and a group of goblins watching the fun with emotion, the old man with his white hair was quite tired and said: "Damn, I didn't expect the inner ghost to hide so deep, I tried back and forth several times, but I didn't feel any emotional change. "

"Strange, even if I'm not afraid of my punishment, seeing myself beating myself, basically everyone will have an abnormal mood change, whether it's 'this old man is showing off' or 'schadenfreude' or 'embarrassment' and 'Fear' is a sign... I have studied emotions and souls for so many years, and I should be fairly accurate in this regard."

"Why is there no response?" He pondered.

"Calm down." Mo Feng comforted: "It doesn't matter as long as you get the books back. Since they are replacing fakes, they must need the real ones—they may place more importance on books than these library staff. !"

The two sides are indeed old friends. This is indeed the right place to comfort. Hearing this, Earl Phoenix's expression is relieved a lot: "Yes. Indeed, but it is still necessary to find the thief first, and then try to prevent him from destroying the stolen one as much as possible. solitary."

But he still sighed deeply: "Oh, it's still my dereliction of duty..."

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