Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio


After sending off Zhu Yansong, Ling Chen playfully teased, “Lass, hurry up and sign a hundred autographs for me! In the future, when you shoot to fame, I’ll sell your autographs for a living!”

Tang Shiyun also could not help but burst out in laughter.

“Big Brother Ling, if such a day comes, then you won’t need to do anything anymore. I’ll feed you.”

“Lass, you really have an eye for people. With a face as handsome as mine, I’m best suited to be a gigolo.”

“Bro, you think it’s easy being a gigolo? Looking at your puny frame, I don’t think you can satisfy her in that area. Why not let us replace you instead?”

At that moment, a few youths walked over, lecherous smiles hanging on their faces.

“Boss, this lass is really a beauty! I think we’re in for a treat tonight.”

“You’re right. It’s not every day that you can see such top-quality goods. Hehehe.”

Listening to their lascivious and dirty comments, Tang Shiyun flushed red with anger and felt a sense of humiliation burning within her.

Ling Chen glanced at these ruffians and although his mouth was smiling, his eyes were brimming with cold murderous intent.

“Gentlemen, I like to joke around, but one of the things I hate the most is others joking about my woman. You guys have crossed my bottom line, and those who do so usually end up sorry.”

“Heh, you sure talk big for a brat! We brothers haven’t exercised for a few days, why not act as a training dummy for us?”

The ruffians provocatively riled him on.

Ling Chen did not say another word, merely taking one step forward towards them.

“Brothers, teach this brat a lesson!”

The goons started swarming towards Ling Chen, surrounding him and leaving him encircled, they bore down on him with their fists raised.

Ling Chen did not even glance towards them. With a slip of his foot, he immediately came face to face with one of the goons. He raised a knee and ferociously lashed out.


A tragic scream, as though a pig being butchered, rang out. The goon tightly clutched his groin, and his face was deathly pale, screaming in a high-pitched voice,

“It’s broken… It’s broken…… Broken!!”

His compatriots, who had witnessed the entire scene, instantly turned pale as well and seethed. “Brat, you dare to cripple my brother?!”

“It won’t only be him. You guys are up next.”

With that, he immediately lurched forward towards them. Simultaneously using both his upper and lower limbs, he swiftly left the goons groaning with pain on the ground.

Ling Chen could only shake his head in disappointment. These bastards are simply trash. I didn’t even use any strength, and they’re all lying on the ground already. Are goons nowadays so weak?

“Speak, why did you come find trouble with us?”

“We didn’t…”

Ling Chen playfully stared at them and grinned maliciously.

“Could it be that you guys think that shattering your balls is too light a punishment? Shall I crush the entire package instead?”

Hearing him say this, the horror and shock quickly shadowed the faces of the goons.

“No, don’t! I’ll just tell you everything. Boss Sheng was the one who ordered us to do it.”

“Boss Sheng? Who’s Boss Sheng?”

“Yang Sheng.”

“I have no grudges with him, why is he finding trouble with me?”

“I’m not too sure about the details. I only know that Miss Lu enlisted Boss Sheng’s help.”

So, it was Lu Yao.

Ling Chen nodded his head inwardly. That woman was indeed trash. Just because Tang Shiyun caught the eyes of Zhu Yansong and as a result he did not pay much attention to her, she took out her jealousy out on the innocent Tang Shiyun.

The wrath of a jealous woman was indeed a fearsome thing.

“Go back and tell this to Yang Sheng, as well as Lu Yao: I will remember this debt, and I will make sure both of them will need the help of a nurse for the rest of their lives. Lass, let’s go.”

It was already half-past ten when they arrived back at their apartment complex.

Ling Chen stared at the dimly lit elevator, and his footsteps came to a stop.

“Lass, I think you should go up first. If your mother saw us, I reckon she’ll be angered to death.”

“Alright. Big Brother Ling, thanks for accompanying me tonight!”

“Why be so polite? A boyfriend has to accompany his girlfriend after all.”

Tang Shiyun blushed and stuck out her tongue. “Who’s your girlfriend? Stop talking nonsense.”

“Just now at the bar, when others said you were my girlfriend I didn’t hear you voicing out your rejection, which means you agreed to it.”

Ling Chen made a vulgar face and let out coarse laughter.

Tang Shiyun snorted lightly. “You only know how to take advantage of me. Baddie! I didn’t want to make you lose face in front of others, so I didn’t correct you. You’re already so old, but you still don’t have a girlfriend. If I said it out loud, even if you don’t have a sense of shame, I’d still feel embarrassed for you!”

“Aiyo! You lass, you actually dare to poke fun at me? Watch how I discipline you!”

With that, he lifted his hand and acted as though he was aiming for Tang Shiyun’s perky bottom.


As his slap came into contact with her body, it landed precisely on a particular part of Tang Shiyun’s body.

At that moment, both of them froze.

The speed at which Ling Chen brought down his hand was not too fast. Initially, he thought that Tang Shiyun would avoid him, but who would have expected her just to stand there?

Tang Shiyun was only wearing a thin skirt, so Ling Chen was instantly able to feel the tender and luscious flesh underneath. Enormously stimulated by the interaction, his right hand did not seem to heed the command of his brain and naughtily squeezed the flesh. Tang Shiyun’s already bright-red face burned even hotter with embarrassment, resembling a flower coming into bloom, looking to be extremely dazzling and eye-catching.

“How hateful!”

Tang Shiyun angrily shook off Ling Chen’s claw and ran up the stairs, looking flustered. In the blink of an eye, not even a trace of her could be seen.

“This lass…”

Thinking back to Tang Shiyun’s coy and embarrassed look, Ling Chen could not help feeling delighted secretly. With this beauty living by his side, it definitely made his life enjoyable.

A few minutes later, he estimated that Tang Shiyun had already entered her house.

He whistled a merry tune and walked up the stairs happily.

At the same time, on a balcony on the fourth floor, a pair of watchful eyes looked away.

In the next two days, Ling Chen did not laze around and was busy trying to find work.

His entire fortune now only amounted to a measly thousand plus dollar and it would only be enough to tide him through this month. If he was unable to find another source of revenue, he was doomed to sleep on the streets.

On a bright morning, the sun peeked out merrily after a night shower, lighting up Donghai City.

The sun was already high up in the sky, making it almost noon, yet Ling Chen was still snoring away in bed, drool forming in a pool beside his pillow. Underneath his head, a gravure magazine displaying women in sexy poses acted as his pillow.


At the sound of someone violently knocking on his door, Ling Chen sleepily raised an eyelid and scolded, “Who is it?”

“Bro Chen, it’s me.”

Rising to his feet, he went to open the door and saw Jiang Hao standing outside, and cantankerously said, “You brat! What do you think…” His voice trailed off as he noticed that there was another guest other than Jiang Hao.

“It’s you? Jiang Hao, why are you together with him?”

“I only coincidentally bumped into him downstairs. He asked whether I knew you or not and even said that he had some matters to settle with you. Hence I brought him here.”

Noticing that Ling Chen had a strange look on his face, Jiang Hao dropped his voice and said softly, “Bro Chen, is this guy finding trouble with you? Do you want me to call some men over for backup?”

“No need. Go back and rest first. This matter has nothing to do with you.”

As Jiang Hao turned to leave, Ling Chen shifted his focus to the surprise guest.

“Steward Liu, do you need something from me?”

The man in front of him was precisely the head steward of the Nanrong Family, Liu Kun.

“Mr Ling, those who come from afar are all guests. Why not invite me in to have a seat?”

“Wait, let’s make things clear first. Are you here to seek revenge for that witch? If so, you can leave now. I have no intention of entertaining you.”

“Revenge? What revenge are you speaking of?”

“You don’t know?”

“Mr Ling, I think there’s some sort of misunderstanding here. This time I came here not to cause you trouble, but instead to offer you a job.”

“Are you for real?” Ling Chen was still sceptical, feeling that Liu Kun was there to seek revenge for Su Lin.

“Mr Ling, why don’t we go inside to chat?”

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