Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

Patting the other party’s shoulders, Ling Chen continued. “If you really feel like you have failed in your duties, then you should strive to do it better in the future and make up for your mistakes. Quitting in the time when the Chairwoman needs you the most, that will really be failing in your duties. As a security guard, sacrifice is inevitable and it comes with the job. As a soldier, you should understand this principle the best.”


“Alright, let’s leave things at that. You should not think too much into it as well. Let’s properly cooperate and ensure the Chairwoman’s safety. This is the only way we can honour our fallen brothers.”

The lift arrived at their floor with a ‘Ding’, but just as Ling Chen lifted a foot to step into the elevator, he heard Su Lin’s voice ringing out from behind him. “Ling Chen, stop right there.”

“Captain Zhong, please go down without me first.”

After the lift door closed, Ling Chen asked curiously, “Miss Su, is there something you’re finding me for?”

“Last night…”

“Please don’t misunderstand. Last night at the bar, I did not do anything to you.”

“I know.”

Although she was intoxicated at the bar last night, she still retained a bit of clarity and could distinctly remember everything that Ling Chen had done.

“Then, why are you looking for me?”


Su Lin hesitated for a while, before gritting her teeth and saying, “Regarding Qin Yang’s matter, I hope you don’t tell my sister.”

So, it’s about that.

“Rest assured, I’m not a man who would run his mouth. However, Miss Su, let me give you a friendly piece of advice. Next time, when choosing a partner, don’t just look at external appearances. As the saying goes, one may know a person for a long time without understanding his true nature. Please do not be so naive next time.”

“I understand.”

With that, she turned to walk back into the office. However, after walking a few steps, she turned her head back again and muttered in an incredibly soft voice, “Thank you.”

Ling Chen froze for a moment before a wide grin split across his face. This lass actually knew how to give thanks! Did the sun rise in the west today?!

When he got back home, Ling Chen dug out a large leather suitcase, packed in a few washed clothes and some daily necessities. His house had nothing valuable, so he managed to pack everything in a jiffy.

Since he was moving over to the Nanrong family’s mansion, he definitely would not be staying in this apartment anymore.

Thus, he gave a call to his landlord and retrieved the initial deposit of one thousand dollars from him.

After stepping out of his apartment, Ling Chen walked to the adjacent apartment, intending to say goodbye to Tang Shiyun. Seeing that the door was firmly shut, he knocked on the door, but there was no response even after he waited for a while. He reckoned that their family must be at the hospital now; thus, no one was at home now.

Forget it, I’ll give that lass a call later and find her another day.

At that moment, Liu Kun had already driven to below the apartment block and was waiting downstairs.

When Ling Chen got in the car, Liu Kun handed a credit card to him.

“What’s this?”

“There are one hundred thousand dollars inside. Old Master asked me to give it to you.”

Ling Chen shook his head. “I don’t want this money. Give the money to the family of our deceased brother instead.”

“You don’t have to fret about that. Old Master has already made arrangements and definitely would not mistreat the family of those who died. The Nanrong family has always valued impartiality. Keep this money and take it as a token of appreciation from the Nanrong family. In the future, please take good care of Young Miss.”

Since Liu Kun already went so far to say that, Ling Chen was not polite any longer and accepted the credit card.

Great! I can use this money to pay for Tang Shiyun’s school fees and her father’s medical bills.

After arriving at Regal Villa, he saw that Nanrong Hao was already waiting for him by the entrance. Seeing the car come to a stop, Nanrong Hao excitedly ran forward and opened the car door for Ling Chen.

“Bro Chen.”

Liu Kun saw this and felt a little out of place. Other than the Young Miss and Old Master, he had never seen Nanrong Hao being so respectful to anyone else.

“You brat, don’t do that in the future. It’s not like I’m missing a hand or leg.”

Ling Chen sternly lectured Nanrong Hao.

He was only an employee, while Nanrong Hao was the Young Master of the family if outsiders witnessed this scene, who knew what they would imagine.

“Yes, yes. Right, Bro Chen, let me show you to your room!”

Although his mouth was saying yes, his body told a different story. He snatched over the leather suitcase from Ling Chen and briskly walked into the house.

Ling Chen had been to the mansion a few times, but this was the first time he officially entered the Nanrong family house.

With Nanrong Hao taking the lead, Ling Chen directly walked through the living room to the courtyard at the back.

It was here that he truly understood the meaning of loaded.

The Nanrong family’s courtyard was as big as a football field and was encircled by high walls, which were over two metres tall. It was even endowed with a flower garden and a swimming pool.

Other than those, there were three separate villas in the courtyard. One was a hut built entirely out of wood, while the other two adopted a European-style of architecture, the outer walls painted white and beige respectively.

Nanrong Hao pointed to the pristine white hut. “That is my sister’s place, while the beige villa is my residence. Naturally, my grandfather lives in the main villa.”


Ling Chen secretly let out an admiring whistle. Rich people were indeed different!

“Lil Hao, where is my room arranged to be at?”

“Over there.”

Nanrong Hao gestured to the white villa.

Ling Chen froze for a while, feeling incredulous.

“I’m actually staying with your older sister?”

“Not just Big Sis, but my cousin as well. My cousin lives with my older sister.”

Speaking of this, Nanrong Hao snickered: “Bro Chen, you will be blessed in the future. I never even stayed at my sister’s villa before. You are definitely the first man to live there.”

“Don’t tell me your older sister actually agreed to it?”

“Of course, she vehemently objected. But my grandfather already gave the order, so she had no choice but to obey unless she was willing to give up on her position as Chairman of Hongyu Multinational. Bro Chen, an idiom describes it well, the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first. This is an opportunity that’s hard to come by. You must seize it.”


“Aiyo!! Bro Chen, why did you hit me?”

“This blow is for your sister. If she knew the kind of nonsense you are saying, she definitely would not spare you. Moreover, a rabbit doesn’t eat the grass by its own burrow, do I look like a man so lacking in principles to you?”

Although his mouth was saying that, there was still a sentence left unspoken in his heart.

Rabbits who don’t eat the grass by their burrows are nothing good either. He wasn’t such a virtuous man.

“Bro Chen, I’ll take you to your room first.”

When they first stepped into the white villa, Ling Chen’s eyes suddenly widened. In the living room that was at least hundreds of square meters, a 120-inch LCD TV hung on the pristine white walls. A leather sofa, seeming like what European nobility would use, was placed in the centre and the floor was carpeted with thick, luxurious wool. Next to the fireplace, exquisite decorations and accessories were hung, including several abstract paintings.

The whole place exuded a sophisticated and elegant vibe.

The room that the Nanrong family prepared for Ling Chen was on the first floor, adjacent to the living room.

The guest room was at least twenty square metres wide and even came with its personal bathroom. All the essential home appliances were present, and the room was much more luxurious than the apartment he had been living in.

“Bro Chen, if there’s anything you’re not satisfied with, you can just list your concerns to me. I’ll get someone to rectify them.” Nanrong Hao smiled slightly and said.

“No, this is already perfect.”

Ling Chen nodded his head. The current accommodation far surpassed anything he had imagined.

“Bro Chen, I still have something on, so I’ll get going first. If there’s anything you need, just give me a call.”

“Alright, go tend to your business then.”

After sending off Nanrong Hao, Ling Chen opened his leather suitcase and neatly laid out his clothes in the wardrobe.

At that moment, an old, worn-out photograph suddenly fell out from one of his pockets.

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