Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

This position… The boy should be below and the girl on top.

This kind of pointless thought flashed through Ling Chen’s mind.

If Su Lin knew he was thinking about this moment, she would definitely accuse him of being scum again.

Pushing himself to his feet, he extended a hand to help Su Lin up, only for the latter angrily slap his hand away.

Supporting her aching waist with her hand, Su Lin glared at Ling Chen with blazing eyes.

“Ling Chen!! What were you planning to do? Were you trying to kill me?”

Long Chen made a helpless face. “Miss Su, you can’t blame me for this. Who asked you to sneak around and cause me to mistake you as an assassin. It was pitch-black just now, so I couldn’t make out your identity. Hmm? What’s this?”

As he said that, he noticed that there was a container lying on the ground and bent over to pick it up. However, Su Lin’s reactions were even faster, snatching the container into her arms at a lightning-fast pace and used her body to shield it from Ling Chen’s eyes.

Seeing that, Ling Chen could not help grinning.

Su Lin petulantly snapped, “What are you smiling at?”

“Miss Su, if I’m not mistaken, that packet contains cucumbers. Could it be that you’re hungry?”

“Who… who’s hungry…”

“If you’re not hungry, then why were you sneaking around with a packet of cucumbers. Unless… you wanted to do that?”

Ling Chen flashed a devilish smile at her, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Hearing his words, it was unclear what Su Lin thought of, but her face became flushed in an instant. She stammered out, in embarrassment and anger, “Ling Chen! You… you… you wicked scumbag! Pervert! Ruffian! You… you…!!”

“Miss Su, I didn’t say anything, though? Why are you so riled up?”

“You hooligan… Don’t think about whatever perverted stuff is going through your mind!”

“I think there’s a grave misunderstanding here! Miss Su, what I’m trying to say was that perhaps you were using the packet of cucumbers to make a face mask? What has it got to do with being a hooligan? Unless… you were thinking of a separate thing altogether?”

At that moment, Su Lin’s face reddened even further, and she could not even muster a retort.

“I don’t want to entertain a ruffian like you anymore! Hmph!”

Spitting out the sentence angrily, she rushed upstairs immediately and vanished from his vision in an instant.

Ling Chen smirked inwardly. During yesterday’s dinner, Nanrong Hao had mentioned that the two beauties had gone on a hunger strike to protest his stay. Ling Chen reckoned that Su Lin the lass must have been famished. Thus, she had snuck out in the middle of the night to steal some food. She was afraid of being found out, which was why she acted so sneakily, her actions akin to how a burglar would behave.

Looking at the time, it was almost dawn. He briskly walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, starting to busy himself.

Shortly afterwards, the fragrant aroma of steaming egg noodles wafted out. After sprinkling green onion as a garnish and some seasoning, Ling Chen immediately carried the two bowls upstairs.

The villa had a total of three floors. The second floor had two bedrooms which were adjacent to the hallway, directly opposite to each other.

This was the first time Ling Chen was up there and he was clueless which rooms Nanrong Wanqing and Su Lin stayed in respectively.

He thus placed the two steaming bowls of noodles outside each door respectively and lightly rapped on each door, before turning to head downstairs.

The next morning.

It was not even seven yet, but Ling Chen was already up.

He deliberately headed to the second floor to take a look, only to see both bowls of noodles in their original positions. The only difference was that one bowl was untouched, while the other empty.

It did not take a genius to figure out that the one who finished the bowl of noodles must have been Su Lin, while the one who left it untouched was Nanrong Wanqing.

Although he hadn’t known Nanrong Wanqing for long, he was extremely certain about the type of character she has. She definitely was a stubborn woman who would see things through to the end.

Taking advantage of the fact that the two were still sleeping, he brought the two bowls downstairs to wash them.

It was only after eight o’clock that Nanrong Wanqing, and Su Lin roused from their slumber.

Walking downstairs and seeing that Ling Chen was heartily eating his breakfast of noodles, Nanrong Wanqing’s complexion sank.

“Why are you still here?”

“Chairwoman, these are your grandfather’s intentions, and it’s not that I want to stay here shamelessly. Why do you have to vent your anger on me? I’m just an employee.”


Su Linn was about to open her mouth to speak, but she was cut off by Nanrong Wanqing. “There’s no need to quarrel with him. What he’s saying isn’t wrong. This matter is indeed not something he can decide.”

Ling Chen grinned. “Chairwoman is indeed a reasonable person.” He then pointed to his egg noodles and asked. “Are you two interested in breakfast?”

“Not at all.”

Su Lin angrily retorted before pushing Nanrong Wanqing out of the villa.

That lass…… Ling Chen pressed his lips together. She said she was not interested, but she devoured the bowl of noodles he made last night. Not even a drop of soup was left.

Due to the assassination attempt yesterday, Nanrong Wanqing was supposed to stay at home to rest and temporarily could not return to the company.

However, Ling Chen could not be so leisurely and had many things to attend to.

Not long after breakfast, Zhong Wei came to the villa. Last night, the two had already arranged to meet. Their purpose was to upgrade the security system of the Nanrong family thoroughly.

Ling Chen handed over a list that he prepared earlier over to Zhong Wei, asking, “Could this be done?”

Zhong Wei merely scanned over the list, before putting it into his pocket.

“No problem. I can get it done within half a day.”

Hearing this statement, Ling Chen was taken aback. A few of the items he jotted down on the list were military-grade and could not be bought on the market. He had only casually written them inside, but he never expected that Zhong Wei would be able to prepare them and in such a short time to boot. It seems like the Nanrong family’s background was more profound than I had imagined.

After noontime, Zhong Wei delivered all the items he had requested to the villa.

It took another afternoon of effort, and the cooperation of Zhong Wei and Nanrong Hao before Ling Chen successfully installed all the security features. Not only were all the surveillance cameras upgraded to include thermal sensing functions, but the lawn around them were equipped with auditory monitoring equipment as well. Once activated, as long as someone stepped on the lawn, the sound of their footsteps would be captured.

Finishing the tasks for the day, when Ling Chen returned to the villa, Nanrong Wanqing and Su Lin had already shut themselves in their rooms. According to what Nanrong Hao had said, the two beauties had refused to eat again today and were planning on carrying out their hunger strikes.

Not wanting to let them suffer and due to the immense compassion in his heart, Ling Chen thus made two bowls of egg noodles again and delivered them to the two beauties’ rooms. Just like last night, he knocked on the door before leaving, and only returned the following morning to collect the bowls.

Unsurprisingly, only one bowl of noodles had been eaten.

Ling Chen was at a loss. He was already extending an olive branch. If the other party chose to ignore his goodwill, he was helpless to do anything as well.

At nine o’clock the next morning, Ling Chen gave Zhong Wei a call, before shutting himself in his room. Turning on his laptop, he entered a suspicious-looking website that was filled with advertisements and chose the one on the bottom right corner. Following that, he filtered the ads according to a unique set of criteria. The end result was an URL link and a series of random numbers.

The website had its private chat room. After keying in the numbers, an alert popped up, saying that a stranger had entered the chat room.

“13-4, 16-5, 17-1, 19-6”

Ling Chen keyed in those numbers.

“8-4, 25-8, 4-16”

Very swiftly, the other party replied, returning a series of numbers as well.

Looking at these numbers, the corners of Ling Chen’s lips lifted, and he continued to use this unique way of communication to converse with the other party.

This was a communication method commonly used in the world of killers and mercenaries. Every number symbolised a letter. After all, the internet was not secure, and they had to ensure that the contents of their conversation were not leaked.

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