Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 100 The monster attack on the village begins

"Hurry, the BOSS can't hold on any longer!"

"Go, go, go! Everyone!"

"I'll do the last damage!"

Seeing the huge ghost general hundreds of meters tall about to fall, everyone rushed up like crazy to grab the head.

"Let me do it!" Xiao Jie leaped up, like a roc spreading its wings, and flew directly into the sky, even at the same height as the ghost general. He slashed with two swords in his hands, and with just one sword, he cut off the ghost general's head.

He didn't forget to pose when he landed.

Equipment burst out all over the sky, and orange and purple light covered the ground.

Xiao Jie turned around, and the ghost general's head happened to fall in front of him. He couldn't help but smile slightly. It was just a ghost general... The next second, the ghost general suddenly opened his eyes again, staring at him with red pupils, and bit him.

Xiao Jie subconsciously stepped back, but the bite hit his arm, and he was completely numb instantly.

The huge head devoured him bit by bit, swallowing him into its mouth.

"No, I can't-die!" Xiao Jie shouted.

Ah! With a bang, he suddenly woke up from his dream, and then he realized that he was just dreaming.

His right hand was pressed under his body at some point, and it was numb.

He moved his numb arm and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

What you think about during the day will appear in your dreams at night. This dream is really mixed.

He looked at the time and it was exactly half past six.

Xiao Jie smiled self-deprecatingly. Since playing this "Old Land" game, his work and rest time has become much more regular. He goes to bed early at night and wakes up early in the morning.

If he doesn't die in the game, maybe he can live a few more years.

Get up and wash up. Today is the day of the decisive battle. You must be fully prepared to participate in the battle in the best posture.

Breakfast was "garden pancakes" and soy milk. After breakfast, Xiao Jie took out a bottle of apple sparkling wine from the food cabinet and put it in the refrigerator. In previous years, when he led a group to attack a dungeon, he always prepared such a bottle. After the dungeon was over and the BOSS was taken down, he would drink it by himself to celebrate.

Reward yourself with cold and sweet apple wine.

I hope I can do it today.

After eating and drinking, Xiao Jie entered the game.

The Ginkgo Village in the early morning has a unique quiet beauty. Xiao Jie came to the wall of the village, which was already full of rolling logs and throwing stones. The players have been fully preparing for the battle in the past two days, and the NPCs have not been idle either.

The gate has also been reinforced, and the durability has been increased from 1000 points to 2000 points.

He looked into the distance. There was silence in the forest, and he could not feel the danger coming at all.

However, the danger was real. Xiao Jie glanced at the countdown in the upper left corner of the screen. There were still four hours before the monsters attacked the village.

The arrival of the militia broke the tranquility of the early morning, and soon the village wall was full of fully armed militia.

Then, several other players also came online one after another.

The first one to walk onto the village wall was Dongfang Sheng. He had not seen him for two days and he had already reached level 4. It seemed that he had killed many monsters in the past two days.

He was wearing leather armor, carrying a spear, and holding a crossbow. I guess he asked Wang Kai to help him buy it.

The advantages of the crossbow are higher damage, high basic accuracy, and accurate shooting without archery. The disadvantages are slow shooting speed, no power damage bonus, and no way to use combat skills. In other words, the damage is fixed, which is very suitable for novices.

"Good morning, Brother Suifeng." Dongfang Sheng greeted him. His voice sounded a little nervous and expectant. Xiao Jie was not surprised, and so was he.

"Good morning, Brother Dongfang."

I want to become an immortal also came online, wearing iron armor and holding a huge axe, looking majestic.

"Good morning, Brother Feng."

"Good morning, Chengxian."

The third person to arrive was Wang Kai.

"I thought you didn't dare to come?" Xiao Jie couldn't help but joked when he saw Wang Kai walking up to the village wall.

"Haha, it hasn't started yet, don't worry, I will definitely be the first to log off when the monsters really start attacking the city. Hey, where is Ye Luo?"

"I haven't seen her for two days - um, she's here."

Ye Luo walked out of the village in the distance. She changed into a black leather armor suit, which seemed to be newly bought.

When she walked to the bottom of the wall, she suddenly flew into the air, and landed on the three-meter-high village wall with a somersault.

Xiao Jie was surprised, and then looked at her avatar. There was a white energy bar under the blood bar.

"Have you learned internal strength and light skills?"

"Yes, how cool is it? It's easier to escape if you really can't win."

Xiao Jie thought to himself, sister, are you going to hit the morale so hard? You just want to escape.

"It's pretty cool. By the way, I made some glutinous rice cakes. Everyone take two pieces."

After a few people exchanged greetings, there was movement from the NPC side.

Huang Shidao led a group of villagers from Ginkgo Village to the bottom of the city wall.

At this time, almost all the villagers in Ginkgo Village gathered here. It was the first time that Xiao Jie found that there were so many people in this small village.

But Huang Shidao looked around and spoke in an old and emotional voice.

Huang Shidao (the head of Ginkgo Village): "Dear elders, neighbors, and returnees from afar in Ginkgo Village, today our Ginkgo Village has suffered a great disaster, which is unprecedented.

In such a dangerous situation, only unity can survive. Behind you is your homeland and your relatives. For all this, fight hard, warriors."

The militia cheered excitedly, and the villagers were also in high spirits.

There were also women sobbing and old people sighing.

Xiao Jie's mind was a little erratic, and he recalled the dream last night. He always felt that the ghost general in the dream looked familiar.

"Tie Qianli, Yang Baichuan, and a few returnees, I will rely on you today."

"Don't worry, village chief, Tie will not fail in his mission."

"I, Old Yang, have nothing else to say, I will risk my life today."

"Don't worry, old man, when I first came here, I once said that I would kill demons and eliminate monsters, and pacify this chaotic world. Today is the time for me to fulfill my promise."

"Don't worry, old man, just look at our strength."

"Don't worry, village chief, I will never step back!"


"Okay, then I will wait for your good news from the ancestors, and all the old, weak, women and children who can't participate in the battle will follow me." Huang Shidao said and left with a group of old, weak, women and children who have little combat power.

The rest are either militias or NPCs with certain combat power.

The butcher wielded two meat cleavers, Zhou Tong carried a big iron hammer, Wang Daniu, who taught Xiao Jie how to chop wood, carried a hatchet, the lumberjack carried an iron axe, and the owner of the food store held a wooden barrel full of steamed buns... Such a group of people actually felt like a hidden dragon.

Even Tian Bao came to join the battle with a wooden spear.

Wang Kai watched with relish, "The morale is good. It seems that we should win today. Everyone, time is almost up. I have watched the excitement and I will not stay any longer. I have not been idle these two days. I made some equipment and props. After all, I am also a member of Ginkgo Village. Although I dare not fight with you, these things are my intentions."

Wang Kai traded some of the things he had prepared to everyone one by one.

Twenty cold iron flying knives were given to Ye Luo.

One steel shield was given to Yu Chengxian, with a durability of 500 points, more than twice the durability of the iron shield.

Twenty fine steel crossbow arrows were given to Dongfang Sheng.

What Xiao Jie was given were three whetstones.

[Fine whetstone (consumable)

Use: Increase the sharpness of one of your slashing weapons by +10. Lasts for 30 minutes.

Item description: The whetstone made of azurite can increase the sharpness of the weapon in a short period of time, making the chance of the weapon triggering special effects such as critical strikes, bleeding, and limb loss to a certain extent. 】

Good stuff.

If you fight a boss, the more BUFFs the better.

"Thank you, brother Wang."

"You're welcome. Remember to send me a micro-blog after the battle. Okay, everyone, I'll take my leave now. I wish you all the best."

After saying that, he ran to a remote corner and logged off.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon it was half past eleven.

"Chengxian, it's time to make the final preparations."

Xiao Jie said to me, Yu Chengxian.

The two immediately got off the wall and began to move materials from the warehouse.

The structure of this urn city had been planned by the two of them long ago, and at this time, it was like stacking blocks, and they quickly piled up on the inside of the gate.

Wood is used as the skeleton, dry wood is used as firewood, and wheat straw is used as kindling.

Ye Luo was surprised, but Dongfang Sheng was a little surprised.

Damn, it can be done this way?

Now I don’t know if my plan can be the best.

Soon a U-shaped wall surrounded the inside of the gate. This wall was not strong because there was no construction skill. It was just simply stacked up, but it was enough to reduce the number of zombies.

At the bottom of the U-shaped wall, there was an exit more than one person wide for the militia guarding the village to pass through, so as not to burn the militia responsible for blocking the door.

When Xiao Jie and I Yu Chengxian came to the wall of the village again, the time finally came to 12 o'clock.

As the countdown ended, many figures suddenly appeared in the distant forest.

Taking slow steps, they gradually emerged from the woods, dark and endless, hundreds and thousands.

"Damn, it looks like a biochemical crisis!" I Yu Chengxian screamed.

Indeed, looking at the numerous soulless zombies, with haggard faces, staggering steps, slowly approaching in groups, and making meaningless groans, it really feels like a zombie siege.

And behind the zombie army, you can see many cadaver dogs, wandering around the zombies in groups of three or five, making strange roars, adding more weird atmosphere to the scene in front of you.

Those burly zombies were gathered together, and hundreds of zombies formed a messy black cluster, which should be the main force of this siege.

Behind them, there were several gray-robed corpse drivers, shaking bells and driving the zombies.

However, Xiao Jie's real focus was on the BOSS, a black-robed man wearing a bamboo hat, who suddenly appeared at the end of the team. He was too far away to see his specific appearance. Next to him, there was a burly ghost general who was three meters tall and exuded a cold breath of death. He wore an evil ghost mask, a black armor with a skull swallowing shoulder, and held an iron halberd, looking domineering.

I just don't know which of the two is the boss.

Woo woo woo! The militia on the sentry tower blew the horn, and the entire Ginkgo Village was on alert.

The monsters are attacking the village - it has begun!

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