Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 105: Boss Xiao’s ingenuity

Ye Luo couldn't help but say, "Don't laugh, this magic circle only lasts for ten minutes, hurry up and recover, there will be a big battle next."

The village chief Huang sighed at this time, turned around and entered the ancestral hall, and everyone hurriedly followed him in.

When Xiao Jie entered the ancestral hall, he saw several villagers with corpse poison, their faces full of green gas, and hurriedly clicked to give them some glutinous rice cakes.

The doctor in the village over there was also constantly treating the villagers to recover their blood. In ten minutes, they should be able to recover almost all of their blood.

However, the villagers suffered heavy losses in the previous battle, especially the casualties of the militia. Now there are only a dozen militias and four or five villagers who can fight here. In addition, there are three powerful NPCs, Tie Qianli, Yang Baichuan, and Zhou Tong.

Originally, Xiao Jie had high hopes for the three people. In his opinion, this kind of NPC with thick blood can definitely fight with the BOSS for a few moves. Taking this opportunity, the four of them desperately output in the back. The BOSS only has more than a thousand blood points, and it can be worn out.

But now it seems that this plan is a bit unreliable. The combat effectiveness of the three people is still a bit different from that of the ghost general.

The key is that this game is not like the online games Xiao Jie played in the past, it is closer to an action game.

The tactics that Xiao Jie used to use, "tanks pull well, healers heal, and DPS pump hard, are simply useless. '

There is no such thing as pulling monsters in this game. The ghost generals have all kinds of tricks to knock them away and knock them down. Even a muscular man like Zhou Tong will be knocked away at the first sight and can't be pulled at all.

In addition to brainless monsters like zombies, ghost generals and corpse-driving warlocks are all intelligent and will not be fooled by traditional iron triangle tactics at all.

The nurse does not exist. Even if the ordinary villager with more than 100 HP of the doctor really goes to the battlefield to add blood, he will probably be killed by the opponent in the first time.

Without tanks and nurses, how can these DPS have room for output.

However, Xiao Jie did not feel desperate because of this. Instead, he was a little excited. The more difficult the game is, the more sense of accomplishment he will have after winning.

And after playing the game for so many years, can he still be stumped by just two novice village BOSSes?

He also has some trump cards, but the situation is unclear now, and he is not sure whether they can be used.

His brain is working quickly, integrating various resource information in his mind.

Others are surrounding Village Chief Huang, hoping that Huang Shidao can have some hidden tricks.

I want to become an immortal and asked anxiously: "Village Chief, what trump cards do you have? Use them when you should."

Yang Baichuan also sighed, "Yes, Village Chief, my apprentice is right. Now Ginkgo Village has reached the end of its rope. If there is no good way, I am afraid..."

Huang Shidao said solemnly, "Now I do have another way, that is to remove the seal of the sacred tree. With the power of the tree god, it can definitely destroy the ghost general and the corpse-driving sorcerer, but..."

"But what?" Dongfang Sheng asked hurriedly.

The village chief did not answer, Xiao Jie understood instantly that this Ginkgo Fairy is not a good bird. If she is really released, she can destroy the corpse-driving sorcerer and the ghost general, but the villagers will probably die next.

This monster has been sealed for so many years and used as a charging station to protect the village. I'm afraid it has been full of resentment for a long time.

Why is it all about death? Everyone was gloomy for a while.

Several players had their own thoughts. Although most of the zombies attacking the village were eliminated, the corpse drivers and corpse-eating dogs were also dealt with, but the ones left outside were all deadly. Two bosses and a large group of zombies are all tough.

The key is that no one can deal with these two bosses.

Once the village protection array disappears, it will probably be a massacre immediately. Although the reward is tempting, life is still important. If it doesn't work, you have to run.

Dongfang Sheng whispered: "Brother Suifeng, why don't we retreat."

"No, things are not desperate yet, there is still a chance of a comeback." Xiao Jie said, and a plan was finally conceived in his mind.

That's right, just do it. Although it is not a sure thing, it is the best way that can be thought of at present.

There is always a 70% to 80% chance of winning.

Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "Everyone, don't be discouraged. I have a way to solve the current crisis, but everyone must listen to my orders. If we can work together, I will definitely lead everyone to turn the tide."

The desperate villagers looked up at Xiao Jie. Although they didn't dare to believe it, they also had a glimmer of hope.

The previous fire killed countless zombies, and Xiao Jie was recognized by the villagers.

Tie Qianli hurriedly said: "Suifeng Warrior, do you really have any ideas?"

Yang Baichuan also said: "Yes, apprentice, if you have any ideas, just say it quickly."

"Little brother, tell me, I listen to you."

Even Huang Shidao showed an eager look, "Little brother, if you have a way, just tell me. If you can really save my whole village, as the head of Ginkgo Village, I will definitely cooperate with you."

Xiao Jie thought that he was waiting for you to say this. Time was running out, so he didn't talk nonsense anymore.

"Ye Luo, go to the roof of the ancestral hall to check the current status of the BOSS."

Ye Luo answered yes, went out and somersaulted onto the roof, and walked back a moment later.

"The ghost general is blocking the outside with more than 20 zombies. Lin Yutian is in the square, surrounded by more than a dozen zombies and dozens of soulless zombies.

Xiao Jie thought that this BOSS was really cautious. Even at this time, he still had so many followers around him. Fortunately, he thought of a countermeasure.

"My plan is very simple, that is, the decapitation operation. These zombies are originally ownerless wild monsters. They will not deliberately come to my Ginkgo Village to be enemies on weekdays. They are completely driven by the corpse-driving technique. As long as the corpse-driving sorcerer is killed, those zombies will naturally have no driver.

If there is only one ghost general left at that time, everyone will pile it up to kill it.

Captain Tie, Master Yang, Master Zhou, the three of you lead the militia to defend the gate of the ancestral hall with all your strength. Once the magic circle disappears, you must defend the gate and delay the ghost general. At the same time, I will take the opportunity to attack the corpse-driving sorcerer. Launch a surprise attack, kill him, and then attack the ghost general from behind, so that you can win. "

Tie Qianli said generously: "Don't worry, little brother, even if Tie dies here, he will never let the ghost general step into the ancestral hall."

Huang Shidao listened, but he hesitated: "That's right, but if too many people go, the ancestral hall will be difficult to defend, and too many people will be noticed by the ghost general. If too few people go, they will not be the opponent of the corpse-driving sorcerer at all..."

"No need for many people, the three of us are enough."

"I'll go too!" Dongfang Sheng shouted hurriedly.

At the same time, a private message came.

Dongfang Sheng: Brother Suifeng, don't leave me behind if you run away!

Xiao Jie glanced at Dongfang Sheng and thought, is this guy afraid of being sold?

"Okay... Then four. "

I want to become an immortal: Brother Feng, can the four of us do it?

Ye Luo: Let's make it clear first, if I really can't beat you, I will run away.

Yin Yue Suifeng: Don't worry, I'll take care of everything.

Huang Shidao looked hesitant, and suddenly, he seemed to have made up his mind.

"Four warriors, please follow me."

Huang Shidao led the four people to the tablet in the ancestral hall and took out four incense sticks from his pocket.

Xiao Jie's eyes lit up immediately. During this period, he used various methods to find this incense. He checked all the stores and even tried to test Huang Shidao in a roundabout way. Unfortunately, he didn't get anything. Sure enough, Huang Shidao still had stock in his hands.

Huang Shidao lit the four incense sticks and inserted them into the incense burner.

"Ancestors, my Ginkgo Village has now reached the point of being at the end of the road. Huang Shidao, an unfilial descendant, prays for the blessing of the ancestors. Please protect these four returnees and guard Ginkgo Village."

The names on the list shone brightly, and four golden lights fell on the four people respectively.

System prompt: Your ancestor has appeared, and you have gained the buff effect [Ancestral Protection]. You have been blessed by your ancestors, and all attributes have increased by 30% for 60 minutes.

Xiao Jie was overjoyed. He was only 60% to 70% sure before, but now - it is 80% to 90%. Now it depends on whether his guess can come true.

Huang Shidao bowed and said solemnly: "Four returnees, my Ginkgo Village is all relying on you."

Xiao Jie also straightened his posture and said solemnly: "Don't worry, village chief, we will not fail our mission."

Time is tight, and there are only a few minutes left. The four of them no longer hesitated and walked out of the back door of the ancestral hall, carefully bypassing several houses and heading towards the periphery of the village. From a distance, they can see that the ghost general and the zombies surrounded the ancestral hall on three sides, and there is a faint trend of surrounding three and leaving one.

Could it be that this ghost general also understands the art of war? Xiao Jie couldn't help but have some associations in his mind.

When they were some distance away from the ancestral hall, Dongfang Sheng suddenly laughed out loud: "Hahaha, Brother Suifeng is really good at planning. He let those NPCs attract firepower in the ancestral hall, so that we can escape safely."

Xiao Jie glanced at Dongfang Sheng, but smiled slightly, "Who said we are going to run away? Come on, follow me to kill the BOSS."

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