Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 117 Silver Treasure Box (End of Volume 1)

An hour later——

Puff! The blade swirled across the bandit's throat, and the bandit covered his neck, coughed blood, and fell to the ground.

Xiao Jie looked at his character putting the knife back into the sheath, and suddenly said.

"Have you noticed that the monsters in this game will have different death appearances depending on the way they die."

"Uh, Brother Feng, are you okay? Isn't this normal?"

Xiao Jie sighed, a rotten tree can't be carved.

These game details often contain a lot of the underlying operating logic of the game. Only by observing can you find the various tricks and hidden gameplay of the game, but it seems that not everyone can realize this.

"No more talking, let's prepare to attack the camp."

At this moment, the two have killed their way to the entrance of the bandit camp.

The bandits in groups around the camp have been killed.

Even the three behind the big rock on the nearby earth hill were solved in advance.

Now only the group of bandits in the camp are left.

According to the experience of these days, the monsters will not refresh for at least an hour, and the two have enough time to take over the camp.

Xiao Jie took out his notebook and looked through the results of the last investigation.

There were a total of thirteen bandits in the bandit camp, nine fixed monsters, three people in a group, scattered around the three tents in the camp.

Two gatekeeper monsters, guarding both sides of the camp gate, judging from the distance, they should have no hatred relationship with the bandits in the camp.

A bandit leader, level nine, wearing iron armor, a felt hat, holding a big gun, looked stronger than the ordinary bandits around.

There was also a thin bandit who looked like a soulless zombie, holding a gong in his hand, walking around in the camp.

This monster is likely to be a sentinel monster, once alarmed, it will ring the gong to gather the surrounding bandits.

"We will kill the two at the door first, and then use bows and arrows to lure them out and kill them."

"Then there are the three monsters in the tent at the door, which should also be lured out and killed."

"The third step is more troublesome. We must kill the bandit with the gong instantly. We cannot give him a chance to strike the gong, otherwise he will definitely strike the gong and attract the attention of all the bandits around."

"If we can solve it, the rest will be relatively easy to deal with. We just need to defeat them one by one."

This bandit who strikes the gong happens to be located in the middle of two tents deep in the camp. Judging from the distance and the surrounding two groups of monsters, he can be linked to hatred. In other words, no matter which group is attacked, it will attract the attention of the bandit who strikes the gong, and will also trigger the hatred of the other group of monsters, as well as the hatred of the bandit leader.

So only by killing the bandit who strikes the gong can we feel at ease to defeat them one by one.

"This is the most difficult step. This guy has 140 HP. We definitely can't kill him in one round, but your full moon attack should be able to stun him and prevent him from beating the gong. We will try to kill him in the second round."

"But if it fails, it will be a bit troublesome. Then we will implement plan B - run away after killing the bandit who beat the gong, and come back after we are out of the battle. By then, there will be no bandit who beats the gong, and we can defeat them one by one without worry. Your magic talisman is still there, right? Then just run at high speed.

Are there any problems?"

"Uh, there are problems."

Hmm? Xiao Jie was stunned. It was the first time he heard I want to become an immortal say this.

"Tell me about it."

"I think even if we attract all the bandits, we can still win - look at the hill over there, we can run directly to the top of the hill to defend from above, my wild throwing skill can throw stones to knock them down, and the mountain road is narrow, they can't play the advantage of numbers.

As long as one person guards the mountain pass and the other is responsible for long-range output, it can be completely defended.

And there are coal balls to fill the position, I don't think it's a big problem."

Xiao Jie looked at me with some surprise, thinking that it's okay, the boy has grown up, regardless of whether this plan works or not, being able to come up with a complete action plan made Xiao Jie look at him with some new eyes.

"Did you come up with this?"

"Last time we came to investigate, I was thinking about how to deal with these bandits, but at that time my level was too low, so there was nothing I could do. Now that my level is high enough, I think I can give it a try, but it's still up to you, Brother Feng, to decide, I just mentioned it."

I'm obviously not very confident about my desire to become an immortal.

Xiao Jie observed the terrain, but felt that this plan was very feasible.

"No, your plan is very good. If we can defeat them in one wave, at least we can leave a magic talisman. Let's do it. If we can't hold on, we can just jump off the mountain and run away. The small earthen hill is not very high, and it won't kill anyone anyway - let's go."

Two arrows whizzed, and the two bandits at the door rushed over immediately.

Sure enough, this kind of brainless monster is easy to deal with. It won't go back to call for help. Xiao Jie sighed, and the two of them took one each and easily dealt with it.

Approaching the camp, I observed the situation in the camp, which was exactly the same as the last reconnaissance.

Come to think of it, there is no one to fight except the two of them. It is estimated that there will be no change in ten thousand years.

Xiao Jie aimed at a bandit and shot an arrow.

When the target was hit, the two immediately retreated. In case these bandits did not play by the routine and called a bunch of monsters to kill, the two could run away in time.

Fortunately, the three bandits had no intention of calling for help and rushed out directly.

Coal balls charged forward and knocked over one another, Xiao Jie waved his two swords wildly, and I chopped down with my immortal axe.

It was easily solved in a moment.

Standing at the entrance of the camp, looking at the gong-beating bandit sitting listlessly on the ground in the distance, now is the most critical wave.

The two aimed at the gong-beating bandit at the same time.

Continuous arrows!

Full moon shooting!

In order to increase the damage as much as possible, Xiao Jie even used wolf tooth arrows!

Puff puff puff!

Four more arrows instantly appeared on the gong-beating bandit.

The blood volume was less than half left.

The bandit screamed and picked up the gong to beat it.

"Quick, another round!"

Xiao Jie quickly pulled the bow and shot the arrow,

Whoosh-clang! This time there was no time to fully aim, and the shooting was a bit hasty. The third arrow happened to hit the gong, and immediately made a sound of metal and iron clashing.

Full moon shooting! Puff, I want to become an immortal and kill the gong-beating bandit with one arrow, but it was too late.

As the gong sounded, all the remaining bandits were startled.

Bandit leader: "There are intruders! Kill!"

A group of seven bandits rushed over at once.


The two turned around and ran, rushing down the hillside, rushing towards the winding mountain road and the top of the earthen mountain.

When the two rushed to the top of the mountain, they turned around and saw seven bandits climbing up along the winding mountain road.

Xiao Jie immediately opened his bow and shot arrows, and I, Yu Chengxian, also picked up the rocks next to me and threw them down.

Wild throw! A stone flew directly over. From a high position, it directly knocked a bandit climbing the mountain down several meters.

These soul-losing bandits completely ignored the danger and continued to move forward.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!


Stones and arrows kept flying out, and two bandits were killed in the blink of an eye.

But the other bandits finally rushed to the vicinity.

The bandit leader took the lead and emerged from the mountain road with a spear in his hand.

I wanted to become an immortal and threw a stone at him. The bandit leader held his spear horizontally and blocked it.

"Coal balls!"

The wild boar charged forward and hit the bandit leader, who was hit directly and fell backwards.

Another bandit rushed up.

I wanted to become an immortal and didn't have time to pick up the stone. I rushed over and gave him a bear hug.

One, two, three times, and then threw him suddenly, knocking the two bandits who rushed up from behind and rolling down the mountain.

Haha, cool!

Xiao Jie continued to shoot, and another bandit with low health was killed.

Combat skills-long spear thrust!

It was the bandit leader who rushed up with a long spear.

Xiao Jie turned over and dodged.

The bandit leader took a step forward and swept horizontally.

Sweeping thousands of troops!

Xiao Jie, who landed, turned his blade back.

Dang! He swung the spear away and slashed with two swords.

After using the trick, a terrifying face immediately appeared. The bandit leader turned around and ran away before he could even start. Xiao Jie frantically finished off the bandit leader who had his back exposed...

At the same time, several bandits behind him also rushed up, and I, Yu Chengxian, directly swung the giant axe to meet them.

One man guarding the pass, the three bandits were directly stuck on the mountain road.

One hack and kill, one fell.

One cut in two!

Puff, the bandit leader who had just recovered from the state of fear was taken away directly.

So easy! Looking at his blood bar which was still full of blood, and the enemy lying on the ground, this feeling of ease made Xiao Jie whistle.

"Haha, Brother Feng, am I fierce?" I, Yu Chengxian drank a small blood bottle and said excitedly.

"Yes, it's quite fierce." Xiao Jie praised.

Now the two of them are really powerful. The bandit camp that made them sigh at the beginning is now easily taken down.

"Don't show off, touch the corpse quickly, the monster will spawn soon."

I want to become an immortal and act quickly.

"Wow, a skill book is out."

The bandit leader dropped a pair of blank combat boots and a skill book.

[Sweeping the Thousands of Armies (Skill Book)]

Well, it seems that this thing is a common item, and it seems that everyone who uses a gun can do it.

I'll sell it for money later.

Unfortunately, this leader is just an elite monster and didn't drop anything good.

Several bandits also looted it, and the two quickly ran to the camp.

Silver treasure chest!

"Come on, become an immortal, touch something good."

I want to become an immortal and touched it excitedly.

Bang! Copper coins popped out of the box, and all kinds of equipment, and covered the ground in the blink of an eye.

Cool! Don't talk about whether there are good things, just this effect makes people feel very satisfied.

The two of them picked up the items quickly, and picked up more than 3,000 coins, as well as more than a dozen white equipment, including two green equipment.

[Hunter Gauntlets (Gloves/Excellent)

Defense +3.

Hit +1.

Item Description: Leather-made gauntlets, the detached finger sleeves can improve the accuracy of long-range attacks when shooting arrows. ]

[Iron Guard Wristguard (Wristguard/Excellent)

Defense +4

Strength +1.

Item Description: The standard wristguard of Fengyin Iron Guard, forged with fine iron, has good protection and can improve the wrist strength of the wearer. ]

[Silver Ingot (10 Liang) (Precious Item)

Item Description: Silver ingot made of pure silver, net weight 10 Liang, can be exchanged for 10,000 copper coins in the bank. ]

It's really what you need, 100,000 yuan.

"The Hunter Gauntlet belongs to me, the Iron Guard Wristguard belongs to you, the silver ingot is half for each of you, and the skill book will be divided after it is sold." Xiao Jie said and directly traded 5,000 coins to me Yu Chengxian.

"Brother Feng, I'll give you this silver ingot. You still need to learn martial arts when you go to Luoyang Town. I can spend more money."

"Don't talk nonsense. I naturally have my own way to make money."

Xiao Jie has principles. If he contributes more, it's fine to get some spoils. But I have made a lot of contributions to the battle today, so it's better to divide the silver.

Besides, he is quite experienced in making money in the game. Before, he just lacked the environment. When he arrived in Luoyang Town, there was a business circle and he could communicate with other players. Naturally, there were many ways to make money.

The two returned to Ginkgo Village.

Xiao Jie sold the few blank equipment he picked up. Counting the silver ingots and the copper coins he opened, he calculated that this treasure chest made him more than 7,200 coins.

Counting the original, a total of 27,425 coins.

It seems that it is still a bit difficult to make money from learning martial arts and internal skills in the novice village, so I won't wait.

"Let's stop here today. We will leave for Luoyang Town at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

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