Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 119: Learning Never Ends

White salty stones? Could it be rock salt?

Xiao Jie knew that goats liked to eat salt, and they often climbed high mountains just to find salt to eat.

This was easy to do. Xiao Jie went to the grocery store and bought a bag of salt and gave it to Dajiao.

The goat was a little confused at first, as it seemed that it was not the food it usually ate. After licking it, it immediately cried happily, "Mee, mee! Delicious white food, mee."

"What about the skill?"

"Mee, I'll teach you right now, watch out for humans!" The goat said, licking the salt in two or three bites, licking its tongue, and then crashing into a small tree not far away.

[System prompt: Dajiao the goat taught you the combat skill - [Barbarian Sheep Charge].

Then he took Xiao Jie to a steep cliff.

"Watch out, human." The goat started climbing up the mountain wall. Facing the nearly vertical steep mountain wall, the goat climbed up as if it were walking on flat ground, and easily climbed up the hillside.

[System prompt: Goat Big Horn teaches you the body method - [Mountain Climbing Step].

Two skills were obtained in an instant.

Xiao Jie hurriedly checked.

[Barbarian Goat Charge (Combat Skill)

Use: Charge at the target, causing 22 points of blunt damage to the target in front (the higher your head defense, the higher the damage), and if you hit the target's head, it will stun the target for 1 second.

Side effects: If the target successfully blocks, has too high defense, or is too large, it will cause 22 points of reflected damage to the user himself, and produce a 1-3 second stun effect.

Skill description: Imitate the combat skills of goats, savagely charge the enemy, cause damage and try to knock it out, but the force is relative, remember to wear a sturdy helmet when using this combat skill. ]

Wait a minute, why do these two skills look so similar?

It seems that there is no difference except that one knocks down the other knocks out, and even the side effects are the same.

It's not that there is no difference at all. It seems that the wild goat charge does not need to charge, and can be charged directly, but that's all.

But think about it, there are only so many fighting skills of wild beasts, claws, head butts, teeth bites...

It seems that there is really not much difference between the goat's charge and the wild boar's charge. If there is a difference, the goat's body is higher, so it generally likes to hit the enemy's head, while the wild boar's body is lower, so it generally hits the leg. The goat can stand on its hind legs and charge directly, while the wild boar needs to charge for a distance.

But since the human body is fixed, it is estimated that the effect is the same when used - they are all equally useless.

Fortunately, the mountain climbing step is still useful.

[Mountain climbing step (body movement)

Activation: Allows you to climb and move on steep mountains.

Side effect 1: 1 extra stamina point is consumed per second during climbing.

Side effect 2: Concentration is required. If the concentration is interrupted, you will fall off the mountain wall.

Skill introduction: This skill is created by imitating the movements of goats climbing rocks. It can move flexibly with the help of tiny protrusions on the mountain wall. However, the structure of humans and goats is different, so there is a risk of falling when using it. 】

Well, it seems that the skills learned from beasts will have some side effects. They are not as easy to use as the main body. For example, this mountain climbing step actually requires concentration, which means that you can't fight when climbing. Once you attack or eat, your concentration will be interrupted, and you may fall from the mountain wall.

However, this skill is still useful. It may be used in some special terrains.

After sending the goat back to the sheepfold, Xiao Jie wandered around the village and finally came to the hunter's cabin.

There is another skill that Xiao Jie really wants to learn, that is, sprinting. Unfortunately, Rouqiu, this waste, doesn't know it at all. But after all, Rouqiu is also a beast with four skills, so there should be other things to learn.

When I saw Rouqiu again, this guy was obviously thinner and no longer round. He was in a better spirit and had a faint sense of majesty.

After checking with the beast identification, I found that there was an additional skill of pack leader LV1.

It seems that he has really become the leader of the dog pack.

"How is it, are you happy as a breeding dog?'

"Woof, it's too happy, but a little tired, huhu."

Although he said so, Rouqiu didn't seem to complain at all.

"I want to learn a few skills from you. Do you have any skills to teach me? For example, pack leader or something like that?"

"Woof, this won't work. Becoming a pack leader naturally gives you this skill, not something you learn."

Xiao Jie was a little disappointed. It seems that humans are not considered beasts in the system's judgment, otherwise the extra halo skills would be good.

"Woof, I can teach you barking, biting, and tracking."

Xiao Jie was shocked when he heard it. Three skills, okay.

"Watch out, old master - woof woof woof! ”

【System prompt: Meatball has taught you a combat skill - [Barking].

Xiao Jie took a look at the skill introduction and his eyelids jumped. Although he expected it to be a trick, he didn't expect it to be so tricky.

【Barking (Magic)

Use: Attract the hatred of surrounding enemies through crazy barking, and there is a certain chance to interrupt the enemy's concentration.

Side effect: It may reduce the NPC's favorability towards you.

Skill introduction: Imitate the barking of hunting dogs, barking without any image, disturbing the enemy through noisy barking. It is a special skill that is difficult to describe, and may cause people to worry about your mental state.]

Isn't this just learning to bark like a dog?

Xiao Jie was speechless.

But Rouqiu didn't feel Xiao Jie's mood, and said attentively: "Old master, give it a try, I'll help you see if you use it correctly."

Use your sister! I don't want to learn to bark like a dog.

"No need, I've learned it."

"That's good, I also know biting and tracking, do you want to learn it?"

Biting... Tracking...

Xiao Jie gritted his teeth, "Learn."

It's a waste not to learn the skills given for free.

[System prompt: Rouqiu taught you the combat skill - [biting].

[System prompt: Rouqiu taught you the magic skill - [tracking].

Xiao Jie looked at the newly learned skills with despair.

[Bite (combat skill)

Use: Bite the enemy in front of you, causing 5 damage per second to it (can only be used on close-range enemies), and a secondary grappling effect can be caused to the target when it hits the target.

Side effects: When the enemy breaks free, you may lose a tooth, and the upper limit of health is permanently -1.

Skill introduction: Imitate the fighting skills of hunting dogs biting prey, use teeth to bite the enemy's flesh and blood, and learning to use tools is the biggest difference between humans and animals. Perhaps humans occasionally have atavism. 】

【Tracking (Magic)

Use: Determine the movement trajectory of nearby monsters by identifying smells.

Side effects: Because your sense of smell is too poor, there is a 50% chance of misjudgment.

Skill introduction: The ability to find enemies through smell, and the tracking effect is determined by the sensitivity of the sense of smell. 】

Rubbish... Xiao Jie is completely powerless to complain.

It doesn't matter, it must be because the beasts in the novice village are too useless.

Xiao Jie comforted himself that he should be able to learn more powerful skills when he encounters tigers, bears, leopards, etc. in the future. If it is a demon beast or a fairy beast, maybe he can also learn spell skills.

Looking at the time, it was already past five o'clock, and it was about to get dark.

Xiao Jie, who had learned a lot of skills, did not stay and went offline.

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