Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 126: The plan to make money with Qinggong

Looking at the bag, there was only a pitiful 29 taels of silver left.

Damn, this money is too much to spend.

I still haven’t learned Qinggong and riding skills, so I don’t know if they are enough.

Just in case, let’s learn Qing Gong first.

Xiao Jie has been looking forward to the Qing Kung Fu for a long time.

The person who teaches Qing Kung is a tall and thin man named Li Fei, the Bird in the Cloud.

"This master, I want to learn a light skill, but I don't know if it is possible."

Li Fei looked Xiao Jie up and down and chuckled, "What's wrong with this? Are you rich? Of course it's okay if you have money."

A list of skills that can be learned pops up in front of you. There are five basic light skills in total.

[Plucking onions on dry land: learning needs. 10 taels of silver, an introduction to internal strength.

Introduction to Qinggong: Soar into the air and leap high into the sky, up to 3 meters. For every 10 points of agility you have, you gain an extra meter of height. Consumes 8 points of internal energy. 】

[Swallow three copies of water: learning needs. 15 taels of silver, introduction to internal strength.

Introduction to Qinggong: Jump into the air and leap forward up to 9 meters (agility × 0.3). When falling, you can jump up again with the help of physical surfaces (including water) and re-select the direction. You can jump up to three times in a row. Each jump consumes 6 points of internal strength. 】

[Eight steps to catch the cicada: learning needs. 20 taels of silver, introduction to internal strength.

Introduction to Qinggong: Increases your movement speed by 80% for 8 seconds. Consumes 4 points of internal energy every second. 】

[Flying on the grass: learning needs. 20 taels of silver, introduction to internal strength.

Introduction to Qinggong: It makes you as light as a feather, increases your movement speed by 30%, and allows you to run quickly on objects that cannot be used under normal circumstances, such as blades of grass and water. It consumes 3 points of internal force per second. 】

Xiao Jie looked at these four light arts and fell into deep thought.

These four light skills are obviously divided into two categories. Pulling onions on dry land and swallowing water three times are more similar to long jump and high jump, and are used to cross terrain.

The eight-step cicada is simply used to speed up the road, to chase or escape.

Flying on the grass is somewhere in between. It can speed up and cross terrain, but the effect is slightly lower than the previous ones.

Each of the four light arts has its own strengths, and it stands to reason that learning any one of them is valuable.

But money is limited, so let’s learn one first.

After struggling for a long time, I finally chose - flying on the grass!

This light skill can cross terrain and accelerate. It can be said to be the most powerful light skill.

Moreover, he can quickly learn the galloping skill. In this way, if the two skills are used together, it will be no worse than chasing cicadas in eight steps, and it will be more durable.

As for things like climbing, you can use mountain climbing to solve it. Slow is a little slow, but at least it solves the problem of presence and absence.

And because of the existence of the Earth Binding Talisman, the power of the Eight-Step Cicada is not as powerful as it seems.

Instead, it has the effect of flying on grass and across the terrain, which is very useful.

"Master, I want to learn to fly on grass."

Wow, another 20 taels of silver are gone...

A few minutes later, Xiao Jie walked out of the martial arts gym.

In less than an hour, 70 taels of silver were directly consumed.

Looking at the three additional martial arts in the skill bar, Xiao Jie felt that they were beautiful and well worth the money.

Rounding things off, I can be considered a martial arts master in reality.

I won’t play games tonight. I must experiment and feel like a master.

I looked at my backpack. Oops, I don’t have enough money to learn riding. It costs 10 taels to learn riding. Now I only have more than 9 taels left.

It seems that I have to find a way to make some money.

At this time, I also followed him out of the martial arts hall.

Also very excited.

"Brother Feng, I've finished learning the skills, hahaha, I can be considered a martial arts master now, but the money is a bit not enough. I'm going to spend more money. Do you want to help you earn some?"

"Do you still have money?" Xiao Jie asked in surprise.

"There are still hundreds of thousands. I plan to keep tens of thousands for living expenses and spend the rest on krypton."

It's fun to make money for a while, and it's always fun to make money all the time.

Compared with those online games that cost hundreds of thousands of krypton in the past, you can only get the best equipment in the game, or fashionable mounts, etc., but in this game, you can really learn martial arts by spending hundreds of thousands of krypton.

This is called value for money.

Xiao Jie shook his head, "Just take care of yourself. Of course I have a way to make money. Don't forget that you still have to buy a horse. I don't know if these hundreds of thousands are enough."

Hundreds of thousands sounds like a lot, but it's only a few dozen taels of silver, and you can't even afford a war horse.

I wanted to become an immortal and then I realized, "Brother Feng, I'm going to buy gold. By the way, Brother Feng, do you know anyone who sells gold?"

"I actually know one." Xiao Jie directly sent the gold wealth to me. Since this guy is a professional businessman, he should be able to get gold.

As for Xiao Jie himself, he went straight to the auction house.

Although krypton gold is convenient and fast, it is not a long-term solution after all. Even a small tycoon like me who wants to become an immortal will have no money after this wave, and will have to fend for himself in the future.

If you want to play this game for a long time, you must have a long-term way to make money.

The simplest thing is to kill monsters and explode equipment and sell them to make money, but this method of making money has one biggest problem. The consumption of killing monsters is too high, and the repair costs of various potions, food, and equipment are often enough to break even the copper coins earned by monster explosions.

Occasionally, a top-quality item can be worth some money, such as the Shura Ghost Face and Divine Tree Talisman on his body, but he still has to keep it for himself to improve his personal strength, so this route is not reliable.

Second, collect materials, mine, collect herbs, peel and dig meat, the collected materials can always be sold for some money.

This method is reliable, but low-level materials are definitely not valuable. As for high-level materials, they cannot get them now. This can only be used as a subsidy plan. It is not enough to make money by relying on this alone.

Third, it is to engage in manufacturing, forging, leather making, tailoring, talisman making, alchemy...

As long as you can get a good professional formula, forge magic weapons, refine elixirs and so on, you can naturally make a lot of money. But he doesn't have much hope for this.

The game has been running for three years, and the major guilds have trained countless blacksmiths and alchemists. It is not easy for him to make money later.

Fourth, it is the most traditional way of doing business, buying low and buying high, earning the difference, commonly known as goblins.

There are always players who don't know the goods or are in urgent need of money, so they sell good things at a low price. There are also always big guys who are not short of money and are willing to spend a lot of money on something and buy it at a premium. Such merchants can be seen everywhere in the traditional games in the past. Jin Fugui should be doing this.

As for what Xiao Jie wants to do, he still needs to investigate before making a decision.

Xiao Jie thinks he is also an old man in the world and can always find a way to make money.

When he came to the auction house, Xiao Jie took out his notebook and checked the prices of the goods while recording.

From basic materials such as ores and herbs.

To finished manufacturing products such as weapons and pills.

There are also various drawings and formulas, magic tools and equipment.

Recorded one by one in the notebook.

After more than an hour of work, the notebook was densely written for several pages. Now there is enough data.

Looking at the data in the notebook, Xiao Jie couldn't help but frowned. The manufacturing industry really doesn't work. The competition is too fierce. Compared with the prices of finished products and raw materials, the profit margin is negligible. Only some particularly rare ones can be sold at a high price.

The gathering industry can be done, the price of raw materials is not bad, the key is that this thing has zero cost, no investment, just work hard, but this thing is hard-earned money, it is unlikely to get rich overnight.

There are some particularly valuable materials, such as thousand-year-old snow lotus, Ganoderma lucidum, black iron and red copper, which are worth dozens or hundreds of taels.

There are even thousands of taels, but the problem is that this kind of material can only be found in high-level maps. Forget it if you have a level 10 trumpet.

In fact, there is another way to make money, that is, monopoly, sell all the materials in a category, and then sell them at a higher price.

However, playing monopoly requires a lot of funds as a basis, and he can't do it with this little money.

Xiao Jie kept thinking about ways to make money, but kept rejecting them. He was at a low level, had little capital, and had limited knowledge of the game, so it was too difficult to make money.

But after searching for a long time, he really found an unpopular track.

That is cooking products.

Some special cooking products can also provide buffs and special effects.

However, compared with elixirs and spells, the effect is not so obvious. Most of them only provide a little benefit, which is better than nothing, so the price is not very expensive. Generally, the cheapest ones are only a few dozen coins, and the most expensive ones are only a few hundred coins.

Those big manufacturing companies probably don't care about this little profit, so there is a lot of room for profit in the price, especially some strange special formulas, which can often be sold at a "high price" of several hundred coins.

A few hundred coins are nothing to those big guilds, but it is not bad for lone wolf players like Xiao Jie, so don't be picky.

It just so happens that I have intermediate cooking. The key is that the investment in cooking is relatively low, and the product consumption is large. Unlike elixirs, spells and equipment, only big guilds and local tyrants can afford it.

If you brush the materials yourself, the price can be further reduced.

Now the only rare thing he can sell is the secret dog food. In the future, if he makes more rare formulas, he can make a long-term profit, at least he can make money to learn skills.

By the way, this secret dog food should be worth some money, right?

Xiao Jie searched the keyword "happiness value" in the auction house.

Then he selected food by category.

As a result, there were three products that increased happiness value.

[Secret Wild Vegetable Dumplings], restore 10 points of satiety, increase 8 points of pet happiness value, (only for herbivorous beasts). Auction price: 150 Wen.

[Catmint Grilled Fish], restore 15 points of satiety, increase 15 points of happiness value, (only for cats). Auction price: 250 Wen.

[Monkey Wine], increase 25 points of happiness value (only for humans and apes). Auction price: 500 Wen.

Tsk tsk tsk, they are all black-hearted businessmen. Xiao Jie can judge that the cost of secret wild vegetable dumplings and catmint grilled fish will never exceed 50 Wen.

The reason for such a high premium is entirely because of the exclusive formula and no competition.

As for why monkey wine is so expensive - it is probably used to brush NPC favorability.

It seems that my secret dog food is a good thing, and the competition pressure is very small.

This secret dog food can be used by carnivorous animals. Although cats have been squeezed out by catnip grilled fish, wolves, bears, wild boars, etc. also need happiness points.

This unpopular formula has no competition, so there is no need to worry about no one buying it. For example, he really wants to buy a few secret wild vegetable dumplings now to add to the radish, increase his happiness points, and quickly learn those two skills.

Xiao Jie decisively hung up all the remaining ten secret dog foods in his bag, 200 coins each.

I didn't expect to sell three of them in less than five minutes after putting them up.

In a short while, all ten secret dog food were sold out.

Haha, it's great, 2 taels of silver are directly in hand, now I can learn riding skills.

But Xiao Jie was not in a hurry.

He ran to the butcher shop to buy a bunch of wild boar meat, venison, and mutton, and went to the pharmacy to buy wild chrysanthemums and tranquilizing grass, and started to make them directly.

He made 60 secret dog food in one breath, put 30 of them up in one breath, and sold more than 20 in less than an hour.

He put the rest up, but unfortunately the sales slowed down later. It seems that there are not many tamer players, but it doesn't matter, just put them up and sell them slowly.

This thing is a consumable, as long as you catch a new pet, you will need it.

The cost of secret dog food is only 40 wen per piece, and the net profit of selling one is 160 wen. Even if the transaction tax is deducted, there is still an income of 140 wen.

Selling more than ten or twenty of them a day will earn several taels of silver.

Sure enough, there is no future for me to work in the Novice Village. Even if I want to make money, I have to go to the big city.

I didn't expect that after collecting so many good things in the Novice Village, the recipe I got by accident would make me money in the end.

I can only say that fate plays tricks on me.

I looked at the silver in my bag and found that I had 13 taels of silver. Now I can finally learn horse riding.

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