Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 129 The Terrifying Monster

Xiao Jie ran a few steps, and suddenly an idea came to his mind. Why not get rid of the tree?

He looked back at the crime scene and couldn't help but smile. He must have lost his mind to have such an unrealistic idea.

It was not easy to destroy the body of such a big tree. The half of the tree that was chopped off must weigh hundreds of pounds. It was hanging with branches and leaves, and there was no way to hide it. It was impossible for him to dig a hole and bury it.

Not to mention that there was such a big tree stump, which was even more impossible to hide.

The longer he stayed, the more dangerous it was. He might as well run away while no one noticed. If he delayed for a while, he would be caught in the act.

After rushing out of the woods and seeing that there was no one around, Xiao Jie hurried away.

He turned back to the square of Huqiu Park and mixed into the crowd. Only then did he feel relieved.

Huh, fortunately he was not caught in the act.

Then he was a little speechless to An Ran. This woman didn't think of the consequences at all. She did what she wanted. But that knife was really amazing. In the game, it should have a damage of at least 200 or 300.

Xiao Jie looked at the sky. It was a pity that there were no birds nearby. Otherwise, he could find one to help keep watch next time. He probably could buy it off by feeding it a few handfuls of rice.

But birds are like fate after all. Whether you can meet one depends entirely on luck.

By the way, I have the skill of taming animals. Why not just tame one as a pet? Anyway, in reality, you can't tame beasts like tigers, leopards, bears, and wolves. Jiangbei City doesn't even allow fierce dogs to be raised. At most, you can raise a golden retriever, a husky, or an Alaskan.

That thing has no combat power. It's better to raise a bird as an eye.

I have to make the secret dog food later to see if I can tame a raptor or something.

After returning home, Xiao Jie directly ordered 20 kilograms of venison online. Mutton and pork can be bought at the vegetable market, and wild chrysanthemums can also be bought online, but this tranquilizing flower is a bit troublesome.

Where can I get the tranquilizing flower? Does it exist in reality?

He searched for it and didn't expect that there is such a thing in reality - rosemary, so he decisively placed an order.

By the way, I have to buy a new knife.

This time I have to buy a better one. The embroidered spring knife I bought before is just a handicraft. It's okay for casual practice, but it's still a little worse for real combat. This time Xiao Jie ordered a high-carbon steel Miao Dao, which cost him 3,000 yuan, making his already poor fortune even worse.

It doesn't matter, it's just 300 Wen, I can earn it back by selling two dog food.

In the future, when I have a high level and can earn gold coins by killing monsters at will, I can have as much money as I want.

Early the next morning, Xiao Jie couldn't wait to enter the game.

I went to the auction house first and wandered around. After a night, I sold 8 more secret dog food and got 1,600 coins. I was so happy.

As a result, I bought a few Shunqi powders at the auction house and spent them all at once. This thing is not sold in pharmacies, so players can only make it themselves. Fortunately, the competition among alchemists is fierce, and the price is not too expensive. 150 coins each can restore 50 points of internal force in 10 seconds.

In the lobby of the inn, I met Yu Chengxian and Xiao Jie said, "Let's go and level up."

However, before setting off, Xiao Jie still needs to investigate the distribution of monsters around Sunset Town.

Sunset Plains is more than ten times larger than Ginkgo Valley in area, and the distribution of monsters must be more complicated. It is easy to encounter danger if you rashly go out of town to level up.

You must find someone familiar to ask first.

After wandering around the street, probably because it was early in the morning, there were not many players in the town.

Even the street where everyone set up stalls yesterday, there were not many people.

But he did see an acquaintance.

Ramen brother (warrior): Level 16.

Hey, isn't this the guy who sold the news yesterday? So diligent, he came out to practice so early?

Xiao Jie walked over and clicked on the stall, took a look at the things he was selling, and couldn't help but laugh.

It was the same things as yesterday, not a single one was wrong.

"Brother, why are you still setting up the stall here? Don't you go out to practice?"

The ramen brother was also full of helplessness, "There's no way, the things haven't been sold, and now I don't even have the money to repair equipment and learn skills."

Xiao Jie thought that the rags might be difficult to sell.

"Hey, do you still want to inquire about the news? Just ask whatever you have, I'm short of money."

Haha, okay, Xiao Jie traded another 300 coins.

"Ha, brother, I'm open-minded, I made some money from you these two days, don't let me not even have food, brother, ask, I will definitely tell you everything I know."

Xiao Jie thought it was not a big problem, so he sold some dog food and came out.

"You're already level 16, why is it still so hard?"

"Don't mention it, this game is too difficult, and I'm afraid of death, so I don't dare to explore too far. For a lone wolf player like me, it's hard to kill monsters, so I can only kill a few lone monsters around the town. Don't be afraid of you laughing at me, I've been playing this game for a year, and I've only reached level 16."

Damn, so miserable? Xiao Jie was a little unbelievable, "You're leveling too slowly, aren't you?"

"I can't help it, for safety, the few people who went out of the novice village with me, all died before and after, and I was brave enough to team up with others to explore, and I narrowly escaped death several times. How can I dare to take risks again, but I can't bear to give up the game, so I just have to endure it slowly."

Xiao Jie thought that it was good to get some more information from him. After all, he had been playing for a year, so he expected to know a lot of information. He was really afraid that the other party was a complete newcomer.

"Are there any places on this map suitable for leveling? And what are the monster forces?"

Brother Ramen chuckled, "Then you really asked the right person. In the past year, I have explored almost half of the map of Luoyang Plain. Although I haven't explored it in depth, I have come into contact with several large monster forces.

To the northeast of Luoyang Town, there is a piece of Howling Moon Woodland. Deep in the woodland is a Hundred Wolf Cave, inhabited by a group of wolf spirits and wolf monsters. It is very dangerous. There once was a guild that gathered more than thirty people to level up monsters there. The first half month was fine, and I even defeated a few wolf captains and got a lot of good equipment.

As a result, when the Wolf King went on patrol, more than a dozen people died, and no one dared to go there again.

There are several mines in Laotieshan in the north. There are a large number of mining zombies and rat demon descendants in them. It is said that there are also BOSSs such as mining monsters and corpse kings. They are very dangerous. It is said that there is a corpse deep in the mines. It is said that the King's Tomb was originally turned into zombies because the miners dug up the Corpse King.

The terrain in this mine is complex and extremely dark, and even an expert will suffer a heavy blow when entering it. Usually ten people can go in and only five or six people can come out, which is good.

There used to be a saying among players, ‘If you die of hunger, you won’t go to the mines, if you die of starvation, you won’t visit the tomb’, and that’s what it was about.

In the Black Wind Mountains to the northwest, there is a Black Wind Village, where the Black Wind bandit forces are entrenched. There are three leader-level BOSSs sitting in charge, and they have countless bandits and bandits, and there are more than a dozen named elite monsters alone. Did you encounter any robbery on the way? That one was sent by Black Wind Mountain. Luoyang Plain is now full of Black Wind Bandit strongholds. Even several villages near Luoyang Town have been occupied by Black Wind Mountain bandits.

This group of bandits has average fighting ability, but they are very good at cooperating in combat. Don't mess with them when there are a few people.

Usually it takes dozens of people to dare to touch it.

In addition, there are also water ghosts and sharks in the river. These monsters are not very powerful in combat, but they like to drag people into the water to deal with them, so be especially careful when going to rivers and lakes.

The large forest in the south is relatively safer, and there are no large-scale monster forces. However, elite-level beast monsters can often be encountered in the forest. Those monsters have very strong combat power, and beast monsters generally run faster. If you encounter them alone, you will encounter many monsters. It’s easy to roll over…”

Xiao Jie's scalp was numb when he heard it. Why did each of these monsters sound more powerful than the last?

I thought that now that I was strong enough, I could level up relatively easily, but I found that I seemed to be overthinking it.

"Isn't there anyone weaker?"

The ramen guy suddenly laughed bitterly, "Hahahaha, there are no weak monsters in this game. You were also killed in the novice village, and you are already level 10. How can you still be so fanciful?

The monsters in Novice Village are weak monsters.

If it doesn't work, you can go back to the Novice Village. Although you have less experience, leveling is safe. I couldn't stay here any longer, so I went back to the Novice Village and practiced until I was level 13 before coming back again.

Of course, not all are difficult to fight. For example, the beasts and monsters in the forest near Luoyang Town are relatively easy to deal with, and you will basically not encounter elites.

Although the beasts are not weak in combat, they are not very intelligent and generally stay alone. As long as they do not encounter elite monsters, they are relatively easy to bully.

However, the competition among these easy-to-fight monsters is also fierce. After all, everyone is afraid of death and likes to level up around the town. "

Xiao Jie had some knowledge in his mind.

"Thank you, brother, let's go Chengxian, let's get out of town!"

The two of them walked a distance, and I couldn't help but ask, "Brother Feng, what should I do?"

"What are you afraid of? Weren't it very difficult to fight those monsters in Ginkgo Village at first? But won't they be like that after we get familiar with them?

To put it bluntly, monsters all have weaknesses. As long as you find the right way to open them, you'll be fine.

Of course, we still have to listen to the advice in the early stage. After all, we have just left the Novice Village and don’t have an intuitive understanding of the strength of the monsters outside. Let’s practice around Luoyang Town first to get a feel for it and improve our martial arts level by the way. Even if we don’t upgrade, If you can raise your martial arts level, is that also an improvement?

Besides, we are a duo after all, and our equipment is better, so we are much better than that ramen guy. "

The two of them were ready and left the town.

Xiao Jie did not forget to warn him while walking towards the distance.

“First, keep your field of vision wide, as long as we don’t get surrounded, we’ll be fine.

Although this game is realistic and the monsters are intelligent, they still follow some game-specific rules, such as the warning range of monsters. As long as you discover them in advance, you can prepare calmly.

Second, don't provoke groups of monsters, such as black wind bandits, wolf demon colonies, corpse groups, etc... We just need to attack the lone monsters.

Third, the old rule is, if you don’t tell me to run away when you find a situation, then run away quickly. Have you learned Qinggong? "

"I've learned how to catch cicadas in eight steps! Pull onions on dry land! I've learned it all."

"Yes, that's no problem."

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