Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 136 The Story of Mr. Cat

There is indeed something wrong with Granny Li's story, and the clues to the truth must be around.

Xiao Jie walked into a hut, looked at the dilapidated interior and slowly swept his eyes, and soon he found a suspicious point.

Although the dilapidated hut in front of him was simple, there were many bowls, plates, cups and saucers in the cupboard.

The people in the fishing village were all poor, and bowls and plates were very valuable household items for them. If they moved away, how could they not want so many bowls and plates?

If this game was a shoddy and rubbish game, it would not matter, but this game depicted the details so meticulously, so this must be a loophole.

Xiao Jie continued to look for clues, not letting go of every corner.

Hey, this is!

There was a flying knife embedded in the wall in front of him, and most of the flying knife was nailed into the wall of the mud, leaving only a handle.

There must have been a battle here.

Xiao Jie continued to search, hey, there was a wicker box, opened it, and there were a few old clothes and a dozen copper coins inside.

That's right, it's certain that these villagers definitely didn't leave on their own. They were probably killed to silence them.

Was it the mermaids or Granny Li? Why did Granny Li kill these villagers?

"Master, I found a cat." Luobo's voice came from outside the house, and Xiao Jie hurried out.

"Take me there."

Soon Xiao Jie followed Luobo to the edge of the village. On an upside-down fishing boat, a cat was lying in the sun.

It was a gray tabby cat, which reminded Xiao Jie of the one on Tiger Hill, but the one in front of him looked a little thin and very old.

Seeing that Xiao Jie's old cat didn't run away, it was probably the effect of the affinity of wild animals, but licked its fur lazily.

"Hello, little guy." Xiao Jie said in a gentle voice.

"Little guy? Humph, if you count by the age of cats, I'm much older than you. You should call me Uncle Cat."

Xiao Jie's eyes lit up. Old cats are good. If they are old cats, they may know what happened fifteen years ago.

"Then, Mr. Cat, can you tell me what happened in this village in the past? To be exact, it happened fifteen years ago."

"Meow, you are so ignorant. You want to ask me questions, but you don't have anything to give me."

Yes, it's time to take another task.

Xiao Jie is also quite patient. This kind of task line must be a chain of links. "What does Mr. Cat want?"

"I want to eat some fresh fish. Since this village was abandoned, I rarely eat it. That dead old woman pickled all the fish. It's salty and can't be eaten at all."

This is really not a problem. After killing so many mermaids in the morning, Xiao Jie picked up several fresh fish of various kinds.

Opening the backpack, Xiao Jie used the feeding beast and threw out a fish. The old cat's eyes lit up immediately.

Caught the fish and ate it slowly.

After eating the fish, the old cat couldn't help but sigh.

"Ah, it's been a long time since I ate such fresh fish." This tone is exactly the same as that of Granny Li when she was drinking.

"Can you tell me what happened back then?"

"Of course, but first of all, I didn't see much back then. Fifteen years ago, Fenghe Village was still thriving, and there were so many fish that we couldn't finish them all. I ate and drank every day, and I ate fresh fish as much as I wanted. I was so happy, but that night, everything changed..."

The old cat's voice was full of vicissitudes, and his thoughts went back to the past.

Boom! The thunder woke the old cat from his sleep. It opened its eyes in shock from hiding under the arrested fishing boat. It liked the fishy smell in the fishing boat.

But it was not very satisfied with the wet ground.

It seemed to be raining outside, and it was pitch black. After the thunder, it fell into a silence without a sound. It was the tranquility before the storm clouds, and something seemed to be brewing in the dark night.

Suddenly, a scream broke the tranquility of the night.

"Monster, monster!"

It was a woman's voice, sounding quite old, but very unfamiliar.

The old cat, still a kitten at this time, curiously poked his head out, but was hit by a raindrop and immediately retracted his head.

It was raining -

Soon there was a noisy sound outside, drowning out the sound of rain.

The whole fishing village seemed to wake up. The kitten heard the village discussing something with the villagers, and the crying of the older woman.

He vaguely heard some words.

"Oh my God, it's true."

"Is it really a monster?"

"I said that woman is not right. There is no such charming woman in the world."

"Kill her! Kill her!"

"What about Li He?"

"If he dares to stop me, kill him together. I don't think he is a good person after sleeping with a monster for so long."

The kitten didn't quite understand what these humans were doing, but it instinctively smelled the crisis.

With a shout, the crowd rushed towards the largest hut.

The man's angry roar, the woman's pleading, the baby's crying...

The kitten didn't know what was happening there, but the tranquility of the fishing village had undoubtedly been broken.

It huddled under the fishing boat, trembling.

Suddenly, all the sounds disappeared, as if something had happened.

Then he heard an old and vicious voice.

"You all must die!"

Then, in a blink of an eye, the villagers' screams began to ring out.

People poured out of the huts, some fled, some fled back home, but soon the voice followed.

"You all have to die!"

It was not until half an hour later that the whole fishing village returned to peace, and the kitten finally got out from under the fishing boat.

It saw corpses everywhere, and blood flowed into the lake along with the rain, like red rivers...

"That's what happened. Since then, there has been no one else in the fishing village, only Granny Li and the baby, and there are no more fish to eat."

The old cat's story confirmed many of Xiao Jie's guesses, but there are still a few details that need to be confirmed.

"Where are the corpses?"

"They are all buried in the big pit south of the village."

Xiao Jie's eyes lit up, "Take me there quickly."

Five minutes later, a man and a cat came to a big pit behind the village. Xiao Jie used the soil turning skill and quickly turned out several corpses from the pit. Because of the long years, they were rotten and only skeletons were left.

I don't know if the corpse language can communicate.

If I can use the corpse language, I will definitely be able to summarize the complete story.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough comprehension at the moment and can't learn the art of corpse language, but it's not a big problem. I'll go back to the auction house to see if I can get items that increase my comprehension. As long as I learn the art of corpse language, I can communicate with these corpses and confirm the details, and the truth of the matter will basically come to light.

Just as I was thinking about it, I got a private message from I Want to Become an Immortal.

I Want to Become an Immortal: Brother Feng, the mermaids are coming up again!

Yin Yue Sui Feng: I'll be there soon.

Xiao Jie said as he hurriedly got on his horse and rushed to the lake.

Riding a horse is fast, and in the blink of an eye he arrived at the lake. Sure enough, groups of mermaids were climbing onto the shore.

Xiao Jie started shooting arrows while getting off his horse, but he switched to melee weapons after shooting a few arrows. Only one-third of the arrows shot in the morning were recovered, so he should use them sparingly.

Internal force special effects activated-the wind sword technique is activated!

Xiao Jie waved his double swords and killed them.

Swish, swish, swish, a few slashes filled up the wind force. It must be said that this wind sword technique is very useful for clearing small monsters. The 30% attack speed bonus makes Xiao Jie's attack as smooth as flowing water.

Especially against these slow-moving mermaids coming ashore, it's like chopping vegetables and melons.

Spinning slash! The two swords spun and slashed, watching a mermaid fall down covered in blood. Xiao Jie was about to chop the next one, but the mermaid suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed a stream of black water towards Xiao Jie.

Flip over!

Xiao Jie quickly dodged the sneak attack and looked at the name of the monster - Mermaid Spitter: Level 14, HP 280. It turned out to be a new monster.

And there are quite a few of them, mixed in with the mermaid pearl seekers, constantly spewing black water at the two.

This black water is also a range attack. Xiao Jie didn't dare to gamble on the power of this black water, so he could only keep retreating.

Damn, this thing is a bit disgusting.

"Brother Feng, let me do it!" I saw an iron pot flying over and directly knocked the mermaid spitter to the ground. It was me who wanted to become an immortal who used the wild throw to play the throwing style.

The damage of this wild throw is not high, but it has a knockdown effect. As long as the weight of the thrown object is large enough, it will knock it to the ground. Xiao Jie took the opportunity to rush up and cut it in half with one move, and then added a spinning slash to easily get it done.

I don't know where I got a bunch of iron pots, big stones, and wood from, and kept throwing them at those fish spitters.

Don't say it, this thing is quite useful for control.

In addition to the skill of spraying black water, the mermaid spitter is no different from the mermaid pearl seeker.

As long as the mermaid spitter is killed, the remaining pearl seekers are just experience points on the chopping board.

The two cooperated tacitly and knocked down wave after wave of mermaids.

After killing intermittently until five o'clock, a white light finally flashed, and they were upgraded one after another.

Hahaha, so cool!

One level was upgraded in one day, which was already very fast compared to others.

Thanks to these mermaids who came ashore, if this mermaid could keep brushing, it would probably take more than half a month to upgrade to level 20.

Unfortunately, after upgrading, the attribute points cannot be added randomly. Xiao Jie now has 10 free attribute points, but he can only save them and prepare to add them all to spirituality when there is a chance.

The reason why he didn't add them immediately was to be on the safe side. If he encountered danger and needed to improve his basic attributes, these 10 free attribute points might be able to save his life.

The same situation applies to I Want to Become an Immortal. I can only watch after saving 10 attribute points, and add them to spirituality when I have saved 20.

The two went to Granny Li to receive the reward. This time, the two received a total of 12,000 Wen, a full 12 taels of silver, and each of them received 6 taels.

That is to say, in one afternoon, the two killed 120 mermaids.

Granny Li took out the money, but she didn't care. Instead, she asked: "The mermaids suffered a heavy blow today, and they should not appear again, but I am afraid they will come again tomorrow. Can you two come to help tomorrow?"

"Of course, Granny, don't worry. As the saying goes, we should help those who are injustice. These mountain spirits and water monsters are so arrogant, we can't stand idly by."

"You are right. It's bad luck for these mermaids to meet us. We will definitely come again tomorrow."

"Okay, okay, I didn't make a mistake. You returnees are all great." Granny Li smiled from ear to ear.

"Then I'll leave today."

Granny Li advised: "Although the hut is simple, it can shelter from wind and rain. Why not stay here."

Xiao Jie said: "No, these mermaids are numerous and powerful. Today is okay, but tomorrow they may come more fiercely. We have to go back to the town to buy some arrows and spells, and rest up. Then we can naturally recuperate and fight again with all our strength."

He didn't say this to shirk responsibility. In the morning, there were only mermaids seeking pearls, but in the afternoon, there was a mermaid spitter. According to this rule, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, the mermaids who come will probably become stronger and stronger, so we must be prepared.

Besides, he still has to find a way to learn the art of corpse language.

After hearing this, Granny Li didn't say anything else. The two of them got on their horses and galloped in the direction they came from.

Finally, they returned to the town before dark.

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