Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 139 The Power of Faith

At this time, the sky was just getting dark, and the entire Luoyang Plain was bathed in the morning light of dawn. The beautiful scenery really made people feel refreshed.

The two of them galloped in the wilderness, feeling like they were traveling around the world.

The fishing village was seen from a distance. Hey, that was Li Bao?

In front of the thatched cottage, Li Bao was concentrating and seemed to be practicing martial arts. A ball of water surrounded his body, rotating and flowing like a living thing.

Li Bao's expression was so focused that he didn't notice the two people approaching. His hands were dancing in the air, and the water was constantly dancing around.

"Li Bao? What kind of magic is this?"

Li Bao was startled, and his concentration was interrupted. The water around him fell down with a rush.

"Shh, my mother-in-law hasn't woken up yet, don't wake her up."

Seeing this situation, Xiao Jie thought in his heart that this was a good opportunity to get information.

"Then how about we chat now."

Li Bao nodded, looking more excited than Xiao Jie, "I've wanted to have a good chat with you guys for a long time. What is it like outside? Are there really monsters and ghosts that eat people? My mother-in-law always tells me so, but I feel like she's just trying to scare me..."

"Of course there are monsters and ghosts, otherwise where can we return home to kill monsters and exorcise demons? As long as our martial arts are high enough and our magic is strong enough, monsters and ghosts are naturally no problem."

After chatting for a few sentences, Xiao Jie also began to ask.

"Don't just talk about us, talk about you, your magic is quite powerful, where did you learn it from?"

"I don't know either. I found that I can control water since I was a child, and..."

"And what?"

"I often hear someone in the lake calling my name, especially when I'm dreaming, it seems that there are many voices whispering in my ears, asking me to go with them, but every time I wake up, there's nothing." Li Bao's voice was a bit confused, like a college student who couldn't find a job after graduation.

"I hope to go out and see the world one day. After my 15th birthday, my grandma let me go. I have already made up my mind to go to the big city - take a look around Luoyang Town. If possible, I will find a master in the mountains to learn from. When I have learned it, I will definitely do something. I often have a feeling that I should not be an ordinary person in this life. There must be a destiny waiting for me to complete...

You two, can you please ask me for one thing, don't tell these things to my grandma."

Xiao Jie and Yu Chengxian looked at each other and thought that there was indeed a problem.

"Don't worry, my friends and I are not talkative people."

After chatting with Li Bao for a few words, Xiao Jie went straight to the mass grave while my grandma was still asleep and the mermaids hadn't started to spawn.

The bodies from yesterday were lying in it.

"Brother Feng, have you learned the corpse language?"

"That's right." Xiao Jie said and clicked on the skill list.

[Corpse Talk (Magic)

Use: Make a corpse speak. You can ask it three questions. The corpse will answer truthfully. After the questions are finished, the corpse will return to calm. Corpse Talk can only be used once for each corpse.

Use requirements: Stay focused.

Skill introduction: A derivative skill of corpse-driving. It is said that corpse-driving sorcerers who have been with corpses for a long time will gradually lose their minds. Too much loneliness makes them master the strange ability to communicate with corpses to relieve loneliness.

As long as you know how to ask and how to listen, even corpses can become the subject of conversation. 】

This skill is really magical. How to experiment in reality? You can't go to the morgue to find someone to chat.

Why are there three questions?

Corpse Talk can only be used once for a corpse, so you have to think carefully about what questions to ask.

Thinking in a mess, Xiao Jie clicked on a corpse with the mouse, and started with you.

Corpse Talk!

The screen in front of him suddenly became dark, and the surrounding scenery seemed to be shrouded in a layer of gray fog, and even the surrounding sounds became blurred.

Only the corpse in front of him suddenly became extremely clear, and even slowly raised his head.

The skull-like face showed a very human blank expression, and the mouth began to make a sound of He-He.

It started!

The first question-"Who are you?"

This is the first question that Xiao Jie must ask after thinking again and again. Only by confirming the other party's identity first can he better ask related questions.

"I am... Liu Ge, I... fisher."

It seems that he is just an ordinary fisherman.

The second question-"Who killed you."

"Evil mother-in-law... the evil mother-in-law of the Li family."

Granny Li, it's not unexpected.

The third question-"What kind of monster is Yu Niang?"

"I don't know... I don't know... Is she a monster..."

Hmm? This is strange.

Looking at the corpse again, it has returned to its original appearance, and the black fog around it has disappeared, and the sun is shining.

"Brother Feng? Why were you in a daze just now?"

"Dazed?" Xiao Jie was thoughtful. It seems that this corpse talk skill is not to make the corpse speak, but to let the user enter a special state to communicate with the corpse.

"Don't be nervous, I'm chatting with the corpse."

Xiao Jie activated the skill on the second corpse.

Corpse talk skill!

System prompt: The corpse is too damaged to communicate.

Uh...Okay, this corpse does look a bit miserable, with a broken head, let's change another one.

Corpse talk skill!

System prompt: For some reason, the other party is unwilling to communicate with you.

Um? Xiao Jie was speechless, why did he encounter an introverted corpse?

Keep trying.

Corpse language!

This time, he finally found a normal one. The surroundings became dark again, and Xiao Jie focused on the corpse in front of him.

"Who are you."

"Village Chief...Liu Dehai."

"Who is Granny Li?"

"'Flying Yaksha'... Li Cuilan!"

Flying Yaksha? It should be a nickname, just like "Hunyuan Yiqi" Duan Yu and "Golden Swordsman" Liu Sanlang. It seems that Granny Li was also a person in the world when she was young, which also explains why her level is so high.

"Is Granny Li Li He's mother?"


Okay, next one——

"Who are you?"

"Po Wen...Wang Liu!"

Damn, we found the right person this time. This stable woman should be the first person to contact. There are still two questions left. They must be asked correctly. After thinking for a moment, Xiao Jie asked.

"What did you see when you delivered Yu Niang's baby?"

"A monster...a strange baby that looks like a human and a fish...born from the Jade Lady."

A shark? No - it should be a mermaid. This strange baby should be Li Bao. His father is a human, so Yu Niang must be a mermaid, but why can't the villagers see Yu Niang's identity? So Yu Niang must have some ability to hide her identity.

And Li Bao looks like a human now. Li Bao didn't have this ability when he was born, but he learned it later. Could it be that orb?

The last question——

"When you delivered the baby, was Lady Jade wearing a jewel?"

"Yes...the orb...is big...very beautiful."

Sure enough, now everything makes sense.

Based on the clues obtained these days, Xiao Jie can basically restore the truth of the story.

Now there is only one question left, why must we wait until Li Bao's 15th birthday? What will happen on this day?

I'm afraid this question cannot be asked from the corpse.

"What's going on, Brother Feng, did you ask what happened?"

"Qi Qi Ba Ba, wait for me, I'll go out to find someone for consultation."

After saying that, Xiao Jie quit the game directly, then opened the QQ group, @ everyone in the group, and asked.

Yinyue Suifeng: Does any of you know the Sharks?

No one replied...

Yes, most people during the day are probably fighting monsters and upgrading.

If that doesn't work, just go back to town and ask the NPC in the evening.

Xiao Jie was a little disappointed and was about to go back to continue the game.

Wentian Wuji: I know something about it, why do you ask?

Hey, isn't this the level 36 master?

Xiao Jie was pleasantly surprised. He hadn't posted anything since he joined this group. He didn't expect that he was online this early in the morning.

A level 36 expert must know a lot.

Yinyue Suifeng: Master, I am taking on an adventure mission and would like to know the relevant information.

Xiao Jie briefly recounted the process.

Wentian Wuji: I don’t know much about the living habits of the sharks, but I have killed quite a few. However, I have a guess about the problem you encountered. Do you know the power of faith?

Yin Yue Sui Feng: Is it the faith value in the advanced attributes?

Wentian Wuji: Yes and no, the player's attribute values ​​in the game are the embodiment of power. Faith represents the power of faith, which is the power to create or change things through idealism.

This may be a bit vague, but let me tell you a story and you will understand. This story is called - The Executioner and the Death Row.

"Once upon a time there was an executioner who was good friends with a death row prisoner who was about to be beheaded. When the day came, the death row prisoner was very scared. In order to comfort his friend, the executioner told him, I will chop my knife on your rope later. , if I say run, run quickly and don’t look back.

The death row prisoner believed it and waited until the executioner slashed him with his knife, then said run away! The prisoner on death row got up and ran thousands of miles in one breath. When he returned home, his wife asked him why he was okay. He said that the executioner had saved him.

A few years later, the executioner passed by and met his friend who had escaped. He was shocked. The friend thanked the executioner for saving him, but the executioner was so frightened that he didn't save his friend at all, but beheaded him with one knife. …

The executioner said in confusion: "I didn't save you at all. I chopped off your head and you were already dead."

After hearing this, his friend froze on the spot in shock, then turned into a pool of blood and died completely.

Later, a Taoist priest told the executioner that your friend actually survived because of his obsession. Because he believed that he was not dead, he really couldn't die. If you didn't tell him the truth, he wouldn't die. It was a pity. .

Xiao Jie was no stranger to the story of Wentian Wuji. He seemed to have heard similar versions before.

Yinyue Suifeng: So you mean, if Li Bao believes that he is a human being, he will actually become a human being? "

Wentian Wuji: Yes, that’s what the power of faith is. It can turn the imaginary into reality, conjure non-existent things out of thin air, and even bring the dead back to life. So in theory, it’s not difficult to change the race. It’s very magical. It’s a pity that I didn’t My faith is too low, otherwise I might as well become a magician for fun...

Xiao Jie felt that his mind was clear at this time, and he understood it all at once. Although Wen Tian Wuji's speculation sounded ridiculous, Xiao Jie felt that it made sense.

That's why Granny Li used salted fish to cover up the fact that Li Bao was a mermaid and needed water, and used the pearl to cover up his true image, just to make Li Bao believe that he was a human.

The reason why he had to wait until his 15th birthday was probably because mermaids needed to become adults at the age of 15.

It is very likely that there will be a transformation process at the age of 15. If Li Bao thinks that he is a human, he may miss this transformation point and then completely become a human.

That's right, that's it! Xiao Jie thought excitedly.

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