Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 147 Mermaid Cancer Knight

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, the three people gathered in the square early.

All three of them were heavily armed, and even the ramen guy had thrown in a lot of trouble to make a few talismans for emergency use.

This mission must be completed.

Before the city gate opened, good news came first. Jin Fugui was really efficient in doing things, and he sold the skill book in one night.

"Brother, it could have been higher, but you are in a hurry, so we have to lower the price. It's 47 taels. After excluding my bonus, there are still 46.5 taels. You keep it."

Thank you very much! Xiao Jie was quite satisfied with the price, at least it was much more cost-effective than the auction house.

As for whether Jin Fugui made extra money, that's not something he needs to test.

"Come on, brothers, share the money." Xiao Jie handed out fifteen taels to each person without saying a word.

"Oh, why are you so polite? In fact, there is no need to share so much with me."

The ramen guy said it politely, but he was not slow at all in collecting the money. Looking at the fifteen taels of silver, he was very excited. It was so difficult to earn a few taels of silver on weekdays. Unexpectedly, he followed up with an elite monster and got off to a good start. .

Fifteen taels is one hundred and fifty thousand. Ordinary people may not be able to make that much money in a year.

I am even more concerned about today's action.

"Wait for me, I'm going to learn a skill."

After speaking, he hurriedly left, and ran back happily after a moment.

"Just watch my performance today, Brother Feng. I just learned a big move that I have been thinking about for a long time. I promise to be very effective when the time comes."

Before, it was Brother Sui Feng, but now Brother Feng calls for it as soon as the money comes.

Xiao Jie was not surprised by this. Seeing the city gate opening, he gave the order - "Let's go!"

Three riders and one bear galloped towards the fishing village.

The book was brief. The three of them arrived at the fishing village before nine o'clock, but Granny Li was already waiting outside the hut, giving Li Bao some instructions.

"Baoer, if a fight breaks out, you must not come out. Just hide in the house. Your mother-in-law will naturally help you solve the problems outside."

"Mother-in-law, I can also participate in the battle. Let me help. I have also practiced my sword skills very diligently in the past few years."

"No, you are the only one in our Lao Li family. If something goes wrong with you, how can I explain it to your father, grandpa Xiang, your great-grandfather, and your wife's grandpa? You can tell me whatever you say." Hidden."

"But, a manly man——"

"There's nothing special about it. You haven't even celebrated your fifteenth birthday yet. You're not a big man, but you're still a little kid. Be good. Let's talk about anything after your birthday."

The three of them got off their horses and came to the two of them. Li Bao looked at Xiao Jie and others helplessly, then turned and went back to the house.

Xiao Jie was quite surprised when he looked at Granny Li. The old woman was dressed in a black outfit, holding two knives. Her hair was tied tightly with a piece of red silk, and a copper hairpin was inserted. She had a bit of a chivalrous character.

Granny Li (salted fish merchant): "You three, thank you very much for coming to help me today. The old woman has something to say. Today's matter is of no small importance. Those fish spirits and water monsters will definitely not give up and attack with all their strength. Please be prepared, you three." , but the old woman is not a stingy person, to be honest, I also spent some time in the world back then, and was nicknamed Feitian Yaksha Li Cuilan.

After many years of wandering, I have also collected a lot of magical weapons, gold and silver treasures, and martial arts secrets. As long as three of you can help me survive this disaster, you can choose these treasures at your leisure. "

Xiao Jie listened, but was not moved at all. He had seen a lot about the virtues of these NPCs, so he couldn't take what he said too seriously. Just like people in real life, they never made up lies or made up lies. Something new.

After waiting for a while and seeing that there was no system prompt, I immediately secretly despised you, who are you trying to fool with your empty talk?

This was the first time Brother Ramen had encountered this kind of situation, and he was extremely excited: "Don't worry, Granny Li, Brother Ramen is going all out today and will never take a step back."

I want to become an immortal and I replied: "Yes, we will fight to the end today!"

"Okay, okay, these three warriors are indeed heroes, so I'll leave it to you. When the sharks attack, the three of you will take the lead in fighting. Old lady, I am old and frail, although I still have some fighting strength. But he couldn't stand the fight for long, so he just stormed the formation aside.

If it really doesn't work, I will naturally take action myself. Please invite the three of them. Those sharks should be here soon. "

The four of them came to the edge of the lake. Sure enough, after waiting for a few minutes, the lake suddenly started rolling, and the three of them and the bear were all ready.

Each begins to add BUFF.

Xiao Jie first blessed himself with a diamond talisman (armor +50, lasting 30 minutes).

Equipped with a fine whetstone (which gives your slashing weapons a sharpness value of +10).

Nibbled on another piece of barbecue. (Increases the recovery speed of your physical strength by 10% for 30 minutes).

"Remember my arrangement. Don't get close to the lake. You must lead the enemy to the shore before fighting. If you really can't defeat them, you are allowed to retreat, but you must wait for my order. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, Brother Feng."

"Brother Feng, just watch."


As soon as Xiao Jie finished his instructions, a large group of sharks suddenly emerged from the water.

Sure enough, it was time to take action. In the past three days, the number of sharks appearing gradually increased. On the first day, they emerged in twos and twos, on the second day, they emerged in threes and threes, and on the third day, they appeared in waves of four.

But today, eight mermaid pearl seekers suddenly appeared.

The three people and the bear retreated a few steps until all the sharks and pearl seekers came ashore.

"Become an immortal, Xiong Da—enter!"

I wanted to become an immortal and Xiong Da rushed over together.

I Want to Become a Immortal made a sweeping strike, and hit three of them with the long ax in my hand. Xiong Da made a sweeping strike, and also caught three of them.

The remaining two are just left to Xiao Jie and Brother Ramen to deal with.

Xiao Jie glanced at Brother Ramen, "One for each, let's see who can kill faster."

"Hahaha, come on!"

The two of them rushed towards their respective goals at the same time.

The violent wind sword technique - one sword, two swords and three swords, spinning and slashing! One more knife, two more, three more.

Stunning blow - rapid wind combo! "Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da!"

Xiao Jie's knife penetrated the flesh, and the shark's flesh and blood were bloody.

Brother Ramen's fist hit the shark like a storm, and the damage numbers came out densely, -7-8-6-8-5-9! Although the damage of each punch is very low, it is too fast to hold up.



The two of them solved the battle almost at the same time. At first glance, they seemed to be of equal strength. However, considering that Xiao Jie was only level 13, 4 levels behind his opponent, and had 20 free attribute points left to add, the gap in combat power became obvious.

At this time, I Want to Become an Immortal and Xiong Da are still fighting against monsters. I Want to Become an Immortal is okay. The defense of my Wraith Iron Armor is astonishing. If the Merman Pearl Seeker scratches and bites it, it will be like scraping.

Xiong Da was beaten a bit badly. After all, he pulled three monsters of the same level at once. Fortunately, his blood volume was thick enough, so it was not a big problem to resist.

Xiao Jie and Ramian Brother rushed towards a shark with low health at the same time, and quickly resolved the battle. When the two of them killed their third mob, I Want to Become an Immortal and Xiong Da also each eliminated the enemies in front of them. .

"Quick reply!"

Xiao Jie fed Xiong Da meat while recovering his strength.

Sure enough, within two minutes, there was another wave of water on the lake, and the second wave of sharks came up to kill them.

This time there were six Shark Pearl Seekers + two Shark Piercers.

"Kill the Impaler first! Enter!"

This wave was not too difficult to solve, except that Ramen Brother was knocked out a little by the first wave of javelins from the Sharman Impaler.

In the third wave, there were four mermaid bead seekers, two mermaid piercers, and two mermaid barbarians. This wave was a bit difficult to fight.

By the time of the fourth wave, there were six strong monsters, and it was more difficult to solve this wave. The three of them had to retreat some distance to spread out the monster formation and then defeat them one by one, relying on their speed advantage to kill the sharks first. Impaler, and then deal with the barbarians one by one.

By the fifth wave, all eight were strong monsters, a combination of four shark piercers + four shark barbarians.

This lineup is a bit fierce.

The four shark piercers throw javelins together, causing extremely high damage. No matter how slow the speed is, long-range attacks have no effect at all.

The four shark barbarians were even more rough-skinned and thick-flesh.

Xiao Jie decisively asked Ramian Brother to lure away the four shark barbarians. He and I wanted to become immortals, and Xiong Da quickly cut into the back row.

After the four shark piercers were taken care of, a shark barbarian broke away from Brother Ramen's hatred and rushed towards the hut.

Seeing the shark barbarians approaching the hut, Granny Li finally made a move.

"Monster, if you want to hurt my grandson, you must first get through me - suffer death!"

Ghost Crying Sword Technique!

The two swords intertwined, bringing out a series of afterimages, the figure was like a ghost, swift and invisible.

Swish, swish, swish—puff, puff, puff!

The attack of the shark barbarian soldiers was like slow motion, completely unable to touch Granny Li's clothes.

On the other hand, Granny Li, despite her age, was really very sharp at chopping down people. She saw blood with her sword and penetrated flesh with her sword. She moved around the shark barbarians while dealing crazy damage.

Before a set of Ghost Crying Sword Techniques was completed, the shark barbarian soldier's health had already reached the bottom. Finally, he stabbed with two swords in the back and killed him easily.

This flying yaksha truly deserves his reputation.

Xiao Jie was convinced that with such a level 24 NPC helping him, there was nothing to be afraid of.

The three of them dealt with the remaining three barbarians one by one.

As soon as she sat down to meditate to recover and regain her internal strength, Granny Li said with a solemn expression.

"Be careful everyone, I feel like the enemy is about to get serious."

Xiao Jie's heart suddenly trembled after hearing this. This Granny Li is completely the mouthpiece of the system. She will spawn monsters when she says, and she won't spawn if she says she won't. Since she said she was going to take action, she must have a BOSS. ah.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, the lake surface was seen churning, and a wave of eight sharks swarmed onto the shore again. Not to mention, a huge monster suddenly appeared.

It was a huge crab that was two meters high and three meters wide. Several water plants and sea vines were turned into reins. Standing on it was an extremely strong shark knight, wearing an armor made of shrimp and crab shells. He was holding the reins in one hand. The other hand waved a three-pronged fork, holding it majestically.

Shark Cancer Knight (Serman Noble): Level 19 elite, HP: 1300.

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