Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 149 Raging Sea

"What the hell, what should I do with Brother Feng? What should I do? How can I fight like this!" Brother Ramian was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly with the dark sea of ​​sharks in front of him and a leader-level BOSS.

He has been working his way up from playing games, not to mention boss-level BOSSs, even elites have not beaten a few.

Xiao Jie was also a little nervous, but only a little. He had played many games, and he was often familiar with some of the hidden rules of the game. It was impossible for the game to give players a test that they could not complete. These sharks in front of them seemed invincible, but It certainly won't really make players chew on it. There must be a way to win without fighting in the plot.

"Don't worry, these mermaids have short legs and will be useless when they land. At worst, we can just fly unlimited kites." Xiao Jie comforted.

What Xiao Jie said is correct in theory. With the advantages of speed and range, no matter how many monsters there are, you are not afraid of them. Of course, the premise is that there is no leader-level BOSS - Princess Merman. Back then, a single shark waterbender suppressed three people. It's terrible. This mermaid princess is probably several orders of magnitude stronger than the mermaid waterbender.

If they really get into a fight, who knows what big moves they can unleash.

However, this cannot be said clearly. It will have a great impact on morale, so it is better to wait and see what happens.

While she was talking, the Mermaid Princess was already talking to Granny Li.

Ji Xian'er (Mermaid Princess): "Old woman, where did you find all these people to help you?"

Granny Li (Feitian Yaksha): "You little bitch, I have told you before that Li Bao is a bloodline of my Li family and will never leave with you. These people are all masters of the martial arts that I have found. They kill people without batting an eye." Countrymen, take your people and retreat quickly, otherwise - hum! "

Xiao Jie thought to himself, do these two people know each other?

Hey, that's not right. This woman can actually speak. Doesn't it mean that the sharks can't speak?

"Old woman, Li Bao is the legacy of the shark royal family. He is destined to return to the sea. Li Bao, Li Bao!"

"Shut up!" Granny Li raised her hand and shot a flying knife towards the shark princess, and a shark guard immediately stood in front of her.

After shouting several times and receiving no answer, the Mermaid Princess simply started singing.

Ahhhh...ahhhhh...ahhhhhhh! A beautiful song sounded, with a strange resentment and temptation, like a call from the depths of the ocean.

Don't tell me, this song is quite nice to hum.

In the hut, Li Baomi walked out in confusion.

"Bao'er, why are you out? Go back quickly." Granny Li hurriedly went up to stop her.

Li Bao turned a deaf ear and looked at the Mermaid Princess and asked foolishly: "Is that you, Xian'er? Is it really you?"

"It's me, Li Lang. I'm here to pick you up. Come to me quickly and let me take you to the sea, to the kingdom that belongs to us."

Xiao Jie hurriedly stopped in front of Li Bao. He really controlled this kid's mind, "Li Bao, do you know her?"

Li Bao was a little confused, "I have always dreamed of her in my dreams these days. She said that I was destined to be her husband-in-law and asked me to find her. I thought it was just a dream."

Granny Li was furious, "It's the magic of dreaming! This little bitch is so shameless! I didn't expect such a witchcraft even if I was on guard against it."

But the Mermaid Princess just murmured gently, "Li Bao, your mother is the princess of the Mermaids of the East China Sea, and you are the prince of my Mermaid clan. Come with me."

"Nonsense, Bao'er, don't listen to the bewitchment of this witch. The three warriors haven't fired their arrows! As long as these shrimp fish monsters are driven away, there will definitely be a lot of benefits."

Xiao Jie thought to himself, "Damn it, what's the use of just talking, you should show off the rewards."

If there is really something good, so what if I help you.

Princess Shark sneered, "Hahaha, do you really know it in your heart? Why, you haven't told Li Lang his life experience for so many years."

Li Bao looked at Granny Li with a shocked face, "Grandma, is this true?"

"Don't listen to her nonsense. Your mother is the daughter of a merchant who was in trouble at sea. Back then, back then she..."

Xiao Jie knew it was time. He sighed and pretended to be serious: "Senior Li, why do you have to hide it like this? Brother Li Bao, maybe I can give you an answer. After my investigation during this period, I have found out about the past." I have some understanding of things.

Your mother is indeed the princess of the shark clan, and everything started from fifteen years ago, when..."

Seeing that Xiao Jie was about to tell the truth, Granny Li became anxious.

"Yinyue Suifeng! Don't talk nonsense, shoot me arrows to kill those fish monsters. As long as you help me, I will give you all my treasures!"

"That's enough!" Xiao Jie suddenly shouted angrily, "We, the returnees, are exterminating demons and defending the Tao, in order to restore the world to a peaceful world, to save the world, and to eradicate violence and make peace. How can we buy it with just money and equipment! Li Mother-in-law, I respect you as an old man and a senior figure in the world, but you repeatedly use money and other things to humiliate me. What are your intentions?

Compared with the truth, external things are nothing. Please stop saying such things. I will not be tempted by you. "

Granny Li suddenly looked confused. Did I see the wrong person? There's no reason. This guy is obviously just looking for profit. Although he pretends to be pretty good, my mother-in-law still has a good eye for seeing people.

"That's not what you said when you took the bounty."

Xiao Jie said solemnly: "We heroes also need to eat. It is natural to kill monsters and get money, but we will never have no bottom line for gold and silver treasures. What is true is true, and what is false is false. Justice in the world rests in the hearts of the people. I must tell the truth today.”

I want to become an immortal and shouted, "That's right, people must be honest, yes, honesty is the foundation of being a human being... Honesty..."

After shouting twice, I found that I couldn't act out the flavor, and even felt a little ashamed, so I could only shut up.

Xiao Jie thought that young people were still too young, so I should do this kind of pretentious task.

"It all started fifteen years ago..."

Xiao Jie told the truth that he had restored.

At the end, he said seriously: "So Li Bao, you do have the blood of the mermaids, but you are also the blood of the Li family. If I guess correctly, your mother is very likely to be a mermaid royal family, and you are indeed a prince of the mermaid clan. This is the truth of everything."

[System prompt: Granny Li's favorability towards you has decreased by 20 points. 】

"How dare you, you bastards, say such nonsense! You deceived my Baoer. Baoer, don't listen to their nonsense. These guys must have colluded with the witch. I am the one who treats you sincerely."

The name above Granny Li changed from green to yellow, from yellow to orange, and from orange to red. After a while, it changed from red to orange again.

Fortunately, Granny Li did not dare to turn against her in the face of the enemy. The current relationship is only [indifferent], not [hostile].

[System prompt: Ji Xian'er's favorability towards you has increased by 20 points. 】

The name of the merman princess changed from red [hostile] to yellow [neutral].

Ji Xianer smiled and said, "This warrior is indeed a man who understands reason and knows good from bad. To be honest, something happened in my Jiaoren Country some time ago. Now, only Li Bao and I are left in the bloodline of the Jiaoren royal family. Only the two of us can continue the bloodline of our family. If you can send Li Bao to me, I will definitely reward you generously. You three can use the treasures accumulated by the Jiaoren Country for thousands of years at will."

Xiao Jie waited for three seconds, and saw that there was no system prompt again. He was speechless. This is another person who wants to get something for free.

Is there no honest NPC in Luoyang Plain?

It's not as good as the Ginkgo Fairy at the beginning. She at least had a "???" reward when she issued the task. No matter what it was, at least there was such a thing. You guys are so good. You don't even pretend to be so empty-mouthed.

After playing for so long, he has found the rules. If there is a reward, the system will probably explain it clearly, even if it is an ambiguous thing. But if there is no system prompt, it is likely that the NPC is fooling people.

The more angry he is, the more righteous his tone is.

"Shut up, you woman are so ignorant that you want to seduce us. We have principles. Since Granny Li's treasure is useless, your treasure is useless. You are even more hateful than Granny Li. Granny Li is just cheating, but you are robbing. Don't you know that a real man should do something and not do something? We will not be tempted by you.

As the saying goes, money is like floating clouds to me, and fame and fortune are like dust to me. I am Yin Yue Sui Feng walking in the rivers and lakes to give this world a bright and peaceful world. How can I deviate from the right path because of the temptation of a little wealth and treasures? Your behavior is really ridiculous, ridiculous!"

After reading this line, the scene was silent for a while, and everyone was stunned by Xiao Jie's words.

The NPC was really stunned, and Ramen Brother and I were even more shocked - Feng Ge is indeed worthy of his name, he can recite such a middle school line so naturally and fluently.

[System prompt: Granny Li's favorability towards you has increased by 30 points. ]

[System prompt: Ji Xian'er's favorability towards you has increased by 10 points. ]


Xiao Jie was a little surprised. Granny Li's favorability has increased, but why did Ji Xian'er's favorability also increase?

It seems that gentlemen are still respected. That's fine, then let's continue to pretend.

Xiao Jie looked at Li Bao, "Li Bao, a real man is born in heaven and earth, how can he be manipulated by others? Today is your adulthood day. As a man, you should have your own responsibilities. What choice you make today is ultimately up to you.

But you can rest assured, whether you want to be your mermaid prince or go with your mother-in-law to guard the ancestral foundation, I, Yin Yue Sui Feng, will protect you today. Just make your choice!"

Li Bao's blood boiled when he heard it, and his face was full of admiration.

"Brother Sui Feng, I..."

"Bao'er! Don't listen to him."

"Li Lang! Follow me to the sea."

"Enough!" Li Bao shouted suddenly, and his eyes finally became firm.

"Brother Suifeng, you are right. A real man should have his own responsibilities. Mother-in-law, I know you want me to carry on the family line for the Li family, live and work in peace, and live a peaceful life, but I also have my life goals. I have been locked up in a thatched cottage by you for more than ten years. It can be said that I have lived a miserable life. This is definitely not the life I should have. I want to be like Brother Suifeng, exorcising demons and defending the way, wandering the world, doing something, and being respected by the world.

If I can achieve something in the future and return safely, I will naturally marry and have children and serve you.

But before that, please forgive me for being unfilial.

Xian'er, I appreciate your kindness. Although I do have the blood of mermaids, I know nothing about mermaids. Maybe one day in the future I will visit the East China Sea. If the mermaid country is in trouble, I can also help.

But I will never accept the fate of forced marriage. Please go back."

The color of the name on Granny Li's head finally changed back to [friendly] green.

"Bao'er, when you grow up, you look exactly like your father back then. Well, I won't care about you anymore. Just be happy."

Ji Xian'er over there gritted her silver teeth and said, "Since you refuse to submit, then don't blame me for using force. The shark clan will obey the order and take back the prince!"

Hundreds of sharks swarmed over.

Actually want to fight? No way.

Although there is a level 24 Grandma Li here, this old woman is just an NPC panel, and the data difference between her and Ji Xianer is too much.

Coupled with the hundreds of sharks, it is impossible to fight.

The only advantage is speed.

Xiao Jie said in a deep voice: "Don't be afraid, these shrimp, soldiers, fish and monsters are nothing to be afraid of out of water."

Na Ji Xian'er snorted coldly: "That's right, let me show you the power of my shark's water-bending skills!" The orb in his hand emitted a dazzling light, waving his short staff and muttering something.

"The vast sea rises from the ground with shock, and the waves a hundred feet high rise with anger!"

Demonic magic - the angry sea is born!

A huge wave suddenly rose from the water in the lake and surged towards the shore.

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