Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 152 Master or fool?

On the main road, two horses galloped one behind the other.

Xiao Jie had to slow down from time to time, and when I wanted to become an immortal to catch up, the map of this game was surprisingly large. The two of them had been running for more than half an hour, but they had not yet left the Sunset Plain.

"I say, if you have money later, buy a war horse. This thing can save your life at critical moments." Xiao Jie suggested to me after another pause.

Ordinary wild monsters can be thrown away by riding a traveling horse, but if you encounter an enemy with the same four legs, there will still be some dangers. In comparison, a war horse is much safer. If you move forward at full speed, basically all monsters will be killed. It's hard to catch up. As long as you don't leave the road, you'll be safe.

I wanted to become an immortal and said helplessly: "I would like to, but I have no money. After all, it costs one million. The little money I have has long been gone. By the way, Brother Feng, I learned mining and mining." Medicine, I can try to make some extra money when I have the opportunity in the future.”

"Well, this is a good choice. The competition in the manufacturing industry is too fierce, and it is difficult for newcomers to get ahead. On the contrary, the collection profession is at least a cost-free business. You should be able to make some money in the future."

While the two were chatting, they saw a motorcade coming into view from a distance on the avenue ahead.

The two hurriedly slowed down and observed carefully from a distance.

Fortunately, it was not a group of monsters. It looked like a caravan. Several carriages were loaded with goods. In addition to the driver, there were more than a dozen level 16 caravan guards accompanying them, all green. famous NPC.

This should be the caravan that Wang Kai mentioned earlier. It is said that mobile trade will be carried out in various novice villages every other month.

The two men rode forward, and when they saw the two approaching the caravan leader, he immediately came over with two guards.

Qian Gaoyi (caravan leader): "Where are the two returnees going?"

"We are going to Sao Feng City."

"Ah, that's a coincidence. We also want to go to Sao Feng City, how about we go together? There are many wild beasts and bandits on this road, and it is said that there are also wolf demons that cause trouble. It is safer to go together."

Xiao Jie said: "No need, we have something urgent and we must hurry up and we can't delay."

Xiao Jie thought to himself, "We have a horse, but who can wait here with you slowly? It's completely unnecessary."

The leader of the caravan said it was a pity and asked people to clear a way.

The two passed the caravan and continued to fly along the road.

This encounter was just a small episode, and the two of them didn't take it seriously.

After running for a few more minutes, a village appeared in their sight.

This village is built on both sides of the main road, and the main street in the middle of the village is the main road.

Like most villages in the world, the village in front of me is completely deserted. There are only some dilapidated houses around the three-way intersection, a main road running from east to west, and a small road leading to the forest to the south.

The two stopped at the entrance of the village. Having experienced the experience of the sick village, Xiao Jie was now a little frightened by such an abandoned village, so he had to investigate in advance before entering.

Fortunately, this village can be seen at a glance, and there are no traces of monsters as far as the eye can see.

"Let's go, there should be no monsters, let's rush over directly, don't stop - drive!"

The two horses galloped away together, and when they reached the three-way intersection, Xiao Jie suddenly caught sight of something from the corner of his eye.

"Wait a minute, there's someone!" He suddenly reined in his horse, and right in front of a dilapidated road sign at the three-way intersection, stood a Taoist priest in tattered robes, murmuring to himself with a frown on his face.

I looked at the name.

Fool: Level 1 civilian with 50 health points.

"Hey, he's a Taoist priest! It's a bit strange." I, who wanted to become an immortal, said in surprise.

It's really strange. Unlike other games, monsters in this game will not only attack players, but also NPCs. NPCs in the wild will also be killed if they encounter monsters.

Therefore, it seems a bit strange that a level 1 NPC suddenly appears in such a wilderness place.

A level 1 civilian only has 50 HP, so even a wild dog might not be able to defeat him. Does he have any special ability to survive?

Moreover, the other party is actually a Taoist priest, which inevitably arouses people's imagination.

What adventures might it trigger?

But when I think about it, I think it's unrealistic. Since this NPC is standing on the side of the road, players passing by will always encounter it. If there is any adventure, I'm afraid it will be triggered by others long ago.

But it’s never wrong to try.

"Let's go over and ask."

The two rode up to the foolish Taoist and dismounted.

Xiao Jie said respectfully: "Hello, Taoist Priest, this is polite. I am a returnee from Yin Yue Sui Feng. I came across some issues in your mind that I would like to disturb. Is that okay?"

The foolish Taoist just had a silly smile on his face, as if he didn't understand what Xiao Jie was talking about.

Xiao Jie was a little depressed. He had been working on this set of words for a long time, but he didn't expect it to have any effect at all.

If I want to become an immortal, I will be more direct, "Hello, Taoist Master, can I ask you something?"

The foolish Taoist said with a silly smile: "How are you, Taoist Master? How are you doing? Your stomach is growling with hunger, and you can't stand without food."

Um? This is asking for food, just respond.

Xiao Jie directly right-clicked on the gift and gave a steamed bun as a gift.

The foolish Taoist picked up the steamed bun and ate it in two bites. After finishing it, he sighed.

"The steamed buns and steamed buns are not enough, so two more are just right."

Xiao Jie handed over two more steamed buns without saying a word.

"If you're not full just by eating steamed buns, wouldn't it be nice to have some meat and wine?"

There was no wine, but there was a lot of barbecue. Xiao Jie right-clicked and presented another piece of barbecue to him.

"Miao Miao Miao, OK, OK, I've really had a full meal today. You two returnees want to fuck me?"

This foolish Taoist is very silly and has a lot of words, but he is a bit too popular and has no sense of being an expert at all.

Xiao Jie didn't mind it either. The NPCs he met on the roadside were just trying their luck.

"Taoist Master, to be honest, we want to learn Taoism and I wonder if you can give us some advice."

"Hahaha, silly silly silly, why did you come to me to learn Taoism? I don't know the laws and techniques, just...just..."

Come on, I can’t even make up a limerick now.

I wanted to become a god and said loudly, "Stop pretending, I can tell at a glance that you are a god, right? You are the one we are looking for."

Xiao Jie said in his heart that it would work, he would become an immortal, but he already knew he was cheating.

"That's right, Taoist Master, you must be a god, right? Can you teach us?"

"The world only thinks that immortals are good, and immortals cannot escape if they are in trouble. Even if you want to cultivate immortality, why don't you treat me like a fool?"

Xiao Jie was speechless. He couldn't communicate at all, but he refused to give up.

There are such crazy NPCs in many games. Sometimes they are just used to set off the background of the game and are not of much use. However, sometimes as long as they can find the correct way to open them, they will give players a big surprise.

Although he wasn't sure which type of fool he was in front of him, what if it was the second type?

"What is the Taoist priest doing here alone?"

"What are I doing? Yes, what am I doing here?" The foolish Taoist actually started talking to himself, scratching his head with a confused look on his face, "What am I doing here? Yes, I remembered it!" He suddenly A slap on the thigh, "I want to run for my life!"

"Running for your life? Why running for your life?"

"Someone is trying to catch me!" The fool shouted loudly, with a look of horror on his face.

"Which Taoist temple did the Taoist master practice Taoism in? Why don't you tell us and we will escort you back?" Xiao Jie followed the lead and figured out which Taoist temple the Taoist priest might have escaped from. If he could be sent back, he might be able to open it. What a reputation.

"Taoist temples practice Taoism? Hahahaha, those fools in Taoist temples don't even know what Taoism is and how to cultivate the true Tao." The foolish Taoist said and laughed again, "Fools, they are all fools."

Xiao Jie said to me that you look like a fool.

He was very patient. Although he still didn't have any useful information, from the words of this fool, he started to feel a bit like a master.

Xiao Jie simply started to ask questions one by one by elimination method, "Has the Taoist Master ever heard of Baiyun Temple?"

"What's the White Cloud Temple and the Black Cloud Temple?"

"Does the Taoist Master know Xuanxu Palace?"

Unexpectedly, upon hearing this, the foolish Taoist's face suddenly changed, "Xuanxu Palace? Xuanxu Palace! By the way, it's Xuanxu Palace - those stinky Taoist priests in Xuanxu Palace want to catch me, beat me, burn me, electric shock me, and scald me." , why such torture? Don’t kill me, don’t kill me! Run away, run away quickly.”

After saying that, he threw away the steamed buns and bacon, turned around and ran away.

Shall I wipe it? What's going on? The two looked at each other, both looking confused.

"Follow me!" Xiao Jie followed him without saying a word, thinking that there is a way. Although it sounds like the identity of this Taoist priest is not right, and it seems that he is an enemy of Xuanxu Palace, but someone who can be an enemy of Xuanxu Palace must have After a while, maybe it can really trigger an adventure or something.

This guy is either faking it, or he has amnesia for some reason, similar to Ouyang Feng in The Legend of the Condor Heroes, but as long as he finds the right way, he can be reminded of it.

Let's see where this NPC can lead them.

The two of them ran with the foolish Taoist. The foolish Taoist looked like a fool. He ran like a meteor and ran wildly. As he ran, he shouted: "Don't catch me, don't kill me, run away - run away." "

"Brother Feng, this Taoist priest seems to be running in the direction of Luoyang Town."

Indeed, he ran in the direction the two came from, and ran for several minutes without any intention of stopping.

The two simply summoned their mounts and followed them all the way.

"Brother Feng, this guy couldn't have run all the way back to Luoyang Town, right?"

"No, if we follow you for a while, we might turn a corner while running. Anyway, our goal is to learn Taoism, not to learn from anyone."

I want to become a fairy and say the same thing.

The two of them patiently followed the foolish Taoist and ran for more than ten minutes. They saw the caravan parked on the road in the distance.

The two of them didn't pay much attention at first, but when they got closer, Xiao Jie suddenly realized that something was wrong, and saw the carriage at the front overturning to the ground.

"No! Something happened."

The two hurriedly slowed down and observed carefully.

Sure enough, something happened. Not only did the car overturn, but the horse was also missing. The ground was covered with the corpses of the guards, and a group of fat and giant wolves were chewing on the corpses on the ground.

Several monsters that looked like werewolves were rummaging through the corpses and the cargo on the car... They were the wolf monsters from the Hundred Wolf Cave!

Xiao Jie looked carefully and saw the sword and shield wolf soldiers, the bow and arrow wolf soldiers, and the spear wolf soldiers. These wolf monsters were actually wearing armor and holding weapons like humans.

The one in the lead had a strange face that was half human and half wolf. His figure was like a human being, but he was extremely powerful. He carried two scimitars on his back.

Man Changya (Wolf Spirit Captain): Level 18 Elite, 950 HP.

Damn, what you fear will come true! Xiao Jie hurriedly stopped his warhorse.

The foolish Taoist still ran forward on his own, shouting, "Don't catch me, don't catch me."

Several wolf soldiers were rummaging through the goods. They woke up immediately after hearing the sound. Seeing that it was a human, they immediately rushed over.

Xiao Jie looked at the wolf soldiers rushing towards the foolish Taoist with expectation, thinking that this guy must be a master who is hidden. No matter how you pretended before, it depends on how you pretend now.

Maybe he will kill everyone in one big move, confirming your speculation, and then you can go up to ask for advice.

Should I rush up and pretend to protect him? Maybe this is some kind of test?

But looking at the number of wolf monsters, I decisively didn't dare to try.

Or I should shout a little, at least to show that I have this intention.

"Master Taoist, be careful!"

Listen in the next second! With a scream, the Foolish Taoist was chopped to the ground by a sword and shield wolf soldier, and then stabbed by a spear wolf soldier, and died instantly.

Uh... Died just now? Xiao Jie was stunned for a moment. This guy was really an NPC with no meaning of existence?

But what was even more terrible was that when the Foolish Taoist died, the wolf monsters all looked towards them.

Finished, the shout just now successfully attracted the attention of the other party.

At this time, the wolf monsters had already rushed towards him.

"Run!" The two turned their horses and left.

Mang Changya (wolf spirit lieutenant): "It's the returnees, catch those humans and give them to the king for wine, woo!"

With a wolf howl, the wolves that were gnawing on the corpses immediately stopped eating and quickly rushed to the side of the wolf spirits. These wolf soldiers and wolf spirits turned on the wolves one by one and ran after them.

Damn, they were actually wolf cavalry!

Xiao Jie secretly said that it was not good: "Chengxian, speed up!"

He was not afraid. I could definitely get rid of the other party if I accelerated at full speed, but I couldn't.

Although I accelerated desperately, the pursuers were getting closer and closer.

Xiao Jie could run away at any time, but I would be in danger if I did that.

"Brother Feng, what should I do? What should I do?" I was so anxious that my voice was crying.

Xiao Jie said in a deep voice: "Don't be afraid, I have a way!"

The outline of the deserted village appeared in the distance ahead.

"I will hold the monster's hatred. After entering the village, we will run separately. I will lead the monster away, and you run away quickly."

Xiao Jie turned around and shot an arrow after he said that.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Xiao Jie kept shooting arrows behind him. Because the speed of the galloping was too fast, even with steady shooting, his hit rate was quite touching. He shot five or six arrows in a row, but only three arrows hit.

All the wolf soldiers who were shot by arrows looked at him with their teeth bared, and the hatred was obviously hung on him.

Xiao Jie deliberately slowed down his horse and fell behind I Want to Become an Immortal by one body length.

Seeing the wolf spirit captain and a wolf leading the way slowly approaching, he shot four arrows in a row.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Only two of the four arrows hit the wolf spirit captain, but that was enough. Mang Changya let out a wolf howl, and the wolves all chased Xiao Jie at once.

"Now - turn!" At this time, the two had already rushed into the deserted village first. I Want to Become an Immortal turned the horse's head and rushed towards the fork in the road to the south.

Xiao Jie continued to move forward while shooting arrows.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Unfortunately, the hit rate was too low, and these wolf spirits kept changing their positions while running, so it was difficult to always hit one. In this case, even if the arrows in the bag were used up, only a few could be killed. Xiao Jie did not expect to kill these wolf spirits with a kite. He ran a few miles with the wolf pack. It was estimated that I Want to Become an Immortal was out of danger. Xiao Jie suddenly accelerated and quickly opened up the distance.

The wolf demon captain howled in anger, but it was useless. He watched Xiao Jie run away.

Only when he could no longer see the shadow of the wolf demon behind him did Xiao Jie slowly stop.

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