Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 221: Breaking out of the formation, encountering another problem

Xiao Jie didn't know much about magic circles, but he was very familiar with computer programs. After all, he had worked in a studio, which required a lot of computers, and various program problems would arise from time to time.

Xiao Jie was finally cured after a long illness.

If the computer configuration is not enough, if the effect is too high when playing games, it is easy to drop frames or even freeze.

On the contrary, even if the computer configuration is good, it may freeze if it is turned on too much.

After all, computers have operating limits, and exceeding this limit will cause downtime.

Hearing Chen Tianwen's description at this time, he immediately thought about it. If this magic circle also has this upper limit of computing power, then as long as he turns on more special effects and runs more programs, he should be able to overload the magic circle. machine.

After hearing Xiao Jie's inference, Chen Tianwen was suddenly stunned.

Wentian Wuji: Well, you really have a good idea. I can’t say it’s not feasible, but I really can’t estimate how high the calculation power of this immortal’s magic circle is. Generally speaking, the size of the magic circle cannot be too large, at least if I were to arrange it, it would be the size of a football field at most.

But judging from the photos you gave me, the scale of this magic circle seems a bit extraordinary. The magic power of the immortal cannot be estimated based on common sense.

Yinyue Suifeng: Don’t be afraid of this. The larger the magic circle, the more mana it requires. According to your understanding, what are the ‘programs’ that consume a lot of computing power?

Wentian Wuji: Generally speaking, the basic trapping function of the magic circle does not consume too much. Illusion seems to be earth-shattering, but it often does not require much mana. On the contrary, the summoning rain spell seems to be a big consumer.

As he said this, Chen Tianwen gave Xiao Jie some more science knowledge.

In order for this array to produce various effects, it naturally requires energy. The cultivation of immortals also requires materialism when setting up the array. Without energy, just setting up a few flags and drawing a few spells will be of no use.

The energy is either a spell cast by the person setting up the array, but this kind of thing can only be done on an emergency basis. Since this array has lasted for thousands of years, it is unlikely to be like this.

The second is to use natural forces such as the aura of heaven and earth, the five elements, Feng Shui, the light of the sun and the moon, etc. The organizer will introduce these forces into the array to maintain the operation of the array.

Since this magic circle is arranged in the forest, it is most likely due to the change of the five elements.

Forests belong to wood, and water produces wood. The energy consumption of this rain-calling technique mostly comes from this.

But since there is no river passing through this forest, the consumption of this rain-calling technique must involve the power of the magic circle itself.

Xiao Jie suddenly became more confident after listening to Chen Tianwen's analysis.

In this case, all you have to do is light as many fire points as possible at the same time and keep the fire extinguishing function of the magic circle on.

Don't you believe in the magic circle that this immortal has set up for thousands of years? How many times can you generate rain summoning spells out of thin air?

The more I thought about it, the more feasible it seemed, so I said goodbye to Chen Tian and turned around to return to the game.

After walking out of the wooden house, the old man lay in the open space and basked in the sun.

"My little brother is sulking? Haha, don't be discouraged. We have plenty of time, just try slowly. Sooner or later, you will give up completely like me. When the time comes, we can be each other's companions.

Speaking of which, what big things have happened in the world in recent years? Well, don’t tell me yet. Tell me together when you are done with your work. "

Xiao Jie ignored the old man's thoughts, "I think I have found a way to solve it."

"Haha, you should tell me about it." The old man looked cheerful.

"Have you ever tried setting dozens of trees on fire at the same time?"

The old man was stunned, "That's not true. Since it's useless to light one tree, what difference does it make to light dozens of trees?"

"Hey, there's such a big difference. If you say a person can carry a hundred kilograms and a person can carry a thousand kilograms, is it the same?"

"How can the magic of immortals be judged by human strength?"

"Hahaha, there's nothing wrong with it. Immortals are also human beings. No matter how powerful the immortal magic is, it has an upper limit. Otherwise, why would an immortal hide away? It can be seen that there are many things that even immortals cannot do in the world.

It's like trapping me - I have seen through the mystery of this magic circle. It is a psychedelic magic circle, and there is a small rain summoning spell in it. But there are no rivers or streams here, so this magic circle is like water without roots. , the power is limited, as long as a dozen fire heads are ignited at the same time, it is enough to overwhelm the magic circle, and its flaws will naturally be exposed when the time comes. "

Xiao Jie made nonsense, but the old man was stunned for a while, but Xiao Jie continued: "Old man, I just asked you if you want to leave."

"I've never dreamed of it."

"It's just idle time anyway, why not try my method?"

There was a look of struggle on the old man's face, "That's all, tell me how to do it."

Xiao Jie directly threw a hatchet at him.

"Chopping wood first, of course."

"Chopping wood? How much?"

"Many, many, many." Xiao Jie said as he also equipped a Yanyue Sword and prepared to use it.

Three hours later.

Looking at the dozens of bundles of firewood in his backpack and the dozens of bundles of wood piled in the old man's yard, Xiao Jie nodded secretly, should this be enough?

"My method is very simple. The magic power of immortals is not unlimited, especially since this magic circle has experienced thousands of years. This magic circle must give priority to ensuring the existence of the magic circle itself, so it will definitely put out the fire with all its strength. As long as it is ignited at the same time There are enough fires that the magic circle cannot extinguish them all at the same time.

It needs to mobilize other forces to increase staff.

In other words, its illusion and confusion function will weaken or even disappear by then, and we will take this opportunity to run away at the same time. "

Xiao Jie said and traded to the old man a torch, two gunpowder pots, and two kerosene pots.

"I brought these with me. We only have one chance. We must succeed. Follow my plan. Once you hear me yelling, you will light the fire."

In order for the magic circle to shut down, it is necessary to ignite the maximum number of flames in the shortest time. Once the time drags on, the magic circle can naturally extinguish the fire points one by one.

Fortunately, he brought enough supplies when he set out, including five kettles of fire oil and five kettles of gunpowder.

It was supposed to be prepared, but unexpectedly it actually came in handy.

The two first scattered the firewood and piled it around a dozen pine trees. There was at least fifty meters between each tree. The entire area around the hermit village was almost covered with fire spots.

Fortunately, as long as you don't leave the hermit village too far, you won't be confused by the magic circle.

Then the two of them stood in diagonal positions, and Xiao Jie summoned Xiong Daye.

"Xiong Da, run south as far as you can!"

The bear roared, turned around and ran towards the forest.

The bear is also a living being. Once it runs into the forest, the magic circle will inevitably confuse it. Although the illusion does not consume a lot of magic power, at this time, it is good not to consume any more mana.

Seeing Xiong Da run away all the way, Xiao Jie switched his martial arts body to Tiger Roar Kung Fu and suddenly used the combat skill - shocking roar!


There was a roar, and the roar spread far away, and the old man on the other side of the village could clearly hear it.

Xiao Jie lit the fire in front of him without hesitation, then immediately summoned his mount and rushed towards the next fire. Because it was lit by a torch, the fire did not burn so fast. When the fire gradually ignited, dark clouds gathered in the sky. By the time, Xiao Jie had already rushed to the next pine tree.

Without dismounting, Xiao Jie directly hit the kettle with fire oil, and the flames instantly burst into flames.

At the same time, heavy rain had begun to fall above the first fire tree.

The reaction of this magic circle is really fast, Xiao Jie thought helplessly in his heart, and rushed straight to the next firewood pile without hesitation.

boom! Another tree was set on fire.

Boom! On the other side of the village in the distance, dark clouds also gathered, thunder sounded, and heavy rain fell.

Xiao Jie kept running to light the fire, and the old man also ran hard, using his old arms and legs to the extreme. The fires around the village were lit one after another, and in the sky, dark clouds continued to gather, one after another.

When the twelfth group of dark clouds gathered, boom! Thunder sounded, but the clouds did not appear.

Apparently there was no water.

Hahaha, there’s something going on! Xiao Jie was so excited that he threw out the last gunpowder pot.

As the flames rose, thunder sounded again in the sky, but it was like a broken speaker, and there was no trace of dark clouds or heavy rain.

Xiao Jie rushed towards the next fire and stared at the surroundings.

Suddenly there was a flower in front of my eyes, and I looked around again. There were no mountains, rocks, and dangerous ditches. There was only a flat pine forest.

The flames continued to burn, and the thunder in the sky was intermittent.

Xiao Jie knew that this was the magic circle trying to restart, and it wouldn't take long, so he had to hurry up.

He turned his horse around and shouted at the old man, "Old man, the time has come, come with me!"

"This is the right way to go!" The old man pointed to the southeast and shouted.

"You want to run?"

The old man smiled bitterly and said, "What are you waiting for if you don't run away? I figured it out. The treasure left by the immortal is not as important as my own life. I have already reached this age. I don't have the energy to look for the treasure left by the immortal. I just want to live." Get out of this damn place.

Little brothers, we are destined to meet each other. Let’s just say goodbye. If we are destined to meet again in the future, we will meet again. "After saying that, he turned around and ran away into the distance. His movement was as fast as a galloping horse.

Xiao Jie thought to himself, "I'm sorry, you haven't told me where you live yet. I don't even know your name. Do you want to default on your debt?"

But Xiao Jie didn't dare to hesitate. Who knew how long this magic circle could be down? He galloped towards the northwest.

Five minutes later——

Xiao Jie's eyes suddenly brightened, but he finally rushed out of the pine forest. Suddenly, a strange mountain came into view, and it was the Konglao Mountain.

Hahaha, it’s finally out!

When he turned around again, he couldn't help but be startled. There was no sea of ​​pine trees behind him, only about a hundred or so sparse pine trees growing at random under a soil slope.

A few wisps of green smoke rose from the forest and then disappeared.

Xiao Jie couldn't help but be stunned, this...is this the method of an immortal? Dozens of trees have trapped me for a whole day?

The old man has been trapped for more than thirty years... It's a bit magical. If he can learn such a method, wow.

I'll see what other tricks you have next.

Xiao Jie stopped thinking about it and turned to look at Konglao Mountain in front of him.

What a strange mountain, surrounded by towering peaks and criss-crossing ridges. There were many exotic plants, flowers, dead vines and old trees on the mountain. What surprised him most was that there was a ridge on the front of the mountain, which had been cut for some reason. When it fell down, a flat and smooth stone wall was formed, which was seventy or eighty meters high and more than one hundred meters wide. Looking from a distance, it looked as if someone had cut off a section of the mountain with a sword.

There was a black spot on the smooth stone wall. When Xiao Jie got closer, he could see clearly that it was a cave embedded in the stone wall!

That's right, there was an entrance to a cave between the smooth mountain walls. It was dark inside and no one knew where it led to.

There were two lines of words engraved on the stone walls on both sides of the cave entrance.

The left line: Cultivating the true nature in Konglao Mountain.

The right line: Understanding the immortality in Tianpu Cave.

Although it was not stated explicitly, Xiao Jie had a feeling that this must be the cave where the immortals lived.

Could it be that the second test was to climb the mountain?

That would be too simple.

It might be a bit troublesome for others, but I know how to climb mountains.

Xiao Jie walked to the bottom of the stone wall without saying anything and started climbing mountains directly.

I climb!

System prompt: Climbing failed. [Climbing] cannot be used in the current terrain.

Hmm? What the hell, isn't this a mountain? Why can't I climb it?

Xiao Jie tried several more times, but all failed without exception.

He stepped back a few steps, studied it carefully, and probably found the reason.

Although this mountain climbing technique can climb steep walls, it still needs to use the bulges of the wall to gain leverage. The wall in front of him is as smooth as a mirror, and there is no fulcrum at all. Even if a goat comes, it can't do anything, let alone this pirated version.

Oh my god, this is not good. It's a pity that there are no geckos in this game, otherwise I can learn skills like gecko wall climbing...

Since I can't climb, I'll try Qinggong.

Xiao Jie found a good distance and suddenly took off.

Feiyun Zhuyue——Step on the wind!

He jumped twelve or thirteen meters high.

Feiyundu! He flipped up in the air and took off again, another twelve or thirteen meters.

However, he was still twenty or thirty meters away from the cave entrance.

The third section was an air sprint, which could only be pulled up a little bit. Xiao Jie rushed forward, and it was indeed far behind.

Even though Xiao Jie activated the Flying Goose Kungfu, which doubled the effect of Qinggong, he still barely jumped to a height of 26 meters, which was still some distance from the entrance of the cave.

When he wanted to jump again, he had already exhausted his strength and began to fall.

When he fell back to the ground, Xiao Jie was in trouble.

He couldn't climb up, and he couldn't jump up. What should he do?

After thinking about it, he thought why bother to fight with a mountain wall. He could just climb to the top of the mountain from both sides of the mountain, and then jump down from the top of the mountain.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jie turned around and left.

He walked along the stone wall to the right for a while, and turned around--hmm? What he was facing was still the stone wall, and the cave was just above his head.

He walked to the left, and turned around. Damn, it still didn't change!

No matter how he walked, this mountain wall was always facing him.

Xiao Jie thought, is it coming again?

It must be the space-changing spell in the pine forest before. Ordinary people really have no way to deal with this thing.

It seems that the immortal will force him to climb up this stone wall before he can pass the level. This is a bit difficult.

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