Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 242: Outside the Game

Seeing that it was almost evening, Xiao Jie returned to the city and found a place to log off.

After exiting the game, Xiao Jie carefully checked the monster information of Bailang Cave. Xiao Jie was still looking forward to tomorrow's action.

Although the level of Wolf King Chimeijian was a bit low, the inner elixir of the leader-level BOSS definitely had a lot of spiritual energy value, but it was probably not enough to upgrade the level of Qi Refining to the third level.

It takes 3,000 spiritual energy points to upgrade from the second level to the third level. The inner elixir of the wolf king is only one or two thousand at most. There is a long way to go.

Xiao Jie checked the information for a while, glanced at the sun outside the window that had not yet completely set, and his heart was a little eager to move.

After hesitating for a moment, he simply got up, pushed the door, and walked out of the house.

He went straight to Tiger Hill.

This time Xiao Jie did not go there to run, but to climb high to look at the air.

Soon they arrived at the top of Tiger Hill. It was getting dark, and there were no more tourists on the top. Xiao Jie looked around and saw that there was no one around. He used his Qinggong skill, and landed on the brackets of the viewing pavilion with a flying cloud chasing the moon.

Standing on this commanding height, looking around, a large area of ​​Jiangbei City can be clearly seen.

Xiao Jie closed his eyes and brewed a feeling - the Qi-watching technique!

He suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of light. The world in front of him had become another scene. There were only black and white between heaven and earth.

The spiritual energy was thin... Looking at the dimness in front of him, Xiao Jie sighed helplessly in his heart. I don’t know if it’s because of the city. The surroundings are dark, and there is no spiritual light at all.

It seems that it is not so easy to find spiritual energy in reality.

Xiao Jie looked down at his hands again. In the darkness around him, his body exuded a faint white smoke-like light, like mist rising. That was the color of spiritual energy. The spiritual energy in his body was slowly dissipating and losing in the air.

Although the loss rate was very slow, Xiao Jie still felt a sense of crisis. He had to constantly acquire spiritual energy to maintain his realm. This was only the second level. When he reached the eighth or ninth level of Qi Refining, he would lose one or two hundred spiritual energy points just by doing nothing every day. It was really a rip-off.

The road of Qi Refining and Immortality is a long and arduous journey.

He was about to go down the mountain and go home.

Ding ding ding, the phone rang suddenly.

He saw the number, and it was Zhang Xingwen calling.


"Xiao Jie, how was your chess match?"

"Not bad, I won it successfully."

"Haha, I told you, our company's AI is top-notch, human chess players can't beat it no matter how hard they try."

"Haha, don't say that, that guy really beat me in one game."

Zhang Xingwen flatly denied, "Impossible, unless that guy also uses AI to play against you, how could he win? Unless he is a god."

Xiao Jie couldn't help but laugh in his heart, you are really so sure, he is really a god... But think about it carefully, the 'It Transforms the Heart' used by the God Machine seems to be an off-board trick.

"Maybe. Anyway, your AI didn't move at the end. It was completely crushed by the opponent. Fortunately, I won the first two games."

"Damn, what a joke, you are too mean. Our company's AI is at the world's top level. Even if it loses, it's at most that the computing power is not as good as others. How could it be stuck? Could it be that your computer is too bad to run it? In this way, you send the AI ​​back to me and I will study how it lost."

Xiao Jie said, "Isn't it enough for me to send you the game?"

"It's not that simple. You can't see anything from the game. What I need is the background data generated by the AI ​​when it calculates. You won't understand it even if I tell you. Just send it."

Xiao Jie thought, then send it. When he returned home, Xiao Jie sent all the AI ​​data to Zhang Xingwen.

He still has to respect this old friend. Maybe he will be useful in the future.

Time quickly came to the next day, and Xiao Jie went online early.

Now it seems that it is not so easy to refine Qi in reality. It is more convenient to kill monsters and take pills.

At nine o'clock, more than 40 core members of the Dragon Knights' branch gathered in the square, and dozens of riders rushed out of Luoyang Town.

They rushed all the way to Xiaoyue Forest. Qianlong Wuyong asked everyone to dismount, and went deep into Xiaoyue Forest while cleaning up the monsters they encountered along the way. Soon they came to the gourd-shaped valley.

It's called a valley, but it's just a larger depression, surrounded by several meters high earth mounds, full of trees.

The depression is also overgrown with weeds and dozens of trees.

Xiao Jie looked at the trees and nodded slightly. This place is very suitable for Deidara to play. When the fire comes, it can also cause a lot of environmental damage.

Qianlong Wuyong began to assign positions to ensure that there would be no loopholes in the encirclement.

Because the earth mound is only a few meters high, it is difficult for ordinary wolf soldiers to rush up, but the wolf king and the demonized giant wolf are definitely not afraid.

After a good arrangement, the arrangement was finally completed.

"Everyone, take your positions."

Everyone began to find their positions.

Xiao Jie looked at the encirclement formed by dozens of players on the surrounding mounds and felt that it was still very reliable.

"President? Those wolves have very sharp noses. What if they discover us?" A player couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements." Qianlong Wuyong said with a smile, "Everyone - go offline, YY standby, wait for my order!"

This move was not unexpected by Xiao Jie, but it was still quite surprising. Qianlong Wuyong was quite thoughtful. He could go offline before entering the battle. In this way, once the time was right, everyone would go online together, which was equivalent to the effect of a divine soldier descending from the sky.

No matter how smart the wolf king was, he probably couldn't have expected this.

In an instant, most of the more than 40 people disappeared on the spot.

Only a few players with concealment ability such as assassins and wilderness hunters were left, as observers, distributed on the earthen mound.

Among them was Ye Luo.

"Suifeng, you better be careful, don't roll over."

"Don't worry, there is no word roll over in my dictionary."

Xiao Jie said, then said hello and walked towards the entrance of Bailang Cave.

The monsters along the way were basically cleared. Xiao Jie came to the outside of the cave without any obstacles. Looking at the dark cave entrance in front of him and the wolf soldiers standing guard at the door, Xiao Jie was very alert.

After searching around the entrance, he found a few wolf cubs playing.

These wolf cubs are neutral units and have small animal attributes. Under normal circumstances, players will not attack them, and there is no experience for killing them.

But to attract the wolf king, it is necessary to continuously attack the wolf cubs to trigger it.

In order to avoid killing it all at once, Xiao Jie directly changed to a wooden stick and hit a wolf cub with a stick.


The wolf cub screamed, which was extremely shrill and whined very aggrieved.

Xiao Jie didn't care at all. He had played games for so many years. He had seen all kinds of plots and killed all kinds of enemies. Not to mention a few small animals, in order to explore the hidden content of the game, he had also killed all the NPCs in the entire game.

One stick after another, a wolf cub was soon knocked to death by Xiao Jie.

Several wolf soldiers suddenly rushed out of the cave.

"It's a human! Kill him!"

"Protect the cubs!"

Xiao Jie didn't care and chopped them to the ground with a few knives.

Thinking in his heart, it seems that killing wolf cubs to spawn monsters should be some kind of scene mechanism.

According to Xiao Bailong, it is necessary to continuously attack the wolf cubs for a period of time to attract the wolf king.

In order to ensure that the wolf cubs are not killed too quickly, Xiao Jie had to slow down and hit them from time to time.

Soon another wolf cub was killed, and this time a huge mother wolf spawned in the cave.

But it was not an elite monster, just a slightly stronger monster.

The mother wolf roared and pounced on Xiao Jie, but was easily dodged by Xiao Jie's kite flip.

Cut in two with one knife - air crack flash!

Roll - thrust - spin slash!

A set of combos flowed smoothly, and the battle was resolved in two or three moves.

Continue to attack the wolf cubs. After the third wolf cub was killed, more wolf soldiers spawned this time.

Xiao Jie had to use his ultimate skill, and slashed most of them with a whirlwind, and killed the remaining enemies with a few more slashes.

After taking a Shunqi powder and recovering his internal strength, Xiao Jie continued to kill the wolf cubs.

When he killed four or five wolf cubs——


A furious wolf howl suddenly came out of the cave.

Here it comes! Xiao Jie's heart trembled, and he quickly pulled back a distance, and then he saw a wild red figure slowly walking out of the cave.

Chimeijian (Wolf King): Level 22 leader BOSS, HP 3000.

Last time, it was just a glimpse, and this time, when I observed it closely, I found that this guy was three meters tall, holding a knife in one hand and a sword in the other, and both the swords and swords were blood red.

The wolf king's fur was also red, like a killing god, with a pair of golden wolf eyes, showing a fierce light.

And in the cave behind him, there was a wolf howl.

Chi Meijian (Wolf King): "Despicable human, how dare you——"

Meteor Chaser Dart!

Xiao Jie pressed the skill shortcut key, and the screen suddenly darkened, and seven red dots instantly appeared on the wolf king's body.

This is the peculiarity of the Meteor Chaser Dart. After the Qi is locked, the moment the skill is used, all the vital points of the target will be marked. The player can choose a vital point to attack, and the target will be hit instantly, making it almost impossible to dodge.

Each vital point can deal double damage and different negative effects.

Xiao Jie decisively chose the eyes.

Ah! The wolf king screamed, and a [blind] state suddenly appeared on his head.

This blinding effect can only last for a few seconds, but Xiao Jie didn't expect this thing to have any effect. First, it can create hatred, and second, it can delay time a little.

After throwing the dart, Xiao Jie turned around and ran.

"Kill him!" Chi Meijian called out, and a giant red wolf was summoned. Chi Meijian rode the wolf and chased after him. Behind him, groups of wolf soldiers rushed out from the Hundred Wolf Cave and followed closely.

Xiao Jie glanced at the monsters behind him while running. Fortunately, there was no wolf demon priest, because that thing could cast spells.

Flying on the grass - galloping!

Xiao Jie activated both skills at the same time, and with the speed bonus of Feiyan Gong, the speed was doubled.

"Chase, chase, chase! I want to use that human's blood to make wine!" Chi Meijian was not willing to give up, and howled wildly.

The leader of the beast pack - the speed of the wolf pack!

The whole wolf pack accelerated instantly.

Xiao Jie saw that it was not good. If he continued like this, he would soon be caught up!

God-traveling talisman!

Swish, another white light, Xiao Jie's speed increased again.

Xiao Jie did not go straight to the ambush circle. These wolf monsters were relatively intelligent and might be able to see the clues. He pretended to be panic and turned around. He even pretended to make a mistake and got stuck in front of several big trees for two seconds. When he was about to be caught up, he used Qinggong to temporarily get rid of the pursuit by crossing the terrain. After going around and around, finally, the valley in front of him was already in sight.

"Get ready, I'm going to be in place." Xiao Jie shouted in YY.

"Everyone, take your positions and get ready to go online!" Qianlong Wuyong also gave the order immediately.

The wolf king looked at the valley in front of him but was obviously hesitant.

Meteor Chasing Dart!

This time Xiao Jie locked onto the forehead of the giant wolf under the wolf king's crotch.

The giant wolf was immediately angry after being shot and was about to chase after it, but the wolf king restrained the giant wolf that wanted to rush up and chase it, and it sniffed the air hard.

Monster perception!

Instantly sensed the players who were ambushing around.

A rather human smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth - just a few people want to ambush me?

"Kill!" With a command, the wolves behind him swarmed up.

The wolf king also kicked the giant wolf in the ribs and chased into the valley.

Xiao Jie rushed through the entrance of the valley and rushed to the end of the valley in one breath. When he turned around, he saw a large group of wolf soldiers rushing in behind him and chasing him.

The wolf king was mixed in the team.


"Go online!"


On the earthen hills around the entire valley, a large area of ​​white light flashed instantly, indicating that the players were online.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding area was full of players, looking down at the wolves in the middle. The wolf king was stunned, looking at these humans who suddenly appeared on the surrounding earthen slopes, and fell into the trap!

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