Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 3 Preface Part 2 Destined Death

Zhao Qingyun took off his headphones, punched the keyboard, and stood up from his seat with a gloomy face.

He walked to the French window and looked downstairs through the glass. In the game hall on the first floor, the employees' groans came one after another.

On the big screen, the members who participated in the battle were killed and wounded. The carefully assembled dragon-slaying team of hundreds of people had more than half of them killed and wounded.

People's characters kept dying, and the screen immediately turned blood red, leaving only a big "death" word.

Looking around, more than half of the computer screens in the entire hall were showing this picture, and the screens were full of players who were like bereaved parents.

Zhao Qingyun gritted his teeth. Although there had been casualties in the past when opening up the BOSS, it was the first time that a BOSS battle had lost so many people.

It seems that slaying the dragon is still too difficult. With this loss, the Qinglong Club must develop for a while.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the core team is fine, the cannon fodder will be recruited again after it dies.

"Tsk tsk tsk, these unlucky guys died miserably." Liu Qiang's gloating voice sounded at the side. "Boss Zhao, you've lost a lot this time."

"Watch your attitude Liu Qiang, don't think you can be disrespectful to me just because you were sent by the headquarters."

"Ah, that's right, how dare I, I'm just a mean person, you are so generous, please don't take it to heart! Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep well, I apologize to you." Liu Qiang made an exaggerated kneeling salute, and his expression was as annoying as it could be.

But now is not the time to worry about this, Zhao Qingyun turned on the microphone and cleared his throat.

"As usual, all the survivors should hurry back to the city to rest. After getting off the plane, they should make a post-war summary. Each person should write a report of no less than 3,000 words. The leaders of each group should go to the conference room for a meeting. Congratulations to all the players who died in the battle. You can retire now. Go and collect your severance pay. Remember to bring your personal belongings."

Fifteen minutes later-

Sixty or seventy players sat in a room, each with a strange look.

They were all unlucky people who were killed in this BOSS battle. Since they entered this base, they were told that in the game called "Old Land" they played, each player had only one life. Once they died, they had to leave the game, which meant the end of their work.

The boss had promised that as long as the game account was not cancelled due to personal reasons, he would give generous compensation as severance pay.

I just don't know if this promise can be fulfilled.

After all, they were almost all "gotten" in by various means, and they almost lost contact with the outside world during their time in the base.

Although the food and drink are good, the treatment is good, and the work is just playing games, but as long as you look at the armed "security guards" around, you will know that the identity of the boss of this base is definitely not that simple.

"Do you think the boss will really pay us?"

"Don't think so, it's good to be alive."

"I think it's over. We have been locked up in this base for more than a year, and we don't even have the opportunity to communicate. There must be something going on here... We are probably going to be silenced."

"It shouldn't be that serious. Aren't we just here to play a game? We haven't touched anything illegal... This is not a certain place."

The door of the waiting room was suddenly opened.

Zhao Qingyun walked in with a calm face, followed by several armed gunmen and a lot of boxes.

He glanced at everyone with a smile, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"Congratulations, your mission in this base has been completed. According to the original agreement, everyone can receive a severance pay of 300,000 yuan as a reward for your service here. I, Zhao Qingyun, always keep my promises. Come and get the money now."

Everyone was surprised when they heard it. They didn't expect to really give money.

One by one, they went up to get the box. Some opened it in disbelief. It was indeed neatly stacked cash.

Soon everyone had a suitcase in their hands. Everyone looked at the money in the box with excitement. They had worked in this base for almost two years, earning 10,000 yuan a month. Before leaving, they could get another 300,000 yuan. They earned more than 400,000 yuan in two years, which was much more money than working.

Then they felt a little regretful. It was a pity that the strange rules of this game meant that each player had only one life. Once they died, they would be GAME OVER. They couldn't even create a new account. Otherwise, it would be great if they could continue to do this job.

Liu Qiang followed behind Zhao Qingyun, watching Zhao Qingyun's performance, but he sneered in his heart, looking at everyone with a hint of gloating in his eyes.

He knew very well what these people would be like next. The so-called promise is worth a thousand gold... It really makes people respect it.

But everyone was unaware of it. Everyone was excited to look at the cash box in their hands. It was still cash, so open.

Soon the money was distributed.

Zhao Qingyun looked at his watch: "There will be a car to pick you up in an hour. Please wait here patiently. Okay, let's say goodbye. Everyone, I hope you have a good time in this base."

After that, he took people away. When the door was closed again, everyone immediately talked excitedly.

"Hahaha, I said it, the boss is an open person, he will definitely not cheat us."

"Really give money, this time I'm rich."

"What are you distributing? It's only 300,000, not enough to buy a house..."

"Be content, you have money to get, why complain... cough, cough, cough, cough."

A player who was talking suddenly coughed, and coughed louder and louder, as if he was going to cough out his lungs.

He hunched over and fell to the ground, but even in such a mess, he still held the box of money tightly.

An acquaintance nearby saw him and asked hurriedly, "What's wrong, man?"

"Cough... I don't know... cough, I just feel a little... uncomfortable, cough-wow!"

The man suddenly vomited as if there was a lot of water in his lungs that made him unable to breathe, but he couldn't vomit anything. He opened his mouth, made a terrible cough and vomiting sound, and fell to the ground struggling as if drowning.

This huge movement immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding players. Everyone stopped talking and looked at the man on the ground in surprise.

"Fuck, Agui, what's wrong with you? I—vomit!"

The other man said as his eyes suddenly blurred and he felt nauseous in his stomach. He looked down and saw that his entire palm had turned dark green. The man thought he was dazzled and blinked, but found that not only his palm was turning green, but his entire arm and body began to turn green. At the same time, his whole body exuded a disgusting fishy smell, and the people around him retreated.

At the same time, a severe burning sensation came from all over his body.

"Ah! Ah! It hurts, it hurts!"

He screamed, and blood flowed from all seven orifices.

The shrill screams scared everyone present.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Old Li seems to be poisoned!"


The third unlucky guy soon appeared. Before he could finish his sentence, he felt a sharp pain coming from all over his body. Two blood columns suddenly burst out from his chest and back, as if someone had opened two holes in his chest. The invisible force tore him, crushed his bones, and inserted his ribs into his chest alive. He screamed and was squeezed into a ball of blurred flesh and blood. Then his body was torn into wounds, and blood gushed out, as if an invisible monster was biting his body and chewing his flesh and blood.

"Save me! Save... me!" He stretched out his hand to grab the person next to him, but the people around him were so scared that they all retreated back. Crack, the man's body was directly broken into two pieces...

This tragic scene scared everyone.

No one knew what had happened. People kept screaming and dying in various strange ways. Some rushed to the door to ask for help, but found that the door of the lounge had been sealed. Some noticed the camera above their heads and shouted for help, but there was no response.

Various tragic ways of death were constantly being staged, drowning, poisoning, electrocuted by lightning, crushed, torn, or knocked away by invisible forces, with broken heads and blood.

When the screams finally ended, only twisted corpses and flesh were left in the lounge.

Zhao Qingyun watched all this through the monitor, and his heart was horrified. He had witnessed this scene more than once, but every time he saw it, he still couldn't help but shudder. The death that killed people invisibly was simply unpredictable and irresistible. I hope such misfortune will not fall on me.

He turned his head and tried to adjust his mood. It didn't matter. As long as he didn't die in the game, he didn't have to worry about encountering accidents in reality. With his level of equipment and the protection of his subordinates, ordinary monsters couldn't threaten him at all.

Thinking about it, he finally relaxed again.

"It seems that we have to recruit a new batch of players-Liu Qiang."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I do this. Besides, as long as you have money, you don't have to worry about not being able to recruit people these days." Liu Qiang laughed, and he seemed to be accustomed to everything that happened in the monitor.

Zhao Qingyun nodded, "Then I'll wait for your good news."

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