Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 38 Dealing with Demons (two chapters in one)

I want to become an immortal: "What's the matter, Brother Suifeng?"

Yinyue Suifeng: "Do you want to become a hunter?"

I want to become an immortal: "What's going on? That hunter named Yang doesn't accept apprentices. I asked Brother Wang and he said that it takes a hundred years of ginseng to become an apprentice. I saw it in the drug store, but I didn't buy that thing."

Yinyue Suifeng: "I have a way to become a hunter, but I need to borrow your ebony sword to use it. If you want to become a hunter, then form a team to do this task together."

I want to become a fairy: "I'll come right away."


Ye Luo: "Do you have a problem with me?"

Yinyue Suifeng: "I have to do a ghost exorcism mission, can you help me find a place for the ghost servant?"

Ye Luo: "That's okay, but how do you deal with it? I don't need to remind you, physical attacks are ineffective against ghosts."

Yinyue Suifeng: "I have my own way. Come to the hunter's cabin and let's discuss it carefully."


The village is not big, and within a short time, both of them arrived.

I Want to Become an Immortal was shocked at first when I saw Ye Luo, and then I became happy and greeted him warmly.

Ye Luo behaved quite coldly, as if he didn't want to make friends.

Xiao Jie was not surprised that he was in the same situation yesterday.

He didn't pay too much attention to it. Everyone has their own habits when playing games. There is a type of player who has social phobia. Even if they play online games, they play alone and don't like to form a team with others. This kind of thing is also common.

Xiao Jie introduced the two of them to each other, and then told them about the mission he had taken.

"This task is supposed to be difficult to complete, but I calculated that with the abilities and resources the three of us have, we can solve this task just right.

My sacred wood charm can expel ghost servants from the hunter's wife.

Nightfall can see ghosts.

The ebony sword I want to become an immortal can kill ghosts. The ghost servant's combat power should not be very strong based on its blood volume. The three of us can definitely defeat it by working together. As long as the ghost servant dies, Yang Baichuan should be able to recover it normally. As apprentices, we can both learn archery and dog training. "

When I heard this, I became excited immediately. He was almost killed by three wild dogs, so he knew the value of being able to take care of dogs.

Ye Luo still said calmly: "Then what good do I have? I am already Yang Baichuan's apprentice."

"Be a good person, Yang Baichuan is your master, isn't it the right thing to help the master? Besides, he might teach you a hidden skill when he is happy."

"I handed in three wild ginsengs one after another. I have learned all the skills I can learn. Besides, this is just a game." Ye Luo was unusually calm.

Xiao Jie is really helpless. Generally speaking, aren't girls supposed to be more emotional? Is this night so cold?

I wanted to become an immortal and said, "How about I hire you for 200 Wen." But this person is not short of money. When he encounters trouble, he immediately thinks of using money to solve it.

"I'm not short of money."

"500 Wen?"

"It's no use even 1,000 yuan. I told you, I'm not short of money."

Ye Luo was categorical, leaving no room for negotiation.

"Then what do you want?"

"I will help you kill the ghost servant, and this sword belongs to me."

Before I could say anything, Xiao Jie stopped.

"Are you kidding me? This thing is a magic weapon. You are too open-minded."

"That's right, I finally got this sword." I said in a hurry as I wanted to become an immortal.

Ye Luo said calmly: "It's useless for you to hold this sword, and you can't see ghosts. Unless you plan to add a bunch of attribute points to your perception and follow the perception flow route, otherwise this sword will be a complete waste in your hands." .

Let's do this. I'll give you another skill book to make up the difference. You use an axe, right? "

"I..." I want to be a fairy and want to say that I use a sword, but it seems that I have not learned any sword skills at all. Instead, I learned the ax weapon specialization after cutting wood for two days.

"That's right."

"That's enough. This "Stone Slash" can be learned with only 15 Strength. You can use it by adding a few attributes. It is definitely more valuable to you than the Ebony Sword."

"But I want to be a swordsman..." I said weakly.

"There is no swordsmanship in Ginkgo Village. You need to go to the sword hall in the state capital to learn swordsmanship, and then you can learn advanced swordsmanship. You haven't even left the novice village now, and you can't learn swordsmanship. When you leave the novice village, there will be many A better weapon than an ebony sword.”

Seeing that I was still hesitant about becoming an immortal, Ye Luo said again: "Let's do this. No matter what the ghost servant drops, it belongs to you."

I Want to Become an Immortal was finally moved. He sent a private message to Xiao Jie and asked: "Brother Suifeng, what do you think?"

Xiao Jie snorted noncommittally, but fell into deep thought.

Originally, he didn't take the ebony sword seriously. How good could the equipment given in the early stages of the game be?

But seeing Ye Luo wanting this sword so much at this moment, he had a vague feeling in his heart that the value of this ebony sword might be much greater than it looked, and it was not as simple as an ordinary little masterpiece.

Its attributes are very average, and its only unique feature is the weapon's special effect of killing souls.

Wang Kai once said before that the legal profession in this game is very rare, which means that most players are physical professions, and it is difficult for physical professions to deal with ghost monsters.

In this way, the sword's spirit-slaying special effects are particularly valuable.

Especially perceptual flow players, with this sword, they can kill ghosts.

But Ye Luo is right. Unless you plan to take the sensory route, this thing is really useless.

"Are you planning to take the sensory flow route?" Xiao Jie asked me.

"Hmm...let me think about it."

I wanted to become an immortal and couldn't help but open the strategy book left by his brother.

In addition to information about the monsters in Novice Village, it also focuses on the key points for adding points.

In this game, everyone needs to add some basic attributes, especially in the early stage. It is completely impossible to play without adding basic attributes.

If you want to switch to a legal profession in the later stage, you will need to involve advanced attributes.

The advanced attributes are very telling, and not every one of them is useful.

In this game, there are many different magic schools, including Taoism, immortality, magic, magical powers, ghost spells...

Each corresponding attribute is different.

Spirit: Increase the upper limit of mana, increase the recovery speed of mana, and increase resistance to mental skills such as charm, fear, and hypnosis.

It can be said that this attribute must be added to all legal professions. There is definitely no harm in adding it. It is generally a secondary attribute of legal professions.

Spirituality: Increase your absorption efficiency of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and your ability to learn and use fairy magic and magic.

This attribute is mainly aimed at fairy magic and sorcery. If you want to learn these two kinds of magic, you need to have a high level of spirituality.

Perception: Increase your alert range, sensing distance to monsters, and your ability to sense invisible objects. Higher perception may allow you to attract the attention of ghosts and gods.

This attribute is more important for professions such as assassins and hunters. It is also important when learning ghost spells.

Faith: Increases your ability to absorb the power of incense, and increases your ability to learn and use magical powers.

This attribute is an attribute that must be acquired to learn magical powers.

When I want to become an immortal, I naturally want to cultivate immortality so that I can resurrect his brother, but for immortality, perception is of little use.

"I'm not going to go through the sensory flow."

Xiao Jie nodded, that's no problem.

"Since she wants this sword so much, this sword must have its own uniqueness. Based on my experience, the most valuable thing about this sword is its spirit-slaying property.

The scarcity of legal professions in this game means that weapons that can cause damage to ghosts are very valuable.

Of course, in order to kill ghosts, you must first be able to see ghosts. If you want to take the flow of perception route, this sword is definitely the best weapon and priceless.

If you don't follow the flow of perception, this sword is not that meaningful. You can consider changing it to something more suitable for you.

However, this sword is yours, and it is better for you to decide on your own. I suggest you consider it carefully and don’t agree easily because of my relationship. "

Xiao Jie's analysis can be said to be very clear.

I wanted to become an immortal and I had a plan in mind, so I said to Ye Luo, "Yes, but you have to increase the price, otherwise forget it."

"This thing is of no use to you."

I want to become an immortal and said confidently, "But it will be very useful to you."

Ye Luo said calmly: "That's right - tell me what you want."

Xiao Jie thought that if I wanted to become an immortal, I would need some equipment or something, but he didn't know that if I wanted to become an immortal, I would say in a deep voice: "Information."

Ye Luo was slightly startled, "Huh?"

I want to become immortal and explained, "I don't know much about this game, but I see that you seem to be very familiar with it. You must know a lot of information that I don't know. I can give you the sword, but as a In exchange, if I have any questions about the game from you in the future, and you know something, you must help me answer it.”

Ye Luo was silent for a moment, "No problem, it's a deal."

After hearing this, I wanted to become an immortal and laughed, "Okay, that's settled, but let's make an agreement first. All the drops from the ghost servant will belong to me. You can't hack my drops."

Ye Luo snorted, "Don't worry, I'm not that bored yet."

Xiao Jie nodded secretly in his heart. My choice to become an immortal is actually very smart. Compared with one or two pieces of equipment with limited value, intelligence is undoubtedly more useful. Especially in this kind of death game, there is no fault tolerance at all. It is very possible One wrong move could lead to disaster. With more information, you can undoubtedly go further.

This kid has grown up.

The three of them each have what they need, and Xiao Jie needs to complete the upgrade mission and obtain the upgrade reward.

I Want to Become an Immortal - Job Change + Ghost Servant Drop + Skill Book and Game Information.

Ye Luo got the ebony sword.

The three of them decided on their plan and returned to the cabin again.

"Brother Yang, this is the helper I recruited. He also wants to become your disciple. I don't know if that's okay."

"As long as I can save my wife, it doesn't matter if I have one more apprentice."

A prompt immediately appeared on my screen.

System prompts: The player Yin Yue Sui Feng has shared the task [Expelling Evil Spirits] with you. Do you want to accept it?

I wanted to become an immortal, so I naturally accepted it.

He turned around and traded the ebony sword to Ye Luo, and got the skill book "Stone Split".

The three of them took their respective positions, and Xiao Jie took out the sacred wood talisman.

"Get ready, I'm going to start, count down 3-2-1!"


Ebony shames blood!

At the moment when Xiao Jie used the evil-proofing technique on the hunter's wife, Ye Luo slowly grazed the edge of the ebony sword in his palm. A layer of scarlet blood suddenly appeared on the sword, and an unknown red glow flashed in the dim room. Light.

The cold wind blew, and the hunter's wife twitched all over. When she stopped twitching, Ye Luo suddenly slashed at the air with a sword.

Aww! A strange cry sounded out of nowhere, and it was obvious that the sword had hit the target.

However, Ye Luo's face suddenly changed, "No, it's going to run away!"

He stepped forward suddenly, and his combat skill - triple waves!

Swish, swish, three consecutive swords slashed in the air.

A ghost howl sounded in the air, followed by a cold wind shock wave spreading in all directions.

Boom! Xiao Jie, I want to become an immortal hunter, and the three were shocked and retreated two steps together. It was still AOE damage. Fortunately, the damage of this move was not high, and only a few drops of blood were lost.

Ye Luo's figure flashed, and his body movement - assassin's step!

He directly avoided the impact.

Then there was another set of smooth sword moves.

Sword dance: Flowing Cloud Thirteen Styles!

Swish, swish!

Ye Luo swung his sword in a dance-like motion, the blade slashing through the air, and strange ghost cries continued to be heard in the air.

The two were very excited to see this, but they could not help at all, and could only stare blankly at the side.

It was not until a shrill scream came from the air and something fell to the ground with a clang that the two realized that the ghost should have been killed.

As a mercenary, Ye Luo was very conscious and stepped aside.

A prompt appeared on Xiao Jie's screen.

[System prompt: Participate in killing the ghost servant and gain 76 experience points. ] Because of the use of the evil spirit magic to start the monster, some experience points were actually distributed.

And I, Yu Chengxian, simply did not get any experience at all, and was a spectator throughout the process.

However, he did not pay attention to this at this time, and his eyes were attracted by the things on the ground.

It was a yellow talisman paper with a strange human-shaped symbol painted on it with cinnabar, and there was a sword mark on the talisman paper.

This is——

Xiao Jie picked up the talisman and took a look at it, and handed it to I, Yu Chengxian.

[Broken Ghost Controlling Talisman (Quest Item)

Use: Give it to hunter Yang Baichuan to trigger a quest.

Item Description: According to legend, a ghost spellcaster can use spells to control ghosts to be driven by him, to serve him, and to do evil things. This is an evil technique involving the crossing of yin and yang, and has always been despised by righteous people. 】

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