Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 47: Embrace of Fire

"Ha ha! That's them, damn scarecrows, bad guys, kill them, humans!"

These scarecrows are level 3 or 4 monsters, and they look weak because they are wobbling.

And the open terrain of the farmland also makes this place look safer, unlike the poor vision in the forest, where who knows where the monsters are hiding.

Xiao Jie looked around and immediately had a bottom line, "Let's get started, still the old rules, use bows and arrows to lure them out and kill them one by one! By the way, what's the matter with the flame embrace?"

I want to become an immortal explained: "I don't know, it's mentioned in the strategy book my brother gave me."

He said and read the contents of the strategy book to Xiao Jie.

[Demonized scarecrow: The attack power is very weak, and a level 1 player can also kill it easily, but before dying, it will use a move "flame embrace", hugging the player and then self-igniting with the player, the damage is huge, and it is easy to be killed instantly, so try not to provoke it. I was hugged by a full-blooded person once, and I was burned directly to a bloody skin. 】

Xiao Jie frowned slightly after hearing this, full-blooded burned to bloody skin? That's quite impressive.

His brother's level should not be high when he killed the scarecrow, but even if it only had 100 HP, it would be burned to blood skin in one go, which means that the Fire Embrace would have at least 70-90 damage.

With 100 HP, he could barely withstand it, but what if his brother had increased his physical strength at that time? That means the Fire Embrace skill is enough to kill people instantly.

But it will only be used before death, so it should be fine as long as you pay attention.

"So, once the scarecrow's HP is at the bottom, we will run away and use bows and arrows to make up for it. These scarecrows look slow, so we should be able to kite them."

I wanted to become an immortal, and my eyes lit up when I heard it. Yes, we have bows and arrows: "I understand."

The two of them aimed at a scarecrow and fired a volley.


This scarecrow is made of wood and straw, and it really looks like a target. Two arrows hit it at the same time.





Damn, what's going on? Xiao Jie was shocked. Isn't this damage right?

Seeing the scarecrow staggering towards the two, Xiao Jie did not continue to shoot arrows. It seems that this thing has resistance to piercing damage.

Yes, it is a pile of straw tied up, even if you pierce it, it is meaningless.

You still have to chop it with a knife.

Xiao Jie swung his knife and chopped it.

Fortunately, the slashing damage is full.

A knife hit the scarecrow, directly -22!

It is exactly the same as what is said in the strategy. This scarecrow has no attack and no speed. A pair of straw arms, waving, has no deterrent power at all, and hitting the shield feels like tickling.

Even the pulling tactic can't be used. This scarecrow has only 120 health points in total, and it will be almost killed by a few knives.

At the moment when the health is at the bottom, the scarecrow suddenly burns all over, and instantly burns into a fire man, and then rushes towards Xiao Jie.

Xiao Jie had been prepared for this, and used the kite flip without hesitation!

A backflip, this pounce immediately hit nothing. Boom, the scarecrow was completely turned into ashes in the flames, and a dozen copper coins burst out.

System: Get 8 experience points.

It's quite simple, Xiao Jie thought.

"Let's continue."

Although the last move of the flame hug was scary, it was not difficult to avoid it as long as you prepare in advance.

The two of them led the scarecrows out of the wheat field one by one, and they used swords and knives together, and they could kill one in two strokes.

Some scarecrows were chopped to the ground before they even had time to burst into flames.

Another scarecrow was led out.

The two of them chopped it up with a sword and a knife, and thought they would have to fight again, but the scarecrow burned directly.

This time its target was I want to become an immortal. I want to become an immortal and rolled backwards in a hurry, but the scarecrow suddenly flew and fell on me.

The rolling function in "Old Land" looks very similar to the rolling in the soul games that Xiao Jie played in the past, but there is one biggest difference, that is, there is no invincibility frame.

The rolling with invincibility frame is the real god skill. As long as you roll well, you can dodge any attack, but without the invincibility frame, it is really just a displacement skill.

This rolling was only halfway through, and it was thinned by the scarecrow.

Boom! The burning flames directly swallowed up Yuchengxian.

Not good! Xiao Jie was shocked and almost froze there.

Is it going to watch teammates die in front of him again?

"Fuck, fuck!" Yuchengxian screamed in fear, and his blood volume was burned by more than 90 in an instant.

Fortunately, when he upgraded before, he followed his brother's advice to increase his blood volume, and his blood bar was 150. This time, only two-thirds of it was lost, and he was not killed instantly.

But it was still scary enough. The whole person was numb.

After he stood up from the fire, he immediately took out the blood bottle and started to pour it into his mouth.

He drank three blood bottles in one breath before stopping.

"Brother Feng, damn, I was scared to death just now." I want to become an immortal said with a crying voice.

Xiao Jie also felt a chill in his heart. Fortunately, he was not hugged. This guy can really kill people in seconds.

"How is it? Are you okay?"

"No, I have to slow down."

Xiao Jie was also a little confused. He originally thought that the damage should not be that high, but now it seems that he may really be killed in seconds.

The damage of monster skills must fluctuate. If you are unlucky and inflict more than 100 damage at once, you will die.

It would be great if there was a dog, let the dog make the final cut.

"Why don't you fight this thing? It's too scary. Let's fight the bandits instead." I said with some fear because I wanted to become an immortal.

"No, let me think about it."

Xiao Jie looked at the remaining scarecrows and finally found a map where he could farm monsters to his heart's content, but he couldn't just give up.

Besides, other monsters are not easy to fight. If one more of those bandits are triggered, the car may overturn. The soulless walkers are also patrolled by elite monsters. The field of vision in the woods is too poor, and it is easy for monsters to get in front of them.

After thinking for a while, I found a solution.

"In this way, based on the experience in the battle just now, the scarecrow's ignition point should be below 50% of the blood volume. The lower the blood volume, the higher the probability of spontaneous combustion. If the blood volume is below 10%, it will definitely spontaneously combust. So as long as the health point is below 50%, Just drop it instantly when measuring, and it shouldn’t catch fire.”

50% of the blood volume, which is 60 health points.

Xiao Jie's double cut can deal more than 50 damage. As long as I Want to Become an Immortal can add another sword simultaneously, I can kill him instantly.

"In this way, when the scarecrow's health reaches half, I will use combat skills to finish the attack. You have to synchronize the attack with me to ensure an instant kill and not give the scarecrow a chance to spontaneously combust. Can you do that?"

Cutting in two has a charging time, and cannot be used casually like a flat cut, so I can only cooperate with Xiao Jie if I want to become an immortal, rather than Xiao Jie cooperating with me if I want to become an immortal, and this will have a certain influence on my operation of becoming an immortal. requested.

"I'm almost okay."

"Almost is not enough, but it must be 100% successful. Once you are unable to synchronize your attacks, the Scarecrow will definitely spontaneously combust. In that case, we will be in danger. Let's practice it first."

One knife in two parts!


One knife in two parts!


One knife in two parts!


The two practiced facing the air for a while, and the synchronization rate of their attacks gradually increased. In the end, they were almost as coordinated as arms and fingers.

"Okay, that's no problem, but just in case, I'm going to pull the monster head-on. The kite's rolling distance is longer, and it's from a high position, so it's not easy to be jumped."

I wanted to become an immortal, but I shook my head and said, "No, how can you do this all by yourself? Besides, I have a thick health bar, so the possibility of being knocked down is even lower. Since I have played this game, I’m already prepared to fight hard, Brother Feng, I know you’re a good person, but you can’t avoid this kind of thing.”

Xiao Jie sighed. In fact, he himself was not afraid. "Okay, let's go together. Good brothers are destined to live or die."

"Wealth lies in heaven!" I wanted to become an immortal and said.

The two of them each held swords and rushed towards the next scarecrow.

This move of simultaneous side-by-side slashing is really useful. As long as the two of them attack at the same time, they can kill the half-health scarecrow in seconds.

Xiao Jie felt like a dancer dancing on a tightrope, or like a hunter holding a sniper rifle against the enemy on the battlefield. It seemed easy, but every time it happened, there was no time to miss.

Cut it in two! -54!

Slash! -17!

It was another coordinated attack. When the scarecrow was wiped out, Xiao Jie's body flashed with white light and he finally reached level 3.

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