Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 53 Meatball and Broken Teeth

Xiao Jie was speechless, thinking, is this how animal language is used?

Although he could ask, these dogs don’t know any attribute skills, and they will probably brag about how powerful they are.

The more he dealt with animals, he gradually discovered the characteristics of these little things, that is, they don’t know what humility is, and they are a bit like children who have not grown up.

“No need to be so troublesome, I can tell whether they are good or bad by looking at them.”

“Brother Feng, do you know how to tell a dog’s appearance?”

“I know a little.”

Of course, Xiao Jie didn’t know what it meant to tell a dog’s appearance, but he had the skill of beast identification, which allowed him to see the basic information of dogs, so he could naturally choose the hound he liked.

He immediately looked at them one by one.

Scar, Bite LV3. Sprint LV1, Tracking LV1. Life: 90. Level 4.

Golden Tiger, Bite LV2. Sprint LV1, Tracking LV1. Life: 90. Level 4.

Wangcai, Bite LV1. Sprint LV1, Tracking LV3. Life: 80. Level 4.

Thunder, Bite LV1, Sprint LV3, Tracking LV1. HP: 80. Level 4.

Broken Tooth, Throat Lock LV1, Sprint LV1, Feral Rage LV1. HP: 90. Level 4.

Meatball, Bite LV2, Life Tenacity LV2, Bark LV1, Tracking LV1. HP: 108. Level 4...

Hey, these two are interesting.

Although these hounds have different skills, Bite, Sprint, and Tracking seem to be standard. Most of them have these three skills, but with different emphases. Some run fast, some bite fiercely, and some are better at tracking.

But there are two that are slightly different.

One is Broken Tooth, and the other is Meatball.

Broken Tooth's attack skill is not Bite, but Throat Lock. After reading the description, it seems to be a higher-level alternative skill of Bite, which can lock and bite the target's throat, causing higher damage and possibly silencing.

Feral Rage LV1: Increases damage by 30% in 15 seconds and is immune to fear effects.

It seems that this Broken Tooth is a special breed born for fighting.

And Meatball is the other extreme.

Life Tenacity LV2: (Passive) Increases the upper limit of health by an additional 20%.

Barking LV1: Makes a harsh barking sound, distracting the surrounding enemies and making them unable to stay focused. There is a certain probability that it will attract surrounding enemies to attack you.

This skill combination is also amazing. This guy doesn't run fast and his nose is not sensitive, but he is a qualified meat shield.

Xiao Jie told me about the skills of these hounds.

I, Yuchengxian, was immediately enlightened, looking at Broken Tooth and Meatball with excitement. This is equivalent to a top-notch pet.

"Which one do you want, Brother Feng? I think Broken Tooth is good." Meatball is a big yellow dog. Although he is fat and strong, he always feels a little less deterrent, while Broken Tooth is a black and gray wolfhound. It is indeed more eye-catching in appearance.

Xiao Jie nodded, "Okay, then I'll choose Meatball."

Meatball: Good choice, good choice, I'm really good at fighting.

Scar: What's your opinion? Meatball is a waste, he only knows howling when fighting.

Thunder: That's right, choose me, I run very fast, I'm definitely good at catching rabbits.

Several hounds rushed to report their lives, it seems that the dog food was not fed in vain.

Xiao Jie was unmoved, running fast is not very meaningful, if you encounter danger, the pet's task is to be responsible for the rear, thick skin and flesh are the king, a few more seconds of resistance can run farther, not to mention that there is a barking skill to attract hatred, Meatball is definitely a top-notch pet.

I want to become an immortal, but the idea is completely different. In his opinion, output is the king, and this Broken Tooth looks handsome.

The two are very satisfied with their hounds, and it's time to start today's leveling journey.

First, replenish the supplies consumed yesterday, and then the two set off.

It feels different to have a pet. Two hounds lead the way in front, and the two people follow behind. The sense of security is much higher. At least they don't need to use their faces to explore the way.

Xiao Jie made up his mind. He would stay outside all day today and practice hard for a day.

Try to level up two levels and get some equipment before coming back.

They went straight to the farm.

After a night, the scarecrow in the wheat field appeared again.

The crows were driven to fly in the sky, hanging there but helpless.

When they saw the two people with dogs, they immediately seemed to see their saviors.

"Human, quack, kill the scarecrow quickly, quack, quack, I want to eat."

"Got it, but you have to help me see if there are other monsters around? Or demons or something?"

"Quack, quack, got it." Probably in a hurry to eat wheat, the three crows immediately split up and flew in three different directions, circled over the farmland, and flew back in a moment.

"Quack, there's only a scarecrow."

"Quack, there's no demon."

"Quack, I saw a few big rats, near the barn in the east, quack."

Big rats? Xiao Jie looked to the east and saw the towering barn at a glance.

Besides the Tian family mansion, there are several dilapidated wooden houses, stables, and a huge barn around this farmland, which should be used to store grain.

Those wooden houses and stables have long been dilapidated, without even doors, but the barn still looks intact.

The two walked to the barn and saw several big rats wandering around.

[Big Rat (Beast)

HP: 60.

Level 3.

Skills: Bite LV2, Plague LV1. ]

These rats were as big as piglets and had scarlet eyes. When they saw people coming, they not only did not run away, but rushed up directly.

Xiao Jie did not dare to be careless. None of the monsters in this game were easy to encounter.

"Meatball - Go!"

"Broken Tooth - Go!"

At the command of the two, the two hounds rushed out immediately.

At the same time, Xiao Jie and I, Yu Chengxian, also shot an arrow each.

The big rat in the front became the target of the two people's concentrated fire, and two rounds of volleys took it away directly.

The two big rats following behind were entangled by the two hounds. After a fierce bite, the hounds clearly had the advantage.

"Save that one in seconds!" Xiao Jie said and shot another arrow.

After two rounds of arrows, the second one was also knocked down.

The two of them then changed to melee weapons and killed the two rats that were bitten and had little blood.

"Haha, this battle is too easy. It feels different with a dog." I want to become an immortal excitedly said.

Xiao Jie also agreed. Let's not talk about how much combat power this hunting dog has. Just helping to attract firepower is completely worth the price.

Unfortunately, the big rat is not very good. There are only rat skin and rat meat.

Looking around, I didn't find the big rat again. I tried to push the door of the barn again, but found that it was locked.

Well, let's quickly brush the scarecrow.

When the two started to brush the scarecrow again, they found an embarrassing thing.

The blood volume of this dog is too low. Meatball is okay. With 108 blood volume, it should not be killed in seconds, but Broken Tooth has only 90 blood volume. If it is hugged by the flame, it is estimated that it will be dead.

This hound was obtained by the two at a high price. This hound is like a person. It is also a life. If it dies, it is gone.

And only the first one is given as a gift. If you want it again after it dies, you have to buy it with money.

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