Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 63: Nameless Dao Sutra (Additional chapter for leader Wu Shangzhonglin)

As the sky gradually darkened, Xiao Jie said goodbye to Yu Chengxian and I, and we both logged off.

After dinner, he did not go out for a run, but logged into the game again.

The scene changed, and his character appeared in the ancestral hall of Ginkgo Village.

This is the only truly safe place after dark.

Of course, he was not going to stay up late to level up, but he was going to take advantage of the dark to read all the books in his backpack.

He was busy leveling up during the day and couldn't calm down. He couldn't go out at night, so he just calmed down and studied the game information carefully.

Looking outside the ancestral hall, the night of Ginkgo Village was pitch black. Only the lanterns at the door of the ancestral hall and the dim light projected by the oil lamp in the ancestral hall seemed to be the only warmth in the cold darkness.

It seemed that something was looking at him in the dark, and he could feel an uneasy atmosphere through the screen.

Xiao Jie sat cross-legged in the ancestral hall and read a book with the help of the oil lamp in the ancestral hall.

He had several books in his bag.

"Travels of Strange People" is a novel of travel stories of strange people, a bit like the feeling of "Soushen Ji". It tells some stories of strange people in the past. It is quite interesting to read, but it is a bit difficult to read because of the classical Chinese.

Xiao Jie guessed that these strange people might be encountered in the game.

"Hundred Herbs", Xiao Jie thought it was a skill book, but it turned out to be a book introducing flowers and plants from all over the world. It lists some magical herbs, plant-based mountain spirits and monsters, Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng dolls and the like. These things can be used to make elixirs, and some can even be eaten directly to increase lifespan and gain immortal power.

Xiao Jie couldn't help but be fascinated by it, but the book also mentioned that the more powerful the immortal grass and spiritual plants are, the more they are hidden in dangerous places where it is difficult to find traces, and they are often accompanied by powerful monsters to guard them, so it is not so easy to find.

The content of "Kyushu Chronicles" made him particularly happy. This thing is the background introduction of the game map. It turns out that the name of the old land is for those who return home, and for the people in this world, they call their world "Kyushu Land".

There are nine states in the world, namely.

Fengyin State: This is the state where Xiao Jie is currently located. It belongs to the inland area, with a prosperous population and dense population. The state capitals and towns are spread all over the place. There are relatively few monsters and monsters, which is suitable for human habitation.

Beiming State: The northern land covered with snow, with ice and snow, where terrifying wild monsters live. The dark sea in the north is extremely dangerous, and even the gods dare not easily set foot in it.

Longhua State: It is said that it was once the residence of the Dragon Emperor and is the core area of ​​the Nine States. The Dragon Emperor once unified the Nine States thousands of years ago. Although the Nine States have been divided in the past few thousand years, the states still regard the Dragon Emperor as the common master of the world.

However, with the advent of the catastrophe, the Dragon Emperor's bloodline was cut off, and now Longhua State has become a place where the princes are fighting endlessly.

There is a tower of heaven in the capital of Longhua State, which is said to lead directly to the God's Court above the nine heavens.

Canglinzhou: A place covered by verdant forests. Canglinzhou is also very suitable for human habitation because the fairies here are gentle and most of them like to cultivate immortality. They do not eat blood, drink white dew and eat sunset glow, and keep company with immortals. Therefore, many humans have built cities and towns here, and trade and communicate with the demons.

However, since the great catastrophe, many fairies here have escaped into the magic way, and the environment of Canglinzhou has also tended to deteriorate, but it is relatively safe.

Liuhuozhou: A scorching land covered with deserts. It is said that a big sun fell here in ancient times, so it is extremely hot. There are also many terrifying monsters living here, and the remnants of the firebird clan are entrenched here.

Mengzezhou: A strange place filled with fog and swamps. It is the state with the most monsters and monsters. It can be said that except for a few human towns, it is all a wild and barren land.

Manyuezhou: A place with 100,000 mountains and poisonous insects and beasts. There are not many monsters in this place, but there are countless kinds of wild beasts.

Penglai Province: The place where the overseas immortals live. In the past, the Dragon Emperor once sent a fleet there and brought back three immortals. However, with the advent of the catastrophe, they have lost contact.

Guoyun Province: A floating continent suspended in the sky in the sea of ​​clouds. A group of immortals once built a fairy palace there. However, Guyun Province did not have much contact with mortals on the ground, so no one knows what is going on there now.

There is also a brief map at the end of the book.

Xiao Jie read the introduction of the Nine Provinces and thought that it seemed that the Fengyin Province where he was located was just a novice map, and the Ginkgo Valley was a novice map among novice maps.

I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to witness the wonders of other maps in this world in the future...

After reading several books searched from Tian Youcai’s study, he also learned a lot more about this game world.

Finally, Xiao Jie found the most valuable book.

"Unnamed Taoist Scripture: Volume 1, True Words"

The title of this book is a bit tongue-twisting. It was the first time that Xiao Jie saw such a thing as a Taoist scripture. I don’t know what will be in it.

Could it be a real Taoist scripture?

He couldn't wait to open it and read it.

This thing can be flipped through like other books. At the same time, after using it, it will be read once. If you pass, you can improve your understanding by 1 point. If you fail, I'm afraid it will be gone.

Fortunately, there is no limit to the number of readings. Xiao Jie plans to use the reading comprehension after reading it thoroughly.

So Xiao Jie read it very carefully.

[The immortal is the one who cultivates the truth.

If you want to cultivate the truth, you must first observe the truth.

What is true? Truth is the source of all things.

What people know are form, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

However, what people see as false is false.

All people hear is noise.

What people hear makes everything confused.

People's taste is a mixture of five flavors.

When people touch it, they don’t know its shape.

What’s the explanation?

Birds, beasts, fish, insects and even humans all see things differently.

What is true? None of it is true.

The truth cannot be seen, heard, smelled, touched or tasted.

What’s the explanation? Only Wuer...]

Xiao Jie read silently. Although it was in classical Chinese, he could still understand it roughly because he had read the original classics such as Three Kingdoms, Sui and Tang Dynasties since he was a child.

The general meaning of this Taoist scripture is——

The so-called immortals are cultivators. If you want to become immortals, you must first understand the truest appearance of this world.

The way people understand the world is through the five senses: seeing, smelling, hearing, touching, and tasting.

But the so-called five senses do not understand the real world. All people’s daily perceptions of the world are actually false.

Because the senses of different creatures are completely different. Birds, beasts, fish, insects... There is nothing special about human sensory abilities among many creatures.

It is neither the best nor the worst, so the scenery that humans see is actually false, just an image processed by human eyes.

Humans hear only noisy sounds and cannot hear real sounds.

What you smell is just a chaotic smell, and what you touch is not the real material of the object.

There are only five basic flavors available.

Because of this, humans cannot truly cultivate.

Only by seeing the ‘truth’ of all things can we have the opportunity to achieve righteousness...]

He was a little surprised. Although it sounded nonsense at first, after thinking about it carefully, it actually made some sense.

But what exactly is the so-called [truth]? How can we see, hear, and touch the truest appearance of this world?

However, when he turned the page again, he found that there was nothing behind it.

Damn, you bastard, the author of this damn book is a piece of shit...

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