Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 66: Singlehandedly Fighting the Bandits

Xiao Jie made his choice without much hesitation.

Although the skill of Whirlwind Slash is not bad, it is a semi-charge skill, and the damage is also OK, but compared with the one-stroke slash, it obviously does not have much advantage.

The damage of three slashes is not as good as the damage of one-stroke slash, which is very embarrassing.

If you want to deal damage, you must give priority to the one-stroke slash.

Although the name of the skill of Lazy Donkey Rolling is a bit ugly, and it can only be tried when you are lying on the ground, the more displacement skills, the better.

At least it can be used to avoid some additional attacks after being knocked down.

Xiao Jie decisively chose the skill of Lazy Donkey Rolling.

He chose the other skill of Black Tiger Heart Digging. Wild Charge requires a shield to use. Xiao Jie currently uses a shield as a stopgap measure, and he is not going to go the shield battle route. There is little meaning in learning this skill.

Black Tiger Heart Digging can play a role in some specific situations, used to interrupt the enemy's battle or break the concentration.

Xiao Jie spent 2,000 coins to learn both skills.

Seeing that there were only a few hundred coins left in his bag, Xiao Jie sighed. It didn't matter if the old ones were gone, the new ones would come. As long as he became stronger, he could earn money back sooner or later.

Okay, I'll go and repair my weapons first, and then I'll go level up when I'm ready.

After saying goodbye to Tie Qianli, he came to the blacksmith shop and asked Wang Kai to repair his weapons.

"Brother, you've trained really hard at this level. You've reached level 5 so quickly. Why do you have to go out later?"

"Yeah, I feel like I've found some rhythm."

As the two were talking, a line of golden font suddenly appeared on the screen.

[World Announcement: The ancient contract has been revealed, and the call of the old land has been issued again.

The exiled returnees from the other side of the starry sky, the long-lost homeland has opened its door again... New returnees are coming! ]

Xiao Jie immediately perked up.

"Brother Wang Kai, what does this announcement mean?"

"What else can it mean? The system has sent out an activation code. It looks like there will be new people coming soon."

Wang Kai explained with an excited look on his face - it looks like there will be more business coming.

Seeing that Xiao Jie was still a little confused, he explained in detail.

"Such announcements appear in the game every once in a while. Every time an announcement appears, the system will randomly send activation codes to people in real life. Generally, the recipients are senior game players and professional masters, but sometimes they are sent to some inexplicable people, such as students, white-collar workers, and all kinds of people.

I personally speculate that the system is likely to issue activation codes based on the number of deaths of game players."

Xiao Jie asked curiously: "Oh, what's the basis?"

"It stands to reason that if it is issued continuously, there should be more and more players in the game?

However, according to the information provided by some of my old customers, there are only so many players in this game. Although there is no exact number, generally speaking, everyone thinks that it will not exceed 10,000 people, or even only 3,000 to 5,000 people.

So it is very likely that hundreds or thousands of people died in the game, and then the system issued a wave of activation codes to make up the number of players."

Xiao Jie thought that if this is the case, then the old players should gradually settle down. In other words, while new players continue to enter, the top player group may have reached a very high level, which will eventually lead to the polarization of game players.

Of course, this game is special, and high-level players may also fail, so the number of top players left at the end will not be too many, but there will definitely be a group of the strongest players. If they have not died, they must be very strong now. I wonder if Liu Qiang is one of these players.

Xiao Jie looked at the small square in the center of the village, where he was online at the beginning.

Wang Kai said: "Don't look, it will take at least an hour before someone comes, and generally a novice village can only be divided into a few people-here, your knife is repaired."

Xiao Jie retracted his gaze and took the weapon, "How many novice villages are there in this game?"

"I'm not sure, but there are dozens of them."

At this time, I want to become an immortal also went online.

"Brother Feng, have you seen the world announcement?"

"I have seen it, but don't worry about it. We have to practice what we have. You should prepare quickly. Buy medicine and learn skills."

"Brother Feng, where are we going to level up today?"

"Let's go kill bandits today."

This time, Xiao Jie is going to challenge a bandit alone to test his combat effectiveness.

If it is easier to win, you can consider pulling two bandits to fight at a time, so that there will be a lot more bandits to fight on the hillside.

No need to be so scared and go around like before just to find a lone bandit to attack.

"Okay, I'll go get ready now."

Ten minutes later, the two met at the entrance of the village.

"Haha, I just learned a combat skill - sweeping strike, it's absolutely amazing, this time I'm going to let those bandits know how amazing I am!"

I want to become an immortal said confidently. Now that he is fully equipped, the load has become [heavy] anyway, so he simply doesn't consider mobility, so he bought an iron helmet, wore a suit of iron scale armor, held a giant axe, and looked like a heavily armed warrior, which looks very deterrent.

Xiao Jie, on the other hand, has a completely different style of painting. He wears a hat, leather armor, trousers and leather boots, with a cape blowing in the wind behind him, and carrying a wild goose feather knife, giving him the appearance of a swordsman in the Jianghu.

The two of them walked out of Ginkgo Village with sufficient supplies.

As the saying goes, those who are skilled in art are brave. Both of them have reached level 5, have accumulated a set of equipment, and their skills have also been enhanced. At this time, facing the gloomy and desolate forest around them, they are no longer as frightened as before.

After walking through the woods and over the hillside, I saw the bandits appearing in front of me from a distance.

Still starting from the edge, Xiao Jie said: "I'll try to challenge one in a one-on-one fight first. You don't want to fight first. If you can fight, you can try one-on-one again. If conditions permit, we can pull two at a time."

I wanted to become an immortal and said excitedly, "Okay, I'll help you conquer the formation!"

Xiao Jie shot out an arrow. The bandit received the arrow and rushed over immediately.

"Meatball, stay aside and watch my performance."

Xiao Jie said, switching directly to a single sword and facing him.

Seeing the bandit wielding a machete and slashing his head, Xiao Jie seized the opportunity and used it directly——

Blade back!

The counterattack failed... A few tenths of a second earlier than expected, Xiao Jie missed the target and was slashed by the opponent's sword instead.


twenty one!

Fortunately, although this equipment is a mixture of leather and cloth, it is still somewhat defensive, and the damage from this knife is acceptable.

Xiao Jie did not panic. This situation had been expected by him. The skill of counterattack could not be achieved without dozens or hundreds of trainings.

A kite turned over and distanced itself.

One knife - two cuts!

When the bandit rushed up, he had just finished charging up his combat skills and slashed the bandit in the chest.



The bandit didn't care about the pain and slashed with his knife, but Xiao Jie immediately rolled and rolled two or three meters away.

These 18 points of agility and light weight make his movements extremely light.

After getting up, immediately charge up again.

One knife - two cuts!

It was a completely repetitive routine. Xiao Jie relied on the extremely fast speed of his combat skills to deal a high burst of damage every time the bandit rushed up, and then quickly rolled aside.

After two rounds, the bandit's health was running low.

The bandit roared, turned around and ran away.

Xiao Jie sneered in his heart, doing this again?

He chased after him without hesitation. The bandit ran a few steps and suddenly leaned forward to press the knife, making a power-charging movement. A layer of scarlet halo suddenly appeared on the muscles all over his body.

Xiao Jie did not run away, but approached him directly.


Black Tiger takes out his heart!

The moment the bandit swung his sword, Xiao Jie punched him in the chest.

With a muffled groan, the roundhouse slash was directly broken, and it was stiffened.

This was actually a bit risky at the moment, but Xiao Jie had completely mastered the rhythm of the battle at this time.

Chop left, chop right! After two cuts, the bandit had only a trace of health left. The bandit roared and slashed out again. However, Xiao Jie did not roll over. He walked sideways like a leisurely stroll, avoiding the bandit's dying blow in a desperate situation, and made a sideways movement. Cut, the blade swept across the bandit's neck, sending out a stream of blood mist.

The bandit staggered forward two steps, and the headless body slumped to the ground behind Xiao Jie.

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