Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 81 Sword and Blade Combined

Looking at Ximen Wuhen rushing over with great momentum, I was a little panicked.

"Brother Feng!"

"Don't panic, just hold him back." Xiao Jie's voice was still calm.

He knew very well that the opponent's level advantage was too great. If he really wanted to run away, he couldn't stop him at all. If he wanted to kill him, he had to delay time and wait for Ye Luo to arrive.

Otherwise, it would be useless even if he won.

Now all they had to do was to use the advantage of numbers to delay time.

Who would have thought that Ximen Wuhen suddenly took out a piece of meat from his bag.

"Do you think that two more dogs can fight me? Haha, you think too much."

He threw the meat behind the two of them.

Tempting the beast!

In the surrounding forest, the barking of wild dogs immediately sounded, and several wild dogs rushed out roaring.

Xiao Jie's face changed. If this disrupted the formation, it would be bad.

His reaction was also very fast.

"Meatball, eat!"

Meatball was obedient and started to chew the meat on the ground. He was not good at fighting, but he was good at eating.

Xiao Jie hurriedly took out a piece of meat and threw it far away in the direction of the barking dogs.

Tempting the beast!

The roaring of the wild dogs stopped immediately.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Meatball finally ate the meat.

Ximen Wuhen's face changed slightly. Is this okay?

He took out his flying knife and threw it.

Xiao Jie and I, Yu Chengxian, didn't waste any words. We took out bows and arrows and shot.

The two sides exchanged damage back and forth, and it was obvious that Xiao Jie had a greater advantage.

Ximen Wuhen immediately changed his tactics and began to circle around the three people and two dogs.

At such a close distance, bows and arrows could no longer be used.

Xiao Jie and I, Yu Chengxian, switched to melee weapons and prepared to fight, but Ximen Wuhen did not rush up, but just moved left and right, looking for flaws in the formation.

Xiao Jie and I, Yu Chengxian, also kept changing positions. The two sides confronted each other for a while. Ximen Wuhen was at a higher level, and Xiao Jie had the advantage in numbers. Both sides were helpless.

However, during the stalemate, the Soulless Bandit suddenly fell down with a thump.

This thing only lasts for 180 seconds, so it is really not very useful in a protracted war.

Originally, the three people and two dogs surrounded the city tightly, but now there was a gap.

Ximen Wuhen immediately seized the opportunity to kill him.

Combat skills - Piercing Cloud Kick!

He flew up and kicked Yu Chengxian to the ground, and was about to go up to execute him.

Broken Tooth was eager to protect his master, and he flew at Ximen Wuhen - locking his throat!

Ximen Wuhen immediately turned around when he saw it, raised his two swords, and slashed in a circle - double sword flow!

Swish! The two swords slashed in a circle.

Broken Tooth took full damage in mid-air and was directly cut into a pile of minced meat, killing him instantly.

Xiao Jie took the opportunity to rush up and cut Ximen Wuhen in half with one move.

The knife flashed -51!

Ximen Wuhen was shocked. He had not been hit by this move before, but he did not expect the damage to be so high.

Although he had a lot of blood, it was actually only 350 blood. This knife directly took away one-seventh of it.

He hurriedly flew over the grass to distance himself, took out the blood bottle and drank it.

I want to become an immortal and stood up. Seeing that my pet died in the battle, I was immediately angry and roared.

He rushed towards Ximen Wuhen.

"Don't go over! Come back!"


"Come back!" Xiao Jie shouted loudly. At this moment, it was a life-and-death struggle. The end of losing patience would be death. The two of them could still hold on with back-to-back defense, but if they really lost their composure, they would have no choice but to die.

After such a fight, he had already tested the opponent's strengths and weaknesses. This Ximen Wuhen's operation was definitely not as good as his, but he relied on high attributes and powerful skills to succeed repeatedly.

There is a white bar under the opponent's health bar, which should be the so-called internal force value.

Every time the opponent uses Qinggong, the internal force value will be reduced by a small part, which means that the opponent's Qinggong cannot be used infinitely.

As long as he responds calmly and does not lose his composure, he can hold the situation.

Unfortunately, if he is also level 14, no, as long as he is about level 12, combined with Qinggong, he will be sure to kill the opponent alone.

Now he can only wait for the opportunity, and at the same time, he must consume the opponent's internal force as much as possible to create an opportunity for a decisive kill.

Although I want to become an immortal, I tried to hold back my anger and stood shoulder to shoulder with Xiao Jie to hold my position.

Meatball took a look at the dog meat on the ground, but he was decisively scared and hid behind the two people, not daring to show his head.

Ximen Wuhen replenished his blood volume, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious when he saw that the two were still holding their formation. The two covered each other, and if he attacked one person, he would inevitably be attacked by the other person.

It was really difficult to take him down for a while.

And he was extorting money, how could he make money if he really killed people?

Thinking of this, he launched a psychological offensive again.

"Hehe, why don't you surrender? Your dog is dead, and the summoned bandits are up."

"If you don't surrender, I will change my mind-"

"I won't let you go even if you give me money..."

Xiao Jie suddenly laughed. He saw a black shadow approaching silently in the shadows of the woods. It was Ye Luo!

"Bullshit! Die!"

Xiao Jie suddenly roared and rushed over.

This roar was so abrupt that Ximen Wuhen was startled.

He was delighted to see Xiao Jie rushing over.

If you want to die, I will grant your wish.


Just when he was about to draw his sword, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind him like a ghost.


With a sound of puff, -47!

His health dropped a lot in an instant.

Ximen Wuhen was startled, and he flew away from the grass twice in a row.

Turning back, he saw Ye Luoye was surprised and sneered: "I didn't expect that you still have an ambush! Is this your back-up? Haha, don't think you can beat me like this, I also have reinforcements! And he is an eighteen-level master."

"The reinforcements you are talking about, is it him--"

Ye Luo said indifferently, took out a human head from his backpack, threw it on the ground casually, and rolled to Ximen Wuhen's feet, with horror on his face.

"In fact, he is only level twelve."

"Nangong Wuqing! This is impossible!" Ximen Wuhen shouted in disbelief.

Looking at the three people in front of him and the heads of his accomplices on the ground, he was suddenly terrified.

Although he killed many people on weekdays, he always bullied the weak rookies. When he thought that he might die, he lost his confidence.

If he really had the courage to not fear life and death, he would not run back to the Novice Village.

The next second, he stomped his feet and used Qinggong - Eight Steps to Chase the Cicada!

His speed increased instantly, and he ran away.

Ye Luo attacked almost at the same time.

Earth Binding Talisman!

A yellow light flashed, and Ximen Wuhen's speed slowed down again, but he still ran away.


Xiao Jie shouted, and the three of them hurriedly chased after him. However, I was left behind after only a few steps. There was no way, the equipment on his body was too heavy. When he hurriedly took off his armor, the three people in front had already run far away.

Ximen Wuhen was really scared, and he ran away, just thinking about escaping from here.

Xiao Jie chased while bending his bow and shooting arrows. He had just been suppressed by the opponent for a long time, and he must not let him run away at this time.

Ximen Wuhen was not nervous. He had played with bows and arrows before. It was okay to hit a fixed target, but it was difficult to hit a moving target. Moreover, the crosshairs of the bow and arrow would be enlarged when the character moved, so it was impossible to shoot accurately. As long as he ran...

Puff! An arrow hit him in the back.



Ximen Wuhen was shocked.

Impossible, the opponent must have just been fooled!

He did not slow down or turn, but continued to run wildly.

Whoosh! Sure enough, the second arrow flew over his head.

Whoosh! The third arrow hit his back again.



Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! -

12! MISS! -13!

On average, at least two of the three arrows can hit the target. Although the damage is not high, it is not low.

He can't just take the beating.

Xiao Jie ran while shooting arrows, and every click of the mouse was as steady as an old dog.

He has been playing archery games for more than ten years, including Mount \u0026 Blade, Overwatch, The Elder Scrolls... He is absolutely familiar with the feel of the bow and arrow, and with the skill of Steady Shooting, his hit rate is terrifyingly high.

Since he was hit by the Earthbind Talisman, Ximen Wuhen didn't dare to move left or right, otherwise he would be caught up by the two people behind him. If he ran in a straight line, he would be more likely to be shot.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them ran hundreds of meters away, and Ximen Wuhen's back was pierced with seven or eight arrows, like a hedgehog.

Seeing that his health bar was only about half, and his internal strength was not much left, Ximen Wuhen knew that he couldn't go on like this. If he continued to run, he would be chased to death sooner or later. Suddenly, a big tree appeared in front of him. He was happy, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his mind. Fight!

He dodged behind the tree and disappeared in an instant.

Ye Luo hurriedly accelerated to catch up, not letting the other party have a chance to drink the medicine.

Xiao Jie felt bad, this move was too familiar.

"Don't go over there."

The next second, Ye Luo was slashed by two swords and flew backwards.

Ye Luo had a total of 150 HP, and half of it was gone in an instant.

This is the disadvantage of adding points to a single subject. Although the level is as high as level 10, because of the 20 points of perception added, her actual attribute value is not much different from Xiao Jie.

Seeing Ximen Wuhen rushing up to execute, Xiao Jie hurriedly accelerated and rushed up to block in front.

"All of you die!" Ximen Wuhen roared and slashed with two swords.

Revolving sword dance!

At this time, Ximen Wuhen was angry and afraid, and only wanted to take away the two people in front of him in one wave.

However, Xiao Jie was unusually calm. Although this move looked gorgeous, it was actually just an enhanced version of the double swords of the spinning slash. After this series of fights, he had already mastered the rhythm of its attack and saw through the opponent's attack habits.

At this time, a series of battle processes had already taken shape in his mind.

Blade counter!

Dang! Amid the sound of metal clashing, the attack was instantly deflected, Ximen Wuhen froze in place, watching Xiao Jie slash at him with his sword.

Puff! -21!

Sword Skill——Wild Wind…

Black Tiger Heart-Digger!



A punch hit Ximen Wuhen’s chest, interrupting his moves directly.

“Ye Luo!” Xiao Jie shouted loudly, hiding his sword and charging, as if he was going to use a big move.

A sword——

However, this sword was a fake move, and Xiao Jie canceled the charging the moment he drew the sword, knowing that Ximen Wuhen would definitely use his life-saving light skill.

Sure enough.

Light skill——Flying on the Grass!

Ximen Wuhen was so scared that he suddenly dodged to the right.

At the moment he dodged, Ye Luo also dodged suddenly——Assassin’s Step!

Just when Ximen Wuhen appeared, Ye Luo's figure appeared behind him again, backstabbing!

Puff, -49!

There are less than 50 HP left.

Ximen Wuhen was completely panicked.

Flying on the grass!

System prompt: Your internal force is insufficient.

What! ?

At the moment when Ximen Wuhen was stunned, Xiao Jie had already appeared in front of him. He had been calculating the amount of the opponent's internal force value and constantly forcing the opponent to consume internal force.

It's over now.

Spinning slash! Xiao Jie made three consecutive slashes, but Ximen Wuhen fell into a short stiffness due to the exhaustion of internal force.


The last knife swept across, Ximen Wuhen's neck spurted blood, and he staggered to the ground.

System prompt: You are in a dying state and cannot move.

"Don't kill me, I'll give you money, I-"

"Go to hell!"

Xiao Jie and Ye Luo attacked at the same time without hesitation.

One knife and one sword, stabbed into his body at the same time.






System prompt: You are dead.

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