Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 96 Seven Hundred Years Ago

When the two of them left the farmland and walked a little further, I wanted to become an immortal but couldn't help but ask: "Brother Feng, why don't you team up with Dongfang Sheng? I think he has quite an idea."

"No, he's only level one, so it's useless to team him up now. And even if he wants to team up, he's begging us. We're considering whether to team him up, so there's no way he's going to be able to do it.

And he didn’t ask to form a team. Why do you think it is? It means that he is on guard. We killed Ximen Wuhen before. Although we said we were doing harm to the people, the information Dongfang Sheng learned from the beginning to the end was all from Even if he believed what we heard here, he couldn't believe everything.

After all, we are killing people, so it is normal for him to be wary.

I can feel that he is a careful and cautious person, and he will not believe us so easily.

Of course, there is another point. He is a very thoughtful person, and once he identifies something, he will do it with all his strength. This can be seen from the fact that he dares to take out a loan and sell a house for krypton gold.

The more thoughtful a person is, the less he can accept taking orders from others, and the more he wants to have the final say. What if he doesn't obey orders if he really forms a team? This game is a death game. I would rather team up with a novice who will obey orders than a smart guy who will not listen to orders and do his own thing. "

There was silence for a while after I wanted to become an immortal. He really didn't think that much.

It just feels like we are all from the same village and we all help each other.

"Wait a minute, Brother Feng, do you mean that I am Xiaobai?"

"Hahahaha, no, no, no, no, I just think you are a more practical person and can be trusted."

While talking, the two of them had arrived at Yang Baichuan's hunter's cabin.

Yang Baichuan was very happy when he saw the two people walking in.

Yang Baichuan (Hunter): "Ah, two apprentices, you are finally back. How about I want to become an immortal? Is there any progress in the investigation of the ancient tomb?"

This task was accepted by I Want to Become an Immortal, and Xiao Jie only shared it, so he could only do the job of handing in the task. Fortunately, Xiao Jie had already thought of an excuse for him on the way back.

At this moment, I want to become a fairy and just follow the script.

"Master, we have investigated clearly. The ancient tomb is where the immortals sealed the ghost generals. The mysterious man in black robe has opened the ancient tomb, most likely to release the ghost generals sealed in the ancient tomb, or to release the ghost generals. Collect the power for your own use.

The matter was so serious that we did not dare to go deep into the ancient tomb easily. We could only monitor and investigate nearby. Unexpectedly, we saw a corpse exorcist driving a large number of zombies and soulless zombies into the ancient tomb. We did not know what he was going to do. What a deal.

Later, we were discovered by the corpse chasers and were chased. We had no choice but to retreat first. After a narrow escape, we managed to escape. We were also poisoned by corpse poison during the battle, but fortunately it was cured. "

"There is such a thing!" Yang Baichuan's face suddenly became solemn.

"Well done, you've done well. If you hadn't discovered such a big thing, we in Ginkgo Village would have been kept in the dark. Now that we know it, it will be easier to deal with. We can finally find a solution. coping.

This matter must be made known to the village chief. Without further ado, you will come with me to report this matter to the village chief later.

The fact that you have accomplished such a feat, and that you have been born and died like this, shows your chivalrous heart. I have practiced bow and arrow archery all my life and never teach it to others easily, but if I teach you this skill today, I will also There is no hidden secret.

I want to become an immortal. This time you will lead the investigation and take the greatest credit. I can teach you two unique skills.

Hidden Moon Sui Feng, you have been born and died together with me in my desire to become an immortal, and you have also contributed a lot. I will also teach you a unique skill.

If you want to learn anything, just ask me.

A system prompt appeared on Xiao Jie's screen.

[System prompt: After completing the shared task [Investigating the Mysterious Tomb], your reputation in Ginkgo Village has increased by 200 points, and is now 260/500, respect.

You have gained Yang Baichuan's favor, and you can learn a skill from him. 】

But my tips for becoming an immortal are slightly different from Xiao Jie's. My reputation has increased by 300 points, and I can learn two skills.

I was so excited when I wanted to become an immortal. I exchanged my ebony sword for Ye Luo to help kill Xie Sui and obtained the strange talisman as a mission item. Now it finally paid off.

This mission is not for nothing.

The two hurriedly looked at the future where they could learn.

[Combat Skill: Full Moon Shooting. Pull the bow to full shape like a full moon, and shoot a fatal arrow. The range is increased by 30%, causing 200% weapon damage and an additional penetration effect. After the strength reaches 20, for every 10 points increased, the range and weapon damage bonus are increased by an additional 10%. Learning requirements: Bow Specialization (entry), learning conditions: Strength 20.

Combat skills: Continuous Arrows. Shoot three arrows at the target continuously, each arrow causing 70% weapon damage. After the agility reaches 20, an additional arrow will be shot for every 10 points raised. Learning requirements: Bow Specialization (entry), learning conditions: agility 20.

Combat Skill: Knowing Arrow. Sense the enemies around you that pose the greatest threat to you, and fire a blind shot, causing 100% weapon damage to the enemy and a sure hit. Learning requirements: Bow Specialization (entry level), Perception 20.

Combat Skill: Raptor Strike. Imitate the predatory combat skills of birds of prey, leap into the air and launch a swift falling attack on the enemy, causing 150% weapon damage to the enemy and gaining a speed damage bonus. Learning conditions: Agility 15, Strength 15.

Combat Skill: Bear Hug. This combat skill imitates the hunting of a grizzly bear. It can only be used against enemies at close range. It grabs the enemy and makes them unable to move, and causes compression damage of Strength × 0.5 per second for 3 seconds. After the grab, a wrestling action is triggered. If it is judged to be successful, the enemy will be thrown down. Learning requirements: Strength 30.

Magic: Calling Beasts. Make a sound imitating the call of a beast to attract nearby beasts to approach you (the beast to be imitated must be in your beast knowledge illustration). Learning requirements: Beast knowledge.

Professional Skill: Rope Binding Trap. Set up a simple trap made of hemp rope and make a simple disguise. Enemies passing over the trap will be bound and unable to move for 3 seconds. Learning conditions: None. 】

Xiao Jie couldn't help but exclaimed after reading it once.

Unexpectedly, Yang Baichuan's skill pool is not much less than Tie Qianli's, and he has so many skills.

It's a pity that this guy doesn't open a class to teach his skills, otherwise he will definitely spend money to learn. Fortunately, now he can get one for free, which is not bad.

After hesitating between the two skills of Linked Arrows and Raptor Strike, Xiao Jie finally chose Linked Arrows.

He chose the pure agility route, and his agility attribute will definitely get higher and higher in the future. Linked Arrows have growth potential. If his agility reaches 50-60, he can even shoot six or seven arrows in a row. Even if the damage is only 70%, it is quite considerable. If he gets a better bow and arrow, the damage will definitely explode.

This game has no restrictions on professional skills. Although the knife is currently the main weapon, being able to shoot far and near is the kingly way.

I first learned Full Moon Shooting in My Desire to Become an Immortal, and then I also struggled with the two skills of Raptor Strike and Bear Hug.

He had not added the five attribute points that he had upgraded to level 8 before. If he added all strength, he could just learn Bear Hug, and if he added all agility, he could just learn Raptor Strike.

Xiao Jie reminded him from the side, "Can you jump up in a heavy armor?"

This immediately woke me up to my desire to become an immortal. I decisively added 5 points of strength, raised my strength to 30, and learned the Bear Hug skill.

And there is another benefit when the strength reaches 30. He can hold a giant axe with one hand in the future. In this way, he can also equip a shield to further improve his protective ability.

However, with a giant axe in one hand and a large shield in the other hand, plus a heavy armor, this shape is definitely a tank outfit. It seems that the road to becoming an immortal is a bit slim.

After the two learned the skills, Yang Baichuan said: "You two, this is a serious matter. Please come with me to see the village chief and explain this matter clearly."

Xiao Jie said: "Of course, please lead the way, Master."

Yang Baichuan led the two people into the village.

The three of them soon arrived at the village chief's house. Yang Baichuan explained the purpose of their visit to Master Huang. Xiao Jie and I Yuchengxian recounted the investigation process again. After listening to the two people's stories, the old village chief also showed a solemn look.

Huang Shidao (chief of Ginkgo Village): "I didn't expect such a thing to happen! Alas, this is really the doom of Ginkgo Village.

I do know the tomb of the ghost general. For thousands of years, there have been constant disasters in Jiuzhou. This Ginkgo Valley was once inhabited by humans, but after several changes, things have long since changed.

Seven hundred years ago, a ghost general was abusive here, slaughtering hundreds of villagers in one day. The entire Ginkgo Village was wiped out, and only a pair of children hid in the well and escaped.

Fortunately, an immortal came from Guyunzhou, killed the evil ghost general, saved the pair of children, and later recruited refugees to rebuild Ginkgo Village. This incident was recorded in the earliest village chronicles of Ginkgo Village.

The ghost general who caused trouble here was the corpse owl.

This ghost general is not an ordinary person, without flesh and blood. Even if he is killed, he can be resurrected with the power of the Yin spirit, so the immortal sealed the corpse owl. Seal it in the ancient tomb, use the magic circle to disperse its evil spirits, and after eight hundred years, it will naturally die out.

Originally, with the protection of my Ginkgo Village, this mistake would not have happened. Who knew that there was a great disaster three hundred years ago, and the ancient tomb was unguarded, so that the mysterious black-robed man took the opportunity to enter.

That man drove the walking dead into the ancient tomb, and he must have used the power of these dead ghosts to revive the ghost general.

Now the ghost general Shixiao has gone through seven hundred years and his power is only one tenth, but if it is restored in time, it will cause chaos.

If the ghost general wants to restore his strength, he must devour the souls of the living to strengthen his power. Now in the world of great disasters, only one tenth of the population is left. If he wants to absorb the power of the souls of the living, it is not so easy.

In the area of ​​dozens of miles, only my Ginkgo Village still has a few people. When the ghost general is resurrected, it is possible that my Ginkgo Village will suffer a disaster. "

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