Wan Zhou wanted to kill the four people by herself.

However, they were Beloberg’s captives and caused a misunderstanding.

If she did it herself, it would only deepen the misunderstanding.

So, she had to be patient.

Seeing Wan Zhou’s eyes, the four cave robbers panicked and their legs went limp.

They actually let Ms. Wan Zhou bear the stigma?

Just because of this, no one could save them!

In fear, they apologized again and again

“Sorry! We are actually cave robbers and have nothing to do with Ms. Wan Zhou!”

“We are here just to pan for gold”

“The threats just now were all fake. I lied to survive.”

“We plead guilty and we accept the punishment! However, we really have nothing to do with Ms. Wan Zhou.”

“At best, we are just her little fans!”

After a series of explanations,

Wan Zhou’s face looked much better.

“As you can see, I have nothing to do with them.”

“Moreover, even in our New Eridu, these [Terrain Thieves] are scum that everyone wants to kill.”

Jeppard stared at Wan Zhou for a long time.

Seeing that her eyes were always clear, he believed her words.

He waved his hand and asked his guards to take the four people away.

Then he said:”These four people attacked us for no reason and injured six Silver Mane Iron Guards. I have to be alert.”

“Now it seems that I misunderstood you. I’m sorry.”


Wan Zhou Yaoyao shook her head:”I should be the one to apologize. If we were more vigilant, no thieves would have entered here.””

“Moreover, regardless of the truth, our people from New Eridu did indeed injure your soldiers.”

“I promise here that after I return, I will find the best doctor to come here and treat the injured soldiers.”

After this speech,

Jeppard’s vigilance against Wan Zhou decreased a little.

But it is impossible to let it go completely.

As the guard officer protecting Beloberg,

Jeppard not only needs to guard the rift, but also ensure the safety of the great guardian.

And this lady is going to see Bronya.

Then he needs to understand the other party’s purpose clearly.

Jeppard stood at attention and clenched his fists on his chest:”I am the guard officer of Beloberg, Jeppard”

“I heard that you requested to meet the Guardian, so give me a reason.

Seeing Jeppard become serious as a soldier,

Wan Zhou also treated him seriously:”I, the CEO of the Marcel Group, Wan Zhou”

“On behalf of New Eridu, I am here to discuss cooperation with the Great Guardian of your land.”


Jeppard nodded slightly.

“I see. Then please follow me. I will take you to see the Lord Guardian.”

After saying that, he took Wan Zhou to the Beloberg Administrative District.

On the way,

Jeppard did not forget to ask,”We have two little ones who slipped and fell into the portal. They probably went to New Eridu. Are they okay?”

Wan Zhou was silent for a moment and replied,”They went to Hollow Zero, but please rest assured. We have sent an elite force to protect them. They will not be harmed in any way.”

The head of the Sixth Section of the Hollow Special Operations Department is the current head of the Hoshimi family.

Wan Zhou believes that she can protect the two children.

Jeppard nodded slightly, and his expression eased.



Hole Zero

“Ola Ola Ola!”

Hook grabbed the hole machine that was almost as big as her with one hand and knocked an Ikai away with one punch.

Then, he used the hole machine to make a passage underground and quickly approached the Ikai.

The fight ended with a final uppercut.

When the Ikai turned into ether energy and dissipated,

Hook ran back to where the soldiers and Clara were.

He raised his hand to wipe his nose, looked up and said,”Humph, in front of the dark Lord Hook, a little monster is just a piece of cake.”

Seeing this, a group of soldiers clapped numbly.

They were already doubting their lives.

This is Hole Zero!

Every Ikebane cannot be underestimated!

Even for them, it takes ten people to deal with a low-level Ikebane.

But what about Hook?

After seeing the Ikebane, a huge mechanical arm was inexplicably put on his right hand!

The mechanical arm seemed to weigh at least hundreds of pounds.

But in Hook’s hand, it was as light as a piece of cotton.

It didn’t have any effect on Hook at all.

Everyone couldn’t help but wonder: Why can Hook’s small body burst out with such powerful power!

Is this a human child?

Or a Xiongxi people ? A cub?

Besides, a Xiongxi cub might not be able to unleash such terrifying power, right?

And during the period of daze,

Hook had already shouted”Ola Ola Ola” while charging towards the Ikai.

Then, the scene they saw happened.

An Ikai that even they could not easily deal with was solved by Hook’s two punches…

How could they not be shocked by this outrageous scene ? Not to mention them.

Even the members of the sixth class who arrived late.

After watching the battle process, they couldn’t help but stare in amazement.

Youzhen blinked silently.

He raised his hand and pointed at Hook, and said stupidly:”Well…

how much do you think the mechanical arm in her hand weighs?” Liu pushed up his glasses:”If it is made of all metal, I estimate it to be more than 200 pounds.

” Hearing this, Youzhen’s mouth twitched:”Wow, 200 pounds?!

?” He turned to look at Cangjiao.

“Cangjiao, can you pick it up with one hand?”

Cangjiao is the strongest among the people present.

Cangjiao thought for a moment and nodded:”I can pick it up, but I can’t do it as easily as Hook.”


So, they have always had a preconceived notion?

Seeing that Hook is small, they naturally think that she is weak?

But looking at this situation, she is stronger than many agents.

Even among adults, except for those Greeks, there are not many people who can easily use a 200-pound weight as a weapon, right?

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