Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 106: Personality alienation has increased

Chapter 106 The degree of personality alienation has increased

 If I don’t solve this problem, I always feel a little uncomfortable.

"Let's call them undead first... Then where did these undead escape after breaking the glass? When we came here, we didn't find any extra ships around the island, and the undead wouldn't be able to sail away, right? There is no way to leave this island, so it should still be on the island." Xiang recalled that there should be many caves and other places on the island that they had not explored. Could they be in caves?

Yu Xing was silent for two seconds. He thought that this island should not have any special place before the agency arrived.

 Through the organization's cultivation of "dead souls" and the production of evil spirits, the island gradually gained the ability to "hallucinate".

The closer to the center, the stronger the hallucination is, which should be related to the fact that the "dead spirit" has stayed in the vessel for the longest time, so the most certain factors remain in this institution.

If hallucinations are caused by the "dead spirits" cultivated by institutions, then Yu Xing already knows the answer to the whereabouts of the undead spirits.

 On the first day, the prompts were given to all the players as soon as they landed.

  “It’s the sea.”

   Yu Xingdao.

"Sea? You mean...the undead have entered the sea?" Carlos was a little surprised, but thinking about it, it's not impossible.

This ability, except that it has no singing voice, is actually a bit similar to the Sirens in Greek mythology, both of which use hallucinations to kill people.

It’s just that the undead possess entities and finally break the vessel and enter the sea...Why is this indescribable feeling so similar to Cthulhu style? ?

 Don’t think about it carefully, otherwise you will lose your mind if you think about it carefully.

"But how are you sure it's the sea?" Yan asked. She got off the boat and was focused on looking for other deducers, and she really didn't pay much attention to the sea.

Yu Xing laughed.

 The power of hallucination in the sea was even more powerful than in the center of the island. He just took one more look at it and felt like he was going to be depressed.

That is an illusion that is impossible to guard against and powerful.

If Lao Liu hadn't covered his eyes with his hands at that time, he would have felt uncomfortable for a while.

At the time, I didn’t know what was under the dark, deep sea. Now, after some speculation, everything is connected.

These undead spirits have not gone far and have been lingering in the waters around the island of the undead, dragging everyone who stares at the sea into the abyss.

This is probably the complete story of this deduction. As for the indescribable appearance of the undead, and what the agency staff encountered and left in a hurry, it may be told by another deduction, by another group of higher-level deductions. to experience.

 “Wait a minute…” Yu Xing thought about it and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Carlos almost understood the plot through Yu Xing's analysis, and when he heard the words, he uttered a questionable monosyllable: "Huh?"

"Old Liu." Yu Xing narrowed his eyes, put his hands in the pockets on both sides of his casual clothes, and muttered, "Something's wrong, this Old Liu..."

 Lao Liu had been talking about it since the first day. Yu Xing originally thought this was a common behavior among insiders in the team, but later he contacted Wu Runhao and dismissed Fang Yao, and he found that these two people were normal.

Even if they know the purpose of coming to the island, even if they know that there are things in the world that are difficult to explain scientifically, they don't seem to be afraid of anything like Lao Liu.

Especially what Lao Liu said when he covered his eyes to prevent him from looking at the sea.

“Don’t laugh, this is a serious matter. Didn’t Boss Fang tell you not to look at the sea?”

It was this sentence that made Yu Xing think that Fang Yao, Wu Runhao and the others also had such "common sense".

But now I think about it, on the third day on the boat, he was running around, often in Class A, and Fang Yao didn't even mention that he wasn't allowed to see the sea.

 So...Lao Liu's cognition is actually different from other people's. Does he know something?

 However, the three of them walked around the institution for a long time, and it was almost dark.

 The deduction is about to end.

Yu Xing thought about it and felt that there was no need to worry about whether Lao Liu was someone who had been in an institution before.

 At least Lao Liu didn't harm him.

Perhaps this is also a puzzle left to other deductions...

With a certain persistence, the three of them wandered around each building for a long time, visiting the empty archives, the operation desk without power, etc., until the sky completely darkened, the space was dim, and nothing could be seen clearly. , they withdrew from the institution.

 The moths lying on the wall began to move.

 Find a comfortable place to rest for a long time. The five-day countdown to the deduction ended. The three of them were in a trance, and there were three more doors. 【Open this door and return to the preparation space】

The system prompt appeared at the right time. Yu Xing stretched out, nodded to Carlos and Ni, then opened a door and walked in.

He returned to the pitch-black corridor. Only a large screen was on. The screen status had changed and was divided into two large parts. The upper part was a scrolling barrage, and the lower part was densely packed reward statistics.

 【Congratulations on completing the Newcomer Game - Island of the Dead】

  【Congratulations on successfully completing the hunting mission】

  【The following is the evaluation of this deduction (open to the audience)】

[Reduction degree of the truth of the case: 90% (Since there are many plot branches in the Island of the Dead map, most of which require prerequisite tasks in other maps in the absurd world where the Island of the Dead is located, this restoration rate only counts the main line of exploring the island) -Exploration of abandoned institutions)]

  【Congratulations on winning the title: Drama Lover】

  【Story Lovers: Wearing this title, the points bonus for the "plot proficient" evaluation will increase by 10% (the player can unlock the title system by advancing to the differentiated level)]

  【Personality alienation degree increase rate: 1%】

  【Rating: S】

  【Obtained deduction points: 600 (fixed points for newcomer competition)】

  【The following is the total number of reward points: 8648】

  【The reward points will be divided 50-50 with the system, and the total points after the division are: 4924】


 【The final ranking is as follows】

  【Lucky: 4924】


  【Nightmare: 2014 (Unfinished hunting, points halved)】

 【Prophet, Ghoul Death】

  【Tip: In order to prevent the rhythm of the live broadcast from being disrupted by profit factors such as sacrifices, all live broadcast deductions will have the system recycle the persona fragments of the death deduction players】


Yu Xing didn’t show much interest in the title system mentioned. On the contrary, the one percent increase in the personality alienation column had never happened to him before.

 It used to be 0 growth.

 It’s like buying a health-locking device in a game, but this time, the health-locking device failed and he lost blood.

 What went wrong?

 He looked calm on the surface and glanced at the barrage a few times.

The audience can also see the final statistics on the screen this time. Their data in various aspects are discussed, and finally they are locked on the degree of personality alienation.

Xing’s personality alienation degree only increased by 1%! ? This is the first time I have seen such a small increase! ]

Illusions like this are actually very consuming. I am always worried about falling into hallucinations. Shouldn’t the degree of personality alienation increase significantly? ? ]

 [Look at the magician and the nightmare, one is 3 and the other is 4, which one of them is normal or not? It is not a question of deduction, but a question of Sachi himself]

  [Fortunate to have something. ]

   Yu Xing: Yes, you can’t tell anything from the barrage.

 He ​​recalled it and felt that the one percent increase should be in the institution. The moment he saw the glassware, he couldn't restrain himself.

That scene reminded him of some memories from long ago...nightmare memories.

 Hello to the barrage politely, Yu Xing chose to exit the space and return to reality.

In reality, it was still twelve o'clock in the morning. Yu Xing felt a little tired. He said good night to Qu Nianqing, who had a slightly strange expression, and yawned before going to bed.

 (End of this chapter)

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