Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 111: Biluo Huangquan

Chapter 111 The Blue Falling Yellow Spring

This task can be regarded as the starting task to open one of the ways to earn points tonight. It is definitely not too difficult, but the risk is not necessarily low.

The game in the Horror Bar is still within the scope of his main mission. The system must take into account newcomers and combine the three levels of gamers, junior, intermediate and advanced, to ultimately control the mortality rate between 40% and 70%. between.

 This is what Qu Nianqing told Yu Xing.

Yu Xing quickly remembered all the contents on the note, returned the note to Zhao Yijiu, and then looked around with a respectful attitude of a waiter.

 When the bartender handed the note, the evil spirit must have already taken a seat and was drinking in a certain position.

The evil spirit bribed the ferryman, hid his sins, and touched the stone steps of Naihe Bridge with his dirty soles.

It must be hiding among the hundreds of ghosts in Wangchuan, watching the two new unfamiliar waiters with its cloudy eyes... Yu Xing thought.

At this time, it was the time for the evening guests to come in. He first scanned all the guests in the Wangchuan Hall very generously and naturally.

There are three of them at the bar, all alone. They are either calm or decadent, as if they are waiting for a partner to take the initiative to save their fragile hearts.

There were about ten guests at the booth, six of them seemed to know each other and were playing dice together. Among the remaining six, there were three young girls sitting together, who looked like they had not been here much before. Bar, come here occasionally for excitement.

 There are three more, divided into double and single, each occupying a sofa.

Since the evil ghost "crossed the Wangchuan River" through abnormal channels, it should have no companions.

But no one is sure whether it will blend in with the ghosts who were planning to make friends in the bar.

This depends on the observation of Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiao.

 After looking around, Yu Xing didn’t forget to go over and greet the newcomer: “Hello, do you have a seat?”

 All the employees captured by the exorcists include receptionists and waiters, so at this time they can do anything and must do everything.

 “Not sure,” the guest said.

 “How many people are there, sir?”

 The guest said: "Two of them, I came first."

So Yu Xing led the new guest to the double seat, then bent slightly and asked: "What would you like to drink?"

This guest is a male ghost, as thin as a skin and bones, and his eyes are black and blue, and he is wrapped in a suit, really like a clothes hanger.

  —A hanger for drying clothes.

The male ghost is a regular customer. His eyes paused on Yu Xing’s face: “Are you a new waiter? I’ve never seen you before.”

Yu Xing had a cold face - after thinking about it, this was the expression that he felt was the least likely to show a careless smile. To match this expression, his voice was slightly indifferent: "Yes. The original Tan Wan was caught. "

“Haha, that’s really scary.” Even though the male ghost said this, there was no trace of fear on his face. The most sincere words in the whole sentence were probably those two haha ​​sounds.

  Does the relationship between regular customers and previous waiters seem to be normal?

Yu Xing made a mental note and asked again: "What would you like to drink, sir?"

He didn't have a drink list in his hand, which was quite embarrassing. Usually the waiter would give the guest a drink list and let the guest choose, and then take the money.

Failing to complete the tasks given by the bartender, let alone selling drinks, normal sales will suffer.

It seems that there are so many male ghosts here that there is no need for a drink order. He waved his hand and said: "A cup of blue water."

  It doesn’t sound very cheap.

 A stack of ghost coins was placed on the table by the male ghost. The male ghost said generously: "The extra coins are your tip."

Yu Xing: "...Thank you, you are so generous." He had no idea how much more it was.

He nodded slightly to the male ghost and said, "Send it to you right away." When he reached out to take the coin, his deduction prompt sounded.

  【Points +2】

 When he turned around, he found that Zhao Yijiu had been following him, as if he was observing something.

Away from the male ghost, Yu Xing walked towards the bar and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Study." Zhao Yijiu said concisely, "I have never been a waiter before."

“Oh, have you learned how to communicate with guests?” Yu Xing habitually maintained a cold expression, Zhao Yijius paused, and then nodded.


 After saying this, he did not follow Yu Xing and continued walking. Instead, he turned around and hurried to greet the new guests.

Yu Xing looked at his back in confusion, then quickly looked away and came to the bartender: "A guest ordered Biluo Huangquan."

 He put the money on the bar.

The bartender lady understood and did not take the money first. Instead, she turned around and took out an opaque cylinder and a glass goblet from the cabinet. She started bartending in a skillful and performative manner.

Yu Xing just watched her movements with the three guests at the bar. A small pump of black liquid was spread at the bottom of the goblet, followed by deep red, just like the sadness, reluctance, and feelings for certain people on the road to hell. Human regrets settle down and become a pile of ashes that can never be picked up again.

The bartender’s movements are clean and neat.

 Beyond the deep red, there is an unexpected sky blue, which is the color of the sky. Above the sky, the blue gradually deepens, transforms into dark green, and then transforms into a cool new green.

 This is a very beautiful wine.

The bartender stretched out his slender hand towards the coin, and Yu Xing was the first to hold it down: "Wait a minute."

 “What’s wrong?” The bartender’s tone was gentle and gentle.

Yu Xingwei's calm tone gave people an unquestionable tone, but it did not appear aggressive, but was very polite: "Although we haven't completed the task yet and there is no drink price list, at least this is the list I have completed, right? How much is Biluo Huangquan?" Can you tell me about the money? The customer said it was my tip. I think the beautiful bartender won’t confiscate my tip.”

"This is reasonable, I think it's okay." The bartender looked at him, his dark eyes reflecting the soft light above the bar, and actually told him, "Biluo Huangquan is a mid-range wine, worth one million Ming coins.”

This number is not an exaggeration at all. Anyone who has burned paper money knows that one million ghost coins is only a few pieces of paper.

  It can only be said that inflation is severe.

Yu Xing let go of the hand holding the money, and the bartender took out the money and counted the banknotes with his delicate hands: "It seems that this guest is very generous. He will give you one-tenth of the price of the drink as a tip."

She handed Yu Xing a one hundred thousand note, and suddenly leaned forward and lowered her voice: "Don't lose this. Maybe you will need it in an hour or two."

She spoke quickly. When Yu Xing's eyes fell on her with inquiry, she had already returned to her normal posture. As for her expression, her face was covered by black gauze and could not be seen clearly.

An hour or two later...Yu Xing put the Ming coins into the pocket of his uniform vest, thanked the bartender, and a strange light flashed in his eyes when he turned around.

The bartender will suddenly remind him that this doesn’t make sense.

She was in no position to remind him, a waiter, because according to the head waiter's distaste and caution towards the living identities of these deducers, it was impossible for the head waiter to tell the bartender about this.

When the bartender wants to remind a waiter, she can speak openly and openly, as if she is afraid that others will hear her, as if... she knows they are alive.

  There is another chapter in the afternoon.



 (End of this chapter)

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