Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 130: I never keep my word

Chapter 130 I never keep my word

As a human being who is still in the category of living beings, Yu Xing almost laughed when he heard these words.

 laughing angrily.

He actually laughed and asked in a normal tone: "Oh, making living people feel fear and experiencing death means that you will no longer be oppressed... Is this your idea or the idea of ​​the green ghost?"

The discouraged ghost didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said. He thought that Yu Xing agreed, so he became a little bolder: "This, this is our discouraged ghost's idea. However, the boss of the Qinggui ghost also agreed with our point of view... I used to have a carnival." We don’t hold parties every day, but after the owner of Sheqinggui heard that we liked it, we held them every day.”

“Then this big boss is really nice to you.” Yu Xing said quietly.

The discouraged ghost could hear the yin and yang strangeness: "Yeah! Many ghosts like Boss Sheqing, and he also said that he wants to do interesting things."

 “Interesting things…”

 The most interesting thing is to capture living people and use their lives to entertain these ghosts?

The frustrated man also explained: "Boss Sheqing has lived too long. If he doesn't find something interesting to do, he will be bored."

 If you live too long, you will get bored.

Yu Xing’s fingers trembled slightly, and his brows behind the mask frowned slightly.

This sentence is quite true. If it weren't for boredom, how could he have developed such a dramatist personality?

It is also fun to use various actions to test other people's reactions.

People are fickle. Three years can change a person. Even the transition from high school to university can turn a person's world view upside down.

Yu Xing has also been timid, unsmiling, gentle, and cold and arrogant.

These true personalities have disappeared into the past over time. At most, they only remain in his memory that he may forget at any time.

 It’s really boring, so I want to have fun. From this perspective, there is nothing wrong with photographing green ghosts.

But from a human perspective, the Blue Ghost is very wrong. It is using a piece of cloth full of mistakes to plug a hole that will never stop expanding.

This is the reason why Yu Xing commanded Zhao Yijiu to kill among the ghosts, and he also killed the frustrated girlfriend, but he didn't feel guilty at all.

The positions of living people and ghosts are different. Perhaps in this absurd world, ghosts look at living people just like living people look at livestock.

 Who would feel sad if an animal dies?

The ghosts who stay here to participate in the activities are all voluntary, which shows that they all agree with the rhetoric of the discouraged ghosts.

 They have long forgotten their experience as living people, and have completely put themselves in an angle opposite to living people, so if these ghosts are wiped out, don't expect Yu Xing to feel guilty for a second.

“Okay, since you’ve been here so many times, do you know what’s in the vending machine?”

 He returned to the topic and gave the discouraged man a sidelong glance.

The Discouragement Ghost's praise of the Blue Ghost was interrupted, and it didn't dare to be annoyed. It was stunned when it heard Yu Xing's question: "Vending machine? Automatic vending machine?"

 “Are you asking me a question?” Yu Xing was unkind and impatient.

"Ah, no, no, no, I'm sorry!" The discouraged ghost was so frightened that he almost cried again. He thought about it carefully and said hesitantly, "This vending machine is of no use to us. I heard that the boss of Qingqing ghost wanted to give life to the living people. Opportunities for resistance are specially created for living people.”

“I came here a few times out of curiosity and took a look, but I couldn’t understand it. There were a lot of strange little things inside, and the compasses were all normal. The remaining objects were very weird, and I didn’t recognize them anyway.”

The vending machine placed in the Huangquan disco by Qingqinggui is an opportunity for living people to resist? Yu Xing was noncommittal:

"Oh, I see so many ghosts staring at the vending machines. Are they giving living people a chance? Are they letting living people fall into the trap of the cafe?"

The discouraged ghost shook his head: "No, it's not! The boss of Qinggui said that only by finding the right way can you buy items safely. Since the rave party began, occasionally there will be people who successfully find the way to buy and then survive. "

very good.

 It turns out that if you want to use vending machines safely, you need to find a special way.

This was the clue Yu Xing needed. He always felt that the way the vending machine existed was strange. Since it was going to sell things, it shouldn't be placed where ghosts could stare at it at any time.

Either using the gimmick of a vending machine to lure living people to expose themselves, or there is another way.

  After all, this vending machine is recognized by the system. Compared with ghosts, Yu Xing has a high degree of trust in the system. He was originally leaning towards the latter possibility.

 There is a method that a living person can do, but it is not so easy to think of...

Yu Xing filtered through his mind everything that happened when he entered the bar. After a long while, he let out a clear chuckle as the discouraged man retreated uneasily.

“It turns out the path has been right in front of us all along.”


The overturned empty trash can was touched by the discouraged man and rolled around on the ground in an arc.

Yu Xing looked at the discouraged man who had put it on the wall again. He stretched out his hand and pulled it in front of him.

He took out a bit of curse power and was about to stamp it on the discouraged ghost.

"You, you said you wouldn't kill me!" Feeling the terrifying power in Yu Xing's hand, the discouraged man struggled violently, showing a comeback of panic and despair, "I answered everything, and everything I said is true. !you said before…"

Yu Xing smiled horribly, not like a positive character at all: "Don't expect to see it from me if you keep your word. I never keep my word about things I don't like."

He got closer to the discouraged ghost. Since he couldn't see the discouraged ghost's expression, he wanted to take off the discouraged ghost's mask.

Yu Xing pinched the edge of the mask and lifted it up: "You have obviously seen the sadness in the eyes of so many living people. One day, the same emotion appears in your own eyes, which is considered retribution? Huh? You just treat it as... I am a red person. Yi is bullying you."

 The skin behind the mask is very white, not the usual paleness of Yu Xing, but cold white.

However, before Yu Xing had time to see anything, he heard cheers from outside the toilet: "Caught!"

“Caught that waiter! Hahahahaha...eat him, eat him, after killing so many ghosts, he should also enjoy the feeling of being torn apart by ghosts~”

Yu Xing's attention was distracted for a moment, and the discouraged ghost took advantage of this moment to turn into a gray mist. Although he recovered his physical form after only a second or two, it was enough to slip away from Yu Xing's hands.

It ran out of the toilet and shouted: "Let me go!"

“…” Yu Xing narrowed his eyes and did not chase after him. He just stood there until the discouraged man opened the toilet door and merged into the lively atmosphere of Huangquan Hall again.

He clasped his fingers together, and then walked towards the group of ghosts forming a circle. The man who shouted that he wanted to dismember the waiter was in the center of the circle.

Thank you to [Mu Wuhen] for the 500 reward, thank you to [vk Yushen] for the 454 reward, thank you to [Feng Jiuling] for the 400 reward, thank you to [20171229121840205] for the 200 reward, thank [Huitian Gu] for the 100 reward Reward!



 (End of this chapter)

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