Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 132: Zhao family genes are so scary

Chapter 132 The Zhao family is so terrifying

  Whether it was his tone or his eyes, it was clear that Zhao Yijiu was certain about this answer.

This is the answer that Yu Xing guessed has a relatively low probability. His eyes flashed: "Oh? How can you see it?"

"Because I'm not stupid. I have my own way of judgment. Although compared to other people in the family, my area of ​​expertise is more special..." Zhao Yijing paused and looked at Yu Xing's calmness overflowing from his posture. There is an urge to tear this calmness apart.

Yu Xing is always like this, playing tricks on others and then passing it on nonchalantly. He never worries that his actions will lead to bad consequences, because he seems to have anticipated all the possibilities.

 He continued: "But don't underestimate the Zhao family's genes."

Yu Xing asked curiously: "Huh? Does it have anything to do with whether I will betray my teammates or not? Or...do you think you have seen through me?"

 “Are you sure you want to continue this topic?” Zhao Yijiu asked.

Yu Xing became interested. It was not so easy to end the topic. He really wanted to know what Zhao Yijiao could say: "Go on, listen to what you mean. It seems that you have different opinions on me. I Listen to it, shouldn’t it be a loss?”

 After he finished speaking, Zhao Yijiu fell into silence and lowered his head again.

Zhao Yijiu was used to talking less. Yu Xing thought he didn't want to talk, but felt a little regretful. He was about to continue using words to tell him about the scale of trust and goodwill, when he heard Zhao Yijiu say slowly:

“I’m confused, why do you insist on portraying yourself as an untrustworthy person. It’s like...you can’t see others thinking you are good.”

   Yu Xing: “…”

There was a slight change in his eyes.

Zhao Yijiu was calm but determined: "My acting style is erratic, and I look like I'm strategizing and don't care about anything. Do you think no one can see the reason? By coincidence, I can see it."

“This is because you don’t want others to understand you, and you don’t want others to remember your kindness. You always emphasize that you are not a good person, and you are just trying to inoculate yourself against things that may happen in the future that are out of your control.”

“I don’t know your previous experiences, but I can guess something from your usual behavior when you were injured. Your past was not a good one.”

Zhao Yijiu had probably finished all he had said in three days. There was a subtle sense of victory in his gloomy eyes: "You are also afraid, Yu Xing, you are afraid that others will disappoint you, so you choose not to Give others a chance to be disappointed.”

Yu Xing’s pupils dilated slightly, and he rarely forgot his words for a moment.

After digesting Zhao Yijiu's words, he pondered for two seconds, then put down his leg and crossed it with the other leg.

"Brother Jiu, you are really..." He hesitated for a moment, and had to admit that he really didn't expect that Zhao Yijiu, an iceberg, could be so sharp.

Yes, he did not deny anything Zhao Yijiao said because it was right.

"Are you surprised? A person like me can actually understand this. It's not your plan. If you are facing my brother, you will not be careless." Zhao Yijiao said, it was a pity that Yu Xing was wearing a mask at this time , he couldn't see any more changes in Yu Xing's expression, and could only know from Yu Xing's eyes that he was right.

"Well, you're right, but my surprise is only half due to the content of this paragraph." After his character weaknesses were pointed out, Yu Xing still didn't seem to care much. He smiled and said, "Also Halfly, I didn’t expect that Brother Jiu could say so many words in one go, and be so sharp, magical, and magical.” Zhao Yijiu was not moved by him and said, “Tear open other people’s wounds without mercy and ridicule them. It's something you get used to, I just learned it."

Yu Xing touched the side of his neck and laughed: "That's great, but there's one thing you said wrong... When I faced your brother, I was careless. I knew it would be so easy to hand over my brother to someone I've only met once. A stranger is not something that little fox Zhao Mou can do."

“It turns out that your brother is not as straightforward as he appears on the surface. Zhao Mou is not afraid that you will suffer in my hands.”

This is the fundamental principle of the Zhao family and Zhao Mou's work - only doing things that are certain and only doing business that does not lose money.

 The Zhao family genes are so terrifying.

On the basis of "sharpness", Zhao Yijiu added a twist that can't be erased no matter what. He obviously didn't mean any harm, but when he said it, it was eerie and it always made people think that he was going to do it in the next second. Take the secrets you have and do something with them.

 Fortunately, Yu Xing knew that Zhao Yijiu probably regarded him as a friend, so he told him this.

"I know that you have always put yourself in the position of a senior and want to guide me. Okay, I admit that you have this strength." Zhao Yijius snorted lightly, then looked at Yu Xing, with some hope in his eyes. , "Then please re-evaluate me and give me more appropriate guidance, otherwise, you will lose your pants."

"Oh, you are very confident. I know what you said, but my mind is not that easy to figure out. You still need to work hard~" Yu Xing stood up, "But... you did it really well this time That's great. I think you know what I want to tell you, so I won't be a nag."

Zhao Yijiu nodded, but he was still far from it. For example, just now, he thought that if his words came out, Yu Xing would deny it, cover it up, or even get a little angry, but he didn't.

Yu Xing stretched out and suppressed the discomfort caused by the power of the curse: "I admit that my teammates who identify with me will not do bad things, and I also know that you feel sorry for Lushan... But , you only see the surface of other people’s teams, and no one knows what happened between them. It’s not easy to figure out the relationship between them, so why bother about others.”

 “Let’s go and see what’s in the vending machine.”

Zhao Yijiu stood up and asked, "Can you get close to the vending machine?"

“You can’t, you don’t have to, just follow me.” Yu Xing led him through the noisy Huangquan Hall without giving a single glance to the ghosts who were feasting in the main hall.

 He took Zhao Yijiu through the Bian'an Hall again and came to the dressing room at the beginning.

 Pushing the door open, the foreman was still here, playing with his mobile phone with his back to them.

Hearing the knock on the door, the foreman clicked his tongue impatiently at first, but when he turned around and saw one red and one black, he was so shocked that he lost his grip on the phone and dropped it on the floor with a thud.

Yu Xing took a look and saw some news on the screen.

He chuckled and sat down on the row of chairs where the foreman was sitting: "Foreman, see you again?"

Zhao Yijiu followed suit and sat down silently.

"Oh, that's cool. So among the people I recruited today, there's someone with red clothes?" The foreman picked up the phone and scratched his head, "Shouldn't you two be participating in a carnival? What are you doing here? Don't think so. This is a safe house, they can come in if they want."

 (End of this chapter)

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