Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 135: The devil watered with blood

Chapter 135 The Demon Watered with Blood

The discouraged man huddled by the door, looking around, as if he was about to run away at any moment.

Yu Xing’s plan was to achieve a quick victory.

His physical strength is not enough to support him to attack and dodge for a long time. Using the game character as an analogy, he is like an explosive assassin who cannot sustain his endurance.

Red filled his sight, and every attack by the red-clothed brother must carry the resentment of the humans who had died in its hands. These resentments turned into scenes of hallucinations, and Yu Xing's eyes kept flashing the tragic death of people. His face was distorted, and there were cries in his ears.

If an ordinary person sees this kind of hallucination, he will definitely be tortured to the point of mental exhaustion until death.

 This is the unique attack method of red clothes, so the more people they kill, the stronger they become.

Yu Xing was also in a bad mood due to this inescapable hallucination.

Although he is pretending to be a red-clothed ghost, he is still a human being after all. He cannot use Hong-coat's abilities. Otherwise, he really wants to show his brother in red-clothed what a real mountain of blood and corpses is.

 So tired...

Yu Xing discovered that the ghosts in this world like to attack the head when killing people and fighting. They seem to like the feeling of seeing the prey's face being drenched with blood from top to bottom.

Then don’t hide...

When the brother in red clawed at his head with his long needle-like nails, he only tilted his head slightly, and still let Li Gui's claws fall on the Tianling Cap.

Brother in red clothes was surprised to find that he had grasped the vital point of the man in the mourning mask.

 Strange, the combat prowess displayed by this mourning red man cannot match the thick blood mist at all!

too weak!

It suddenly became suspicious and inserted its finger into Yu Xing's head.

 “Ah!” the discouraged man exclaimed.

“Yu Xing!” Zhao Yijiu, who had been distractedly paying attention here, also shouted in horror, kicked his brother in red away, gave himself a buffer space, and ran towards Yu Xing without hesitation.

 He felt that Yu Xing had made a wrong decision.

Yu Xing's swordsmanship is very powerful and experienced, but compared with him, he is not better.

 If anyone is more likely to kill a red-coat with stop-kill, it must be him who is more familiar with stop-kill, not that sick man Yu Xing!

Zhao Yijiu's stern face under the mask showed a rare look of panic. As he ran towards Yu Xing, he paid attention to dodge the attack of the red brother. The scene of Yu Xing's head being inserted by the sharp claws of the ghost and the scene created by the red brother Bloody hallucinations appeared before his eyes, and he gritted his teeth: What's going on? I was still fooled by Yu Xing's calm appearance, I believed him too much!

Yu Xing, damn, don’t die here, it’s so meaningless...

The sound of sharp claws breaking through the skin and breaking a certain bone clearly sounded in Yu Xing's mind.

His pupils shrank and he groaned, as if there was no anesthesia, and then five thick steel needles were driven into his brain. Severe pain was transmitted from the dense neurons layer by layer. His vision even went completely blank for a moment, until The hot blood slid over his eyelids and smeared his left eye before he regained consciousness.

 Then he felt that his persona was taken off by his brother in red.

The persona that left his face automatically blurred, dissipated in the air, and returned to the faceplate state.

Yu Xing’s feminine and stunning face was exposed to the air, and streams of blood snaked down from the middle and sides of her face, adding to the misery and horror that was unbearable to look at.

 The long red gown slowly dissipated, revealing the waiter's shirt and vest. The brother in red exclaimed: "You are indeed a living waiter!"

  On the one hand, he was shocked that there really was a living person with the same strength as the red-clothed ghost. On the other hand, he was surprised by the fact that he had completely controlled the life of this living waiter.

Its fingers were not inserted deep, only half a decimeter. This depth is not fatal to the red ghost, but for humans, it would be almost instantaneous death!

Why bother? He could easily get through the carnival party by relying on his own power to intimidate him, but he decided to provoke it and his younger brother...

What is this human being thinking?

 Is he dead?

Brother in red ignored the roar of another human being disguised as a black shadow behind him. It was really confused at the moment.

do you died?

of course not.

The severe pain brought Yu Xing back to reality. He closed his left eye to prevent blood from entering his eyes, and looked at the red-coated man who had taken off his guard with his right eye.

 It feels the same as every time I got hurt before.

 His perception of his limbs, his thoughts and sights, are still clear and active.

It's true, he is not proficient in swordsmanship. If he and Zhao Yijiu fight one on one, he will definitely lose due to lack of physical strength. If the opponent is Qu Nianqing, he will definitely be stabbed into a sieve within a minute.

 As long as Qu Xianqing was here, red clothes would be nothing at all. But there were only him and Zhao Yijiao present, and Zhao Yjiu was indeed not strong enough.

Then only he can kill Hongyi, only he can do it, and no one else can do it.

At this distance, the red-clothed ghost finally couldn't hide.

Yu Xing narrowed his eyes, and under the gaze of his brother in red, he showed a smile that was quite strange to him.

Like a demon watered by blood, a smile covered in bruises bloomed in the abyss.

He used his left hand to hold the wrist of the hand that the brother in red had inserted into his head, and his right hand held the hilt of the cold-killing sword. When Zhao Yijiu suddenly stopped—

 A sword, decisive and abrupt.

The sword blade penetrated one side of the red brother's temple, and then penetrated out from the other side.

 The black aura flows and rises from the killer, quickly sending silence into the life of the prey. Yu Xing’s smile did not diminish.

 Look, only he can do it.

Only he can use this curse to exchange one life for another.

 But he cheated. After exchanging one of his lives for someone else's, he still had many, many lives left to use.

The surprise, horror and shock on the face of the brother in red were mixed together, and emerged from behind the shattered mask. Not only it, but also Zhao Yijiu who ran over and the brother in red who floated back with him were stunned for a moment.

 What kind of reversal is this?

Zhao Yijiu couldn't help but take a step back.

He saw Yu Xing frowning and pulling out the finger of the red-coated brother from his head. It was obviously a fatal injury, but he staggered to his feet, and even lowered his head and smiled to kill the red-coated brother who could no longer resist. He pulled it out in his head and replenished it with two more swords.

 Like a madman, like a monster.

 “Brother!” The younger brother in red shouted in fear and jumped towards Yu Xing.

Yu Xing turned his head.

Blood was smeared on his face, and the wounds kept bleeding, but he didn't seem to notice. This reminded Zhao Yijiu of the family elders he had seen whose personalities were so alienated that they turned into monsters.

The elder used to like him very much. When he was five or six years old, he often gave him some toy cars, Transformers and the like that he didn't like, which always made the ten-year-old Zhao Mou yell that it was unfair.

He threw all the toys to Zhao Mou, and the elder changed his tactics and started giving unedged daggers and the like. Only then did he remember him and gradually became close to him.

Later on a rainy night, the elders broke into his house amidst the rumbling thunder. He was carried by his father in a daze and hid in the closet. Together with Zhao Mou, they waited in the dark for their father to take them out.

 But I didn’t wait.

He broke free from Zhao Mou's hand and got out of the closet. He only saw the elder who looked completely different from before. He looked at him with the cloudy eyes on his face and the dense eyes on his neck. Under the elder's feet, he was torn apart. Broken daddy.

 What happened next?

He couldn't remember clearly. It seemed that Zhao Mou dragged him away with all his strength, and then someone came, someone told him that the nightmare was over, and someone took away his father's body.

That was his nightmare. For countless days and nights after that, in the darkness and silence, this scene lingered in his mind like a ghost.

 When he grew up, he learned about the existence of this absurd deduction game and the existence of degrees of personality alienation.

Zhao Yijiu's breath was suffocated. The memory that came to him in an instant made him afraid to step forward, but his body moved faster than his thoughts. He reached out and grabbed the fluttering corners of his brother in red.

 He heard his own voice, which was too cold to be human, clear and trembling in the silence: "You are not allowed to pass."

"Brother!" The younger brother in red didn't care about him. He was pulled by a living person, and he swept the red blood towards Yu Xing.

Yu Xing's head still hurt, but he reacted quickly and relied on his strength to grab his brother in red who was lying on the ground and block the blood attack.

The one in red is really difficult to kill. Even if he was penetrated through the brain and withstood the angry attack from his younger brother, the brother in red was still alive.

 But it has lost its ability to move and is lingering on the edge of ashes.

Yu Xing dropped it and headed towards his brother in red with his sword in hand.

 You have to be closer to attack.

 He said: "Brother Jiu, don't let it move."

Zhao Yijiu heard a familiar voice and seemed to wake up from some kind of nightmare. He looked into Yu Xing's eyes and found that they were clear and bright, which was different from the cloudy eyes that were out of the human category.

Perhaps Yu Xing is simply crazy...he suddenly thought.

Tightened the strength in his hands, Zhao Yijiao resisted the attacks of blood energy and hallucinations amidst the fury of his red-clothed brother. Soon, Yu Xing arrived with a stopper.

Zhao Yijiu relaxed his pressure and realized that he was injured. The wound on his arm was deep enough to show the bones, but compared with Yu Xing, it seemed like nothing.

The younger brother in red felt very aggrieved.

The human being in front of it is too weird. Even though he was injured that should have killed him immediately, he is still alive and well. It cannot kill him. Instead, he will inflict heavy damage on him when he seizes the opportunity.

This unlucky bar.

The younger brother in red followed in his elder brother's footsteps, and this was what he was thinking about at the last moment when he lost his sense of autonomy.

Yu Xing breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the ground without any strength, and threw the sword back to Zhao Yijiu: "I'm too tired to move. You can make it up for them. I have to take a rest..."

As he spoke, he wiped his face with his shirt sleeve, which at least wiped away some of the blood.

   Thanks to [I am your pure sleep] for the 10500 reward! Thanks to [Feng Jiuling] for the 1200 reward~ Thanks to [Chen Shuo] for the 500 reward, [Qi Xian] for the 200 reward, [old bookworm who hates the emotional line between men and women], [Haitao gossip], [An] 100 rewards for Moran Ye] and [Gugu Cai]~



 (End of this chapter)

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