Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 138: Photographing Qing Dreamland

Chapter 138: Photographing the Blue Dream

 In the locker room, the foreman was reading the news when he suddenly heard a noise outside that was enough to knock off the roof.

He blinked and opened the door with some confusion. He saw in the red and black hall on the other side, the ghosts were like crazy, some were dancing, some were screaming, some were roaring, some were dazed, but none of them were calm. .

 Looking further away, Huangquan Hall is no quieter than Biantan Hall.

 In the midst of their chaotic discussion, the foreman could barely make out key words such as "red clothes are dead", "twins are dead", and "toilet".

 To sum up, the two cruel twins in red were killed in the toilet.

The guy who killed them was so arrogant that he didn't even hide the two red gowns. When a ghost in white shirt wanted to go to the toilet, he opened the door and two red clothes were floating in front of his eyes.

  To be precise, it was hung on the decoration above the toilet door.

The white-shirted ghost was so frightened that he forgot the purpose of coming to the toilet and quickly spread the news.

Hong Yi is the most powerful ghost next to She Qing in the hearts of all the ghosts. Each of them is very famous in the area where they are active. As a result, they are dead!

 This is tantamount to setting off an explosion in the hearts of all the ghosts.

He was also dazed for a moment, and suddenly his pupils trembled, remembering the heroic words of the two human waiters not long ago about killing Hong Yi.

No way?

 No way, right?

 Really killed, or two?

Just as he was thinking about it, two figures, one black and one red, dodged the excited spitting stars of the ghosts, sneakily pushed the foreman in, squeezed into the door, and then closed the door behind his back.

 “Hi, I met the foreman again~” Yu Xing greeted directly.

He had just materialized his persona and put it on, but he still looked bad. Starting from his hair, to his neck, to his shoulders, chest, abdomen and back, as well as the hem of his red gown, everything was different with blood. Soaked to some extent.

 The blood is darker than red and looks like tan patches when it dries.

The foreman's mouth twitched, already imagining what kind of battle there was just now.

He looked again and saw that the taciturn black figure was also injured. Half of his sleeve was missing and was used to bandage his arm.

 “I’ve met...” the foreman replied weakly.

These two people are really capable of killing Hongyi, what else can he say?

 “Just tell me what you want to exchange.”

Yu Xing looked at Zhao Yijiu and said, "Come on, Brother Jiu! Bring back the sacrifices and props."

 Sounds like going to Pikachu...Zhao Yijiu thought silently, and exchanged the 10 million points from killing Hongyi for [Photographing Dreamland] and [Mengpo Soup].

 In his deduction prompts, the top two are particularly eye-catching.

 【You have killed the red-clothed fierce ghost, and you have gained +5,000,000 coins】

 【You have killed the red-clothed fierce ghost, and you have gained +5,000,000 coins】

The foreman was still a little frightened. He stiffly took out two exquisite cyan gift boxes from the big box in the corner of the dressing room and handed them to Zhao Yijiu.

Zhao Yijiu didn’t take the drink, but tilted his head in Yu Xing’s direction and gestured: “Give it to him.”

Yu Xing took it with a smile. He accepted She Qing Mengjing politely, then looked at the box containing "Meng Po Soup" and said, "How about it, Brother Jiu, are you interested?"

"Yes, there is, but it's yours." Zhao Yijiu glanced at the box a few times, "I'm just making up for it, I'm not qualified to take this... I believe you won't give it to me either."

“These days, there are not many upright people like you.” Yu Xing sighed and shook the box deliberately, “You really don’t want it?”

Zhao Yijiu's eyes swayed along with the box, then he realized what he had done and immediately turned his head and stopped looking.

But any deducer knows how important and precious the props that can reduce the degree of personality alienation are, and his eyes are almost filled with the word "want".

Zhao Yijiu coughed and said seriously: "Although it belongs to you, as a participant, I will tell my family what this prop does when I go out. At that time, they may make conditions to buy it from you."

"It should, it should." Yu Xing agreed very much with this. Although he was the main force to kill Hongyi, he also borrowed Zhao Yijiu's help to stop the killing, and without Zhao Yijiao to restrain the other Hongyi, he definitely wouldn't Will succeed at only paying such a small price.

 Zhao Yijiu is an indispensable part of this plan. He has the right to tell his family about the existence of Meng Po Soup.

 The distribution of exchanged items has not been a problem from beginning to end. The two of them knew who the exchanged sacrifices and props belonged to before they started.

“There are still 1.8 million Hades Coins from before, let’s exchange them as well.” Yu Xing pooled their points and exchanged them for another [Triangular Amulet].

  【Triangular amulet: Item, necklace, can heal non-immediate fatal wounds three times. 1,800,000 Hades Coins can be exchanged. 】

 This is what Yu Xing was selecting from the item list in the vending machine, and found something with the most suitable price and very practical effect.

This is a thick triangle folded from yellow talisman paper. There is a small hole on it, which is pierced by a red rope.

After getting the amulet, he handed it to Zhao Yijiu: "Take this, you are used to close combat and are easily injured. I think this is the most suitable prop for you. In case of emergency, you will not lose your combat effectiveness."

"Yeah." This was what Zhao Yijiu deserved. He didn't refuse at all. He took it and put it on, but he didn't use it to treat his arm. This game is no longer a big threat. After the game is over, the system will treat the gamer. There is no need to waste a chance of healing with the amulet.

Yu Xing took the Sheqing Dream directly out of the box.

 The dream state of Sheqing that has not been integrated with the persona is a small ball of light, transparent and turbid, beautiful and evil, a complete contradiction.

  【This sacrifice already belongs to you and can be fused directly. Do you want to fuse it immediately? If you select No, the fusion will be completed at the end of the game. 】

 “Let’s merge.” Yu Xing was quite looking forward to what it would become.

The ball of light slowly floated up, and since the persona had materialized, it was printed directly on the mask.

Yu Xing's mourning mask returned to its original white mask appearance for a moment. You can see a small cyan dagger pattern falling under the right eye socket like a teardrop.

He took out the Qingmengjing from his belt, and immediately felt a cold touch in his hand, and a slightly longer dagger appeared, which looked somewhat elegant in appearance. The faint cyan mist slowly dispersed and flowed away from the dagger. Disappeared at a distance of about one decimeter.

 【Sacrifice: Photographing the Blue Dream】

  【Form: A dagger with a faint azure mist】

[This sacrifice has been fused with "Personal Mask", and the fusion ability is: ① Extremely sharp, carrying the dream of a green ghost for nearly a thousand years, each successful attack will be appended with "loneliness", "indifference", and "hope" ", "Ome" is an effect. The effect can be actively selected, at the cost of the holder being in a trance, falling into weakness and dizziness. (Please explore the specific effects of the four effects yourself)]

[② There is a green ghost living in the dagger. When the holder takes out the dagger, he can come out whenever he wants. He can even bypass the holder and use the dagger at any time. He is completely outside the control of the holder, but according to reports He himself said that he would help the holder. Because the Green Ghost itself is too powerful, it will be restricted by rules in the deduction world. The specific restrictions are subject to the rules in the deduction game. 】

  【Description: After merging with the personality of the deducer Yu Xing, the sacrifice turned into a dagger. The handle of the dagger is dark green, with a cyan crystal inlaid in the middle. The blade is sharp and luxurious silver. The dagger sheath is made of black leather, with the word "Photography" written on it. This dagger exudes a thick or light mist of mist all the time. 】

  【Note: There is actually a green-shooting ghost living in this dagger! ? It's too strong and must be weakened! ...Hmph, do you think you can completely control it? No, the green ghost is the master who controls it, you are just a tool! (Roaring to maintain the balance of the deduction)]

The ability of the dagger ① seems to Yu Xing to be flashy, but he actually just wants a weapon-type sacrifice that can cause effective damage to ghosts.

Of course, having fancy abilities means more tactical options, which Yu Xing welcomes very much.

As expected, the ability ② is also able to clear this ghost, and the mentioned rule restrictions are also reasonable.

 In his opinion, Yiqing is probably similar to the strongest group of star players in the differentiated level. If there are no restrictions, it would be too BUG.

Yu Xing is very satisfied with this dagger!

Sheqing Gui Yiqing is not in the dagger at the moment. He just said that he would ask the staff to explain the funeral arrangements... No, it is about the subsequent operation of the bar.

Yu Xing looked at the foreman with a hint of sympathy in his eyes.

The foreman will probably be the last employee to know that his boss is leaving...

 “What do you look like?” Facing the two of them, the foreman no longer dared to say whether the temporary workers wanted to rebel.

"It's nothing, just..." Yu Xing patted the foreman on the shoulder with his slightly confused eyes, "Do your best in the future."

 Foreman: “…?”


 After Yu Xing exchanged the sacrifices, the carnival party continued for more than an hour.

This is the content of the deduction game, and it is also an inherent activity of Sheqinggui Bar. Even though Sheqinggui Yiqing is ready to be a completely hands-off shopkeeper, leaving the foreman, bartender, DJ and other employees behind, this activity is still going on. It ends at the appointed time.

 The rankings were refreshed twice during this period. As expected, Zhu Ming and Zhang Xiangling completed the overtake and rose to second place.

I don’t know how these two people were hidden. In such a big place, Yu Xing didn’t even see them once.

Shengwan's points have also been steadily rising, while Xiaoyan...she seems to be in trouble, her points have stopped moving, and she has dropped to fourth without any suspense.

Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiu went to three halls to secretly kill a few ghosts in white clothes to increase their points. After experiencing the turmoil of the death of red clothes, everything was in chaos, which provided a very good environment for them to do something.

After hiding a fallen white gown by the stairs of Naihe Bridge in their Wangchuan Hall, Yiqing's voice came out from the radio.

“This carnival party is over. I am very happy to see a wonderful game with ups and downs. I believe you are as happy as me, right?”

 The ghosts were probably not very happy, but they did not dare to refute him.

“Well, it’s over, please take off your masks and enjoy a new day. The second floor has been unblocked and the waiters are getting off work.”

 Yiqing lost his voice after saying this.

  【Points ranking list update terminated】

【Final Results】

  01, 04:705

  03, 08:390

  02 (died), 07:350

  05 (died), 06:260

 【According to the rules, 01 and 04 will receive additional rewards at the end of the deduction】

  【According to the rules, the lowest ranked group will now be eliminated】

 (End of this chapter)

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