Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 142: Erase your memory from now on

Chapter 142 Erase your memory from now on

"Well, I also gained something today. But..." Seeing that Yu Xing was in good spirits and seemed to want to continue reading the information, Qu Xianqing reached out and took away the thick paper.

 “As for this case, let’s get here today, it’s time for you to go to bed.”

Yu Xing chuckled: "What kind of daughter are you trying to control your father's tone?"

"This is the tone of an 'angry and quarrelsome girlfriend' telling her boyfriend everything." Qu Xianqing immediately responded with what Yu Xing had done himself, "You need to check through a single prism, but in comparison, Tomorrow your promotion game will be more important, I advise you to be energetic."

 On the afternoon of November 1st, Yu Xing told Qu Xianqing about advancing to the game.

Originally, I thought I could get a thorough explanation from a senior deduction expert. Unexpectedly, Qu Nianqing said that no one else could help, so he had to rely on himself.

 Because so far, each deducer's promotion game is unique, there is no related world, and the deduction forms are dazzling, without any rules.

 The only thing they have in common is…

Probably the content of the promotion game will always be linked to the player's heart.

Only by facing your own heart can you confirm the differentiation route, recognize yourself from the seemingly illusory deduction, and successfully wake up.

 So in this regard, the only one who can help Yu Xing is himself.

"Okay, okay, then I'm going to bed." Yu Xing stretched out, opened the door and left under Qu Nianqing's urging eyes.

 “This girl cares about you very much.” Suddenly, a burst of green smoke floated by, and the voice of Sheqing Gui Yiqing sounded beside Yu Xing.

 He did not turn into a human form, he just floated like this, and even his voice was as ethereal as an illusion.

"I'm very concerned about you. What about you? Why did you come out?" Yu Xing walked in the monitored hotel corridor, covered his mouth with his hand, and responded to Yi Qing's words by coughing.

Qing Yan, relying on the fact that he would not be caught by the surveillance camera, slowly circled around Yu Xing a few times: "Nothing, just sighing. Human beings...after all, I have some concerns. I really don't know whether to laugh innocently or envious."

“…” Yu Xing didn’t answer any more, and quickly went downstairs and returned to his room.

  【 Sheqing Dreamland】 was usually pinned to the belt around his waist. This was an agreement he had made with the Sheqing Ghost. For the sake of convenience and having nothing to do, he would not put the dagger on the mask unless necessary.

"I want to go out for some fun, just put the dagger next to the pillow." Entering the room, Yiqing transformed into a human form, still dressed in the same ancient style, opened the fan elegantly and shook it, and the crystal ornaments on his body jingled. ring.

  "It's up to you, as agreed. Just don't cause trouble. I'm going to sleep."

After receiving Yu Xing's reply, Yiqing laughed. The green mist rose and seeped through the cracks in the window, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Taking off his clothes and lying on the bed, Yu Xing scrolled through his phone for a while, unable to sleep for the time being.

There are too many things on my mind.

 Not only on the Monoprism side, the person who committed the crime in Fuhua City may be a more important member. This is the closest he has been to an actor in recent years.


 Having found him, he only sent cards and flowers, but the person did not show up.

 And, the upcoming promotion game linked to the heart.

 In the past three days, he sometimes wondered, what would a deduction game related to his heart look like?

 A desert? Mountain of corpses and rain of blood? Ruins?

 In fact, as expected, Zhao Mou had already contacted him about Meng Po Tang. He postponed the negotiation on the grounds that he had no time recently.

  Turn over on the bed, Yu Xing sunk into the hotel-like pillow and closed his eyes.

  Will being promoted to the game allow him to experience something different?

 He is looking forward to it.

Thinking like this, sleepiness finally came over him. He threw Sheqing Mengjing to the ground and fell into sleep.

It turned out that the absurd deduction did not disappoint him. The next morning, when the notification to enter the game rang, the system directly gave him a completely unexpected restriction. 【About to enter the promotion deduction game】

 【The following lists the game information for this special deduction】

 【Special Game: Ghost Night Talk】

  【Type: Promotion deduction】

 【This deduction is a single player deduction】

  【This deduction does not take up real time】

 【Complete the deduction to confirm the differentiation route, unlock new functions, and improve the attributes of the persona】

 【The following are the special rules for the promotion of Deducer Yu Xing】

 【Rule 1: In this deduction, you will lose all memories】

 【Rule 2: In this deduction, you will not be able to actively summon the persona and related abilities until you realize that the scene you are in is the deduction world】

 【Rule 3: During this deduction, Qing Qinggui Yiqing is temporarily deprived of his ability to actively enter and exit the sacrifices until the deduction player Yu Xing realizes that the scene is the deduction world】

 【Rule 4: The scene of this deduction is a scene that the deduction player Yu Xing has experienced, but it will be modified and distorted by the system】

  【Failed promotion will be lost forever in the deduction scene and erased in reality】

Yu Xing had guessed a lot of ways to deduce promotions, but he really didn’t expect that the system could do so well and actually... erase his memory?

The third rule was obviously aimed at Yi Qing. Yi Qing was not dissatisfied at all. Instead, he said with a smile: "I asked you to throw She Qing Meng on the ground last night. Today I can watch your past. It is indeed a good idea to follow you." Choose, you can spy on interesting things so quickly~"

Yu Xing: Tsk, tsk, tsk, I quite hold a grudge.

He had just woken up not long ago, but at this moment he felt drowsiness coming over him again, and there was a feeling of being suppressed and withdrawn from his mind. Soon, he leaned on the chair and fell into coma.

 【From this moment on, the system enters silent mode until the deducer Yu Xing remembers the existence of the deduction】

 This was the last reminder that came to Yu Xing's mind.


This coma lasted for unknown length of time.

The sun was rising high, and my ears gradually turned from quiet to noisy, as if someone was quarreling nearby.

 “He…has been…unknown…”

 “Save people…”

 What, who is talking?

Yu Xing frowned in the noise, and all his senses gradually returned, hearing, smell, touch...

 He smelled the aroma of rice.

His stomach immediately growled, and he groaned. His mind became clearer and he opened his eyes.

 So hungry…

He used his arms to push himself up, but—

"Hiss..." The sudden pain made him cry out in pain. Only then did he realize that he was wrapped in many bandages.

What's wrong with me?

Yu Xing thought blankly, always feeling that his mind was empty.

"Are you awake?" A timid little girl's voice came to his ear. He twisted his uninjured neck and looked to the side, and sure enough he saw a child about ten years old.

 (End of this chapter)

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