Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 169: Alice in Hell (2) - Rules

Chapter 169 Alice Hell (2) - Rules

After saying this, the gambler laughed twice: "Okay, let's go!"

He took the lead in walking towards the castle, scratching his neck as he walked, muttering, "Huai will definitely record a video, I have to behave politely and advertise to the institute."

As we all know, on the surface, all members of the institute are good people. Many strategies and information integration are produced by this guild, and they have made great contributions to the collective of gamers.

Of course, the process of collecting information is not polite. Every conclusion is accumulated by the guild members through hard work and deduction. Some people are cautious, while others are manic.

Zeng Lai, the gambler, is a relatively well-known member of the institute. He at least has the small card of a star deduction, the kind that displays his real name in the live broadcast room.

It is hard to say whether he is strong or not, but this style of deduction is as exciting as gambling. If a certain deduction is led by Zeng Lai, then the process will be like walking a tightrope. If you lose one point of luck, you will have to stop.

 Through this, he has accumulated many fans of live broadcasts, just to watch him commit suicide online and feel his heartbeat.

“Elegance has nothing to do with you. If you don’t cause damage, you are already worthy of others.” Huai Ye responded quietly and walked side by side with the gambler.

These two people are familiar with each other and may have crossed paths before.

Hmm... The atmosphere of the differentiation level deduction is indeed different. In previous games, the players were either in teams or had nothing to do with each other. Unlike the differentiation level, there are various live broadcasts, paid videos, guild competitions and other activities. Even if There has been little interaction before, and it is easy for a popular gamer to be recognized in advance.

 It’s quite fun, Yu Xing thought.

 He raised his legs to follow, his eyes calm.

In this way, he cannot reveal his ability to resurrect. It is best not to expose his ability to recover from injuries. Otherwise, as long as Huai leaves the deduction alive and uploads the video to the [Case Video Viewing Area], he will definitely be punished. A lot of unnecessary harassment.

Others, whether they introduced themselves or not, followed the gambler and approached the iron gate.

Yu Xing walked in the middle, deliberately separated from Han Xinyi and Han Zhiyong to prevent the other party from making any small moves.

 In fact, everyone who was summoned to this deduction guessed something from the word "throat cutter" on the list.

After all, we all live in Fuhua City or a nearby city, so we must have heard about the serial throat-slitting murders that have caused a stir in Fuhua City. Even if we used to eat melons with an attitude that it didn’t matter to us, now we are forced to take it seriously -

Those who would commit such a crime, if they are deducers, must be on the fallen line.

Although the deducers of the Corrupted Line are very strong, it is undeniable that they have a poor image in the minds of the players of the Alienation Line and the Righteous Line. There is no other reason. Just the fact that they like to kill people during the deduction is already very wary.

Therefore, although Yu Xing had never heard the names of Huai and Gambler, he could still tell that these two people seemed to be the kind with good reputations. The other deducers did not feel depressed because of the presence of big shots in the team, and the atmosphere Quietly getting better.

There are only a few deducers who have not introduced themselves, and there is a faint tendency to be excluded.

—Because no normal person is willing to walk with a degenerate person who can harm him at any time.

Yu Xing didn’t say a word, but he had already matched the names and people of all the deducers.

After all, several strangers introduced themselves, and he recognized Han Xinyi and Han Zhiyong, so naturally the last taciturn man left was Bai Mian.

The current situation is that Gambler and Huai are at the front, followed by Yi, and Huang Bai is a little behind, only a few steps ahead of Yu Xing.

This is a position where anyone will notice anything strange immediately. Huangbai looks carefree and has a cheerful personality, but in fact he has a very sharp mind.

 Following Yu Xing was Bai Mian, and Han Xinyi and Han Zhiyong were last.

 After entering the world of deduction, Han Xinyi became much quieter, as if she had regained her quiet personality at the beginning, and followed Han Zhiyong obediently without saying a word to Yu Xing, but Yu Xing could often feel the gaze from behind.

"Look, is that person... a tour guide?" Huang Bai suddenly said, attracting everyone to look at the iron gate.

The iron door was unlocked, and the two doors were opened to both sides. However, the roses wrapped around the railings were blooming wildly and were too dense. Due to the angle, it was difficult to spot a person standing behind the roses and vines without looking carefully.

Now that we have come closer, the figure behind the door appears.

This is a nun wearing a black robe. Her headscarf is placed obediently on her black hair, revealing her slender white neck. She lowers her eyebrows and looks dignified.

  Before the deducers approached, she stood quietly on the spot without even looking at her, like a lifelike doll.

After the gambler stepped through the iron gate, the nun suddenly raised her head as if she came to life and bowed to the "tourists" with a flat tone, like a straight line.

“Welcome to the tour group, I am your tour guide, responsible for checking tickets and explaining the precautions for visiting the park.”

Yu Xing observed calmly. The nun-like tour guide's face was pale, as if there was no blood flowing under his skin, and his whole body exuded the stiffness of a dead thing.

 This should be a ghost, or an NPC unique to the absurd world...

  The last time I came to Aliceland, Alice was the only one who could talk in the entire amusement park. It looked like a cyberpunk-style doll, but in fact it seemed to be a burnt ghost.

Then the nature of this nun should be not much different from that of Alice, except that the size is not as big as the Alice doll, and the clothes are not as exaggerated.

Yu Xing blinked and felt that Alice was working hard to improve the paradise, which was really gratifying.

The nun was holding a pot of blooming roses in her hand. She stretched out her hand holding the pot and said to the deducers expressionlessly: "Now the ticket inspection begins. Please drop blood on the rose. The color will not change." If the change is made, the ticket will pass.”

Without saying a word, the gambler saw that the thorns of the rose were very sharp, so he pricked his fingers on the thorns. The next moment, a drop of blood seeped out from his skin.

 He smeared the blood on the rose petals, and the blood was absorbed without any reaction.

The nun said: "The ticket passed, next person."


Soon, everyone went through this special inspection and was let in by the nun. Then, they watched helplessly as the nun closed the iron door, took out a big lock from her skirt pocket, and locked the door.

Yu Xing watched the nun put the key into her skirt pocket, then looked away and looked up at the sky.

At this time, in the middle of the burning blood cloud, the eyeball was directly above him. The eyeball was scarlet, whether it was the original color or the reflection of the surrounding firelight.

To others, its meaning is naturally vague, but to Yu Xing, it is very familiar. It is obvious that these are Alice's scarlet eyes, which have just been moved from the face of the big doll to the sky and magnified.

In other words, every move of everyone outside the castle is "watched" by Alice.

 Sigh, is this the benefit of playing the first generation? A doubt arose in Yu Xing's heart. According to fairness, because of his experience, he must have an advantage over others in terms of information at present. This is too unfair.

 Hence, the deduction will definitely find a way to reduce his advantages, such as giving him some kind of restriction alone.

Just when Yu Xing thought of this, the deduction system seemed to hear his thoughts, and a prompt came immediately.

【Deduction Tips: Deducer Yu Xing, because Alice thinks you stole her gem and you are a despicable thief, so please do not take off your mask in front of her, otherwise you will be chased by Alice】

Yu Xing: "..." Good guy, you came just in time.

That means that no matter how much contact he has with Alice in the castle, at least outside the castle, under this eyeball, he must wear a mask.

The nun was still holding the pot of roses, like a ruthless tour guide machine: "Visitors, please follow me to the rooms where you will stay in the next two days. I will introduce to you in detail the background story and structure of this park, as well as the attractions on the way. project."

She turned around and walked towards the gate of the castle. Yu Xing pressed his mask and followed the nun tour guide with the others, taking a close look at the outer wall of the castle.

 The wall is dark and cannot be seen clearly under the dim light. The texture is delicate and I don’t know what material it is made of.

 In reality, building such a building will inevitably consume a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, and it will take several years to complete.

"The theme of this theme park is Alice's Castle Survival. The castle is divided into a main building and an auxiliary building, connected by a corridor. There are two corridors on the second and fourth floors. You can find the location of the corridor by yourself and enter and exit the main and auxiliary buildings freely. building."

The nun opened the door with one hand. Behind the door stood an old man with white hair in a lake blue suit. The old man seemed to be in good spirits, but his expressionless face was exactly the same as that of the nun tour guide, giving people the feeling that he was not a living person at all.

"This is the housekeeper of the castle hired by Alice. He usually stays in the hall and goes back to his room to sleep at night. If you have any living problems, such as losing the key, you can ask him to solve it." The nun introduced her dutifully. , the butler did not speak, but stood there with his back straight and a white napkin draped over his arm.

 Then, the nun stopped looking at the housekeeper and walked into the hall.

Yu Xing looked up and saw that the hall was very gorgeous, with yellowish wall lamps lit on the walls and a round, huge crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

Under the chandelier is a rectangular dining table. The white tablecloth is neatly spread. There are blank porcelain plates, glass wine glasses, crystal candlesticks and other items on it. The wide side is only enough for one person to sit, and the long side...

He counted and found that there were nine chairs on the long sides of both sides. It still seemed that the distance between the chairs was somewhat empty, enough to show the length of the long table.

 “This is the hall where breakfast, lunch and dinner are held.”

Sister pointed to the dining table and reminded: "Every meal must be gathered here on time. Alice doesn't like unpunctual tourists. I have written down the specific meal times and put them in your room."

"This is the only clock in the whole castle." The nun walked around the dining table and began to introduce the dark gold clock. The time on the clock was four-ten. "You won't be able to see Alice at this time, Alice. I will only come to the lobby before every meal to announce new activities.”

She held the rose pot in one hand and raised it around with the other: "The hall is an independent space. There are four stairs leading to the second floor on the edge. If you want to go to other places on the first floor, you need to follow the stairs to the second floor. Then look for different stairs to go down from the second floor. Our castle has a total of five floors. The order of going up and down on each floor is not fixed. You can find the stairs directly leading to the fifth floor or the first floor on the third floor. Find the stairs to the fourth floor on the second floor, etc. Please explore on your own.”

After the nun finished speaking, she casually walked to the nearest staircase: "Your room is on the third floor. The staircase we are taking now goes directly to the third floor. Now, I will introduce the members of the castle to the tourists."

"Here comes the ghost notice!" Huang Bai, who was walking beside Yu Xing, said in a low voice with his eyes lit up.

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows: What is a ghost notice?

"In the castle, in addition to Alice, me, the housekeeper, the chef and others, there are eight kinds of dangerous existences wandering around." The nun stepped on the steps, her cloth shoes made no sound, as light as a ghost .

“These things may be humanoid, or they may be animals, objects, or any other tangible things, which correspond to the crimes that tourists have committed.”

"I need to remind tourists that these things are very dangerous. Some are very scary from the beginning, and some are not very threatening at first, but will become more and more scary as time goes by. In short, if you encounter them, you will be in absolute danger. Weak."

"There are eight props corresponding to them hidden in the castle. You can search for them by yourself. Once you get the corresponding props, you can resist a certain kind of monster. It should be noted that each of you has a kind of monster that is absolutely impossible to resist. It's the one that corresponds to your own. Even if you have the corresponding item, you can't use it. If it encounters you, it can only run away. "

"The main experience project of the castle is for tourists to find props and survive the monsters wandering in the castle for two days. During these two days, at every meal, Alice will announce an additional rule or additional activity, rule or activity The duration is until the next meal.”

 At this point, the nun suddenly stopped and looked back at the deducer who was listening carefully.

“From ten o’clock every night to five o’clock the next morning, clues of the props will be distributed in the castle. At the same time, Alice will join the monster camp and start wandering.”

"When you meet Alice at night with a bell on her wrist, don't hesitate to run away. She is invincible."

"There are two most important rules... When one of you maliciously attacks other tourists, your corresponding monster will immediately sense your location and come to find you. The sensing time will last for twenty minutes. When a tourist dies , his corresponding monster will also disappear from the castle."

Yu Xing narrowed his eyes.

This is still forcing the gamers to confront each other. No wonder confrontation accounts for 40%.

 Eight types of monsters, or ghosts, is a bit too many.

If you want to have a better chance of surviving, killing other deducers and making their corresponding ghosts disappear is the best way.

However, in order to balance the strength of the deducers, there is a rule that whoever attacks others first will have their ghosts coming, so that everyone must weigh whether they can escape the upcoming ghosts before attacking others. .

 (End of this chapter)

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