Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 207: Alice Inferno (40) – After Thorns

Chapter 207 Alice in Hell (40)-After the Thorns

Zeng Lai finally recovered from the fear, pain and other negative states and put away the scissors.

 Six o'clock of luck, although it did not allow him to avoid the arrival of the death point - this change came from the rules of the game itself and could not be influenced by him - but it did allow him to meet Yu Xing before he was buried, and he successfully woke up.

With this unexpected incident as a foreshadowing, he was now more sensitive to time than Yu Xing, who was already numb from pain in the cold. At this moment, he felt that he was okay again, so he gently tugged on Yu Xing's arm: "Hey, I'm fine. Shall we continue leaving? Judging from the current situation, the sooner we leave, the better."

After asking, Zeng Lai didn't wait for Yu Xing to answer, but he thought about it himself: "No, I don't know where to go. You haven't told me what happened... What's wrong with you?"

 Under his hands, Yu Xing's arms were trembling slightly.

Just looking at it with the naked eye, Yu Xing could not reveal any flaws with his strong endurance, but as soon as Zeng Lai took action, Yu Xing's condition could no longer be concealed.

"I'm fine, it's just...a side effect of using the sacrifice." Yu Xing said calmly, except for the strange expression on his face, his expression was natural, making people unconsciously choose to believe it.

Zeng Lai said "oh".

The man in front of him had just saved him, but he couldn't look like his senior anymore. It happened that Yu Xing didn't look a few years younger than him. Mr. Gambler was very ambitious and thought that he and Xing would be treated as equals from now on.

 He coughed twice and quietly let go of his hand without asking any further questions: "Where are we going now?"

 “Go back.” Yu Xing answered quickly this time.

Zeng Lai: "Oh...what?"

 What did he hear?

 He had an idea: "Do you know how to get up there?"

"I can't go up." Yu Xing half pushed and half pulled Zeng Lai back, explaining the current situation to Zeng Lai in detail along the way.

By the time they walked back to where they had fallen, the explanation had come to an end.

Zeng Lai was even more puzzled. Forgive him that he couldn't concentrate too much now. He had just relaxed and it was a little difficult to get into the rhythm of thinking for a while: "Since there is the original pot of roses you are looking for in the rose tunnel, why Don’t go further? Alice won’t hide such an important thing too lightly.”

"...I hope Senior Gambler can recover his IQ soon. Well, there is no permanent damage, right?" Yu Xing wanted to sit in a wheelchair at this time, and then someone pushed him forward, but he could only stand like this. The mood is not much better. So when Yu Xing heard Zeng Lai ask stupid questions that were not in line with his experience, Yu Xing couldn't suppress his ridicule for a while.

Zeng Lai: "..." Okay, I get it, I'm disgusted.

 Fortunately, Yu Xing was sarcastic and kindly gave a hint: "What's the point of hiding the rose too deep?"

Zeng Lai said: "To prevent being discovered?"

Yu Xing: "How far did you go just now? Do you have any sacrifices? Do the previous 'people' have any? Can they go deep into the place where you and I just arrived?"

 Zeng Lai actually only needed to answer the last question, he said: "...No."

 After speaking, he also understood.

He walked a little slower because of caution, but this slowness was relative to himself. But in fact, others standing here would never be faster than him. The place he reached in fifty minutes should theoretically be unreachable by others.

If Alice wanted to prevent intruders, she would have placed the first rose at the place where Zeng Lai arrived, because there is no point in putting it deeper.

 Everyone who can theoretically find a rose will become nutrients before then.

 But Zeng Lai found nothing, indicating that this guess was wrong.

"You mean..." He suddenly realized and looked at Yu Xing, "The pot of roses we are looking for is actually not far from the entrance?"

Yu Xing nodded lazily and looked straight ahead.

Zeng Lai followed his gaze and was speechless for a moment.

It is a thorn wall, and the thick thorns and vines block the thick wall. Therefore, anyone who comes down will subconsciously think that there is a dead end behind the wall.

The dead end and the tunnel leading to nowhere are located on both sides. Anyone will know how to choose. That is why...if the rose is hidden behind the thorns, it is an excellent hiding place.

Yu Xing stepped forward and touched the surface of the thorn with his hand. The force was so light that the thorn did not leave any wounds on his fingers.

He said: "It's true that Alice created this place to protect her flowers, but on the other hand, she also has to walk through these boring places every time she takes out the pot of flowers."

The senior gambler who almost died in a boring place: "..."

Zeng Lai finally figured it out. Fortunately, the good temper shown by this person was temporary. He could always anger others to death in small details inadvertently and without any psychological burden.

"'Levels' are created to disgust others. As for the creator himself, of course he will try his best to leave enough privileges for himself." Yu Xing glanced sideways at Zeng Lai, and probably guessed what Zeng Lai was thinking, revealing an expression that was no longer quite right. With a convincing and gentle smile, "Is there anything more comfortable than watching others go to the tunnel to die one after another, but you can get something as soon as you turn back?"

After the words fell, he put the lighter in his hand to the edge of the thorns. The faint flames tentatively came closer. The moment they touched the surface of the plants, the flames burst open, like a grassland burning with a little spark.

 From a close distance, it quickly spread to all directions until the entire thorn wall turned into a swaying orange color and burned blazingly.

  【The thorns are burned, Alice is already on her way】

The system prompt was submerged in flames. Yu Xing only raised his eyebrows and didn't take it seriously.

 He had known this result for a long time.

Extremely high heat hit his face. Yu Xing took a few steps back, looking at the scene being licked by the flames. Feeling the warmth of the baking, he felt much better. The lighter that had been burning for a long time was finally used up. The engine oil went out after two struggles.

The thorns twisted together, then screamed apart, letting out an overwhelmed groan. A few wisps of flying skin and sparks fell from above, fell to the ground, and quickly cooled into white ashes. It was somewhat similar to the transition when entering the deduction. .

 The dark rose tunnel was really lit up for the first time, and the red roses around it looked a little fragile in the firelight.

 No, maybe it’s the second time it’s this bright.

 In short, the first and second times were accompanied by the crackling sound of burning, crackling and crackling, spreading far and wide, like an irreversible inheritance.

 “Tianke.” Zeng Lai sighed as he looked at this scene.

There was a smile of unknown meaning at the corner of Yu Xing's mouth: "The housekeeper said that Alice originally hated fire. There are so few things that can make fire in the castle. The only one we found was hidden among the many collections and was inconspicuous. I also borrowed the lighter from the housekeeper. This shows that Alice is really afraid of fire."

 He explained in detail to Zeng Lai on the way back, including the information revealed to him by the butler.

 So now, the two people have the same amount of information and can communicate comfortably. Yu Xing said: "I think that when Shen chose to set the fire, he learned about this fact through some way and chose to take advantage of this weakness. That person should be quite interesting."

"Maybe. Judging from the appearance and name, I have never heard of such a person, at least not a famous person." Zeng Lai thought for a while and was very sure. It’s okay to say that people like Yu Xing, who don’t know much about star gamers, are unsure. Even star gamers like Zeng Lai, a semi-academic gamer who often writes data analysis and strategies, said they have never heard of it. If it's too heavy, then it's probably really hard to find such a person.

Yu Xing shrugged noncommittally. At this moment, a large piece of the thorn was burned off, finally revealing what was behind it.

 Through a layer of flames, the two of them looked in at the same time.

Behind the thorns is indeed a secret room. It is not big. There is a heavy display stand in the center. Under the glass cover, the pot of blooming roses that the nun once carefully held is quietly placed there.

The orange-red firelight and a long figure were reflected on the glass. The figure stood behind the flames, and the dark pupils seemed to be stained with burning light and shadow. The slightly raised eyes seemed to be smiling, but a hint of coldness could be seen plainly. .

 This is what Yu Xing saw, himself on the glass.

 Looks like he’s not very approachable.

The next moment, he restrained the sharpness in his eyes and said to Zeng Lai, who was standing far away: "One thing, we should be grateful to Shen."

 “What?” Seeing that the rose was found, Zeng Lai was happy and at the same time on guard.

Although he did not receive the system prompt, he also learned from Yu Xing that Alice could sense the state of the rose, so she should come down now. The longer they take, the easier it is for Alice to catch them.

 This is the rhythm of facing the BOSS! Even if Huai and Huangbai above can delay it, they won't be able to delay it for too long.

 So when he heard that Yu Xing was still mentioning Shen, Zeng Lai's reaction was a little perfunctory.

More thorns fell to the ground. They broke in different places, and large pieces piled up on the ground, revealing several large holes.

Until the hole became big enough for one person, Yu Xing continued: "Shen set fire to the entire tunnel, which even spread to the fifth floor, but did not burn the most important rose. This already shows one thing..."

 “This flower the great wizard gave to Alice is not afraid of fire.”

Before Zeng Lai's stopping, he saw that he raised his hand to cover the dazzling fire, and under the fire around the fire, he stepped into the cave exposed in the fire wall.

"Aren't you afraid of getting burned?" Zeng Lai muttered, not to be outdone and bent down to get in.

The flames licked the wounds on his skin, causing him to grit his teeth in pain. When he looked up, he saw Yu Xing had thrown away the disabled lighter, opened the glass cover, and pulled out the impressive fire certificate from his pocket. .

After flicking it quickly, the fire stick lit up tenaciously. Yu Xing didn’t hesitate at all and put the fire on the rose.


This rose is completely incombustible and did not move even after being touched by the flames. It is in sharp contrast to the wall of thorns that is still "screaming".

Yu Xing handed the fire certificate to Zeng Lai and tried to destroy it directly. However, just like a prop box that could not be opened with brute force, each petal of this flower felt soft to the touch and could not be destroyed at all.

 Even Yu Xing’s attempt to insert his hand into the soil of the flower pot and dig out the roots was blocked by the system.

  【You feel the special curse contained in this pot of roses. Unfortunately, you cannot change its state】

 Curse is a state.

Yu Xing was thoughtful, and his brooding look caught Zeng Lai's eyes, but was mistaken for feeling pressure.

Zeng Lai said: "Don't worry, there must be a way. How about trying to see if the sacrifice can be used?"

Yu Xing nodded and took out the [Photography Dreamland] from his waist. The dagger, which contained ghostly aura, was sharp and cold. At first glance, it was easy to cut off a sprig of roses.

The gleaming dagger and the dazzling firelight almost merged into one, with a slight tremor, and it quickly stabbed the rose.

 And left a loneliness on the rose.

"...No." Looking at the unharmed rose, Yu Xing put away the dagger and smiled, "But I have a way."

He raised the watering can he had been holding in his hand: "If a curse is a state, it means that this state can be broken. This flower grows by absorbing human sin and life. I think it must be very picky about food. "

Zeng Lai: "Picky eater?"

"Yeah, such a noble flower must not be able to bear being messed with~ It's like a pampered young man who is used to eating snacks made by the chef at home, and suddenly he is trying to steal other people's leftovers. This This young master...can he really survive?" Yu Xing's metaphor made Zeng Lai feel a little awkward, but the effect was very good.

Zeng Lai put himself in his shoes and thought about it. If such a young master’s family was in ruins, he was proud of his body and expensive, and could not bear the hardships outside, he would probably die very quickly.

 He immediately understood Yu Xing’s plan: “You want to water it?”


This watering can was rounded off and was obtained from the nun. Normally, the deducer would have to work hard to get it.

The nun used it to water the roses in the castle with blood. Yu Xing smelled it when she got it. It was not filled with human blood, but some kind of animal blood.

Come to think of it, the roses in the entire castle are under the influence of the pot of "origin" in front of you, and they need to be watered with blood before they can bloom. However, the number of tourists who come to the castle each time is limited, and not everyone will die, so in the blood In the face of scarcity, Alice had no choice but to do the next best thing and let the nun's animal blood irrigate other roses.

  The real sins and human blood can only be absorbed by this most important rose.

 All of this is the prerequisite for its "cursed state". What if... it absorbs animal blood?

Not wanting to waste time, when Yu Xing responded, he had already tilted his wrist and poured the liquid in the watering can onto the rose head.

System prompts are in place quickly.

  【Rose felt discomfort and resistance. 】

   【You are pleasantly surprised to find that the rose seems to have a tendency to wither, but if it wilts just a little, it won't take long for it to recover. 】

【Please hold on for thirty seconds, and do not interrupt watering the roses during this time. 】

Yu Xing shook the kettle in his hand, silently flattened his wrist, and reduced the water output.

 The system requires thirty seconds, not the amount of watering.

 The next moment, a loud noise came from behind the two people.

There is one more chapter, sleep first if you are sleepy (ω)



 (End of this chapter)

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