Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 42: Bad luck exploded

Chapter 42 The bad luck exploded

Although the cat is small, its eyes are lively, but it seems a bit arrogant and is not even close to its owner.

Yu Xing squinted his eyes. He always felt that the black cat had an uncomfortable aura, and it seemed to be touching something, making him not want to get close.

He didn’t know the background of this witch. She appeared in a deduction game that was obviously a separate and fragmented world, and she even used the word “part-time job”.

 Odd and eccentric.

 “How to play the game?” Wang Jue asked.

"It's very simple." The witch's beautiful face remained unchanged as she slowly read out the rules, "Each of you has to go inside and answer three questions. If you lie about the questions or can't remember clearly, you will be punished. This game is plagued by misfortune, and the more things go wrong, the greater the degree of misfortune.”

Hearing this, Yu Xing felt something was wrong.

 His...memory may not be very good and he cannot remember many things.

 This game is against him! It must be jealousy, it must be!

 “What will happen if you can’t remember all three questions?”

Yu Xing put his hands in his pockets. Although he was not sure about it in his heart, he still looked incomprehensible on the surface.

"It won't be anything, it's just misfortune." The witch faced him and slowly raised her cherry red lips, "After you go out, you might be killed by the falling Alice sign, or a gear on the dome might fall. Hit your head."

Yu Xing smiled: "It sounds great."

"Thank you." The witch nodded gracefully, accepted the compliment calmly, and then continued to talk to the three of them, "After answering the question, no matter what the result is, I will tell you the clues. If I like your answer, I will give you a small Gift."

She pointed her slender finger in Wang Jue's direction: "You come first, the other two are waiting in the hall."

Wang Jue followed this woman who did not act like a normal person with emotions into the inner room anxiously.

It was pitch dark inside, and he couldn't even see his fingers. He could only see a faint fluorescent light emitting from the witch, so Wang Jue followed the witch closely, fearing that something would come out of the darkness and attack him.

The witch walked a few steps and stopped at a place. Wang Jue could barely see the outline of an object through the fluorescence on her body.

"Start answering the questions now. You will be responsible for your answers." The witch did not give Wang Jue a chance to observe the object. She looked directly into his eyes and her voice became more ethereal.

Wang Jue was in a daze for a moment. He looked at the woman in black robes who was shining brightly. For a moment, he thought he was seeing the **** he had imagined in his heart since he was a child.

Of course, he no longer believes in God, but he is still afraid of the lackluster feeling in the witch.

 Under tension, his Adam's apple rolled and he swallowed.

"First question." The witch didn't care about his mental state. "Do you remember the touch on your neck when your mother was maliciously cursed and almost strangled you to death when she was fourteen years old?"

“…Remember.” Wang Jue’s eyes twitched, and his deep mixed-race face twisted.

As he answered, the pressure on his neck doubled, as if there were really hands restraining him. A picture seemed to appear in front of his eyes. His mother's usually gentle eyes became hysterical, and she had never been shown to him before. The vicious look was like a sharp knife piercing his heart.

"Second question. Do you remember how you felt when you were fifteen years old, when you used a trick to anger the murderer who cursed your mother, killed him, and then used your age and lies to get away with it?"

“…” There was a sinister look in Wang Jue’s eyes.



 Yu Xing was nestled comfortably on the sofa, playing with the silver cross he got from the display stand.

His pupils were slightly dilated, and he seemed to be in a trance. After touching the silver cross for a while, he realized that it was an inverted cross, symbolizing the devil.

 "Devil..." murmured, and Yu Xing continued to be in a daze.

Zhao Yijiu wandered around the room, his eyes occasionally passing by the photos on the white string.

He blinked and turned to look at Yu Xing, who was too quiet. After realizing that Yu Xing was different from his previous state, he hesitated to speak, hesitated to speak, sorted out his words, and forgot what to say.


 Why did Yu Xing react so strongly to this place?

 He feels okay.

Suppressing his doubts, Zhao Yijiu looked around with an indifferent expression and found that there were really no signs here.

 There was no sign of the amusement park outside, so he thought it would be inside the house.


This place is really incompatible with Aliceland, both in terms of atmosphere and sensory stimulation, like a wolf mixed in with a group of huskies.

When the husky was about to tear down the house, the wolf looked on coldly, yawned and showed his sharp fangs.

This metaphor is thanks to Zhao Mou... Zhao Mou was really his only source of happiness when he was a child.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wang Jue opened the door and came out.

His expression was the same as when he went in, and he smiled at Zhao Yijiu and said, "The witch said you are next, so go in."

Zhao Yijiu nodded politely, looked at Yu Xing who was bored and began to study the patterns on the cross, withdrew his eyes and walked inside.

 Inside, there is a vast expanse of white.

The witch is standing in the center wearing a black robe, with a black mist in front of her.

It was too bright all of a sudden, and Zhao Yijiu raised his hand to block his eyes in discomfort. "…" What he didn't see was that the witch also looked at the room slightly before stopping.

 “Come here.” The witch said.

 Zhao Yijiu approached with a tense face and looked at her as if he were looking at the prepared boss: "Can we start?"

Seeing that he was unwilling to chat, the witch who had no intention of chatting nodded slightly and said simply: "First question."

“Do you remember that when you were eight years old, your brother took you to the home of your uncle who was studying medicine to experience the feeling of dissecting a corpse?”

 “Remember.” Zhao Yijiu nodded lightly.

 “Second question, have you ever killed anyone?”

Zhao Yijiu's tone remained steady: "I haven't killed anyone."

“The third question, have you ever thought that enduring the urge to kill will one day fail, and what will happen to you by then?”

 Zhao Yijiu glanced at the witch: "I've thought about it."

The witch's lips curved: "A very decisive answer. I can feel an extreme forbearance in you."

"How do you know so much?" This time, Zhao Yijiu did not leave directly, but stared at the witch's face. His whole body exuded a cold aura, like a shadow hiding in the corner in a damp alley. When others pass by, they will be dragged by the shadow into a nightmare from which they cannot wake up.

 The gloom in his eyes is irreversible.

 Whether he is surprised, angry, happy, confused, or any other emotion, his eyes always look like this.

"This is the Time House. I can see fragments of your past." The witch answered Zhao Yijiao's question and also ignored his hidden temperament. "There is another person who hasn't come in. Please help me call him. "


Yu Xing shook the cross. The ruby ​​in the middle of the cross was crystal clear, like drops of blood.

Suddenly, a tall figure came in front of him, blocking half of his light source.

Yu Xing raised his head and heard Zhao Yijiu's concise words: "Go in."

"Oh." Yu Xing put down the inverted cross without any nostalgia, patted his wrinkled clothes and passed by Zhao Yijiu.

Zhao Yijiu’s eyes stayed on the reverse cross, and after a while, he reached out and picked it up.

 Does this thing have any special meaning? demon?

  Why is Yu Xing interested in it?

He glanced back and saw that Yu Xing had already opened the inner door that would automatically close tightly every time and walked in.


 After the third visitor entered here, the scenery changed again. It was no longer pure black or white, but turned into a space with a very ancient charm.

Brown wood partitions carved with cloud patterns divide the small room into exquisite and natural parts. Freehand landscape paintings are hung on the white walls. I don’t know whose ink pen it is.

 Flower-carved screens, tea cups and incense burners.

The other wall of the house is covered with framed oil paintings. The frames look very expensive. These paintings are not hung anywhere, but are piled up in an orderly manner.

Beside the painting, there are some large and small stone sculptures with lifelike faces. It can be seen that the people who carved them were very skilled in this aspect.

Looking at it this way, this house is not only rich in ancient charm, but also a combination of Chinese and Western styles.

Two chairs appeared in the middle of the room. The witch moved slightly, lifted up the tail of her robe and sat on one of them. The black cat on her shoulder meowed, flopped down to the ground, and jumped to the other chair.

So what Yu Xing saw was this scene.

 In a well-furnished and somewhat familiar room, the witch sat upright with a translucent object floating in front of her.

He had good eyesight and could see at a glance that the center of the object was a mass of black and white mist, with several star trails surrounding the center. Each of them was either crystal clear, dim and thick, or dazzling and dazzling. The star track rotates.

 He walked over very leisurely and found the little black cat sitting in the seat that originally belonged to him.

"This cat is so rude." Yu Xing raised his eyebrows and gently stretched out his hands to pick up the cat. The cat was not annoyed and just stared at him quietly with its golden eyes open.

 One person and one cat stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes for a long time. The witch did not stop them, but watched with interest.

"Meow!" After a while, Yu Xing's expression did not change at all. The little black cat probably felt bored, so it flapped its paws twice and shook its ears.

"It's called misfortune." The witch rarely took the initiative, "It likes you."

 Misfortune meowed and fluttered again, but still couldn't break free from Yu Xing's hand.

 “Oh?” The magnetic voice lengthened the tone and issued a question with unknown meaning.

The next moment, Yu Xing's gentle expression slowly changed, and a sense of gloom spread over him. He looked at Misfortune with a gradually playful look in his eyes, which scared Misfortune to the point where his hair suddenly exploded.

“Meow—” When Misfortune called out, Yu Xing let go of his hand, and Misfortune suddenly jumped onto the witch’s lap and shrank into a small ball.

Yu Xing's expression returned to normal. He was very satisfied with his acting skills and the effect of his acting skills. He said happily: "This way it won't like me. Kitty, remember not to sit in my seat next time."

 The bad luck exploded.

Regarding everyone’s discussion in the previous chapter, emmmmm Yu Feng has been here before. He went to the “witch’s divination cabin” where the fortune teller deliberately used the word witch in order to test him. This is a real witch. The two women have different abilities. The fortune teller, as the name suggests, is divination, while the witch is another kind. New readers should not panic, the characters in the old book do not affect the plot.



 (End of this chapter)

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