Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 674: Who cut it? ?

Chapter 674: Who intercepted Hu! ?

"Hee hee hee…"

Children’s laughter echoed in the empty house. The man faced the corner and crouched there, shaking.

 He seemed to be looking at his own shadow.

 The shadow swayed here and there, as if it was fun.

Behind the man, piles of garbage were packed in black plastic bags one after another. The garbage room that was supposed to be emptied every day lost control one day, and pus flowed to the floor. The sour smell attracted countless flies. Buzzing in mid-air.

 “Looking, looking, looking for friends…”

Children’s voices are clear and crisp, with a unique tenderness and simplicity. They sing to themselves, echoing in the garbage room, but there is no trace of the child.

 “Buzz buzz…”

Flies were swarming everywhere, and one of them hit the face of the swaying man and almost landed in his opening and closing mouth.

The man was completely unaware. He showed an exaggerated smile and continued singing: "Find a good friend, salute, shake hands..."

 Childlike sounds actually came from his mouth.

 “You are my good friend…”


 The man suddenly raised his hand and slapped his face. When he moved his palm away, there was a corpse of a fly bleeding green blood.

The wristwatch-style optical brain he wore on his wrist was also stained.

"Good friend... where is my good friend?" the man murmured, finally standing up while holding on to the wall.

His legs were probably numb from squatting and he couldn't bear the strength. He stumbled and fell into the thick pus. He got up awkwardly and stumbled towards the garbage pile. He tore open the black plastic bag with his hands and muttered to himself. Said: "Mom, where is my good friend? Where did you put her?"

 He screamed: "How could you throw her away! I told you she was my good friend, not a monster!"

“Give it back to me, give it back to me, give her back to me!!”

 After a hysterical scream from the girl, the man's tone suddenly calmed down.

“Throw it away... Throw it away... She’s in the trash can, right? I’m going to find her, mom... Just stay here... Wait for me to come back.”

  The man found a worn-out doll in the trash can, covered in pus and vomit.

He seemed to be confused for a moment, but then he held the doll in his arms contentedly, with a bright smile on his face, and then finished what he had just left unfinished: "Wait until I come back...and then I will dispose of your body."

 “I found my good friend…”

 This whole picture is so absurd.

 The man's eyes were dull and he acted like a child, as if he thought he was a little girl wholeheartedly.

 He has been hopelessly mentally polluted.


Just when the man was holding the broken doll and not letting go, the door of the garbage room was kicked open, and a young man with a sinister expression appeared at the door.

The young man covered the lower half of his face with a ghost mask, but his murderous intention could be seen just from his eyebrows.

Those dark brown eyes are like the color of dried blood, changing irregularly between hollow and solid, making it easy for people to be stunned.

Xu Shu really couldn't control his expression.

 This is really...

 Too dirty.

He didn't feel dirty when he was controlling ghosts and making other people's territory covered with blood. However, the damage caused to him by this putrid garbage room was no less than a frontal attack by a ghost that he had not tamed.

 I really want to vomit.

Zhao Ruru, who had set his sights on this place, stayed far away, peering behind to observe.

Xu Shu just wanted to kill the infected person quickly and escape from here immediately. He felt that if he stayed for a second longer, the smell of the garbage room would never be washed away.

Just when he was about to take action, he suddenly sensed another terrifying aura. His intuition made him stop his hand and look at the shadow of the infected person with vigilance. The next second, a shadow suddenly rose from the ground. When the dark color dissipated, a tall young man suddenly appeared in the garbage room.

After the young man appeared, he did not directly attack the infected person, but immediately looked at the more threatening person.

Xu Shu looked away. He didn't like to look at others, so he just tilted his head and let his eyes fall on a point in the void: "...Zhao Yiju?"

Zhao Yijiu is even less talkative than the legendary Xu Shu, and the only response he received was silence: "..."

 He was actually confused for a moment. The impact was quite different at the entrance of the alley and in the garbage room.

  I feel a little regretful for coming in.

Zhao Ruru saw Zhao Yijiu in the distance and showed an expression of "How could this be?" and scratched his head in confusion.

She doesn’t want to confront Zhao Yjiu at all. After all, in her opinion, she and Zhao Yjiu should be considered friends, right?

In the eyes of the Zhao family, she was probably a traitor and went to live with the Xu family, but she knew very well that Zhao Mou, a side branch, was not a character who was loyal to the family!

In addition to that live broadcast deduction, she also met Zhao Mou and Zhao Yijiu during the deduction this year. They could get along peacefully every time, and even cooperated tacitly. Sometimes they didn't even have to speak when cooperating with smart people. Needs always make her very comfortable.

 How about...forget it, she will find another infected person to give to Xu Shu...

 In fact, the main reason is that she doesn’t want to stay near the garbage room!

However, she was a bit far away after all. When she wanted to call Xu Shu back, the people inside were already facing each other.

"We found it first." Xu Shu took out a skull from the persona.

The aggression and evil emanating from the skull immediately put Zhao Yijiu on alert. He raised his dagger with sharp eyebrows and said coldly: "Mine."

Although the infected person holding the doll could hardly feel the outside world, he was still disturbed by the aura emanating from the two people.

 He wants to stay with his good friends forever, and he doesn’t want to be killed by anything else!

The man was trembling, and his absent-minded eyes were quietly looking at the door of the garbage room.

Xu Shu and Zhao Yijiu neither like nonsense. Since they both want to compete for this infected person, they immediately plan to have a light fight and decide the outcome based on their strength.

As soon as Zhisha came into contact with the skeleton, a thin crack opened on the top of the skull. Zhisha was evaluated by the system as having extremely strong attack power. After all, it was not unreasonable.

But Xu Shu is good at spiritual attacks.

The skeleton suddenly let out a scream, making Zhao Yijiu briefly dazed for a moment, and subconsciously made a defensive posture. However, they did not expect that the spirit of the contaminated person had reached a low point, and they were not afraid of more mental attacks at all. They took advantage of this opportunity. He actually rushed out of the garbage room.

"Tsk." Zhao Yijiu came back to his senses, sneered slightly, and started to chase after him. In terms of speed, Xu Shu couldn't compare with him.

"...Tch." Xu Shu also knew that he might not be able to grab it, but Zhao Ruru was still outside. Zhao Ruru was a pure player with no fighting ability and could not be hurt by the infected.

 So he rushed out too.

The two of them entered the alley one after another. The infected person ran quite fast and turned around and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Zhao Yijiu blended directly into the shadow beside him and caught up with the target in almost a breath.

 In the shadows, he only focused on his goals and paid no attention to anything else.

 He enters the shadow of the infected.

 Leap up and draw the sword—


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing flesh rang in Zhao Yijiu's ears, but his expression went blank for a moment, because after the "pop", his blade touched the target's skin.

 The target fell limply to the ground, and the broken doll fell aside.

Escaped from the shadow state, Zhao Yijiu saw that the forehead of the corpse was actually pierced by... a dead branch that suddenly stretched out from the withered old tree beside the alley.

Xu Shu and Zhao Ruru, who came later, were stunned when they saw this scene. Zhao Ruru's eyes shifted and he was suddenly stunned.

 “Zhao, Zhao…Zhao Yijiu…you, there’s a ghost behind you!”

 Zhao Yijiu: “…?”

Yu Xing, who was just passing by normally and was almost attacked by an infected person who smelled like garbage, was stunned when he saw acquaintances appearing one after another and when he heard the little girl's sincere "Ghost".

 What do you mean, you are not afraid of ghosts when you see them, but you call me "ghost" when you see them?

Yu Xing blinked and heard Yiqing laugh happily at the side.

Zhao Yijiu then turned his head and stared at him with a dark gaze.

 (End of this chapter)

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