Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 884: inferior product

Yu Xing attracted a lot of attention when he carried the body from the cashier to the kitchen.

Those guests are not included. The guests are focusing on the food in front of them. The mouths on the faces of pigs, sheep, and cows open and close, chewing the roasted meat.

What Yu Xing was staring at was the table of extrapolators and other animal-faced employees.

Yu Xing felt the eyes of various emotions falling on his back. He lowered his head slightly, covering his face with the corpse, and walked quickly.

The moment he was about to step into the corridor, he passed by Yu Er coming out of the toilet, with only a stiff corpse in between.

The breeze brought the fresh and clean breath from Yu Er's body, and also took away the unpleasant smell of blood that permeated Yu Xing's body. They looked straight ahead in tacit agreement, not even giving each other a glance.

But Yu Xing heard Yu Er let out a strange chuckle.

Yu Xing's eyes darkened, and he walked quickly towards the kitchen, bypassed the winding corridor that was obviously the wrong length, and opened a half-open door.

The sound of the knife colliding with the chopping board came over, and the smell of blood flowed into his nostrils uncontrollably, mixed with the smell of cumin, chili pepper and other seasonings.

Yu Xing heard someone saying: "Table No. 16, bring it to us, but don't eat it secretly. If you let me know that you ate it secretly, ha!"

 The last short laugh revealed a hint of sarcasm.

With a low response, the two employees responsible for passing the dishes hurriedly passed Yu Xing with their plates. One of them was a man who had lost half of his face.

The man didn't raise his head at all when walking. His eyes were fixed on the meat on the tray, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

Yu Xing was able to see an extremely strong desire in the other's remaining eye. The man seemed to really want to eat these sliced ​​raw meats, but because someone was watching, he had to suppress himself.

That face has been distorted to the extreme.

Because the man lowered his head, Yu Xing was not sure whether the other party saw him. In short, this man was no longer normal.

For this reason, Yu Xing's eyes stayed on the man for a second longer, and then he officially stepped into the kitchen carrying the woman's body.

The aroma of food was mixed with the smell of blood. A sheep-faced male chef was concentrating on slicing the meat. When he saw him coming, he looked accustomed to it: "New ingredients? Put them in the cold storage. By the way, help me call the apprentice over and let her If you take something for so long, you are lazy.”

Yu Xing calmly looked at the kitchen environment. When he heard this, he responded casually and carried the body to the cold storage.

Qu Nianqing must have taken things to explore the map, and this was a good opportunity to meet and exchange clues.

Yu Xing thought as he kept walking and soon came to a cold door.

 This is the cold storage.

The door was unlocked. He turned the doorknob with one hand. The cold air turned into a cloud and came to his face, lingering around him. He walked in and narrowed his eyes.

 Many corpses.

There were more corpses in the cold storage than he had imagined. Countless corpses were stacked on top of each other, forming a mountain of corpses.

Without exception, the corpses were all dressed in the clothes of barbecue restaurant employees. Some were wearing red aprons, and some were wearing women's suits. At first glance, they would look bright red, but in fact, none of the corpses were bleeding.

Looking at the corpses, Yu Xing felt an uncomfortable feeling. He put the woman's corpse he was carrying with the mountain of corpses, intending to check the causes of death of other corpses.

 He turned over the nearest corpse so that it was facing him.

 This body belonged to a young girl. Her skin was tight and shiny, not dry due to death.

The dark hair is scattered, and only one side still has traces of braiding, but that face...

 The corpse has no face.

Although the head of this female corpse is still there, her face is like that of a man who has lost half of his face. It seems that it has been gnawed away by something, leaving only a layer of flesh and bones.

 The wound is clean and free of maggots.

As expected by Yu Xing, humans and animals swap roles in this barbecue restaurant. Animals can be employees or guests, while humans can only be ingredients.


Looking at the corpse in front of him, Yu Xing slowly frowned.

 He thought the body looked a little familiar.

 He immediately checked a few more corpses. Among them were middle-aged people, teenagers, and young women... All the corpses had no faces.

 Obviously they were all kinds of corpses, but the sense of familiarity in Yu Xing’s heart continued to increase.

Finally, upon observing the seventh body, he stopped.


 In front of him was another body of a young girl, but both the figure and the traces of braids on her hair were exactly the same.

Yu Xing took the two corpses together and compared them, and found that he was right.

 Really repeated.

 The two corpses are exactly the same, but they are indeed two corpses, not one. Wait a minute, right?

He had a vague suspicion and began to search purposefully among the corpses.

 After searching for a long time, he finally dug up a most familiar corpse.

The corpse was tall and long-legged, wrapped in a white shirt and black trousers, with slightly longer black hair, but no face.

Yu Xing stared at "him", lost in thought.

 It was his own body, but...

He looked around. In the whole mountain of corpses, his corpse should be the fewest, so he had to go to great lengths to find it.

 The three candidates have the most corpses, perhaps dozens.

Without exception, all the corpses came from the eight of them. In other words, all the ingredients in the barbecue restaurant actually came from them, the deducers.

 But is this really possible?

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the air conditioning in the cold storage is getting more and more abundant. As the temperature drops again and again, frost condenses on Yu Xing’s eyelashes.

 The already dim light became darker and darker. Suddenly, the corpse in front of him raised his hand and held his wrist tightly.


The lights were completely dark at this moment, and Yu Xing felt that his consciousness was a little dazed. He vaguely saw the corpse sitting up, and the **** face came closer a little bit, as if he wanted to say something.

 But the corpse had no mouth, and the corpse soon realized this, and instead used his fingers to write on Yu Xing's chest.

The stiff strokes were carefully felt by Yu Xing, and he distinguished—


 The word written on the corpse is "run"?

 After writing one word, the corpse dropped its hand feebly, and instead, another cold hand was placed on Yu Xing's neck.

Yu Xing slowly turned his head and faced the scarlet fleshy face of a girl.

 The corpses under him began to squirm, and some had already climbed up. The dark blue light of the cold storage shone on the corpses. This scene looked like a scene from a nightmare.

Yu Xing blinked. Logically speaking, he should run immediately to avoid the riot of corpses.

 But just thinking that this makes sense is already a sad flaw.

At this moment, Yu Xing suddenly realized.

 No wonder, he always felt strange. It turned out that the fault was not in the barbecue restaurant, but in himself.

 Why does he want to run away instead of suppressing all the corpses directly with the power of the curse?

Why is he so familiar with the layout of the barbecue restaurant and goes wherever he wants without thinking?

  Why would an immortal like him have a corpse in the cold storage?

 He ​​originally thought it was time, but the overlap of different times caused an error in this copy, which caused him to meet his guest "Yu Er", and also made all the deducers have to face another version of themselves.

 Now he knows.

 It’s not that complicated. From beginning to end, he is Yu Er.

He is an employee of the barbecue restaurant who can be used as food at any time. He is a member who is about to enter the mountain of corpses. He is a sad ghost who thinks he is a deduction.

He is not Yu Xing, he just possesses part of Yu Xing's memories. The abilities in those memories are not that he deliberately does not use them to ensure that the deduction continues, but that he cannot use them at all.

 He is a poor copy.

Every employee with a face is a copy of the deducer. They are ghosts. In the end, they will definitely find a way to kill their real "self" and take their place.

Yu Xing... No, Yu Er, he calmly faced the corpses reaching out to claim their lives, and suddenly wanted to try what would happen if he died.

 So he didn't move.

 Thanks to the real Yu, he was able to discover the truth so quickly and be so calm in the face of death after possessing these memories.

The moment he was swallowed by the corpse, Yu Er was still thinking, how powerful is the real Yu Xing? Is it more at stake than he feels?


 The dressing room was quiet, "Yu Xing" opened his eyes.

He heard the system prompt that the copy had officially started, curled his lips, briefly looked at the deduction requirements, and then looked for clues in the cabinet.

 Soon, he found a piece of paper that said—

【who I am? 】

 "Yu Xing" muttered to himself, why did his character leave such clues?

 He stuffed the note into his apron pocket and walked straight to the barbecue restaurant hall. (End of chapter)

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