Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 891: reset mechanism

Everything that happened in the barbecue restaurant was transmitted back to Yu Xing's mind along with the traces of curse mixed in the air.

Without looking, he already had the impression in his subconscious that the middle-aged woman was killed by the cashier's clone, and that several people had some conflicts at the door of the toilet.

At this time, Yu Xing happened to touch the door of the refrigerator room.

With the idea of ​​respecting the fate of others, he, who is not a good person to begin with, did not care about the conflicts of other deducers, but touched the door of the freezer with a little curiosity.

 After he and the clone changed identities, he has been exploring the barbecue restaurant. Although he has explored part of the store in a Buddhist manner during the seventeen previous resets, this is the first time he has been so free.

 Because he was wearing a barbecue restaurant apron, no matter where he went, there would be employees dressed the same as him passing by. Yu Xing blended in without being conspicuous, and no one would care where he came from.

 Except the foreman.

The sheep-faced foreman seemed to have realized that he had left his post without permission and chased him over—

Several times, Yu Xing easily dodged.

Perhaps he went too far by walking the foreman like a dog. The foreman no longer wanted to see what he was doing with a suspicious look on his face. Instead, he was holding a kitchen knife that came from the kitchen with a ferocious look on his face. kill him.

Three minutes ago, Yu Xing had just escaped another chase from the foreman. Yu Xing finally came to the place he was most curious about so far - the cold storage room.

 The cold storage room is located deep in the back kitchen of the barbecue restaurant. To get here, you must first pass by the chef's territory and then go around a few turns in the long corridor.

Perhaps it is not difficult for employees to reach the cold room as long as they know where it is.

But for the deducers, trying to get here under the knife of the sheep-faced foreman is as difficult as climbing to the sky, and it turns into a slasher horror movie every minute.

 This means that what is stored here must be something that allows the deducer to learn important information about the copy.

for example…

Yu Xing reached out and pushed, and the heavy refrigerator door was pushed open a crack.

Cold mist seeped out from the crack in the door and hit his face. Behind the door was darkness, and there was a strange smell of stored meat.

Yu Xing didn’t even release his branches to investigate, but Shi Shiran walked in.


His feet crushed a thin layer of ice, making a crisp sound, and a dim white light on the roof flashed and turned on voice-activated.

 Segments of pale limbs suddenly hit Yu Xing's eyes.

He was silent and raised his head slightly, describing the mountain of corpses in front of him bit by bit in his mind. Standing still, he could accurately distinguish each corpse.

 Ah, here is...

 Reset all clones so many times?

 After so many resets, even if he has no idea of ​​exploring the dungeon, he already knows the conditions for resets.

 Reset is only relevant for clones.

 All the players, if any one's copy dies - and it does not die in the hands of the corresponding player himself, the entire copy will be reset.

In other words, if the copy of Little Heavenly Master dies in his hands, then all the copies will die together and be refreshed in a new round, and the memory of the deducer will also be erased.

 But if the copy dies in the hands of the main body, the reset mechanism will not be triggered. If Yu Xing kills Yu Shiqi, nothing will happen.

This mechanism is very cunning, because as far as he knows, the clones will not know that they are not their own person when they are first refreshed.

They will have most of their own memories, and think that they are the deducers, so they will explore the barbecue restaurant and then die due to various dangers.

The clone is trying to kill itself, but it will drag the real deducers into refreshing their memories. However, in such a refresh, the real deducers will have cognitive confusion bit by bit. Eventually, the deducers will be there. They will fall into madness when they first refresh, and countless experiences of the barbecue restaurant copy will crush their souls.

In other words, the deducer not only has to guard against killings from awakened clones, but also has to protect his own clones from dying at the hands of others and other dangers.

 The easiest way is to kill your own clone—but it is a pity, because the clone is a ghost. Although it is not strong, it can still bring life and death crises to the player in one-on-one situations.

 Because of this broken mechanism, the team without Yu Xing's intervention has been reset seventeen times. If this continues, he will be annoyed to death. Who wants to walk into the same kebab shop so many times and sit at the same table with some idiot.

Yu Xing shook his head, not thinking about this, but focused on what was in front of him.

 He had wondered where the clones involved in the refresh would go, and now he had the answer.

 It turns out that the clones had their faces or heads cut off and were transported to the cold storage room and became the backup ingredients of this barbecue restaurant.

Yu Xing also saw several of his own corpses.

One of them was a bit special. Its face had not been cut off, and judging from its posture, it seemed as if it had been surrounded by many other corpses and sank into the mountain of corpses with the joy of dying.

  After Yu Xing looked around the refrigerator room for a week, he did not leave because he knew what was inside. Instead, he raised his legs and stepped into the depths.

He felt strange when he first saw this room.

The corpses were not put away in categories like normal "reserve ingredients". Instead, they were piled high, which was a bit too high - even if the corpse on the top wanted to be taken down and used as food, it would take a lot of money. Less effort.

 In other words, it is not something that can be done casually to pile those corpses so high.

 So why?

Yu Xing’s eyes fell behind the pile of corpses.

That is of course to block the view of all entrants.

Use an exaggerated mountain of corpses to attract the attention of intruders and inspire fear or curiosity in the intruders, so that the real secrets of the refrigerator can be hidden.

His steps echoed in the empty room, slow and deliberate. As he slowly walked around the mountain of corpses, some corpses moved.

 At first it was just a faint sound, as a few corpses moved their limbs.

Then the friction sound became louder, and a **** face with ruined facial features slowly lifted up as Yu Xing passed by.

Yu Xing glanced out of the corner of his eye. In the next moment, countless hands broke through the shackles of the mountain of corpses and grabbed him!

Girl's hands, men's hands, young, old, these arms squeezed between the corpses, and a strange smell wafted from the cyan and white flesh.

They tried their best to catch Yu Xing, like squirming earthworms.

Of course Yu Xing will not be touched by these things.

 He dodged deftly, and the corpses became visibly angrier because he was not caught.

 A corpse sat up.

The headless corpse propped up its body, revealing a scalp-numbing weirdness. The headless corpse turned its neck and pointed its blood-red fleshy face in Yu Xing's direction.

 They started to riot.

 In a daze, Yu Xing seemed to know what the special copy of himself he had just seen experienced before his death.

The clone should also have discovered this secret and died at the hands of other corpses.

 The mountain of corpses had a faint tendency to collapse. For the sake of convenience, Yu Xing finally released a little bit of his own curse power.

 Suddenly, the world became quiet.

The corpses that were rushing toward him just now were as cowardly as quails, obediently lying down and continuing to die.

Yu Xing also successfully got around to the back of the mountain of corpses.

As expected, there is something a bit unexpected here.

 A freezer half the size of a person.

 (End of this chapter)

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