Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 912: You are so useful

 The story is not long, it ends here.

The Siren spread his hands: "The village chief said this was a story in a record left by his ancestors. He felt that it was definitely not true, but outsiders, especially young people, like to hear strange things, so he Pick a legend and tell me.”

Mainly there is nothing to say about the realistic things. There are few people in their village, and they can be self-sufficient by growing some land. They can also hunt game in the mountains and sell it to Longtou Town to make some money.

 A very simple life.

Zhao Mou thought for a moment and didn't know what he thought of, but he just said: "In other words, the local people listened to this legend as a mere story and did not take it seriously at all."

"Well, just like they dismiss the rumors that there are many ghosts in Longling." Siren said, "The village chief said that he had lived in the mountains since he was a child and had never seen a ghost, and no villager had seen one. ghost."

"This is probably why the villagers are so relaxed and free." Song Xue continued.

They arrived early. Although they spent most of their time looking for things, they already asked the villagers if anything strange had happened in the village recently.

 Everyone said the same thing, no. Song Xue looked into their eyes and found no trace of lying.

 Folk customs can always reflect the living environment of the people. The villagers in Suyu County are warm and simple, and have no defense against outsiders. I am afraid that not only have they never encountered ghosts, but they have not even experienced being tricked by outsiders.

“That’s it.” Yu Xing whispered to himself, but the people present had good ears and were all attracted by this sentence.

 “What did you find?” Quinn opened his eyes curiously.

"I talked with the master of the opera troupe. There was something that made me a little confused at the time, but now I understand it." Yu Xing did not beat around the bush and took the incense burner. "This master's surname is Ma, and shadow puppetry is a family business."

The Ma family in Guolongling was once famous and prosperous in the old times. Not every family member has to engage in the shadow puppetry business, but every family head must pass on the shadow puppetry.

The Ma family has produced many glamorous people, but many people don’t understand why the Ma family, which has achieved such a high level of achievement, would let a person in a low-level industry at that time inherit the position of the head of the family.

 But this is the rule of the Ma family.

The old master lamented to Yu Xing that the number of people was declining, and mentioned a key point in time. A few generations ago, his wife and grandfather followed the troupe through a place and encountered a huge flood. Most of the troupe died, including the horses at that time. The head of the family.

Mrs. Grandpa and a few people escaped from the disaster area and were later elected as the new head of the family. Since then, the Ma family has been in bad luck and gradually declined.

"The big flood at this node should be the water that caused the accident in Suan Yu County." Yu Xing stared at the ordinary incense burner, "Although the theater troupe and the villagers in Suan Yu County don't know each other, their fate may be It started a long time ago.”

“Wait a minute, Grandpa Mrs., isn’t it like the people from the Acid and Tribe who died and then came back to life?” The siren suddenly had an idea, “Is Grandpa Mrs. rotten too?”

"This old master didn't say anything. No matter what, he couldn't talk about whether his ancestors were dead or not with someone I just met." Yu Xing chuckled and continued.

When the old master was young, he traveled around with his father. Now the Ma family has completely declined and the world is in chaos. The rich brothers in the past have lost contact with the family head. His father sold the old house and truly became a wandering shadow puppet. artist.

 Before every performance, my father would offer incense to the group and ask him to worship together.

 Then I don’t know when the incense-burning process disappeared.

The old master's father didn't tell him what happened, but he aged very quickly. He died at the age of fifty. From then on, the old master made his own business, got married and had children. His son was rebellious, unwilling to do this, and had a very muddled personality. , once offended someone and was hacked to death.

This information was given by the master after Yu Xing lied that he wanted to do a biography of an old artist. When sharing, the old master also emphasized: "Don't write about my son's embarrassing things... Hey, my current apprentices are all orphans without fathers and mothers, and they are all very sensible."

The little girl who was eavesdropping on the fourth disciple burst into tears, and the steady eldest disciple also pursed his lips and had red eyes. Then he suppressed his tears when he saw the third disciple making faces at him.

"The point is, if you stop worshiping, aging will accelerate." Ren Yi finally interjected, "I'm not sure there is a clear connection between the two, but it is also a direction for thinking."

"Also, what happened to make a traditional man like the old master's father give up the habit of burning incense?" Song Xuedao said, "Judging from the old master's description, he didn't remember any special events, otherwise he wouldn't have made such an understatement. ”

Zhao Mou pushed up the thin-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Don't worry about this for now. If this is important information, there will definitely be relevant factors after entering the dungeon, but in reality, we can no longer continue to dig out."

 —This information is the maximum that the old master can reveal to strangers.

 They need to deduce the usage of the incense burner based on all the current information.

This incense burner was probably used by the old master's father, and was later packed into the bottom of a box. The old master did not throw it away even after the box was changed.

 The furnace was empty, with only some solidified ashes remaining in the corners.

"If the incense burner has never been used again because of something, then if we want to open the dungeon, wouldn't it be better to use it again?" Quinn was puzzled, "But I put on the incense and there was no reaction at all. "

"That's why I said that the point is not to offer incense, but to worship." Yu Xing threw the incense burner back to the foreign child, "Respecting the ancestors, calling for their blessings, and praying for a smooth performance are the reasons for offering incense. Stop offering incense. Xiang, it’s nothing more than discovering that there’s something wrong with the ‘ancestor’.”


This has to remind people of the corpse in the legend, but if the ancestors and acid are the same as the people in the tribe, why did the problem only arise in the generation of the old master's father?

 The answer is not here.

As Yu Xing finished speaking, Zhao Mou already knew what he was thinking: "Do you want to worship the shadow puppet we met?"

 The fake old man they met on the way here is still in his backpack.

"Have you met them too?" Song Xue asked casually and thought of the key point, "So it turns out that shadow puppetry has been the Ma family's livelihood for generations, and the lives of the people in Suan and County are easy. On the contrary, the Ma family declined rapidly. Compared with Suan and the county, , the Ma family is more like the cursed one.”

Since it is impossible for them to worship the ancestors of the Ma family as descendants, the next best thing is to regard the shadow puppets as something related to the Ma family.

"Next, we just need to get the rules of worship and do it ourselves, and we should be able to open the dungeon." Zhao Mou curled his lips, "Then I will establish a good relationship with the troupe first..."

Yu Xing has already washed his face and is not suitable to go again, so it is up to him to figure out the ritual sequence for worshiping the ancestors.

 Ren Yi stopped him.

He took out a USB flash drive, connected it to Zhao Mou's information, and shared a document from the past.

When Zhao Mou clicked to read, Ren Yi explained: "I collected a lot of information that may be useful on the way here, including the sacrificial methods in the Guolongling area. Worshiping ancestors and gods is different, and different industries also have The nuances, I’ve summarized them all.”

 Everyone: “…”

 All of them? (End of chapter)

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