Absurd Deduction Game

Chapter 942: thin line

Yu Xing touched the courtyard wall and quickly climbed out of it. After landing, another shadow followed closely.

The middle courtyard was empty, and most of the doors to the side rooms were open, as if they had been knocked open in a panic. Thick fog hung still, hiding many nooks and crannies in it.

Looking around, there were neither living people nor corpses, only a lingering damp smell permeating the air.

“No one is here, they probably left Yizhuang.” Zhao Yijiu said casually, looking back at the backyard.

I hadn't felt it before. This time I crossed the courtyard wall, the ringing of the bell in the backyard disappeared almost instantly, as if I was in another space. Presumably other deducers also planned to run to the backyard when they escaped, but they failed to enter the real place after climbing over the wall. of backyard space.

From the corner of his eye, Yu Xing glanced at the shrouds, coffins and other items that had been sorted out by everyone and piled up in an empty room. Most of the shrouds had been taken away, and the rest might not have had time to be snatched up.

He wandered around a few more times, and when he passed one of the houses, he suddenly heard a burst of wind -

Yu Xing raised his hand to block it, and his arm suddenly felt sharp pain. Several white fingers, as hard as iron, pierced through his flesh in an instant, almost embedded in his bones.

 He ​​looked up and saw a naked white corpse behind the door. The corpse was very old, with soft skin hanging on the flesh. The body was swollen and swollen due to soaking, and the hair was wet and clinging to the body.

Before he approached, the body was lurking quietly by the door, making no movement at all.

This made them think that there were no ghosts in the middle courtyard, and the corpses of the fake corpses had followed the deducers and ran away!

"Inugami, tie it up!" Yu Xing's body was exposed. The corpse didn't even breathe or have a heartbeat. It was really difficult for him to guard against it. But fortunately, the corpse's attack also made it lose its hands. Zhao Yijiu immediately dodged over and tied it up with the cotton thread given by the old man. The corpse's hands were tied tightly.

 “Ah, ah—!”

During the process, the corpse opened its mouth flowing with black water and let out a painful howl as if it was being burned. Yu Xing took the opportunity to pull out his arm, only to see several faint black blood holes on his forearm.

Blood was dripping from it desperately, and he immediately tore off a piece of his sleeve and blocked the wound.

  【Did you receive it? ? ? attack, you will be seriously injured, and you will lose a life if you are hit again. 】

   Yu Xing:?

 Well, for ordinary humans, especially in an era and environment without sterilization and hemostasis, this is indeed a fatal injury.

He hastily bandaged the wound, and Zhao Yijiu had also **** the corpse's feet.

In an instant, the corpse closed its mouth, became stiff, and fell backwards.

The old man did not deceive them on this point. Cotton thread can really restrain the corpses of ghost corpses. Although they don't know the principle, it can be regarded as a way to counteract these ghost corpses.

After searching the middle courtyard again to confirm that there was no body hidden here, the two of them turned into the front yard without stopping.

The front yard is a large open space, and they can see whether there are corpses at a glance. They can see the undulating outline covered by white cloth at a glance.

"Isn't it all a lie?" Zhao Yijiu recognized this. After some of the deducers chose to "wash" the corpses, there were still five corpses left untouched.

Now counting, there are exactly five corpses still lying here.

“So, the corpses that are being faked are all washed corpses?” Yu Xing tilted his head.

"Yes, that's true, but it could also be a problem with the shroud?" Zhao Yijiu denied it after saying that. There was more than one shroud left in the courtyard, and the corpse they met just now was not wearing clothes, so the shroud was not a scam. Necessary conditions for corpses.

 “Well, it’s just a washed body.”

  Speaking of which, no one knows that the problem lies in "water".

The moisture in the air in Yizhuang, the moisture in the land around the white jade coffin, and the drowning state of the corpse are all related to water. I am afraid that when the deducers dug the well water and hit the corpse, it was destined to arouse the evil spirit of the corpse!

 The old man indeed deliberately made them violate taboos.

 “Let’s go out and have a look.” Yu Xing quickly came to the gate of Yizhuang.

This door was also ajar at this time, leaving a gap as wide as one person.

He pushed the door open and went out, only to see that the outside was completely different from when he came in. There was only a straight road that connected to the distance without any turns.

The trees on both sides were so dense that they were placed one against the other in a completely unnatural way, completely blocking the road and preventing people from finding another way.

Zhao Yijiu was silent when he saw this scene. After a while, he said: "Tsk, it has changed again. Even the well at the door is gone."

"Others may be in front of this road, let's catch up first." Yu Xing walked quickly.

 Zhao Yijiu shrugged and followed. Unexpectedly, he had chased Yu Xing before, and now he would chase someone else.

 After chasing for a hundred meters, the scenery on both sides remained unchanged. When he raised his head, he could see a full moon hanging high in the sky.

"Hey, I don't know if I'm crazy. I always feel that this world is too weird these past two days." He kept walking, but he said in a cold voice, "Have you ever encountered such a weird thing in your travels?"

Yu Xing laughed.

His arm has been bleeding, and the cloth blocking it only slowed down the bleeding. The ghoul's fingers seemed to have some corpse energy. In addition to pain, there was an extra cold feeling that penetrated directly into his body.

“Of course not. To tell you the truth, I feel like I’ve strayed into some story these past few days, and the things I’ve encountered are a bit outrageous.”

“Look at the trees around us, do they look like children’s drawings? Is the moon in the sky as round as a pancake?”

[Warning: You violated the character setting and the relationship: "The **** has no time to pay attention to Feng Yue"] Even though Yu Xing was prepared, he was shocked by this reason.

 He paid attention to the moon, but he simply saw that the moon was a bit fake, so why did he become a "female moon"?

The reason for this warning, why do you look like you have been hit hard and are trying to find an excuse to stop it? To be honest, it had been a long time since the system had given him this sense of seeing that the deducer and the system were on opposite sides.

Yu Xing has actually seen that the world he, or "Battou", lives in is very much like a chaotic world made up by someone.

 To be more precise - this is like a false world.

He had a personal task when he woke up. He needed to play a character and work hard to complete the personal task. Different from the role-playing game, this time it was like a hand pushing him forward.

The coffin he was responsible for transporting was the cause of all the plot. In the middle, he met the key character Saint, and also met another key character Inugami. If it weren't for Zhao Yijiu who would have sacrificed his life to break away from the character, his relationship with Inugami would have been a powerful one. The two of them are in the same boat, and they are both ruthless characters, so they will probably fight to the death.

 Yu Xing felt that he was particularly like the first cannon fodder to appear in a novel, used to introduce the hero and heroine.

On the surface, the saint is running away from marriage, but she actually has a good relationship with the Inugami, which fits a series of scripts such as "she runs away and he chases her, but she cannot fly" or "chasing his wife in the crematorium".

According to this logic, the dart head should actually be killed by the Inugami, and then the saint and the Inugami discover the white jade coffin, which starts the rest of the story.

 But he did not die.

So, when the "male and female protagonists" were exchanging feelings, he cleaned up the background of the camp alone, which suddenly started the plot. He disappeared while carrying important items on his back, and even led to a collective plot, focusing all the important characters on the righteousness. village.

At this point, the plot has fast-forwarded from dullness to crisis. From the perspective of a small character like him, everything is so unreasonable, but... the missing plot on his side may be filled by other characters.

Yu Xing thought so because this deduction must be related to the shadow puppet show. He peeked at the troupe's script in Suanyu County. Combining all the things here, he had the sense of being in the show.

 If he is really in the play, then someone must be watching the play.

 In the past, when playing a role, as long as there were no NPCs watching, they could do whatever they wanted, but this time they were restricted in every way. Could it be because... there was actually an NPC watching them all the time?

 What he got was a small part of the plot related to "Dart Head". Only theatergoers can see the complete and reasonable story.

Yu Xing continued to think while moving forward.

That old man is chatty and has evil intentions. Isn’t he a common villain in scripts? Even when he, the cannon fodder, was not dead, he quite wanted to cultivate him into a little villain.

This conjecture started when he entered the dungeon and found that although his body looked the same as before, the core was completely different. It was only after these two or three days of experience that he gradually became convinced.

 He did not think that this exercise was a "shadow puppet show" from beginning to end.

 The shadow puppet show arranged by the system would never be so shoddy. He was more willing to guess that it was a shadow puppet show of a certain NPC, and his mission of "reaching Fengtou Town" was to wake up from the shadow puppet show!

 When he wakes up, he can get back his abilities and sacrifices. In this way, even the mission setting can make sense.

But it’s not difficult to see this, and Brother Jiu sounds like he’s already thinking about it. What’s difficult is how to get out of the drama.

This is not a problem that can be solved by just talking to the sky and guessing. There is a high probability that you will be punished with another life for being out of character, and then be targeted by the crazy people watching the show behind the scenes.

 It may be difficult to leave alive by then.

 So, the top priority is to get the complete plot first and know what exactly you are busy with. What are the seemingly unrelated things like sending escorts, white jade coffin, yizhuang, corpse burial mission, and shadow puppet show connected with each other?

"Look ahead!" Zhao Yijiu shouted, interrupting Yu Xing's thoughts. He looked forward. After chasing for nearly a thousand meters, the road came to an end.

 At the end of the road, there is a muddy riverside.

The sound of rushing water changes from weak to loud in just one breath after raising the head.

An endless angry river roared darkly and intensely in the night. The billowing black water was turbulent and as fast as a military horse.

 The figures of the extrapolators stood on the riverside.

Their legs were stuck in the mud, and every step was extremely difficult. However, they still faced the black river, step by step...

 Towards the water.

 This is probably not their fault.

 Because, behind them, each was carrying a flat corpse.

 The corpses looked like pieces of paper for some reason. They circled the necks of the deducers and lay on their backs, trying to drag the living people into the abyss with them.

The moonlight shines down from the sky, illuminating this horrific scene like a spotlight.

Yu Xing blinked and suddenly saw the thin line hidden in the moonlight.

The thin line of the same color as the night fell from the high sky and was connected to the body behind the extrapolator.

 Their hands and feet are pulled by threads, and they are the shadow puppets of this world.

 The deducers who were controlled by them and walked towards the river were their respective shadow puppets.

 (End of this chapter)

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